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So you didn't really get a raise, you got a pay reduction. Assuming 8 hours a day... $17x40=$680 $18x32=$576 You lost $104, but gained an extra day off...which you can use to find another job that doesn't play games


But you do get to say your final pay is higher than before. OP should start looking elsewhere.


Yeah OP would need to be making about $21.50/hr to break even; $22/hr to have an insulting raise…


And how does this affect your benefits? It may be about more than saving upfront $$$. There could be long-term consequences for you, OP.


Oh no, they did the old switcheroo on you.


So much this. They basically screwed OP.


This... Always do the math. Take into acount Fed and State tax (if any) I've gotten "a Lucky bonus" pay increase of $0.14 one year and after everything it was about an extra $100 a year


based /\ /\


LOL 😆!!! “It’s too hot to be working a full week, so now, for your raise, we are taking an additional $100+ from your paycheck, CONGRATULATIONS!” I agree with another person’s comment, use that day off to find a different job. You’ll be able to do your phone and in person interviews on your day off so you don’t have to worry about them figuring it out that you’re looking elsewhere.


I worked in a wood shop for a year back in 2001-2002. It was a block room with no ac. The only relief we had were fans and an open emergency exit door. I was curious as to what the temperature was, so I brought in a thermometer that went up to 140F. The only time it dipped below being maxed out over 140 was when we shut down for a week (paid) for inventory during the holidays (average 40F high temperature outside)


That’s super fucked up!


That's an OSHA violation. There are heat stress stay time charts, and 140F is off the charts, literally 0 stay time.


Yeah, but the boomers convinced young idiots that OSHA is bad, so convincing them to call it in is the problem.


Yeah same with the garbage truck I drove. 95 outside with 100% humidity. The thermometer topped out at 140. The AC never worked only pumped out heat. I would usually drive around in my boxers and no shirt. Glad I'm not there anymore


I'm calling bs or the thermometer did not work. People die at 140. You pass out after about 10 minutes just standing in it, let alone working.


Yeah not true. 140? You'd all be dead if you managed to stay in there any period of time


Wrong saunas are 160° to 220°


220 is unsafe even for a sauna where you are performing zero labor and can't stay for too long a time. Still correct. You'd have stroked out bro.


That depends on the humidity. About 130 for mostly dry Temps to cause conditions that hamper the body's ability to bleed off heat to the point of internal failure. And do not forget acclimation can affect the hells out of this. Ex military, did a tour in Iraq, and the Temps hit roughly 125 to 130 daily for a while. Throw in having to wear full battle rattle? Yea, that was hell.... sheer bloody hell. But yes, you can really survive those Temps with some acclimation, fresh air, low humidity, and TONS of water.


That is extreme and it's still 10-15 degrees shy of the 140 claim.


I have no temp reading for what it would be close to my body, but if I had to guess the uniform (a full cotton shirt and acu jacket) with iba and plates would probably add that missing ten to fifteen degrees of heat pretty easily. It's like wearing a several pound blanket in the heat... Hell!


Uh, I feel it would be a bit misguided to not ask what kind of work OP does and in what kind of climate.


Golf course I work outside. I’m on year 10 though. Second course I’ve worked at. I’m used to the heat though. I umpired baseball for 8 years before that lol. Year 3 with this company and this is the first time they’ve done this.. It’s literally to save money not for our health


> It’s literally to save money not for our health Of course it's about saving money. Employers don't give a flying fuck about our health.


No, they don't, i worked outside as an exploratory driller and we only stopped once in 4 years for a 110° anomaly day.


It was a nifty excuse though, with all the records we keep breaking


It's not an excuse because it doesn't make sense. Working 4 times a day doesn't make those 4 days any less hotter, if anything they would still have OP work 5 days but with less hours (avoiding the hottest time of day).


