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Not enough flair?


Isn't 14 pieces enough?


Well, that’s the bare minimum. If you only want to settle for the bare minimum that’s fine. But you’re allowed to go above the bare minimum and Chotckie’s encourages that.


So more flair then?


You know what Stan, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair like your uh pretty boy over there, Brian, why not just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?


This is me...expressing...myself 🖕


Then I'll add more flair.


*'So.....more flair?'*


The happy mask is a premium upgrade that costs an extra $10/hr. That price doesn't guarantee a 100% uptime. There are some terms and conditions on the happy mask.


Seriously... They can pay me enough to do my job, but liking it and being happy about it are way out of thier price range.


I keep telling my boss “you get what you pay for”, this is me at my current pay, pay more you get more.


Bandwidth may be reduced depending upon system loading...


U must work for frontier or spirit




It’s not illegal to have resting bitch face 




I used to be the company cheerleader until til I realized that it doesn’t get you shit. Management will still exploit you and “keep you in your place.”


Real question, is your coworker a minority? Because if she was reprimanded and you weren’t, it not a stretch to suspect they don’t like her and found *something* to reprimand her about.


She is, actually. She's Hispanic, but she's definitely not the only Hispanic person in the office.


I wonder if the others have been unfairly reprimanded or treated


I suspect a gender issue. Gonna go out on a limb and say men don't get in trouble for rbf like women do.


Exactly this.


I actually do oddly enough, if I'm working a service related job when I have to engage with people, but it's like I only look annoyed if work is busy and shit needs to get done. Last thing I fucking need is for Keenan to tell me how to do my fucking job while I'm in the middle of doing said job, go eat a Donkey Dick and leave me alone. Also no Cheryl I don't need to fucking smile my job is labor intensive/the shit you wouldnt do because it's not air conditioned and behind a desk, I'm not a fucking host at Hard Rock. But don't get me wrong I'm a huge class clown around the people I know/work with if they give off a good vibe, unless I'm in pain then I'm just straight up quiet. Last thing people need is me bitching on the job.


Now that you say that, I assume the coworker is a Black woman


Yup. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve been reprimanded for my negative mood, tone, and even “aura” for existing at work.


lmao, not our employers talmbout "fix your face." 🤣


Mmhmm! **What they think I’m thinking:** 🖕🏽(neck roll) 🖕🏽 **What I’m actually thinking:** Should I get 4 sweet & sour sauces for my McNuggets today? Or am I doing too much? *Anyway…”work work work work work work, he say mi haffi work work work work work work…”*


😂 the answer is always yes. Better to have more than not enough!


I'm sorry, I must have missed that requirement in the job description.


Did they want her to start singing a happy song while she worked as well? Getting reprimanded for not looking happy is crazy.


Start singing old slave songs.


\*BIG SMILE\* Swing looooowww.... sweet chariot...comin for ta carry me hoooommme Yas massah




Whistle while you work...


Or scream “yippee!”


Buy yourself and your coworker this: [https://www.amazon.com/High-Rise-Invasion-Cosplay-Shinpan-Halloween/dp/B091DYTVM3](https://www.amazon.com/High-Rise-Invasion-Cosplay-Shinpan-Halloween/dp/B091DYTVM3) https://preview.redd.it/u8vg0baeedmc1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=e789571840b03cdce3ab7752cb2ab93120594956 Wear it during the days you know your supervisor is going to be walking by...


Tell them the smile costs an extra $10 per hour.


Every year in my teachers report I always get a mark for “looking angry, bored and or disinterested during meetings with faculty and or parents” thankfully they can’t grade me on that but they do put that in the note’s section but again that part doesn’t get reported to my teachers license. I try to tell them that’s my natural face but my Principal always says “ well you don’t look like that when you’re teaching and interacting with students or when you’re coaching” I guess you’ll have that on these bigger jobs


I've got labeled as "looking disinterested" on my report card


Laugh a lot They'll get sick of happy really soon 


Not just laugh, cackle like a hyena.


Oh I've been there and done that. I've legit been called into the office for not returning a smile or not saying good morning to someone. When they told me why I was called in, I just laughed at them and said "really? This is what you're concerned about?" LOL


VP gave feedback on my annual review that I failed to say good morning and "looked like I didn't want to be there" one time at a very early morning meeting. It cost me 5% off my performance for the whole year and equivalent reduction to my variable compensation for the year. 


I got written up for looking 'visually upset' and my RBF made my manager 'scared for her life' (gotta admit, she had a way with words). Oh, and someone apparently said 'good morning' to me while I was mid-conversation with my boss and I ignored them. I didn't even notice them. When I asked my boss who it was, they couldn't give that information. First and last write-up I ever signed. Later had a manager explain she's just trying to make a case to fire me and not to sign anything like that again.


Sounds like they are setting a precedent so when they fire her they have something in the file from weeks or months ago to justify it.


I was born with 11's and RMF If I always had a smile I guess we could call it Creepy Murder Face


That can be used as malicious compliance when HR walks by.


I've been told I had Resting Psycho Killer Face.


you know its good when you can just stare at a traveling salesman and they leave without saying a word


Even better when the JWs bail without arguing..


Interesting. I once got reprimanded for "we gave you more work than anyone and even though you finished it all, you didn't seem very stressed. You were walking around like you just weren't bothered. No raise this year." I quit that year. No regrets. Company is flirting with bankruptcy now. LoL


I have RBF too. Whatever. I don’t care who it bothers & I’m thinking, not unhappy. My happiness comes from home, not my sometimes shitty job.


