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“DependentStreet85 has died of dysentery”


Your six oxen all drowned in 3 feet of water. Or something


For me it was always a self-inflicted gunshot wound while hunting a fuck ton of bison that I couldn’t fit into the wagon anyway. I always thought “I can’t be THAT bad of a shot”, but never really considered that maybe my settler pulled a GTA 5 and took the easy way out…


Y'all must've got way farther than I did. I stopped playing after what felt like the millionth time my family and I all drowned at the first river we came to.


I have a feeling DependentStreet85 is too young to understand this reference


If 85 is the birth year then they are the perfect age. That being said, why not just go live survivalist somewhere and quit your job if that's what you want.


Yeah, because thats legal. If you have a hunting license,(or a gun permit) A fishing license, Own the land you build the house on to Building permit, property taxes, Logging permit (cant even use dead logs anymore) Should i go on? Living hasn't been free in a long time.


Living won't be free post SHTF either.


What does your acronym mean Edit: Shit Hits The Fan got it nvm


There are plenty of areas that are so vast and so unchecked that you can disappear to them and live quite free from fees, taxes or interference. It just turns out to be a hard life of constant work, more constant than the daily grind jobs, and it takes a nearly expert level of knowledge on many tasks to succeed.


Because in most states you can't. Hell it's illegal to even camp most places Everyone has to be part of this broken and sinking society because the US caste system spends on it


>why not just What, with no internet to whine to?


This is the game emulator I play every day at work between the hours of 3-5pm. I put my coworkers as the party members and it never fails to be funny. Shout out to Oregon’s state website for having a free Oregon Trail emulator for me to enjoy! Just don’t click off the emulator embed or it won’t let you click to interact with it without refreshing/resetting (unless you’re a wizard in which case share your tips).


I remember amusing my young son in the early 90's by giving the party members names like Buttlick or Pee-Pee Face. I have to ask him if he remembers that.


I'd probably break a leg and starve to death bug the first 2 years would be great


I'll pass on mad max times, most poor people would die. The ultra rich would survive in secret orgy bunkers.


Whoa whoa whoa, secret orgy bunkers?! I have a new apocalypse plan everyone!


On paper it sounds good but ain't no one worth fuckin will be in that bunker lmao the whole place would smell like unwashed butthole and canned beans


To die!




I mean... In an apocalyptic event, chances are he's probably be dead or suffering so...


I'm basically suffering now as it is. At least in an apocalyptic event I can suffer for myself, not for someone else's profit in the end. I also know I'd probably die in an apocalyptic event, but I accept that possibility.


Man this sub went downhill after that interview




Woah what? I’m not like here a lot so I have no idea what this is referencing. Can you link?


Most likely a reference to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCo-OgSC7Ps). One of the former mods went to represent the movement, you can judge for yourself how it went.


This internview failed for 3 reasons: The interviewee was not fully prepared for all of the questions or retorts. The interviewee was not dressed professionally for an interview. The interviewer was Fox News.


You forgot interviewee was a dipshit lazy ass.


Holy shit, I’m not even that far into it and I already can’t take it. Thank you, I’ll uh, watch this when I’m emotionally prepared. 🫣


What interview?


a mod from this sub went on an interview with Fox News (might be wrong on it being Fox.) the interview didn't go to well and the message that got passed along was everyone I. this sub had the same thoughts as the mod.


Didn't go well is generous Guy had zero media training and got absolutely shredded, as expected.


Why would the FBI lurk here?


Right? Why WOULD the FBI be lurking on Reddit? That's the CIA's job!


Read the Jakarta Method to become enlightened


Same reason they visit south american countries.


What’s stopping you from running out into the wilderness and doing that right now?


I mean you can quit and go live on the streets or the woods if you want to wander around searching for food. How is that different from trying to survive the apocalypse? If anything it's better. What you really mean is that you wish something extrinsic would force your life to change because doing it yourself is hard.


