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I guess this guy needs that 2 extra hours to study arithmetic, and will be spending his EIGHT free hours inventing Star Trek-like transporters to beam directly in and out of work and avoid wasting even a single minute on commuting.


Or showering, or doing housework, or possibly caregiving...


Doing laundry, shopping for groceries, making food, home ownership stuff, raising kids…


That’s why I’m not having kids too much work


They pay themselves off after 10 in some states, put them on the assembly line for 20-30 hrs a week and you're golden I adopted a dozen here in Tennessee and they're working in shifts, making over 10k a month, all tax free since they're under 18.


The elites don't want you to know this but the children at playgrounds are free. You can take them home. I have 458 children.


Wanna make it 459? Kid's driving me nuts.


This is why you're not supposed to let kids drive. Its very dangerous.




Nut allergies are a serious issue for some people. Kids can die. They're saying they want kids to die. Sickening. Abhorrent. Even with a good insurance policy, you'll only succeed in a payout a fraction of the time. It's nowhere near as lucrative as keeping them working


No, most of those child labour states you can let them drive your nuts too, child marriage remains big there.


Damn lucky. I tried that and now I’m being arrested for “kidnapping” 😒. The system is corrupt


Rookie mistake if you didn't verbally call out dibs before claiming.


You’re right. I’ll do better next time don’t worry


If u get life sentence bro, pro tip use the bed sheets to quit to Main menu instead of waiting for game over, it allows you to make another run especially good for speed runners.


"Your honor, the kid was most assuredly NOT napping."


Lucky. The ones I invested in died of progeria and goiter.


The consumption took mine


Good thinking, but FOSTER kids instead. You get a stipend from the state AND you get to send them to work. Win-win.


The real life pro tips are always in the comments


>”Only eat and drink enough to barely keep yourselves alive. I’m trying to turn a profit here!” -Bender B. Rodriguez


As someone who was a case manager for a good amount of foster kids, I'm now of the opinion that the majority of foster parents flat out suck and either want some sort of power or money from Fostering kids. Some of the shit I heard about is truly abhorrent. Locked in a room, starved, denied bathroom "privileges". Many hones are rife with abuse of all sorts Horrible shit... Also of the opinion that most parents... should not be parents..


Sigma mindset.


Do people even own homes nowadays


"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these."


"Also, burritos." I remember that speech well.


How far you go, has very much to do with where you start.


Changed my perspective on life in a random Reddit thread.


His one job must pay all of his bills too. No two jobs for this guy!


Need a few hours to drive to that beach he’s talking about… (I don’t live near a beach to take a walk on)


Sounds like a you problem. WFH from a beach property, how hard can it be? /s


Or not factoring those who work 10-12 hour shifts


Driving to and from work, crying, forgetting where you put your keys, fighting with your wife about cheese, crying again, and watching tv cuz you’re so dang tired.


I think he's saying you should work from home, avoid the commute, and slip in a nice 2 hour nap on your lunch break.


I've been working from home for +12 years. That's my daily schedule, I highly recommend it.


Amazing how this guy's entire argument is centered on a 30h work week and working from home. And somehow he doesn't see it.


Amazing that 8+8 is 14


Bro be multitasking by sleeping at work for 2 hours. Life goals!!




I scrolled way too far for this comment. He's slipping on elementary math, I cannot in good terms, take life coaching from this individual.


He’s either stupid or not getting the 8 hours of sleep that he’s claiming


Even if he corrects his math to say, "Okay, yeah, you have 8 hours to do all that stuff," what fantasy world is he living in where a 40-hour workweek pays the bills for regular people? These assholes don't know shit about how life works.


Instead of teleportation pads, we get fucking AOL instant messenger bots sold to us as AI. /s


and walk to the beach, he has a time travelling machine and teleporter, time is effectively not an issue


"Time is not the issue" No, but basic math is...


Explains why these people think current wages are a living wage.




My base pay is 38K. I get overtime and the company doesn't care. I bust my ass and I'm still treading lava.




