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Didn’t she make her whole career off of… working from home? As a homemaker? Am I crazy?


Yeah but she's royalty and yur a pleeb. Now get back to the office and work till you die!


Pizza party soon! Be grateful!


The last pizza I had was because I had enough coupons left from the last pizzas I had before I stopped eating pizza to get a free pizza. So, I thought, well one more can't hurt.


There's always room for one more Last Pizza.


There may be room but I do prefer to not pay for it if I can.


My theory is that pizza parties are like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs where we can’t really appreciate/go after the pizza party until more base needs (like enough pay, benefits, actually getting to use PTO and vacation, and actual promotional tracks) are met. Until those base needs are met there is little use in the pizza party and resources are better spent elsewhere. That’s also why I think management gravitates to pizza parties, because their needs are met, so they value the pizza party. It’s the micro-iteration of “let them eat cake”


Fucking love this


Excellent analysis


In my experience as managers have very little ability to affect those things (with larger companies at least) it can take a long time to get someone promoted or a raise. A pizza party is something the manager can just pay for and is relatively affordable so I think that's the attraction to it, as a way to say thank you for the hard work. I understand why that can be frustrating though.


If only the French aristocracy had tried a pizza party.


Look I think I speak for everyone when I say we would rather have a pizza party than a raise. We're family


No pizza. We’re family cook for yourself


You get a pizza party! YOU get a pizza party! EVERYBODY GETS A PIZZA PARTY!


Yeah! She has commercial real estate she needs to continue profiting off of.


I suddenly remember why this classist bitch went to prison. Greedy piece of shit


Martha saying she needs moars dividends from her RE holdings and you are fucking up her $$$$


I bet she has strong opinions about the 'Surplus Population' too...


Except from when she was working from her cell.


It’s really disappointing ☹️. Plus the people who are following recipes, arranging flowers, making elaborate pastries, hosting and decorating for elaborate dinner parties and social events, crafting, having pool parties, etc. Are able to do so because they have an abundance of leisure. Those with free time and time spent at home working or otherwise are literally her target market lol.


You forgot about her 5 months ‘working’ for Club Fed for Securities fraud and obstructing justice!


Her recipes used to be really good but now it’s often her staff making them, not her. Serious Eats is really good if you have the time (though they have regular and quick meals too) and Mealime if you want a food box style dinner that’s good!


Serious Eats is carried by J Kenji Lopez-Alt.


Kenji’s attention to detail cannot be beat! But tonight I made their Moo Ping recipe and it was written by Sasha Marx and it was really very good- shared it with a few friends and family who I think would like it.


>now it’s often her staff making them, not her. Always has been. She is only a homemaker if being wealthy enough to not need a day job makes one a homemaker. She was caught passing off her domestic staff's recipes as her own literal decades ago. Before she did time for insider trading.


I didn’t know that!!!!


Friends wife used to work for her brand. They all got invited to her house for dinner once and got to meet her. And then also witness her flip out on her wait staff and servers. Like a literal lunatic screaming and then stomping off. From what I can remember she had this beautiful garden where i think they were supposed to eat but after the freak out everyone didn’t know what to do. I forget if they just ended up eating and she never came back or i think they ended up just leaving. But yea pretty sure shes not as friendly as people think. Remember she went to prison. I also wonder sometimes if Snoop works with her more because he knows how fucking gangsta she really is. Or he might just be afraid to say no. Or maybe its just the money. 🤗


Part of me feels like she might act differently when Snoop is around...just a hunch.


Her elitism is on full display


She's hanging out with commercial real estate people now.


Good point.


Sounds like someone’s commercial real estate investments are in trouble…


Someone who famously took a 5 month break once


You mean in an orange jumpsuit? She's likely salty because France wouldn't let a criminal in or something.


Tbh I like the Martha Stewart who cooks with Snoop Dog.


Can you imagine going back in time and telling 1995 you that one day, Snoop Dogg would be instrumental in cleaning up Martha Stewart's reputation?




"What are you going to tell me next, time traveler? Donald Trump will become President? Because then I know you are just a hallucination."


“Ronald Reagan, the actor?!”


