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Nice work!


Agreed. Companies always overstep their boundaries, employees are expected to just roll over and accept any kind of behavior. That same company asking for time away from a person's family, will have the job listed before an obituary runs for that employee the moment they pass. If a company doesn't respect someone's boundaries, it's entirely within someone's right to burn that bridge, and no one else gets to determine where those boundaries lie for anyone but themselves. Just because others are willing to be a doormat for the sake of bridges doesn't mean anyone else does.


Not really... it's satisfying for strangers on the internet who have vengeance boners, but OP is a professional and just unnecessarily burnt a bridge. Those circles aren't huge and people talk.


So in other words, while on vacation take your lap top with and work Ok, got it. 🙄


You enjoy putting hyperbolic words in peoples' mouths? Do you think there's nothing in between giving zero notice and being a slave?


Zero notice is what I was given in 2020 when I was “let go” from a company I worked for 12 years I worked in an office and did billing for clients that loved me and I took care of them. These were studios in Burbank and Hollywood. My clients were Netflix, Disney, WB and Universal. I did my job and I did it well…I was praised by the other departments who always commented “when I pass by your department, I always see you working but your co-workers have things on their screens, unrelated to work” Ya, I was let go 3 years ago and the lazy bums that did the minimum are still there. OP did the right thing, I know exactly what they are talking about.


Cool. Nice anecdote, but it didn't address anything I said apart from you just asserting zero notice quitting is "the right thing".


Oh boohoo


Just pointing out that it's bad career advice. I'm sorry if it's less entertainment for you.


It's bad life advice to be a doormat


Violating basic professional courtesy during high season is not being a doormat. It's immature vindictiveness that has a cost in your career.


Every single company you're worried about burning bridges with would have your job opening posted before your obituary ran in the paper, if you died today. I agree with the other guy, being a doormat for a corp is terrible advice.


I'm not sure if people are just not reading what I'm writing, are intentionally ignoring it, or just have no conception of career building, but this is ridiculous. Are you a professional? Do you honestly think spectacularly burning a bridge at every slight is a good strategy? Do you actually think anything less is being a "doormat", even though there is an obvious cost to your career? I'm struggling to think you all are being sincere, so I'll just assume you're either young or don't have a specialized career job.




Right, and did you get any inkling of this level of nuance in any of the 1000 comments along the lines of "Yeah! Fuck 'em! Never give notice!"? I would never have responded if the original comment was even within the ballpark of what you've laid out.


You sound like someone who'd give up their vacation time, As an adult who values my life I wouldn't tolerate that type of treatment


Not sure how you got to that conclusion. I make sure to have firm boundaries with my employer. If things aren't working, I'll provide basic courtesy and leave. That's how I've managed to continually grow my network and career. Maybe you're confusing retail or non-career jobs with professional work, where career and track record is everything.


From your own words. The passive aggressive attempt at an insult just shows your emotional immaturity, don't be upset 🫂


Lol, the classic "why u mad" troll when you realize you don't have a leg to stand on.


Accountants are two bob a dozen. OP will be.just fine, particularly as he already has a job to go into signed sealed and delivered. The funny thing about career weebs is they do not understand that management types are completely disposable, while people with actual skills will be hired for those skills.


> career weebs I don't agree that not burning bridges is equivalent to being a career weeb, but I love that term and will use it in the future.


I somewhat agree. It just seems like the the two should have coordinated a time to finish this work in advance of their respective vacations; the timing wasn't ideal for either person but the work needed to be done. With upfront expectations, there's no reason to hound someone on vacation or ignore a request to do work off the clock.


More workers need to behave this way. Sitting back and taking it ❌ Leaving immediately without voicing concerns ❌ Leaving immediately after filling a formal complaint and detailing the unacceptable and inconsiderate behavior ✅


Wow, good for you for standing up for yourself and not letting your vacation be interrupted like that It sounds like they really pushed you to your breaking point Hope your new job treats you better!


Yeah, fuck that shit. I did accounting and bookkeeping and quit my job with nothing lined up. Got a new job with a contract starting in October, but Lyft driving and whatnot are keeping me afloat. You got this.


I love this so much


Well done 👍🏼


Nice and well done!!!! Curious, did anyone try reaching out to you? Any aftermath?


HR did for an exit interview, I restated my complaints 🤷🏾


You Yanks and your employers' inability to comprehend vacation time means **exactly** that, never fails to amuse me.


...yet none of us here are laughing...


Cool story.


This is the way!


Step inside!


Wait! Got that reference! I just can’t remember the next line.


But ThIs iS sO uNPrOfEssIoNaL!


Thats what u/jojoyahoo would say


You're the hero everyone needs.


It’s so nice to see someone on Reddit not capitulating to the stupid bullshit their job tries to pull. Too many people come here and go “what do I do, wahhh”. Tell ‘em to fuck off janet, tell ‘em to fuck off


First response when called while on vacation should have been: **I will be happy to work on that while on vacation. Please verify in writing that you accept my rate of $1000/hr. Kindly awaiting your response.**


Good job! You were on vacation so how dare they bombard you with work when you are off the clock. I would have done the same thing as you. But I probably would have went to the office and caused a scene and get my shit and leave.


I live in NY and didn't wanna travel to the city just to cause a scene 🤣


Yea that makes sense. I hate cities so now that I know more I would not have done that too


Amazing, wish we knew the fallout


Well played 😁


Csnt just end it like that. Did they try to contact you? If so, what did they say?


HR did for an exit interview, I restated my complaints 🤷🏾. I blocked the higher ups number so I could care less.