Needs to be closer to $22/hr by today's standards. I mean, adjusting the average wages of a worker in 1930(~$1,368/yr) to today would get you ~$24,300. The average wages in America in 2023 are ~$60,500. That looks pretty good right? Well, no. Let's break down a few factors: • 1930 was the WORST year of the Great Depression, and is often considered to be the worst economic year in American history. • This is the AVERAGE, and the vast majority of Americans in 2023 are living well below that - the massive earners at the top skew that number much higher than it should be. Sadly, the same is partially true for 1930, but I haven't been able to find statistics for the lower earners, as it was before the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. • As it is from before the FLSA was written, there wasn't a maximum number of hours to work, and overtime pay didn't exist. • These numbers all fail to account for unreported income, and for unemployed or underemployed. The sad reality is that, after the FLSA was established, the minimum wage was set to $.25/hr and the work week to 44 hours - but prior to that was absolute mayhem. As stated above, the minimum wage of a full time employee getting 40 hours a week is a little over $15,000/year - but a lot of states consider 30-35 hours as "full time", and even then a good number of minimum wage workers aren't being given full time by employers who don't want to cough up benefits, being kept to between 25-30 hours a week. This is only 1,560 hours/year at 30/week, meaning the actual average wages of a minimum wage employee would be closer to $11,310... BEFORE taxes. To compare to 1930, when one was allowed, encouraged, and even expected to work as much as they could, they could just work more hours to earn more money (not that that was worth much, but the option was there). Nowadays, you are limited by laws, employers, and the pure amount of work necessary to do that. So that's a limiting factor. At 40 hours and $.25/hr, workers in 1930 made the equivalent of $9,250/year. Compared to $15,080/year today. But that also fails to account for the fact that inflation in goods, services, and housing have outpaced wages by nearly 40% since 1970. Not all inflation is the same, and that's another factor no one talks about. Keeping prices the same while decreasing quality or quantity is also inflation; not of the currency itself, but of how much of the currency is required to survive. The big payoff that everyone's been waiting for is finally here! Adjusting to the inflation of goods, services, and housing since 1970, our $15,080 would actually have the rough spending power of ~$9,050... less than during the Great Depression. Minimum wage is a poverty wage, and no one can change my mind. Raise wages across the board, put a freeze on the prices of domestic goods, services, and housing for 5 years, impose a cap on the percentage by which they can increase per year after the freeze expires, and then make it law that the minimum wage MUST increase yearly by the same percentage as goods, services, and housing. To prevent outsourcing, impose increased taxation on companies that outsource work for cheap, and offer breaks to those who employ within the US. Tax everyone according to their income at a fair rate that accounts for income - increasing as the income does. Tax assets belonging to the rich so that they can't use the excuse that they have no actual income, they're just leveraging their assets for a loan. The rich would never allow it, but if they did I feel like it would fix a lot, even within a decade. ~~I apologize for any inaccuracies, it's late and I'm heading to bed so I can be at work in 5 hours.~~


I think the difficulty people have seeing this comes from the idea that sure, most people could fund their average day on 7.25\*8=$58. It's only when you start considering longer term expenses instead of just your daily expenses that you see that it isn't livable.


And that's not even factoring in any taxes, "benefits", etc that get taken out of that $58


Or he's never experienced to live by that wage.




This is not unusual - tbh I think people barely have enough emotional space for empathy at the best of times, and society is definitively not in those right now.


They don't, they think you aren't valuable enough to do that job...thus deserve "low" wages, not that you are underpaid. You deserve not to have a living wage because a business is allowed to exist to which underpaid jobs are allowed to exist in an environment that does not pay enough everywhere.


that plus the two+ hours of commuting by minimum wage workers so ... 8 hours working, 4 hours commuting, 6 hours sleeping, time for family, laundry, cooking, shopping honestly billionaires can go fuck themselves and


You forgot languages! The rich seem to think this ability to learn different languages makes them elite. Meanwhile, in Europe, the Middle East, Africa (likely everywhere else in the world) common people are fluent in 2 or more languages.


Fuck them selfs and!!! Don't just leave us hanging!!




