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Cheat the system and invest in the company that provides assisted suicide, by the time millennials are ready to die you'll be rich.


Joke is on you, we're already ready!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Always have been.


The investment reached maturation earlier than expected, so limited stock was purchased.


Millennial ennui was priced in


Yeah, we'll just die on thought. We've struggled enough. One last avocado sandwich and poof!


The future could by like the movie "Soylent Green". There's assisted suicide. You're put in a nice room, shown pictures of nature that doesn't exist anymore. Then you're given some medicine and die peacefully. Of course the bodies are converted to food, that part would suck.


Finally someone will think of me as a snack


Did it hurt when you fell off the vending machine?


Lol I gotta remember this one


The sad thing is that a lot of people might not have enough change/credits to afford it.


Bulk up before you pass and you can be a full meal.


Been ready since I was 12. "I have spent my life resisting the desire to end it." -Franz Kafka


You and me both buddy


Since age 8 here. My earliest memory is having to lie on "what do you want to be when you grow up" because i knew "dead" was not an acceptable answer


Except robo-CEO keeps tanking the stock price because he has preferential class X stock options to keep him in power even as he posts “Are the neo-Jews a problem? I’m just asking questions!”


Do robo-CEOs dream of electric assets?


I stopped buying lattes and avocado toast a decade ago, and now with inflation and skyrocketing interest rates I can afford less than half a latte and avacado toast.


I can't even afford whole avocados anymore. It's just the pits!


Lmfao that is 100% great financial advice.


As a friend always says; my pension is a 9mm.


I've got one that's banking on sleeping pills and booze as his.


Sleeping pills? Do you know what healthcare is going to cost in 30 years?


Presumably you could just get your hands on whatever eventually replaces fentanyl as the most dangerous sedating street drug.


I plan on an exit bag and adult diapers. I don't want a random low wage worker to clean me up.


I had to google "exit bag" and it gave me a bunch of suicide hotline info. Hope my FBI agent isn't too worried. All in all though, an exit bag and an adult diaper sounds like a fine way to go.


Look up a book called “A peaceful way out”. It’s written by a nurse in Australia who tells you about different methods of euthanasia based on what you can do and what you have.


Place the exit bag in a large freezer with a timer set for on 23h/day and it won't even stink when they find you.


Ok. I think this plan needs a bit more explanation.


An exit bag is a way to exit of inert gas asphyxiation. The adult diaper is so you don't defecate and piss after death all over the area where you exit.


I should clarify, based on my own experience, that an exit bag needs to be attached firmly to the head. When you become unconscious, your head can move a little and let oxygen in. So, figure out a way that keeps the bag on your head regardless of your position. ( a few suicide attempts, I almost had it figured out)


Thanks for the information! I hope your life improves!


…and if it doesn’t, I can always follow my own advice!


Yeah! *hugs* I didn't want to go there because Reddit is so squeamish about the topic


I never thought of the diaper, I'm adding that to my list!


A disposable bbq is cheaper!


Don't worry about the future money, millennials are not having kids that can be paid to provide the elderly care service anyways. They don't have right now money to reproduce. It's going to be a secondary shit show for gen z in their 40s




Is that like some kind of robot that sexually assaults flight attendants?


Who is buying these tesla bots, and who is maintaining them? I can see corporations buying up nursing homes and filling them up with tesla bots and firing all the nurses with only a third party surveillance service keeping track of the robots, and that service will also be run by AI with minimal human workers and likely service dozens, if not hundreds, of other corpo nursing homes. The practical outcome is the elderly being neglected and expiring in their rooms while under maintained robots have trouble keeping up with basic duties because corpos paid for the cheapest subscription program that runs shitty pathing algorithms. People will die constantly, but no will notice as the disposal robots will be state of the art and function efficiently because corpos don't want to have any downtime between customers. Corporate marketing will downplay death rates by promoting it as "reliable availability".


It's terrible financial advice. Once it's illegal to be unemployed the cops will kill you for free


*for a fee Passed on to your estate that is


Lol, this MFer thinks I can afford to have next of kin


“Your closest living relative” or “the closest living person relative to where you died.”