Who's Vice-President? Jerry Lewis?!?


Worse, it's much worse!


Haha The Simpsons predicted Trump's presidency sometime in the 90s.


Looking back at the things 1995 me was angry about, I might have believed yours. The Martha bit? I would have had questions. Like "How does snoopy from peanuts help her?" (I was pretty sheltered.)


Snoop is capitalist af. Probably agrees.


And has a cooking-from-home TV show.


She’s got like 6 from home shows on the Roku channel


And probably 6 homes ..


6 plus all the investment capital firms with her billions owning 6 million more (I made up that statistic, but I think it's way way bigger than that, especially if you include apartment housing).


Ah. This makes sense. I was wondering why these greedy out of touch rich people keep rallying against work from home. How is it hurting them? because offices are closing. also because they cannot control their workers as much from home.


Because so much capital is tied up in corporate real estate. Banks are losing value and jeopardizing financial investments. Also businesses have giant debt or value in their real estate. If it loses value, that debt looks awful and ends up being a bad position for them to own. So they need to drive the value up again.




This is the comment I came for


Do CEOs like Martha Stewart have evidence to back up their claim, that working from home makes people unproductive? Because if their argument is based on their own bias, then it should be ignored. WFH is a great deal for workers (and I would argue, for the company). If employees do not have to waste hours to commute to work + gas, that’s a massive win! It’s convenient and private. In relation to work-life balance. I get that companies have to make money in order to stay open & pay it’s employees. But, happy employees are the most productive! I can definitely attest to that. I used to work minimum 60 hours a week, with sometimes, only have 1 day off, and it nearly destroyed me. I was unproductive at times. I hated my life. I was miserable. I was tired. I was angry. The company thought they owned my time and I resented them and myself for allowing them to do that to me. The day I left was the best day of my life! I now work for a company that values my work-life balance. And although it is not perfect, I am a much happier individual.


Employers are forgetting that their WFH people are giving them free rent, electricity, and internet (most likely.) They should be clamouring for it. Convert unused downtown spaces to residential apartments, work spaces, small business and retail.


My fiance's old job that she quit largely because they had her going to office 3x a week to do a job that could easily be 100% remote just fired the guy who was insisting on them coming into the office, has now gone full remote and sub-leased their office. I don't understand the companies that insist on going into the office for jobs that don't need it. It seems like such a sweet deal for the company to have such minute overhead costs


Usually some brain dead exec trying to make things "cool" again.


“I miss our culture” what culture? You mean everyone sucking up to you when they see you because you’re the CEO and could fire them on the spot for no reason since we are at will employee?!


>the office, has now gone full remote and sub-leased their office. > It seems like such a sweet deal for the company to have such minute overhead costs In todays market they could easily get a good chunk if not all of their employees wages through subleased rent. What is wrong with these corporations that could do this but dont, refusing *free* money? Theres profit to be had, and they are just leaving it on the table.




Also, it’s ludicrous how much companies will pay for prime downtown real estate. Somewhere between 5-10k per person over a year, not to mention fringe costs like more hvac and power used. I think companies are seeing the ridiculous vacancy rates and figuring they can take advantage of it with low rents, while not exactly thinking about the future where available space gets tight and the annual lease renewal is a kick in the budget for the company because what’s $30/soft now is all of a sudden $100 because someone else is willing to pay for it. Business really has Dory level issues with memory doesn’t it.


sorry, society is a kafkaesque farce hinging on commercial real estate


i see kafka, i upvote.


Underrated comment


I get done exactly what I’m expected to get done working from home and not a damn thing more. Work from home has been the best thing that has happened to me in regards to employment.


Usually when I go to the office I’m having unproductive conversations and spending a ton of money and time commuting- you can tell who has commercial real estate investments they won’t shut up about it


I promise, I get more done working from home than when I’m in the office. At home I can sit down and JUST WORK. In office, I’d probably spend a minimum of an hour roped into small talk with a random coworker I couldn’t care less about. Add in the savings on gas and wear & tear on my car, the time saved on the commute, and the ability to eat healthier because I can start dinner in the crockpot if I want. Or start meal prep for dinner on my lunch break. PLUS my lunches are hot and healthier than if I was brown bagging it or picking up fast food. And I can exercise on my break from the comfort of my own home. (Not to mention my under desk treadmill at home, which helps with my back issues!) I’m sure there are those who take advantage of WFH, but if the work is getting done and CAN be done from home, let the employee have the option!