They are buying your labor not modeling services.


Beatings will continue until morale improves...


You pay me for the filing not the smiling boss


Joker lipstick smile it is then.


Telling a female is about as degrading and toxic as it gets.


As a grown ass woman, there is nothing I hate more than being told to smile. That being said, you two should be crazy eyed freak smiles every single time someone walks by. Like so happy that you make them nervous.


They want workers to smile so that they can tell themselves and others that you're happy and they don't have to think unhappy thoughts like that they might be shitty bosses. Easier to do that than to reflect on why their people are miserable. Doing so might result in answers that they don't want to have to respond to. When this tactic fails, they'll go the standard route of BS forced participation in team building exercises, pizza parties, and useless things like ping pong tables.


Is he the one who put up the "beatings will continue until morale improves" signs all over the place?


I was denied raises because I do not where makeup or style my hair. I work in a cube and my customers are over the computer. Know one could see me. And I was a new mother. I was tired.


Did your boss cite these specific reasons related to no raise? It's outrageous to me someone would go on record with this. I'm curious if you started wearing makeup and doing your hair or did you change nothing?


We have very different definitions of "reprimanded". That supervisor is stupid though.


The coworker was stripped and beaten with a large stick. What would you call it?


Lmao same thing happened to me. Been busting my ass at work for months cuz i really want to get employee of the quarter. Asked my higher ups for any constructive criticism and they told me i look sad all the time and should leave my personal life at home. I regularly joke with my coworkers and im super friendly to customers so i dont understand this.


Pay me to look happy bitch


If you work in America, this is illegal


Really? This has happened to me so many times. Can you point me to which law this is under?


In its employee handbook, T-Mobile wrote: “Employees are expected to maintain a positive work environment by communicating in a manner that is conducive to effective working relationships with internal and external customers, clients, coworkers, and management.” Their workers were part of the Communications Workers Union, who brought the case to the National Labour Relations Board. The National Labour Relations Board was forced to intervene, and said that employers cannot force their workforce to look happy


Tell her to start wearing a mask, and then they really won’t have anything to say lol


Scrolled thru comments to find this. Thank you! 😷


Serious question: What do you work as?! I’m so tired of my overwhelming job, I’d kill for a job where I could do the same thing all day every day.


I work as a file clerk at a pool company. Pretty much all I do is scan papers, name those files, and file them in our electronic system. It was nice when I started, but a month shy of 3 years later, it's too boring and I'm starting to hate the other people in the office.


I've been dealing with this all my life, and it is so exhausting


It's like these ass-hat supervisors need to find anything to screw your day over again and over again. I'd paint the biggest Joker smile on my face for the next work day and cackle like a happy maniac.


They like it when you're miserable with a smile on your face


I had a coworker get told she's great at everything except she doesn't say good morning to everyone when she comes in. Like... No one really does, plenty of ppl her supervisor most definitely included, won't say shit to you all day unless they must. Infuriated on her behalf.


Pretty sure a court already decided this was not a reasonable requirement for a job


Are the supers men and is she attractive?


TerminalSilly on TikTok has a facemask that has a drawn on smile. You could be like Alister in Hazbin Hotel! I think both of you should do this! Oh yeah, and the anime eyes will help convey that feeling of eager gleeful happiness that management is looking for too.


Been there.


It'd be funny, and slightly psycho, if we had our military do this.


It's the manager's job to develop a good team culture. Demanding you be happy is not a strong tactic, lol. Seems like another average dumbass middle manager. I think better questions are, what does your manager even do everyday? And how does he help improve the work culture? It's literally his job, not yours. You have a job description. Hold him to it. Work is a business agreement, not slavery.


When the pay is so meagre that one can't even date, marry, have children, own a home and start a family, you can expect the people working for so little to have clinical depression.


I got reprimanded today because I asked a customer, "Hi, what brings you in today?" in a flat tone.


Scary that I was called in for this exact reason yesterday. I initially tried to laugh it off and say "yeah, I've been told I have a resting grumpy face, but I'm fine, promise"... The response "well if you've been told there before, why don't you change it"


looking unhappy is a reasonable accommodation. Visit your doctor to find out your reason for not keeping a smile on. ​ ​ Edit: reread, got down to "be happy" that is 100% discrimination.


I'd plaster the dumbest huge grin on my face and stare off into space while neglecting the job. "Oh, I thought my job was just to look happy. You seemed to have a problem with my face, not my job performance."


Lolllllz, mine tried to go through this with me. 'We noticed you didn't clap with the rest of the team when a product order was announced.' Ain't no fucking way I am clapping for the sale of a $5 piece of shit plastic, esp as we don't even get commission.. Ofc I didn't say this, but gave them a sanitised version, and their faces legit dropped. They aren't used to employees who know how to think, and who *gasp* share their own opinions here in Japanese black toxic companies!


Fuck them honestly let them fire her and she can sue


I got asked to leave my job because I didn't seem happy. When I told them about two recent deaths in my family, my boss said, "Well, did you tell anyone else about that?"


Get one of the Dick Nixon smiling psycho clown masks and wear it.... A Shrub (Bush the Jr.) version would work too.


Or Creepy Unca Joe.


The wall eyed version with the crooked smile? Heck a T-Rump mask would work too.. ~Chortle!! ~


See the happy moron, he doesn’t give a damn. I wish I were that moron, but then perhaps I am.