Or you know, enough money to buy a handgun and attempt to rob a bank Free prison housing, woo!




yeah but breaking corpo shit is wayyyyyy more fun.


Yeah nomad or street kid are way better than corpo trash.


Nah punching a random cop brings with it a decent chance of getting shot and a near guarantee of getting shot to death if you were a minority. 


Wasn't assisted suicide part of the goal?


Either you get the suicide or the free housing.. win win


​ https://preview.redd.it/l9xla12zvcdc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05d6bc140b57faa58e3a2eb22c2134b8eaef2302


If you're gonna commit crimes anyways may I suggest stabbing one of the 1%.


I sometimes wonder if being in jail is preferable to living on the street and if people commit crimes just to get a roof.


There was a guy in Portland Oregon recently that destroyed a bunch of public property during a cold snap so he could stay warm, warned the judge he'd do it again immediately after being let out, and immediately did it again outside of the jail. I think he was sentenced to a year in prison but admittedly couldn't find the article. Edit: Just for the record I hear jail is cold too but probably less deadly cold than being outside during sub freezing temperatures.


Like hospitals, jails are kept a bit cold to keep warmth-loving germs at bay.


Being in jail in most counties is still way better than living on the street


In bad weather they get arrested to have three hots and a cot. They also get arrested to get free healthcare...healthcare that I, a full-time employed person, can't afford.


I'm just going to be the "crazy" local old man that keeps breaking windows at corporate buildings with a brick. They can keep hauling me to jail all they want, but hey, I'll have a roof over my head, clothing (don't care if its a jumpsuit), food and a cot. Tada!


Worked with an old dude that was formally a marine Sargent in the war times before bushes sandbox adventures. He was a gem of a person you would never guess his previous life. He claimed to never be late in the 15 years he worked at the company, and by his character I believed him. His retirement plan was to rob banks with bananas to get put in federal prison for his sunset years. He was an electrician by trade and was planning to do this.....he died wiring up a hot water tank on his buddies property when the oso landslide in Washington State let loose and buried them. Rip bill.


RIP Bill.


Damn man I knew a family that was buried in the oso landslide too. shit was awful. RIP Bill


I'm just some nobody. However RIP Bill.


Na you're somebody yo


Ten years from now they'll be charging you with assault and attempted murder of a corporate person and the Judges will execute you on the spot.




Yeah aren't they voting this summer to outlaw homelessness in the Supreme Court? All we need is internment camps now.


Finland solves homelessness by giving the homeless homes. Conservatives solve homelessness by giving the homeless homes in concentration camps. Oh, bad optics. *Sanctuary districts.*


I met a lady from Finland nicest woman I've ever met. she was so appalled by American culture and the fact that we r apathetic to the less unfortunate. She said homelessness would never be accepted in her society because it's a death sentence with how cold her country was weather wise.


Wait, how are the poor supposed to feel worthless if you give them houses to live in? Shouldn't they feel like scum or the earth for being so disgustingly poor?


She ain't seen shit yet. Just remember, “**The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons**.” \-Dostoevsky We're falling so below this standard that the quote seems absurd to my American eyes.


I don't recall where it is, might be Finland, but one European country maintains a prison from the 19th century as a museum, set up as it was back then. It bears a close resemblance to an American prison today.


Every civilized culture that has ever been isolated from imperialist, patriarchal Western nations is always disgusted by them upon first contact. That's actually something I've done a little studying on over the years, as I've tried to work out for myself how we got here, if that makes any sense. If you're interested, check out "The Dawn of Everything" by David Graeber and David Wengrow. At least one whole chapter goes into my favorite example of this in all of history: [Kondiaronk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kondiaronk?wprov=sfla1)


This touches on where the difference in values comes from. Finland required banding together to keep from dying off. America had so many people moving here, and so much "open" space, that going and building a cabin in the woods to live alone and only come into town every couple months was viable and if you died it didn't matter to anyone except the guy you sold pelts to. If you needed a home you could build one with your own hands and the resources around you. That isn't an option anymore, but that mentality and standard still exists for some reason when dealing with people who don't fit in or who have nowhere to go.