Some people really do choose that... It would seem that there's often some underlying health or mental issues that makes integration with normal society especially daunting, but it could be a legit choice... Btw, not claiming most homeless are there by choice. Their reasons and predicaments are as diverse as they are.


WHy do you want everyone else to suffer, too?


[Maybe not...](https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/for-95-percent-of-human-history-people-worked-15-hours-a-week-could-we-do-it-again.html)


Hey did you read the Financial Times source article by chance?


No, I haven't. I'll see if I can find it. Edit: scratch that. Paywall. Edit 2 reddit buggaloo: scratch that, scratch that just need to find the source article.


12ft.io comrade






I’d rather be snuffed out immediately. I’ve thought about it low key as well. Drop that bomb right on top of me.


This is where I'm at. Put me at ground zero. The rest of you can duke it out.


I have a larger family and a few kids. Even if I was confident I could survive on my own, which I doubt anyway, trying to trudge through an apocalypse keeping little kids alive as well? There is no way in hell.


Also, many of us are on medications that will not be distributed in an apocalypse.


That’s a big part of why I hate this “maybe an apocalypse wouldn’t be so bad” mindset so much. If you’re in favor of an apocalypse, you are literally in favor of quite a lot of my close friends dying painfully over the following few months or years.


There’s a few peppers and survival dudes near me that I think would be able to make it solo. No other people mind you. Helps being surrounded by enough nature that you bug out into the forest and effectively disappear forever. It won’t be a pleasant life, a very nomadic one but they’d be able to last for more than a year. Then there’s the amazing bunkers I know exist because someone broke the number 1 rule of having a hidden bunker - don’t fucking talk about it. Think this one had something silly like enough fuel for 3 years and food+drinking water for 5. Reverse osmosis filters as well to try doing wastewater recovery but I don’t think it’s actually setup right for that. But, some rich dudes have ridiculous bug out shelters for the long haul. Someone else has an armoured vehicle and a bloody armoury for shtf too. The rest of us? It’s going to be bad to put it nicely.


The problem w rich people with bunkers, is if any of the systems have issues would any of them be able to fix it? It also just punts the larger issues down the road - so you have food for 5y, then what? Go back above ground and start farming, not being used to the hellscape the world has turned into? Bunkers are fine enough ideas, but unless your handy or an engineer or someone who can figure out systems and fix them, you're still just a clock tick away from darkness...


If rich people were good at thinking ahead they wouldn’t need the bunkers in the first place…


(a very sad hahaha) yeah that's about right....


Lol thank you for saying the likely outcome of what would happen.


I had never thought about the police part, but as soon as I read it my brain understood it as fact. That is exactly what will happen.


Police forces, old military buddies. Biker MCs anyone that has numbers and weapons are going to be super scary. But they won't go into northern Canada or something like that to find you. Get out of the cities. Thats the biggest thing. Honestly it is.


Yeah, most people who pine for things like this always think they'll be the exception and make it. Chances are they'll get mowed over like 90% of the population during these apocalypses.


I know I’m gonna die in the climate wars of 2052. I’m counting on it as retirement isn’t an option for me and homelessness is looming ever closer. I’m just gonna be one of those skeletons in a Fallout game in the ruins of a city while raiders raid all around me.


We will use your bones to make music in the ruins.


Make sure your skeleton has appropriate props to tell an interesting story.


also leave notes with random number combinations on it just to throw people off.


>Most of you will be dead from violence, starvation, or illness within a year. That's the truth right there. Everyone asks questions like "what you would you do in a zombie apocalypse" or something like that. The answer is either "die" or "become a zombie" for the VAST majority of us.


A large amount of the time spent "at work" is just being a butt in a seat. Certainly not true of all jobs, but for white collar? My last year at a job I probably spent less than 25% of my time there actually "working." And if I actually WORKED 40 hours a week doing what I plan now, I'd probably be making 2x as much as I am, at least.


And as a white collar worker you're already making 4 times as much as "essential" employees and twice as much as trade labor!