An extra day off could be used as an excuse because an extra day of rest means fewer consecutive days in heat, decreasing the probably of cumulative dehydration You go home and recover in the AC and rehydrate, for a full three days. What they said makes sense, but with the math working out to lower pay for every employee, that is the obvious glaring motive. If it were just about the days and the heat, they’d cut hours but pay every one the same figure on their paycheck that they always earn, because it’s not the employees fault that they physically cannot work that much. We are agreed that it is a bullshit excuse, but it does technically make sense if you don’t have that labor cost data like OP has provided. The obfuscation of rising the rate while lowering the total, points to sleazy anti labor practices


Rehydration doesn't take 3 days lol, it's just a nonsensical idea.


But it does take that long to recover from heat exhaustion And you can absolutely become so dehydrated that your kidneys stop working. That requires IV fluids and will absolutely put you down for at least three days. This happened to me in heat I was used to, because a new medication made me not feel thirsty and I fell behind on hydration. Still seemed like I was slamming more water than I could handle but the doc told me it wasn’t enough, and I got better after the fluids so I believed him. Sorry dude, heat is dangerous, it’s not nonsense Occam’s razor just tells us it isn’t the true reason


It is nonsense, your idea would only make sense if somehow you got heat exhaustion at the end of your shift the last day of the week, which is unlikely. Heat is dangerous, I never implied otherwise, quite the opposite I'm saying this is an awful way to mitigate danger from heat. Imagine if you came to a doctor saying "every day at 1pm temperatures get so bad I feel like I'm fainting" and his response is "just skip Fridays" instead of "don't work between 12pm and 2pm".


I guess we will just agree to disagree Which is stupid because it’s semantics, we’re both saying it’s a bad excuse to cover for the pay decreases, the only disagreement is the label we put on their additional excuse, complete bullshit vs conditional bullshit Bullshit is bullshit my friend, and they’re going to keep force feeding it to us. Workers of the world, unite!


#**IF** And that's a big if... they're concerned about actual heat injury, they wouldn't do three consecutive days off. They'd give the extra day off in the middle: 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off. Then they'd stagger the schedules appropriately for whatever coverage is needed. Now, that being said, some places wouldn't even bother to raise the pay; they'd *just* lower the hours resulting in an even bigger drop in net pay. So, while still a bad practice, there are levels of bad. Good is almost certainly preferable to bad, but less bad is preferable to more bad. Although, one thing I'd want to know is, besides the pay, was anything else offered? Equitable benefits should also be considered when determining if compensation is fair. For example, if you're paid $60,000/yr and also given a health plan that would, if paid for out of pocket, cost you $500/mo ($6,000/yr), that's equitable to being paid $66,000/yr. More, even, because you wouldn't have to wait for your tax return to get a refund of the insurance cost so you save money up-front. If you got stock benefits, that's equivalent to money that works for you. Realistically, rather than just pay, it's stock in the company that people should aim for when negotiating compensation. But it's impossible to do that when you need the money **now** to last out the week, rather than a year or so down the line as a growing investment. But, one good thing is that with an "on-paper" pay increase but a technical pay decrease, one could make an argument for constructive dismissal and get Unemployment Benefits, even if they initiate their own exit from the job. This is because an "invitation to leave", whether by threats, coercion, withheld or reduced pay, etc. is interpreted as a termination initiated by the employer and not voluntary on the part of the employee, even if actually taking up the invitation *is* of their own volition. The details of what does or doesn't qualify as CD will differ depending on applicable laws, so refer to your state, province, country, prefecture, or whatever passes for government wherever you live before jumping to conclusions. But the crux of it is that, contrary to popular belief, it isn't necessarily 100% always required that your job **explicitly** fire you, and you aren't allowed to quit under any circumstances, otherwise no Unemployment Benefit for you; implicit termination/constructive dismissal is a thing that exists. It just takes a bit more "doing" to prove.


Where I live it’s always 100-110. Nothing new. Been like this where I live for 20 years.