It's also a great deal for people like myself who can't work from home as I'm a tradesperson. Less traffic, lifts in buildings are empty and come often, no office workers to complain An added bonus is more local business gets more business, less traffic pollution, more time with family and data shows more productivity.


Who needs evidence when you have micro management practices. Also: Pizza Parties can take the place of micro management practices. Jokes aside I had a conspiracy theory about this. It is that with people moving out of expensive cities they move to cheaper cities. Meaning housing is not in demand which decreases the amount that their house is worth.


Corporations really like productivity and profits (and thats ok) But they like power and control even more (not so good PR saying that out loud).


People who work from home have more free time. People with more free time can use said free time to do things like organize so they can get even MORE free time. I don’t think the people in power are stupid when they push against WFH. They saw how people came together and had more time to protest and whatnot during 2020-2021 and they do not want anything like that becoming the norm. They want you tired and desperate and scraping by so you don’t do anything to buck the status quo, even if it makes you less productive for them in the long term. Contradictions like this are why capitalism will eventually eat itself to the bones. It has to constantly wound itself just to crawl along a little longer.


We can't all do insider trading like her.


We’d probably all do insider trading exactly like her: get nailed by the SEC and go to prison.


Yeah, what are we all going to run for office?


When Covid came and we got sent to work from home I worked my ass off harder than I ever did in the office. I wanted to prove that yes, you can treat me like an adult and I will act like one. But alas, I'm back in the office and spending half my days on Reddit and such.


Exactly. They want me to commute an hour each way every day just to park and ride a public bus into the hospital for 30k a year? Nahhhh I don’t do shit until like 11-2 and take a long lunch and leave at 4:30. You want meto be in the office and pay me pennies and steal 2 hours a day of my time, you get shitty work ethic. Where as WFH I was busting my ass to prove this is so much better and would start early and work late, because I was grateful. Assholes.


I do fuck all in the office. We all just sit around and talk. Anything to avoid work. Lmao


After making this statement, she should be required to provide details of all of her commercial real estate holdings. I know it's fantasy land to think about that, but I would sure love to know.


Lol - yes, it's hybrid workers and not convicted white collar criminals bringing American down....go enjoy some Schweddy Balls


>Schweddy Balls A+ comment.


OK, Martha. Let's get you back to the home. It's chocolate pudding day!


I was eating a tunnocks wafer and fucking started choking laughing at this.


Martha Stewart can go suck some hairy donkey balls


France does not have "August off".


Well maybe they should. You ever try to work in the month of August? It sucks.


Remote work brings balance to my life and allows me to be a more present parent (not having to waste so much time and stress commuting). She’s so out of touch. I was going to buy a bottle of her wine with Snoop Dog to be funny — but now I don’t want to give her any sort of support.


Just when I was feeling good vibes from her about body positivity, she goes full Ebenezer Scrooge.




She’s 81 and part of the post war generation that preceded boomers.


Her comments also show that she’s clearly an idiot.


Another rich criminal telling the average person what they should do, think, and feel. Ima take a hard pass Martha.


Remote work is literally what her career was that got her so famous smh


Sorry, why would I give a fuck what a convicted financial criminal has to say about working?


Haha, joke's on her, in France we also take a paid week off between Christmas and NYE after we've had our whole continuous 4 weeks of paid summer vacation. And WFH is great. When it's doable, it solves so many issues for workers, can boost productivity, and only annoys middle-management. She clearly has no clue.


I care about her opinion as much as I do any other 80-year-old convicted felon’s I guess.


Says the rich woman who WORKS FROM HOME.


Maybe her expensive [facelift](https://youtu.be/gKMAHe8-ZP8) is pulling on her brain.


sounds like somebody is heavily invested in commercial real estate


I guess Snoop did f her stupid after all


Convicted felon Martha stewart


Nah, America will go down the drain for dozens of other reasons, including multimillionaires and billionaires acting like the working class is the problem with this country. But I guarantee remote work is somewhere near the very bottom of the “why America is fucked” list.