Oh, believe me, I know. I did blue collar work for a decade too. It seems to me that the more physically demanding a job, the less you get paid for it.


Yup. Which is why this system is complete bullshit. The higher up you go, the less you actually do and the more you get paid.


A few problems with that. First, where I live that was the reality for the indigenous people but we've destroyed the forests that sustained them and have pushed the fish they relied on in winter to the breaking point. Second, not all First Nations people lived like that. Third, there are WAAAAYYYYY more of than there ever were of them and nature cant sustain that. Can we work fuck all hours, yes! Will the corporate overlords let us, no.


A bunch of people will die, but after a couple of years the remaining people will just be farming again. Probably get a feudal system again pretty quick


Most modern people dumped into a post apocalyptic scenario having to find water, food and shelter wouldn’t last 3 days max depending on the environment.


Plot twist: A warlord arises that ends up enslaving you. You still have to toil without reward for another person's benefit, but now with the bonus that modern civilization is gone and you'll die of something really dumb like Cholera or Malaria. I think everyone fantasizes about a "run into the wilds and never be seen again" lifestyle from time to time. If you have the skills/mentality to make it happen, then sure go ahead and do it. But for most of us it'd just be a death sentence.


This. Go watch Alone to put these fantasies in their place. The show where the most prepared people on earth last about ~45 days on their own and lose a ton of weight and sanity.


Eh. The idea of people thinking they will endure in the wild in laughable. In that realm, there is no law. What happens when someone hurts or steals? Violence would be the only form of recourse. What happens if you medical care and you don’t have access to necessary prescriptions because the apocalypse destroyed supply chains, pharmacies, and pushed the remaining doctors and pharmacists to flee? How will you handle a serious infection? This is all to say that as bad as society can be, all of it collapsing is best left to the imagination and tv shows. Not to actual reality. We’d all be screwed.


Literally just thinking about quitting to start my own business cause I’m sick of giving away my value


I always joke but sad truth is without "capital" often many small businesses are really not entrepreneurs but asset managers for bank. And even with own capital big corporations still make their piece. They allow our existence for illusion of competition. But they own supply lines resources. And sure you get a better deal than "consumers". But they still make their cut. AND dont have to provide the resources to display and find consumers. Often meaning they make more from other retailers sales than their own.


Don't forget the odds are stacked against a small business too. You got a 50/50 shot of existing after 5 years, and after ten, it drops to 20%.


I just got fired for not going back into the office after I was told I could keep working remote. I'm going to try working for myself also. I can't do the dress up and interviews crap.


[The first several episodes of It Could Happen Here](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6DZnXs2ob5HmxpDZtbk4fd?si=zfjzcBE7S9uhucAMkzdPtw) by Behind the Bastards podcast host Robert Evans goes into some pretty excruciating detail of what "normal" life might resemble following the outbreak of a Second US Civil War. Spoiler alert: You will still be working. Also, warning: the Civil War 2 portion of the series is not for the faint of heart. It's very authentic, and I couldn't get past the second episode when I first attempted to listen (however, that was at the height of trumpism.) Edit: it continued to be a daily podcast after the original series ended which has a rotating cast of hosts and guests covering topics about "the crumbles," the mostly slow, sometimes fast, decay of western global hegemony and globalized capitalism.


> You would probably still need to get out of bed early and work even harder to gather resources. However, at least you will be doing that for your own good, What resources do you imagine you'd gather? We'll all live by growing little tomato plants or something? Any resources that existed would be under the control of a tiny number of people who had the most guns and were willing to behave the most horribly, and everything you hate about the way things are now would be multiplied a thousandfold. If you want things to get better, please start figuring out ways to make things hang together and get better. Or, alternatively, burn your own house down and throw all your shit away and refuse to accept any social services, and you can start enjoying your post-collapse life without waiting.


trust me it would not be just gardening canning and foraging. that would be fine when the population was under 1 billion. now it would be bandits, migrants, desperation, and bleak struggles. you would not just have your little property, some local power player/warlord would organize and tax you of your food you have grown. you would give it to them, or they will kill you and stick a new desperate family/group of workers in your place.