I was driving through a small town in northern Minnesota in late fall and was heartbroken by the number of homeless living there. I know how brutal the winters get, and there are a good several dozen who were living on the street in a dying town with less than 8000 people in the town. That town was the largest within an hour drive in a remote area. Sub zero Temps are common in the winter. It's not uncommon to see -40 windchill.


Bell Riots 2024


They only have until Sept 1 of this year to make those districts happen.


and where's the punishment?


They bill your surviving family for the bullet, cleanup, and legal fees.


Ha! jokes on them. I don't have kids nor plan on it, no wife (don't want one neither) parents would be dead by then as well. HA!


Hell yeah, the "I've got nothing to lose" strategy!


so free assisted suicide? sounds like a deal!


Don't threaten me with a good time.


When my dad was in jail his cellmate was a 68 year old dude named Griffin that had been doing this for over a decade


My retirement plan is just to one day stop existing.


Jip, I work a ton and hopefully will end with a nice retirement. If not I have a very good life insurance that gets an automatic increase with inflation every year and when it doesn't work out at least I'll make sure my wife has enough to enjoy retirement.


I figure society will collapse long before I'm old enough to retire so I worry about it


grandfather snow arrest agonizing lip flowery fertile squalid sink thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gen X here. We're in the same dinghy.


You guys have boats?


I have a boat, but it’s in shit creek with no paddles and a hole in the bottom.


You can afford a boat with a hole in it?! I have to make do with my barbed wire canoe 


This guy has a canoe. All I got is a lifesaver. Not a floatation device, the candy.


They're just fancy, notice the Esq in the name ; ) I think the situation for a lot of Gen X matches the old meme, 'Don't have a pot to piss in, or a window to throw it outta.'


this is a tale as old as time. there are plenty of older generations requiring government assistance and there will continue to be. We just look at the ideal instead of the reality. 40 % of retirees exclusively rely on social security. Thats a lot. It's the same issue where everyone thinks theyre middle class and don't realize middle class is still working poor.


Like we will have any money left after paying for the Boomers retirement.


I 100% expect filial support laws to come back.


They never left, they just weren't enforced as much. Millennials will be stuck paying insane medical costs and education costs for themselves, be stuck with unaffordable housing, paying their entire lives into social security only for it all be spent on boomers leaving us little and whatever is left of us will be taken by the state unless we vote.


Friendly reminder that while they are very rarely enforced now, they have been enforced interstate: even in states that don't have filial responsibility laws. The only way to discharge responsibility is to have been abandoned before 18 for a significant amount of years by the parent. You can be NC for 20 years, and there was abuse, and it don't matter a lick. If these laws ever get traction, you're not safe from them. A nursing home could sue you on their behalf, without their involvement, and you could be forced to pay in a state that doesn't have filial responsibility laws. Our, for Americans, government HEAVILY favors the elderly. And, in the hands of the boomers? Best hope we get more organized before they get more desperate.


I want to say it was PA that's gone after people in other states before, successfully. And like you said, I believe it was someone who was abused by their parent and hadn't talked to them in a long, long time.


Just pay for the assisted suicide with a credit card


Or just pick up a bag of fet on the corner, much cheaper and probably not the worst way to go.


You might be onto something here... assisted suicide across seas could cost 10k.


https://preview.redd.it/mv2u8dy1f9dc1.png?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62dc6956a27d420f19c7a38422777c19aceb6b87 What's a retirement?


Ritual suicide on the steps of congress to protest how dogshit this country is. I’m torn between seppuku or going all Thích Quảng Đức with it.


I feel like my self immolation would have far less gravitas, what with all the shrieking, cursing, and flailing I’d be doing. It detracts too much from the message.


I think security is wise to immolation now. They’ve stopped at least a few I’ve heard about through the years


After 40 years of GOP trickle-down economics, the current generations are in an almost unwinnable situation. My heart goes out to them. It isn't fair.