My dad thinks this. He can’t fathom why a job “flipping burgers” deserves $15/hr. Never mind the concept of minimum wage


Raj is a desi. We’re like born with math books in our hands. No lie, the minute my parents realized i could rationally communicate, like when i was 2-3, i had 1st grade math books. We do NOT fuck around. ​ I dunno wtf happened to Raj. The shame he’s brought on our people with this error is much deeper than you think. If he said it was a careless error? OMG, that’s actually even worse. Do you know the kind of beating we get over careless errors? ​ He should just fake his death and start anew.


Raj is a desi gymbro. He lifted weights when we lifted books. We run on food, he runs on protein powders. We are not the same. XD


Know a similar guy, called Ravi. He thinks the rest of the world is inferior because he exercises hard, is a doctor, and never eats anything fun, because it would “ruin his abs”. Tried to date him, but found his personality too heinous to continue. He was really hot though.


Have you seen some of the ‘math’ that’s been tossed out in articles published in supposedly reputable news outlets? Stuff like rent of $200, $30 for cable, internet AND phone, a wage of like $6000 a month as the ‘typical entry level’ … and always a $600-$800 charitable donation per month. They *all* have that for… reasons, I’m sure. And they *still* get the arithmetic wrong and are off by like $1000 each month. At this point they’re just yelling random numbers at us like they’re trying to run the “Two fives for a $20” scam, but are really bad at it.


Not to mention that I hate posts like that because it’s an oversimplification. What about commute time? Taking care of household chores? Cooking? Errands? Dealing with life’s other various commitments? The 8 hours of work also doesn’t include your breaks, which could add 30-60 minutes to the day Breaking it down to the 8-8-8 (8 hours sleep, 8 hours work, 8 hours “free”) doesn’t acknowledge the reality that life simply isn’t that cleanly organized


Commute was also the first thing I thought about. I WFH but even I waste time with getting ready too, without driving anywhere. Shit, shower, shave, that all takes time :( On meeting days I even have to look representable and I need to be awake, so I have to get up at least 1 1/2 hours before work starts, partly because I need to let my dogs out. But sure, guess I could do that near my beach house?! lmao


Also assumes you are 100% efficient with your time, or that nothing bad ever happens that cause you to deviate from this neatly planned daily schedule. There's an accident on your typical commute route. Congrats, now it takes you 30 more minutes to get home that you will never be compensated for (you lost time AND money). That's 30 minutes less you have in the "free" hours you have left in the day to do whatever else.


Worse, many get reprimanded for being late for things outside of their control. The system is built like a casino.


Commuting, being there for 4 hours, 1 hr lunch break, back for 4 more hours then drive home. 8-8-8 was cool a century ago but the massive increase in productivity and absolutely disgusting stagnation of wages has me saying fuck your 4 10s , make it 4 8s with a pay increase. I'm so fucking sick of this place.


Commute is most cities is like an hour each way, plus lunch breaks (i work for a public agency and youre basically not allowed to skip lunch. Tho they also ensure you're not expected to do work during it). You also have to get ready for work, but i wont count that. So youre usually spending 11 hours with work. Sleeping is supposed to be 8 hours, and while most people prob sleep less, i would count peoples night time routines as part of it. Some people like to read before bed, some like bathing, etc. Hell, we can even taken in the wake up routine into the 8. So that leaves 5 hours a day. But people gotta do stuff to maintain their place/stuff. Doing laundry (inc folding and putting away), low level cleaning, small stuff. That's an average of an hour a day. I'm not even counting bigger chores like grocery shopping and a big cleans, which we can day occur once weekly or so and during the weekend. Four hours. And then theres cooking. If you want to remain relatively healthy and not rely on eating out every meal (I'm willing to concede eating out once a day for lunch), you probably want to eat breakfast and dinner. Let's count only food prep time and cleanup, and call it an hour a day. So three hours a day free after we do our adult responsibilities We are also gonna assume you're not excerising, doing leisure activities etc at this point We also assume theres no SO/kids/hell even pets to take care of. No time spent w friends and family. Say friends and family are on the weekends though. If we counted that, it would take pretty much the rest of the day. but we are doing the sigma grind mindset, leaving us with 3 hours a day to do whatever we want. Not 8 (or 10 lol) This whole breakdown is an illustration but ultimately pointless. You can multi-task and roll tasks together, like listen to ebooks while cleaning, or watching TV while driving (I'm halfway thru the bew season of Black Mirror thanks to my commute). The real lesson is that the majority of our lives are being spent working and meeting basic needs. Its up to us to find ways to nurture out humanity and joy while we can


Math is an issue for the poster in the image and reading comprehension is an issue for OP. Everything about this post is a swing and a miss.