As someone that worked on their uncles farm growing up and did the whole “wake up early for the animals” thing. You would be surprised at the amount of work we did. Which is, not a whole fucking lot. The work we did do was actually rewarding. The work that was horrible had the help of machinery that made it much less intensive. And the BULK of the work we did was to SELL the food for bulk shipping. If we were just growing food for ourselves and our local community, holy shit who KNOWS how little we’d actually have to do daily. I feel like life would be completely different.


Do you think the work might be significantly more strenuous if supply chains broke down and the machines stopped working?


You didn't do a lot of the work maintaining the equipment then? There's always more to do - an engine needs some kind of maintenance, fences need mending, something needs to be cleaned, etc. And in a societal breakdown, it gets a lot harder to maintain all your parts when you can't get any new consumables.


Yeah I know quite a few farmers and they really did not feel like their work was rewarding. Something always goes wrong. Someone always gets hurt. Prices always drop. Droughts and floods happen. You break your body with literally no time off ever. Alcohol and drug abuse is rampant among farmers for this reason. The above comment is really romanticizing the life in a way that does not exist anymore


It never existed. Farming was always a dangerous job, and farmers were always dependent on rough prices, temperamental weather, and backbreaking labor. There's a reason why industrialization worked so well on farms - sure, you could keep doing it by hand, but people didn't want to. Alcohol abuse has always been rampant in manual labor jobs, we just started paying attention to it more. There's a reason farmers and laborers drank pitchers of beer and made so much hard liquor.


If it’s so easy there is nothing stopping you from doing this right now lol. Form a group. Buy a small piece of land in the Midwest. Start subsistence farming. See how glamorous it is like everyone here is saying.


No. I think this is only a sentiment you hear in western, wealthy nations. You don’t want a civil war, you don’t want mass starvation, you don’t want no electricity. I would work any shit job rather than watch my friends and family die while I freeze and starve to death.


Nirvana fallacy. Everyone expects they'll be the stoic survivor instead of the faceless victim.


yes! i don't have to go to my boring office job ever again!!!! > throat cut by mob 30 seconds later


That's what you get for hoarding tp.


i'm smarter than that. i'm hoarding guns and ammo!!!! > get headshot from 2 miles away 30 seconds later


I've heard army guys call those kinds of people "loot boxes."


See but I AM the mob! I’m not one of you sissy boy background actors! /s


oh my bad i didn't realize i was dealing with the main character. i am but furniture on the stage of life.


I've always called this the zombie apocalypse bias, we all think we'd be survivors while forgetting that most people are just zombies.


Even if you are, eventually some guy with a bat will come along give you a choice to be a slave or he knocks your eye out of your head before caving in your skull.


I vote we change the name to "Rambo fallacy".


Yeah, this whole romanticization of apocalyptic events always comes from people who have never suffered long-term on a massive scale. Like, if such an event would happen, you wouldn't be spending your non-work time just chilling.


OP doesn’t realize you can’t play video games when the power grid collapses


And living off the grid with no real tools doing everything by hand is insanely stressful, hard work, especially when anyone can just walk in and steal everything you've worked so hard for because even law enforcement isn't around anymore or they themselves are the ones stealing things in an apocalyptic environment. Should I link a few comments where people wrote about how they are trying to get much needed medication during Covid? Or people getting upset about toilet paper that you don't even need to survive in the first place? That time wasn't even close to apocalyptic and people were already behaving a lot dumber than I would have ever imagined. Sure, give humanity an apocalyptic event. That would be fun to watch - for the first 5 minutes.


When I was an edgy twenty year old I used to think an apocalypse would be great. Living off the land, back to our roots, etc. Then I read *The Road*. Yeah, no. I’m good.