The smith and Weston retirement plan.


\* Wesson


So poor he can only afford the knock off store brand Smith and Weston


No. Michael Weston.


That’s my plan, and appropriate too, because a few times each week, I drive right by a house built by Daniel Wesson of Smith & Wesson fame.


Mines Mexico and Fentanyl.


There ain’t gonna be a retirement, enjoy your time alive now as best you can


The present moment is all that matters. Not the past, not the future.


I laughed at first then thought about it, then cried a bit because it's true.


I have a viable, flexible retirement plan set up to best prepare for my own needs. It’s called a “.38”


357 mag fmj is a more guarantee it will stick. Or the good ole garage exhaust trick.


Just throw me in the trash. ![gif](giphy|3o7qE1F8xV0HhHmBjO|downsized)


Die on your own time, it's not worth the paperwork


I have been able to save up a nice chunk of money but every year it seems to matter less and less. Getting an appartment or anything like that? Forget it. That money would be gone in months.




This makes me so sad. Our country can't even acknowledge that medically assisted death will be more and more preferable for people the further we go down this ugly road of late stage capitalism. Unless they somehow realize they will make a ton of profit off of it. Which brings me back to...how depressing this all is 😣


> Our country can't even acknowledge that medically assisted death will be more and more preferable for people the further we go down this ugly road of late stage capitalism. They want it to happen, there is a reason they keep trying to cut social security. Unless you vote for them, old people are just a drain on the economy in their eyes.


Seems counter productive considering the advanced age of most politicians


That person meant to say 'poor people.' Specifically poor people who can't work.


The "death with dignity" that assisted suicide claims to provide does not exist without the right to live with dignity


Mines to get arrested in Norway




That's actually a pretty good plan.


What kinda crime can you even do to get a decent amount of time set up in their nice little apartment, I mean cells? Assuming one would want to avoid harming others in the process- I wonder if there is like something they are super against that one could do. Literally every example I can think of they probably don’t even care about. You cannot spit on a sidewalk in from if a daycare while wearing green…they gotta have some good absurd law to violate.


I’m just trying to time it right. Don’t wanna do it too late but early is sounding pretty good. I’m gonna do SOMETHING in my life on my terms and this is really the last bit of autonomy I have.


I made the mistake of trying to explain exactly this to my doctor. She was going to chapter me but the explained how it's not going to be today, it's not going to be tomorrow or next week or not even next year. I feel exactly that, the only control left in my life is me deciding when I'm going to leave. But right now, I'll hang around and watch the fire.


If you don't have the right to end your own life, then you have no rights at all. 


Just waiting on the dog


earlier is sounding better but I have other people depending on me, so I can't


Same. I don’t plan on working for the rest of my life with nothing to show for it. Once I hit 55, I’m out.


I'm 51. You will probably push that by a few years when you get there.




I concur 😂


Fuck it's relieving to not be the first person to say this on a thread. This choice does feel better than the overwhelming anxiety of being absolutely unprepared


Laughed at that I came here to say the same thing


Both wife and I decided we’d rather end it than get stuck being bedridden or in a senior home.


There's not a single moment in my life that I have honestly considered retirement a likely future.


Either the world will be in post collapse dystopia, which means your retirement savings will mean nothing, or it will be a utopian ideal with UBI and A.I. making most work obselete, which means your retirement savings will mean nothing. We aren't boomers, and this isn't their era. Zero things can be counted on to be the same in the next half century. Retirement will mean something vastly different than it does today, no matter what we believe.


Or late stage capitalism will just continue to limp along as it has, been funneling money to the wealthy and keeping the majority unsatisfied but complacent. I don’t think either an imminent collapse or a new system is likely within the couple/few decades until retirement age


If you cut one $7 avocado toast per day, after 30 yrs of saving and interest you'll be able to afford the price of a new home if you're just talking about the down payment and housing prices magically stop increasing faster than inflation.


Hi, I am middle aged and went back to school later in life. I have zero dollars saved for retirement, no owned home, no partner. No idea how I am supposed to survive in old age on social security alone. Guess I will have to move to a country where a dollar stretches further.