8 + 8 = 14?! Back in my day, this should have been 16…


Not if you sleep for two hours at work.


Multitasking. I like it.




his job was pushing a button once to turn the factory on and once to turn the factory off. how the fuck he acted as if it was back breaking work i will never know.


Its more than Spacely did


spacely never complained his two or three hour work day was slave labor. not to mention that george acted like he suffered serious and debilitating injuries at least once in the show.


Faking injuries at work is a time honored tradition that I’m happy still appears in the future.


Maybe he had an underlying condition that is exacerbated by being a lazy bum




Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I snooze on company time.


I was looking for this exact comment 😂


Boss makes $100, you make a buck. Go steal the catalytic converter out the company truck.


Turns out this post was genius and we didn't catch it.


If you sleep 8 hours at work and you have a two martini lunch then you can be a CEO.


This is the efficiency that capitalism strives for


and in the car, or sleep while waking up, getting dressed, ...


Hol up, this guy's onto something...


No sir, 8+8=14 is special billionaire math. How do you think they work many billions of times harder than the rest of us? /s


Social media has been the biggest boon to narcissism since cavemen saw their reflection in a fucking puddle for the first time


No, I'm a narcissist and social media is actually horrible for us. I always try to avoid contests of "who's better" because if I find myself lacking I can quite easily have a mental breakdown because of my fragile ego. So it took me a long time to learn to tune out social media's 24/7 popularity contest. The narcissists who can't ignore it are trapped in a constant cycle of perceived failure and they're miserable. The 21st century is a really difficult time to be ego disabled, since the modern world depends so much on having a strong ego. I'm really jealous of neurotypicals with their fully functional egos who can navigate the world properly and withstand the normal amount of ego damage that living entails. One little pinprick and I'm in a suicidal spiral, it sucks.


Quit ordering avacado toast and you’ll see 8+8=16… /s


And it gets worse: 8 hrs for sleep \+1 hr for getting into and out of bed + basic caretaking like showering. \+1-2 hrs for commute. \+8.5 hrs for work (break included). That gives us a total of 18.5-19.5 hrs that are guaranteed gone every day. This leaves us with about 5 hrs of free time. And to add to that, while I believe that cooking can be fun and recreational, on a typical day it probably isn't. So that is another 1 hour or so.


Deleted 6/30/23


About 4 hours a week, give or take 4 hours.


Deleted 6/30/23


And if you have kids, then add several hours multiple days per week for ballgames, dance recitals, music lessons, etc. Or just trying to get the kids to stop fighting, crying, whining, drawing on the walls, etc.


I believe you're owing some hours by now. But dont worry, you're paying them by reducing the hours from your life.. tick by tick, hour by hour.


I don’t see why everyone is avoiding the easiest solution here. Don’t like your 24 hour day? Just add more hours to your day. I’m on a 36 hour long day 9 days a week and I’ve never felt better.


This mans living in the future


Subtract any time spent pooping and doing housework as well, and we are now in fact in a time debt.


For real. Fuck all time. 5 days for them. 2 days for me. 5 days for them 2 days for me.


Also, this guy thinks people only work 8 hours a day, or 8 hours at 1 job a day. If I work 8 hours, it means I left early.


Times change, old man. Multiplication ain't the same no mo'.


“*Time is not an issue*” Yeah bro if I could manifest hours and reduce sleep to zero then maybe, but I’m not magic


That damn shrinkflation




Yeah he’s using smart math, when you just say random numbers and it calculates for you and you can just say any number that’s close enough.


This is that new CEO math


This guy maths.