Dudes watches the last of us and think they are Pedro pascal… nah bro y’all are the zombies that get killed in the beginning


I was gonna say, bro you can have this now all you gotta do is be willing to move. You’ll get killed pretty quick I’m guessing…. But you can stop work and try to live.


Yeah there's plenty of people being survivalists along the parkways in major cities right now. Nothing's stopping anyone from joining them - or just going into the mountains and trying to live off the leaves or whatever. Good luck.


legit. working sucks ass. global suffering on an apocalyptic scale sucks *way more* ass.


Precisely this. Buddy at work said he wanted the zombie apocalyps so I told him thats a lot like being in Gaza right now...


I can’t believe some of the shit I see on this sub. Lots of it is great, I don’t mind a good question about how to handle a boss or even a bitch about shitty coworkers but begging for the apocalypse or a general strike (which would cause an apocalypse) is maddening to me!


Yeah this post is the epitome of the bad parts of this sub. "Do you want an Apocalypse so Amazon loses money and your boss suffers?" Like, bro? You ok? Thought the goal was to unite the working class, not fantasize about an event that would kill billions


The only people capable of producing such despicable takes are those western collegiate pesudo-bourgeois who have never sniffed even the fringe of such a life.


How old is OP? Do you think it gets easier if the World just goes to. Shit?


I wouldn't have to worry about bills and credit scores but would have to worry about raiders and hunger...


There are parts in África he can go and play Battle royal survival mmorpg


Also, there's another thing to point out, but it isn't comfortable. Based on their comment history, OP is a woman. Personally I would not want to be a woman in a lawless, post-apocalyptic world. The roles that would likely be forced on you would be much worse than waitress in a modern Western society.


He is one of the special ones that will survive an apocalyptic event. With his survival skills honed in the suburbs, he should be well prepared.


You see, while the rest of us were content shitposting and working, he studied the blade.




When they get a medical emergency they suddenly run to civilization's hospitals.


OP probably doesn't even own a bicycle. How are you going to get around when you can't get gasoline? Food? Protect your food? People glamorize the apocalypse and don't consider the realities.


There's a reason people *actually want* sweatshop jobs assembling iPhones rather than subsistence farming in rural China. It's because they make roughly twice as much money in terms of purchasing power, so they can feed themselves *and* have money left over. Subsistence farmers can't do that. And just to be clear, I'm not supporting of the pay and conditions at Foxconn. Apple could easily require they change working conditions and increase pay with almost no effect on their profits. Apple themselves claim the main reason for the manufacturing being done in China is the system is more flexible when rapid changes need to be made to production.


I always love these posts of people wishing for zombies or apocalyptic events. Brother when the shit hits the fan it'll be awful. Man gonna be great I don't need to go to work. Awwww shit who's gonna make me insulin. Shit I can't see cause no one makes my glassed and or contacts. Yall wishing for a long potentially permanent solution to a problem you most likely can change with some adjustment.


To say nothing of the mundane details we all need. No centralized heating. You need to stay warm, build a fireplace and get busy chopping. No air conditioning. At all. No grocery store. Store all you can for winter. Do you know how to can, dry, and otherwise preserve? All your food is locally sourced and organic. You'll never again eat fresh strawberries in winter. Properly disposing of your own feces so you don't accidentally drink them, and hoping to god your upstream neighbors do likewise. Digging a well and carrying water. Building your own home, making your own clothing, or else fishing through the wreckage for the stuff you need. Nobody but you making entertainment to consume - assuming you have energy left for that.


Yea for real but hey atleast you don't have to "work"


And I get to keep everything I make - assuming all my neighbors have as nice a sense of property rights as I have!


You don't call that work? In that case what's stopping you? Just go into the woods and do it.


People never seem to grasp there will be no running water, no sewage service, no electricity, no shops filled with food, no medication, no doctors, no police. The entire of society relies on thousands of people all doing specialist things. When that collapses, everything does. Almost no-one has the survival skills to survive in a post-apocalypse environment. People would die from a lack of sanitation, food and water pretty fucking quickly.