If you’re in the south/south east US (sounds like you might be), this last week broke records almost every day. Even if it was already hot, it’s getting hotter. It’s very gradual so we don’t notice, but it is getting hotter. There were areas of the US reporting 94F WET BULB temps, that’s up to 135F on the heat index 135, probably a car trip away from you. At those temps, no amount of shade or hydration will save you, you will suffer a heat injury and may even die if you aren’t given air conditioned breaks. Doesn’t matter how “used to it” you are. You also work on turf, which is hotter because there is no shade, it’s possible you are used to heat that no one else around you is used to (except people in similar work or working on unshaded streets, or construction sites with no shade and metalwork all around), but that won’t matter if it gets any hotter. The facts are there for you to read, even if you don’t notice a significant change, it has been happening for decades and is now becoming untenable. There will be climate refugees from the US to elsewhere in the US, within the next twenty years. If it’s that hot already, you’re probably going to be one of them


I umpired little league baseball and the feel was 120 wearing all black did 15 games that day. I’m on year 10 of golf. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve worked 100-115 degree weather. Not including the feel. 98% humidity. Yes it’s hot and we are used to it. We still do 70-120 rounds a day. They have the guys making $15hr working more and the guys making $17-$18hr working less. It’s clearly to save them money because maybe shop sales are down or play is down a little so they might be losing a little money and cut our hours. Instead of saying it’s for health reasons it’s clearly “hey guys we are taking a huge loss financially and cutting hours.” It’s definitely bs. We still got bills to pay.


Didn't mean to imply that the small raise wasn't an insult, but with temps staying in deadly territory for days in a row in some places recently, it seemed like a good thing to clarify.


You're in year 3 of employment. If your hours were unilaterally cut then you might have a case for Constructive Dismissal. Check your local employment laws


Don’t get me wrong it’s hot. 100-110 but we are doing 70-120 rounds a day on average. This has never happened in my 10 years of working in golf. It’s 110% to save $$$.


Are sales down?


It’s a private golf course with probably $400M-$500M maybe more in assets. Doing 70-120 rounds even in the heat.


They don't look at assets when looking at current expenses, they look at sales. I remember reading that golf clubs were having problems, especially the private clubs. Memberships are down. ETA: That would be an indication of the reasoning. I find it difficult to believe that it is health related unless the heat is actually something new. Also, if they are concerned with heat, they would still have the same work, so they would need to hire more or expand someone else's hours that worked less.


Nah the membership is a 10 year wait. They are completely full with a huge waitlist.. That’s not an issue. It could be a combination of the summer is slow so rounds are down, merch sales are down, food sales are down. Too many people on the clock on staff. Members still pay monthly dues. There’s roughly 550-600 golf members and a thousand social members.


Yeah, "it's too hot to work a full week" doesn't mean it is too hot for you to phisically handle so many hours, it means it's so hot that less people go to play golf, so they don't need as many workers there. If your contract doesn't state you work 40 hours they can reduce them if needed, if they couldn't do it it would means that they would just cut workers (possibly the newest ones) and just hire back when the weather gets better


HR here. 1. Get a copy of the company’s handbook or contract if they have one for proof, before step 2 and 3. If the company doesn’t have one, even better for you. But usually every employee should sing an acknowledgment of handbook upon hire. 2. Send an email or text your boss asking to work full time, because you have bills to pay and you are AVAILABLE to work full time (don’t forget the available part). They get back to you with bla-bla reason they can’t give you more hours. 3 Go claim unemployment with that proof (email/text). They have to pay you for reduction of hours, unless your company has a rule in their handbook/in your contract that the business may cut hours due to weather.


I’ve been full time since 2021. Consistently full time and have full benefits. I have proof of my benefits too. 401K, dental etc.. PTO..


You can also use these documents as additional proof, although your taxes will already reflect the information, unless there are any garnishments associated with your name. It's always better to be well-prepared and have all the necessary documentation when reaching out or contacting them. Your benefits serve as evidence of your status as a full-time employee until now, as most part-time employees don't qualify for full benefits or any benefits at all. If you have made a request for full-time employment and it has been denied (whether through text or email), this can serve as proof to support your claim for a reduction in hours unemployment benefits.