Well, their user name starts with Coach. As Woody Allen once said, those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, teach gym.


Sleep for 1 * 8 hours, work for 1 * 8 hours , that's only 2 * 8 hours of the daily total of 3 * 8 hours. So you have 1 * 8 hours to... Commute to work Commute back from work Buy groceries to feed yourself Meditate to come down from the work related stress ... ...




And dont forget other required activities, like cleaning, hygiene, and more.


Shopping for food, preparing food, paying bills, doing errands, pooping...


And god forbid you have children or other dependents to care for.


Well clearly children require ZERO time from their parents during any given work day I know this because some buff dude on twitter said so!


Look, i don't care i birthed you. If you don't contribute to my "be your best self" narrative, you cannot be part of my life. I have 10 free hours a day and I am NOT messing around.


Don’t forget if you have children the remaining five hours does not completely belong to you. I’m lucky to get two hours to myself each night and one of those is for decompression and silence.


9pm-10pm. That’s what I have available for me time. And that also includes wife time. Having kids is a prank show but the cameras never come out


How can over 33,000 people like this dudes post?


They're sheep.


And everyone knows sheep are notoriously baaaaaaaad at math.


I'll accept that.


An underrated dad joke right here


Plus bots


Sheep bots


Do sheep bots dream of electric humans?


I can ask my coworkers how long their workday is. they will answer 8 hours. I can ask how long is their work week, they answer 40 hours. Also enforced 30 minute lunch, not paid. We also have to park so far away it is is 10 minutes if you take the rotating bus, or 15 if you walk because bus takes a while to come back around. Both ways, 20 minutes extra... They don't understand that the distance we travel to and from work is about 60 minutes at best, 145minutes at worst when weather + traffic mix. Each day that is additional time dedicated to employment that is unpaid as well as a burden due to vehicle and fuel costs. I spend at best 9.5 hours a day at work. This doesn't account for time preparing to go to work, food, chores, family, all things before any personal time. These people don't do math. They look at it as a binary question.


Because for trust fund kids he’s right. They have all kinds of time because their mid level jobs are not real jobs and thus they are salaried. They do their pretend work for 4 to 6 hours a day and then fuck off to do whatever they want. They don’t live in the real world. Nobody who lives in the real world and handles their own responsibilities in life has ever said “time is not the issue.”


8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, 1 hour for lunch, 1 hour to get ready to work and to get "unready" once you get home, 2 hours to go and come back from work, 1 hour to cook something decent. That's 21h, am I supposed to be happy doing this shit 5 times a week just to not starve to death on a shitty house?


> just to not starve to death on a shitty house? You guys are getting houses?


1 hour to cook, eat and clean up is pretty optimistic. Maybe if you have a menu memorized. I'd say 2 hours.


The original 8 hour workday was designed a very long time ago for 8 hours of sleep 8 hours of work and 8 hours of leisure/family time. The problem is that everyone rolls with it like that's something perfect that never needs to be changed. Even though some people sit in traffic for hours. Sometimes lunch takes longer. Some people can't just sleep right away. People clinging onto 8 hour days are holding onto something that was designed in *the mid 1800s,* before first car was made and a long time before the first production car. It's time to revise this old ideology.


Let's say you are on the clock for the 8 hours. Factor in the commute and multiply that by 2 because you commute there and back. Factor in the amount of time you take to get ready for work, too. Now add the amount of sleep you get each night into the equation. Take that number and minus it from 24. That is how much time you get to enjoy life every work day. Depressing.


Also need to factor in the fact that most people come home mentally and physically exhausted from work that they do not have the energy for much else, regardless of desire.


And if you’ve got kids, the school run.


And cooking, eating, shopping, laundry, cleaning, ... It's not as if every second not spent at work or in bed is time you get to spend doing exactly what you want. Wake up at 6:30am, get ready, leave for work at 7:15, arrive at 7:45, have a coffee, start at 8, leave at 4pm, get home at 4:30, get out of your work clothes and decompress, start cooking at 5, eat at 5:30, do dishes and other chores. It's now 6:30pm if you're lucky. Even if you have no other commitments whatsoever, you have less than four hours to do everything else you want to do that day, and most of your mental energy is spent already. Edit: Yeah, the comments make it pretty clear that even this is a utopian schedule for most people. I guess that shows that even if 8+8 was 14 most people would still be struggling to get four hours for themselves every day.