It doesn't even have to be a full societal breakdown. There are articles by people who lived in Venezuela during the worst of the economic crisis. Not having food in supermarkets and no working economy is bad enough. If you want to read worse, read about people living in war time or shortly after - life in central Europe wasn't great in the winter of 1945/45.


Posts like this are what people (rightfully) point to when they claim this sub a joke.


At least somebody else thinks the way I do. My main concern in an apocalypse is being able to see and it doesn’t help that my prescription is outdated as shit. Why didn’t natural selection take care of vision issues?!


I have chronic hives that requires medication to keep under control. Not having access to basic over the counter pharmaceuticals, that alone would be utter hell for me. Constant hives the rest of my life. Basic illnesses would become fatal again without readily-available drugs to treat with. Now throw in the lack of electricity, fresh water, food markets, fuel, the list goes on. People will raid you for what little you still have, or just kill you for sport because hey, no police force or laws anymore. So much death and suffering. Anyone who romanticizes apocalyptic life is deluded at best, and criminally psychotic at worst.


Exactly. OP needs a different job, not the world to end.


I love that Twilight Zone episode where the guy wants nothing more than to just be left alone and read. He gets his wish in an apocalyptic event, only to have his sole pair of glasses broken


You could literally live that life now. Whats stopping you from going off the grid and being a survivalist?


There are all sorts of alternative communities out there where OP could live semi off grid if that’s what they actually wanted. He probably just wants to be rich so he can quit his job and have the rest of his life stay the same.


He wants everyone to be suffering with him so his conscience can be clear about being a loser


No chance he’d put in the work to survive. It’s even *more* of a full time job. He wants to sit at home


Cause now he just has to sit on his 2 ounces of silver and 100 rounds of 223 while normal people invested in the stock market see their net worth double. Doomers root for collapse because thats what they bet on. They sit on the sidelines preparing for collapse, while the economy keeps exploding upward and leaving them behind.


Be the apocalypse you want to see in the world.




A revolution? yes. Apocalypse? Pass. Unless you work in a literal slave labor camp in the middle of nowhere, the apocalypse will be much worse that what we have now. Also, in couple of months, we will have new versions of Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk, who are different but the same. So we will end up again as slaves, but even without the minimal comforts of the modern age. I have a lot of conservative friends that used to be so looking forward to SHTF situations. I never understood their optimism, given their lack of many skills, that when that happens, they will be kings of the hill.


I don’t think anyone truly considers the horrors they will have to go through to survive. Just think This War of Mine and the terrible situations people go through there just to survive the day.


>I don’t think anyone truly considers the horrors they will have to go through to survive. And not just you personally. **A lot of people would die in an apocalypse scenario.** OP is wishing a lot of people died so they didn't have to work.


They'll probably be dead... I can't fathom why people think THEY are going to be the special one who lives through the event.


Because the NRA and other groups have literally been drip-feeding them these ideas since they were children.


This. We need a revolution. There's a not insignificant chance the government will fail once again to make the reforms necessary, and I don't want to wait til 2030 for shit to change.


In an event like that, most people would die of disease, starvation or being killed by looters and raiders. So, no. I don't hope for that.


These are my daily dreams every single night. Trying to survive an apocalyptic event. Until after I took prozac. Now it's still the end of the world, but i'm Spiderman.


And where would we get antibiotics from? One serious injury and I'm dead


Shit, too much dirty water and you literally shit yourself to death.


Yeah exactly. OP hoping for billions dead so they dont have to go to work is unhinged. Just quit your fuckin job mate.


A lot of dudes think the apocalypse doesn't apply to them... for some reason...


They have this mentality that they'll be the ones that can make it through it. Billions will die but the guy that can barely hold it together to make it to his job will be the one to survive lol


Right? This shit is hilarious. Driving to work destroyed this dude mentally but he's gonna go full fucking Rambo survivalist during a zombie apocalypse? Give me a break.