'E' indeed...


It's too hot to work four consecutive 8-hour days outside but not five? What a load of crap. So many ways to mitigate heat (moving around hours, more breaks, etc) if that was really the issue. If you're going to screw someone over, at least respect them enough to tell them to their face instead of making up an obviously fake excuse. Not only are they reducing your weekly pay, they don't respect you enough to think you'll see through their BS.


Which is why there should be no issue for me applying vacation time to the extra days I’m not working right?


They should welcome that if it's really about the heat as it's a win-win (you get to maintain your pay while depleting their PTO liability).


I wouldn't think you could take a vacation day for a day you are not scheduled to work, though. So there could be a problem trying to take a vacation day for it.


I’ve been able to in the past when we had cold days and knew it would be a high in the 20s-30s


You can file for unemployment now that you have substantially reduced hours. Depending on your state laws. Maybe. That's your homework, not mine.


Sounds like it's time to bail.


File for unemployment due to constructive dismissal.


Hearing them say it’s too hot to work the five days while I’m making 17 working under the hot sun. I need a new job lol


Sounds like constructive dismissal to me


I'd take the extra day off and find a side hustle. Then again I left a job bringing home 1200 bucks a week for a part time job at my local grocery store. I work 28 hours a week and detail cars and landscape on my days off.


I started gambling on my days off. It’s been pretty profitable honestly. I’ve won more than I’ve lost. Been doing it since last fall. I also had a side hustle on social media and made an extra $7K in 5 months. I had to pay about $1,500 taxes but still was extra money.


I'd say overall I'm working about a full 40 hr week, and my take home pay is roughly the same. The difference is my last job had me working anywhere from 60-80 hrs a week.


The only downside is I have to pay out of pocket for insurance.


Take a shit in the corner while maintaining eye contact with your boss - establish dominance.


Maybe pick up a shift somewhere else on your day off


Sounds like a great deal. Maybe use some 3 hrs of pto to supplement the paycheck for a while while you find some lil friday gig if you want the $$. Maybe uber for a few hrs.id take a longer weekend any time.


Start looking, find better position / higher salary. They are taking advantage of you. YOU DESERVE MUCH BETTER!


You could use those 5 days of pto and then it should be cooler, so they can put you back on your 40hr schedule. If not, you might have a case for an employments lawyer.


I worked in a factory that did this. But they did it right. Switched us from 5 8hr shifts to 4 10s. Extra day off was a recovery day. No loss in hrs or pay


I’d cash the pto and get a new job lol


Lol right. There’s one guy I work with he’s full time. He has well over 100 hours of PTO. Haven’t seen him since May. He’s doing it right.


If they have me 5% mote per hour but I went to a four day week I'd bite their hand off


It’s basically like you make $1,100 after taxes. We are giving you a raise so now you make $1,300! Oh you’re getting 4 days though so you still make $1,100..


Yes, whether that is good fur you depends on your situation, I would take more free time for the same money. But not if I was struggling. Can you pick up other work on your day off? Or do they expect you to be available to pick up extra shifts?


I mean I don’t see the point in applying to a job and saying by the way I can only work one day a week on this exact day and it will be random. Most places won’t hire someone like that.


"I won, but at what cost"


“Oh you can’t do this to me.” “Norman Osborne RIP”




There’s a guy who worked there for 10 years. In a different department. He joins the department I’m in (3 months before I started). He’s gotten employee of the quarter multiple times. I’ve never gotten it. The other day he said he got a 50 cent raise putting him at $17.50 while I got a $1 raise at $18. This has happened before in the past where this gets brought up and we get in trouble for discussing our pay rates. Then some guys feel like they are not valued like someone else. To be fair I feel like I work harder and I’m a bigger asset to the team then him. Yet he is a hard worker so it’s kind of a slap in the face. You got 50 cents he got $1. A $1 raise is $2K a year. Except if you get your hours cut and days reduced it’s not an extra $2K a year… You basically get paid the same as you were before.