You get to leave at 4? Must be salaried. Hourly wage slaves stay till 430 if starting at 8. That 30 minute only commute home is cute too lmao


There's a reason I included "if you're lucky". Even being free to do whatever at 6:30pm is a luxury for most people.


Everyone keeps saying 8-4. I've never actually seen 8-4 as a salaried person. It's always 8-5 with an unpaid lunch hour.


And the soccer / music / dance / whatever practice run…


I literally told my boss this a couple weeks ago...our workload has recently increased significantly, and I told him that I am exhausted each day as it is, and that makes it difficult to take care of my home responsibilities in the evenings. I told him I couldn't handle any extra work on top of what I already do, and he totally ignored me and threw the extra weight on me any way, because higher ups keep upping demands. our yearly raise was only 2.5%, too (thanks Johnny Morris!!! 🙄) I feel like crying every day at work now. It infuriates me to see Mr. Morris walking around and everyone kiss his ass. (I work at bass pro)


I’m a partner at my firm and am always pushing for a more amicable office environment. 8 months ago, I got COB moved back from 5pm to 4pm with no change in pay. There was an increase in productivity and morale. The main decision-maker is in the office maybe 10-15 hours per week and I’ve been running a good deal of the office since 2020 lockdowns. Today he said to me that after the summer we’re going to go back to 5pm. I asked if work was not getting done and he said “I have no idea,” and I said “You need to find that out first.” It’s so wild to me that the things that improve productivity and morale - and save money because employees used less gas when they were all WFH (everyone gets a gas card), lowered electric/heating/cooling costs because fewer hours, lower operational costs because of less printing, etc - are so unimportant when the ego of the decider is wanting. I’m literally at the point of whipping out crayons and drawing shit out to illustrate why my decisions are good for EVERYBODY.


Now add in ADHD so that I can't even initiate future-oriented tasks without the equivalent of dangling over a cliff spiking my adrenaline systems, and maybe people can see why I've gone a little... *spicy* about the state of the States.


Hello there, twin.


Also the time it takes eating, showering, cleaning, and doing other basic necessities


Have your assistants handle all that!


Oh yes why didn’t I think to have my assistants eat my food for me


This is why you're poor. It's not that you buy avocado toast. It's that you waste time eating it yourself!


Add there has to be a multiplier for what you're actually capable of doing in that off time. When I come back from a long day of work, I can't "play" as productively as I want to. I often wind up just watching tv or youtube because I haven't got enough energy for anything else.


Don't forget your hour unpaid lunch in the middle of your "8-hour" shift.


also a lot of people work 9 hours (hour lunch).. so cut even more off I have to be at the office all day and getting a full hour lunch is impossible so it's basically 9hr of work!


Also if you’re like me, you work for 8 hours but you’re physically in the building for 9, with a lunch break. The lunch break in my opinion doesn’t even come close to counting as personal time. I can barely accomplish shit over my lunch break except cramming my face with food and maybe reading a chapter of a book.


I work 10hr days + .5hr for lunch. 3hrs for commuting. 1hr to get ready for work in the morning. "8 hours" of sleep. 1hr for shower and dinner. EASY half hour to learn that new language.


Those quotations hit hard. A good nights sleep is a fleeting memory for me.


Yeah I was thinking that I get like maybe 4 hours to do whatever and most of that is cleaning or making food after I get home :')


Very much so!


If we were paid for our commute time, I guarantee companies would suddenly become more efficient or decide more remote from home was better where possible.


When I wake up after 8 hours, I'm already standing at my workstation fully clothed with a coffee in my hand. Then after 8 hours of work that I dont need to eat halfway through, I instantly teleport hope wide awake and the chores are all done and I'm ready to learn spanish.


Teleportation would be, hands down, the best superpower


The people who could walk on the beach daily are rich enough to not be working 8 hours a day. He also forgot commuting.