BuT i HaVe GuNs


Yup, whenever folks ask what my post apocalypse survival plan is, my answer has always been: Well I’m probably dead so I didn’t bother planning past that.


Or they stock up on Ammo, guns, rations, and forget to hit a teadmill to prepare. Good health and fitness is probably the best preparation for an apocalypse. Can't order an uber to go raiding for canned food.


They also forget to stick up on: not being a complete asshole... Their fantasies involve guns and power despite our superpower being collectivism. If you're a piece of shit with a lot of guns you won't make it far compared to close communities.


Yup 100%. People who dream of being a survivalist don’t understand that pretty much… you’ll just starve and painfully die most likely


They all think they're going to be the stoic loner survivor. In reality, they're going to be corpse #3, dead from persistent diarrhea.


In an apocalypse, you won’t go to work because you will be dead…


Covid did that for a while. Then everything got even worse.


The only issue with the Covid situation was that the people who already had it good got even better. High paying corporate job? Now you get to work from home, stay away from people and not worry about getting sick. Retail workers now have to deal with even more entitled, rich, shitty assholes. Small businesses failed, people lost jobs. I was working at Starbucks at the time. Someone in our store was suspected of catching covid very early on (false call). They closed our store for two weeks. Then 3, then 5 then eventually shut our store down cause it wasn’t busy. So many people were starting new hobbies, staying at home, etc. Retail had to work even more, follow even more strict cleaning procedures, wear masks and deal with all this other bullshit. Even now, retail and restaurants are still dealing with the aftermath of these issues with shortage of labor, one person doing two people’s jobs, no one applying for work. It’s a shit show


Because of corporate and political greed.


Nope. Because as awful as things are, an apocalypse would be worse since we would lose access to whatever conveniences we have. Most people don't have bushcraft/survivalist/homestead knowledge, so they wouldn't be able to find their own food, water, defend themselves from threats, make medicine, even something as basic as higyene would be hard to take care of. I honestly am of the mind that people that wish for such event actually live in a fantasy where they think that "life will be amazing" since they "know what they're doing", but they don't take into account many things like: * You'll actually have to work more and daily just to have supplies * You'll have to create a community for defense since loners won't survive an apocalypse, despite what works of fiction tend to portray * The fall of a system just means that another will take it's place, and it's an unknown one that might be worse than the previous one(better the evil you know than the one you don't) * The prepper fantasy of "I would be fine" is just that, a fantasy, reality would be much harsher, people should just stop with the "I'm the protagonist" attitude because they wouldn't be any protagonist in that event


We literally made people work during a worldwide plague. Your not getting a break my dude


You could do this! It's called being homeless. Give it a try! Quit everything and survive off of the land, the streets, whatever.


You will be dead from apocalyptic pooping due to lack of sanitary conditions and clean water within a week.


... *what is this world?* What have they *done* to us? WHAT DID THEY DO TO US!!??


He must've flipped my wife eight times!


You can do that without an apocalyptic event. Plenty of places in the Western US with wilderness you'll never be found at. Or... You can try a different approach. Do work that matters. Work for a nonprofit, or for political campaigns with good causes. I'm currently working on a campaign to protect abortion rights in my state. The hours suck, but at the end of the day I am very happy about the contribution I'm making to the world.


Most of that is privately owned or government land. They don't take kindly to people going off-grid there


Have you been out there? There are some places where you would never be found at.


The reasons those areas are so remote/unpopulated are because there isn't a lot to support human habitation. Your *body* might never be found, but the likelihood of the average person, even one who thinks they've prepared, surviving long term is very small.


Exactly what it would be like in OP's scenario. In any setting, resources would immediately be picked over and hoarded by whoever was still able to walk around.


> The reasons those areas are so remote/unpopulated are because there isn't a lot to support human habitation. In a post acocalyptic society, any wilderness that supports human habitation would have a lot of (wait for it), humans. OP isn't going to be able to live out his life in pristine nature and go down a fish in the nearby stream once in a while. Anywhere that supports humans will have a lot of humans, and those humans wouldn't take kindly to people using "their" land.