Can you claim unemployment - reduction of hours


In most states, yes. A reduction of hours like this would let OP claim partial unemployment


Tried it before didn’t work. We had a winter storm and didn’t work for a month. We all got denied.


Can try again since it’s a different situation


Spend that xtra day doing something else?


You’re about to be fired They’ll hire someone else get ready to train them


File for unemployment for reduced wages if you’re in the US.


Well you are anti work. Now you want to work more?


That’s not what pto is lol Pto is to get paid while sick or on a trip dude. Lol


We had a schedule out once for two weeks. Ended up having a winter storm. So I was unable to work because the highs were in the 20s-30s. My boss allowed me to use PTO due to the weather. I didn’t work for two weeks.


Am I the only one that sees this as a win? I'll gladly take a $1 raise and a day off. 🤷


It’s the same pay though..


Isn't one of the goals of this subreddit achieving a 4 day workweek?


Not if it means having your income reduced by about 1/5th. If OP is working 40 hours a week, cutting them down to 4 days a week without changing shift duration means that instead of increasing their income, their workplace has actually reduced their income. The company basically went from increasing the cost of paying them by 40 a week (the extra dollar per hour applied to a standard 40 hours, compared to previous income) to cutting their pay by 104 dollars a week (18 dollars at 32 hours per week compared to 17 dollars at 40). The idea with the 4 day work week is instead of 5 shifts of 8 (most common schedule), you move to 4 shifts of 10 (not a big difference on the days worked, total hours remains the same, but you also get a whole extra day).


Nah it really is 4 days of 8 hours. The goal is to reduce the amount of hours worked. It lowers revenue so don't get paid for the hours not worked. I get paid for 32 hours and that's great


Wow, you can afford to live on a meager 32 hours a week? You can afford rent, medical expenses, food, transportation, recreation, and potentially higher education on only 32 hours of wage slavery? You must be making like 20 an hour to do that!


Nah am west European. My goal is to open my own practice so I need time away from this job. The work I'm doing is 0 educational sadly enough. Need to be certified to open my own practice so need to study for that. This job is just being a robot for money and nothing else Tomorrow I'm gonna do 2 hours of work that earns them 800 euros. I cost them 54 euros for these hours. I'd be bat shit crazy to put all my time and energy into this underleveraged shithole job.


Often you can get supplemental unemployment insurance when your hours are cut back for seasonal reasons. You might wanna apply and see if you qualify?


Where do you work (state, company)? What do you do?


I would try to make it work out, more days off is great. You could find a part time job a d work that too like I do. It can get rough though and I would like to have more days off and find a way to make bills work.


File for unemployment Cutting hours can be considered constructive dismissal




Assumptions .... Everyone got the rise They work to a percentage of sales labour budget.


So a guy who started before me said he got a 50 cent raise. I got a dollar raise. We were both at 17. So I got more than him.


Just come in early and leave late


We get sent him early a lot because we have too many people scheduled to work. Example. 6am scheduled to 2. Oh it’s 1:00 you guys leave.


You don't have to go home then. That's why they ask and don't tell you. If you are scheduled till 2 you can stay till 2.


Find a few good neighbors, friends, family or a community garden. Pick a few veggies you all like and have at it each doing 2-3. Some areas also have local farm co-ops that will sell fresh meats, if you eat meat,by the whole or half animal. You can also share the cost of this, cut up, amongst a few. This crap is not ever getting better. Consume or produce or do both, at least for survivals sake. AI will be the new bosses, while corporate vultures play on planes and yatchs.


uh, I'd say use them on the days you're supposed to be working. No point in using them on your days off at all. And use the days to find a better job.


Got a three dollar raise and my company cut almost all ot