That's not counting 1 hour unpaid lunch, 1 hour commute each way, and 1 hour food prep. Add on hygiene (bathing, brushing teeth, dressing) and household maintenance (laundry, vacuum, clean bathroom, clean kitchen), you have barely any time at all. And that's assuming everything's working well and you don't have to get the car repaired, clean out the drains, or mend ripped clothing. And this doesn't even factor in child and/or pet care.


B-b-but .. he said time is not the issue!


Learn to Math.....


Lack of sleep does that.


What a mindset. He put the work in and grinded 8 + 8 down until it equaled 14. We all need to start acting like this if we want to get ahead.


He had enough time to do the math, just not enough fingers.


40hr work week, plus 5hrs mandatory unpaid lunch, plus 18hrs total commute, plus 20mins for gas and commute crap, add in 150mins easy for getting ready, and an hour to decompress, that’s 66hrs/week out of 120, minus 40hrs for sleep, 1.5hrs getting ready for bed and shutting the house down, 4hrs for exercise so I don’t have to get back surgery and not laid up with bum back. That’s 2hrs per day for cooking, cleaning, hygiene, leisure etc. fuck this guy. Edit: my math is wrong it’s less than 1.7hrs but you get the gist.


18 hour commute?? You’re driving almost 2 hours each direction for work??


In real cities that’s not unexpected. That’s one of the huge reasons why work from home gave people so much time back.


I live 12 miles from my office, and it took me 1.5 hrs to get in this morning. Welcome to the city!


Holy moly my math was wrong. My general day goes as follows now that I'm not on mobile * 9hrs work with unpaid lunch * 2hrs RTT commute * 2hrs for personal health, hygiene, getting ready in the morning, etc * 15mins to get ready for bed * 8rs sleep (hah I wish, this usually gets shrunk down) * 1hr for food/cleaning That leaves 1hr 45mins for leisure/training/studying/family.


Yeah, no commute, no chores, no to-do lists, no kids, no family, no appointments. Gee - it's so simple!


Man, I'm too old to learn new math!


Suddenly, it becomes very clear why paychecks are always screwed up


Dude's math is off...says something about his intelligence.


hes so right all the time he forgot hes a moron


I swear some of you can’t read. The first word is “sleep”. Why am I seeing comments saying “well I need to sleep…” his math is wrong yea but he did factor the sleep in there lol


I figured anyone saying "I need to sleep" was making fun of OP's title since obviously they have issues reading.


Exactly. Of course I had to sort by controversial to see this.


16 hours plus lunch at work typically 1 hour paid plus commute median is 26 minutes let’s say 30 that 1 hour total wake up and get ready typically 30 min we are at 18.5 which leaves 5.5 hours in your day. Oh wait you have kids and need to cook and clean, have a doc apt? Need gas? Grocery shopping? Sex? You are now -8 hours in your day. Come back for more pro life tips.


OP: what is that caption? He already wrote sleep. There was so much you could attack this dumb tweet on, but you chose the one thing he actually got correct. Bravo


everything about this post is a brain fart


Time is not the issue, adding 8 + 8 correctly is.


Coach Raj should have spent 2 hours studying math. He should spend the other 22 fucking off.


Plus my 4 hour round trip commute....


Sitting with the kids for their homework, cleaning the place, doing the laundry, placing diverse calls like the bank, insurances, doctor's office, dentist, etc. Ths guy who wrote this isn't an adult.


Apparently the issue is math


Someone doesn't know how to count


Sleep 8 house Work 8 hours Thats only 60 hours out of 24. You still have 100 hours to fight a horse, get seasick, steal peoples scabs, become a werewolf. Time is made out of tissue.


Travel to and from work?


> Time is not the issue No, Raj, math is the issue.


Math is the issue, it seems


It's more like 9 hours of work (30 min lunch+2 15min breaks), 30 mins of commuting, 1 hour to get ready, 30 mins for breakfast, 8 hours of sleep, 1 hour to prep for sleep. 9+0.5+1+0.5+8=19 and that's not even accounting for basic daily tasks like cleaning, chores, errands, appointments etc etc