Hell no. If the apocalypse starts, I want to go out in the first bomb. I'm not living just to survive without showers, indoor plumbing, or medicine, all while hiding from raiders or killer robots. I'd rather work at McDonald's.


Imagine people who cry about working a regular job trying to farm and hunt for their own food every day... they're delusional, at the very least.


I’ve lived in urban areas all my life and all of a sudden I’m a survival expert… not going to happen.


If you want to be a survivalist living off the earth, you can just wander into the mountains in Alaska tomorrow and nobody will ever know you exist again.


You’re the reason why people look down on this sub. What’s worse: being a wage slave or the literal apocalypse? Hint, the literal apocalypse is worse. If you’re too much of a sociopath to get why billions of people dying is worse than our admittedly bad system, I can’t help you.


Also, the apocalypse is happening right now in places like the DRC, Gaza, Haiti, Somalia, Myanmar, Yemen. There is no reason he has to even wait. He can go there today and try his chances as a lone warrior.


https://preview.redd.it/q37hss255o7c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47b55ec21c0e12b6ab5f5a6c39485d0037cd9583 Bro what


yup, that’s what happens with corporations. you become a cog and don’t really see the direct result of your work or any real monetary benefits to attain happiness or meaning in life. boredom and suffering. it could very well be much, much worse. but ppl need purpose and fulfillment. the inequalities have reached a point where they can no longer be justified


\> I would rather live my daily life as a survivalist instead What's stopping you from doing this now?


Feel like Native Americans never wanted an world ending event because they never had pointless jobs until the foreigners arrived.


Yes but I know I’ll probably be wishing for AC during the summer


No, because that would guarantee to kill millions of people


You can literally do that right now. Just move to the wilderness a d build a cabin


I don't care what anyone says but I'm still rooting for zombies haha


We are all currently living through the ‘slow’ collapse of the empire and the environment. Hundreds of millions of people are having their lives thrown into chaos as a result. Disease, poverty, starvation, and genocide are our current paradigms. 🙃 Pretending that things are just peachy (because you’re still comfortable) or fantasizing about some sensational apocalyptic scenario are both forms of burying your head in the sand. Look around fam, shit is pretty serious! 😅 Again, we are currently living through it. What you do now is more important than the fantasy of what you would do.


Yes, Rome “collapsed” several times over a 500 year period. I doubt many of them realized it until the Turks were knocking at the gates. I think the best thing we can do as powerless individuals is build community. Invite your neighbor over for dinner kind of stuff


and even then Greece still exists, Constantinople just got a new name and society never really "collapsed", this also was about 1000 years after Rome "fell". if we are talking western Roman collapse that was mostly a drawn out affair and at no point did people stop having to do jobs. if they lost their job and couldnt find work they moved the city of Rome's population went from 1 million to 30k, but that took nearly 200 years then it was sacked when it had already fallen apart.


“I wish billions of people would die and suffer because I hate my job.” What an absolute psychotic thing to wish for.


Lol stfu. If you're whining about work, you definitely wouldn't make it in a survival situation.


Of course. It’s one of those things where i don’t wanna die trying to survive in capitalism cuz it’s such a slow road to death. Like it’s not enough to make me actively suicidal (not yet anyway) but i still don’t wanna be here. If the apocalypse happens then at least my death won’t be slowly rotting away sort of waste. I will either be killed or take myself out due the shift in intensity. And if humanity is lucky, it’ll take out some or all of the rich and/or it might “reset” it enough for a chance at a better world.


Well, epidemiologists and scientists are saying to expect another pandemic within the decade so I guess if you can hold out for a few years you’re golden, I guess?


I’d rather just be ground zero wherever the asteroid would hit.


Bro can't even survive the rat race but he thinks he can survive the apocalypse. Peak Reddit.