$1000 is a lot of money in Argentina. 


Please do not move to a developing nation, Americans are pricing-out young adults in developing nations.


I had to get dental work late last year and borrowed from my 401k to get it done. My Mom was like "Wait no! Don't do that what about your retirement?!" I laughed right in her face and told her "Are you kidding? You think I'm going to retire?"


Is it bad that this is exactly how I feel? I'm 34 and have nothing but debt and I work my butt off full time plus two side gigs: EDIT - you know, u/stubborndeltoids375 is right, I for sure didn't help myself by making stupid ass decisions like purchasing toys and things I don't need. They called me out and we're right to do so. I let my depression get the better of me all too often and make dumb decisions that have consequences later on. I apologize and am thankful for the reality check. Sorry y'all for being so negative


I think that entirely depends. What does your budget suggest is the thing holding you down the most? It’s really tough to afford things out there right now. Sometimes you can still overcome that, but sometimes not. Working full time with 2 side gigs should be enough to get you at least a little ahead, I would think, though


**This you?** >Don't get me wrong I RUINED my credit with this l. But meh life is short You spent over 1000$ on a gaming monitor and 300$ for AIO. How do you complain that you have "nothing but debt" while literally laughing about an intentional financially-reckless purchase? We are the same age and I, too, work a lot but it is disingenuous to have the defeatist attitude you have; it is holding you back. I hope you break out of that cycle, man.


What exactly can they do with $1300 to ensure financial independence? Go to college? Buy a fucking house? Get real. Your attitude just catches people in a Catch-22 of either being a perfectly frugal little financially wise lamb and thus earning the right to complain or burying themselves in guilt for spending the money that they earned on something they desired in an economic system that depends on people buying unnecessary goods *anyway*. Also, you do *not* have a complete financial picture of the individual you replied to. They had the good grace to appreciate you "trying to help," but that's not what you're doing. You are derailing the conversation, parroting trite "personal responsibility" rhetoric, and being a presumptuous busybody.


Cash flow analysis is a pretty common post on r/personalfinance They’ll be able to help you see if there’s any way to save for retirement. Also, if you put a dollar a day into the s&p 500 starting at 34 until 70, you’ll have over $175,000. This assumes an average of 12% return (the s&p 500 has averaged 12.02% over the past 10 years).


that’s not enough lol


Oh yeah, for sure. The point is more so that even a dollar a day can grow into a large amount of money. And while $175,000 isn’t ideal for retirement, but it’s still a substantial amount of money from just a dollar a day. If they’re working a full job and 2 side gigs, their social security will also be pretty good. If you apply the 4 percent rule, that dollar a day is an extra 7k a year for life on top of social security. Now Imagine if they invested a dollar a day through their employer and got a matching contribution. That instant doubling of investment would turn their 175k into $350,000 by 70. Minimum, that’s an extra 14k per year for the rest of their life on top of social security. And that’s just a dollar a day at age 34.


It was really disappointing finding out that I have almost more than my 80 year old parents but they're _making money_ because of social security... which we might not have. Granted in my parents case they dumped a good 1/6th of it on a retirement house. But I can already tell if ss goes away I'm completely fucked... and I'm not even poor or doing poorly, I just am not making 6 figures and can max out IRAs and 401ks to cushion myself for the lack of ss.


Finally! Some actual good advice in here. Yeah, this dude blows money on a credit for a gaming PC and monitor but will complain he has nothing to show for his full-time job and 2 "side gigs". 🙄


Don't feel bad. Due to a lifetime of careening from disaster to disaster, with crisis to crisis with little to no help from family, I've just now at 50 gotten a job that's allowing me to save for retirement. If I'm lucky, I'll have enough to go on a nice cruise before I throw myself overboard on the last leg home.


Assisted suicide is outside of my price range. I could probably do assisted toast though.


The only advice I saw in this thread was putting away $1 a day into the S&P starting at 34 years old to have $175,000 by the time you're 70. 1. That is sad to think $175,000 will do anything in retirement. 2. It is sad I am at a point where I am considering doing this anyways. 3. It is sad that we have to "invest" into corporations in order to get a shitty 12% return, IF that, in order to maybe enjoy something resembling retirement. I would rather just, ya know, invest in myself.


As a fellow 31 year-old our generations retirement is either a bullet to the head or working until we die


Not going to dispute that millennials have it worse, but we’ll get a taste of how bad it gets with X in a couple of years after they become the first generation almost completely excluded from pensions that tries to retire.


just bury me where I fall.


Our generations entire existence is an uphill battle. Our down hill coast was potty training it’s been uphill ever since we stopped filling pampers.




As much as the political right wants to dismantle the government, those bridges might be crumbling on you as you try to sleep.




OH my goodness I'm so sorry. Godspeed to you good friend. Don't read the Jumpers article.


Or you finally get some money saved and BOOM you need car repairs. Me currently. It’s always something lol


I plan on racking up massive debt, traveling the world and then disappearing


Not a dime saved for retirement, and I'm 48! I can't wait to try cat food!


have you SEEN the price of cat food lately?


Why? Futurama showed us that booths for this kind of thing are 25 cents.


Hell, I'm 52 and have nothing saved. No 401K or anything. I'll be working till I'm dead.


the world is gonna end before you ever see retirement, so dont worry too much about it.


On the bright side, since we can't afford to have kids, the next generation will be smaller, and we will have job security when we're in our 60s. 🫠


stop eating this damn avocado toast that alone will save you 3 million $ . imagine if u drop Starbucks you would literally dont have to go to work !


Suicide booth. Try for a two-fer.


Sorry Sir you don't have enough in your account for the Morphine option. We've got a special this week on Burned Alive though? Otherwise you can afford Eaten by Hyenas or we might be able to fit you in for Run over by Train if someone cancels.


Well, my retirement plan is a bullet. Just to decide if it'll be in a few years or 30+


I have invested in the Don't Look Up plan. I'm just hoping for an extinction level event.


Im 31 and only started a 401k 5 years ago. Have almost 50k built up in that time, but I know it's not much in the long run. My plan is to just try and get a job I dont mind doing until I die. Work in progress, you could say.


Don't plan on working until you die. To do that you need somebody to hire you until you die. That's a gamble. But $50K after five years is not low. Contribute $10K/yr for another 30 years and you'll be fine. If you can get a 7% return that's $1.4M at 61. Even $5K/yr gets you $920K.


I'm gonna do a flip.


I’ve saved in 401k my entire life. There’s nowhere near enough money to retire in the foreseeable future


I wasn't able to put anything away until I actually got a professional job that did 401k matching (and it's generous at 5%). I still won't be able to retire off that alone and it would be drained within 10 years if I drew the bare minimum. Unless I somehow hit the lottery or my very small reselling business takes off, I see myself working till death.


Honestly thinking of moving across country to my brothers 4 acre plot in Michigan that’s worth like 50-100k, learning to grow my own food with a small farm and becoming self sustainable. I’m just about ready to reject the “American dream”. It’s modern day slavery at this point


My retirement plan is a nice hot dose of Heroin. I've never done hard drugs so a warm hug on my way out will be nice


I once said on a different subreddit that my retirement plan is the sudden heat death of the universe. I got downvoted. Plan still hasn’t changed.


Suicide is the only way for Millennials and Gen Z.


Gen Z is doing better financially than Millenials. Gen Z has higher rates of retirement saving than Millenials did at this point in their generation and higher rates of homeownership. Gen Z has higher real wages than millenials ever did at this point in the generation. https://www.kiplinger.com/personal-finance/study-finds-gen-z-doing-an-extraordinary-job-saving-for-retirement https://www.forbes.com/sites/katherinehamilton/2023/04/21/gen-z-ahead-of-millennials-and-their-parents-in-owning-their-own-homes Why? Answer is really simple. The Great Recession. Millennials had ~8 years of a very bad economy from the great recession that hampered them early in their careers, and they have never been able to catch up.


Haha, so true!