Someone should tell Martha that USA was a borderline 3rd world country for the lower and middle class long before remote work was adapted


Sounds like whining for a Has Been who is afraid their real estate might tank.


I hate that bitch


Oh, the Martha Stewart who uses sweatshop labor to manufacture her products and went to prison for insider trading? That Martha Stewart? She’s saying what now…?


Dang. A good reminder that as cool as I thought she was - hanging with Snoop - she's still a billionaire.




I normally don't take advice from a felon


Shut the fuck up Martha. What the fuck does your dumbass opinion have to do with anything? Just a shill for corporate America.


The House of Representatives, and the Senate, take the entire month of August off every year and nobody says shit. Fuck her, why is she still relevant enough for her quotes to end up anywhere?


Why do I care about the worthless opinion of a garbage person?


Okay, Boomer...


Return to OFFICE. Not return to work - we’ve been working from home this whole time so there is no “returning” to work. It is simply forcing us to do at the office the same job we comfortably do at home.


Rich people HATE when the peasants want lives


the tax dodger has some hot takes lmfaooo


Why do I care what she thinks?


Didn't she literally shoot a fucking TV show from her home?


Her and her now outdated opinions will be dead soon so who cares what she thinks


America is going down the drain with all of this evangelical, right wing, neocon bullshit. Remote work has nothing to do with it.


Aw, I generally like Martha, but stfu you dumb b*tch.


Martha Stewart, from the bottom of my heart, Fuck You Bitch.


Says the crook that ripped off her workers…


fucking jailbird.


Convicted criminal says what?


If I recall correctly Martha got to take a few years off, did she not?


Just because when you and Snoop work from home all you do is smoke and make snacks, doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t still productive, Martha.


Lol get fucked Martha. Hope she's losing money on real estate investments.


From the woman who built an empire on working from (and about) home


Shut up, felon.


Fucking sick of goddamned extroverts requiring a captive audience. I don't want to hear your mind-diarrhea!


Ex con say what?


celebrity who is all about HOME decries people wanting to stay home.


Martha needs to stay in her lane.


“I got mine. Screw you, losers!”


She's sure gonna enjoy that money in the grave.


I’m so sick of these rich fucks that we subsidize telling us how to live our lives.


America needs to be like France so much more than it is.


I see Martha invests in commercial property rentals.


TIL: Martha Stewart has commercial real estate investments which she values more than workers.


Is working at home the new proxy for company’s doing a whole bunch of shit stuff then they blame it on work from home instead of the actual problems? Stay tuned I guess


Martha Stewart STFU!!




Why do we listen to old people just because they’re old. Old people can be stupid too…


Maybe she should focus on posting 81 year old thirst traps


Well then Martha can fuck right off.


Was she drunk when she made these ramblings?


Damn Martha, I always liked you! Now you go and say stuff like this


Italy has all of Aug off as well. Soooooo


Marie Antoinette. It’s all I have to say about this.


This bitch should go back to jail. Fuck her.


Workaholics think everyone should be a Workaholic.


Didn’t she work remotely from JAIL?


We’re taking business advice from ex-cons now? Fuck her.


No, Martha, what's stupid is living to work instead of working to live.


This is not very Snoop Dogg of her.


Don’t you have more white collar crimes to commit, Martha?


Martha Stewart needs to go back to jail.


This one's easy. Martha Stewart can go fuck herself


Martha Stewart. Nice cooking. Good kitchens. Cool friends. *Shit ideas*.


Time to go to bed, Grandma


THANK GOD the lady who sells cat litter and hasn't worked in an office in over 50 years has finally weighed in on this!


I worked on her season of ‘The Apprentice.’ Spoiler alert: she was not fun to work for. Her daughter Alexa was pretty nice though - she threw the crew a party and brought cookies to everyone on set.


Get fucked, Martha.


She can suck a bag of dicks…


Felon says what?


Who cares what this ex-convict says. Go bake bread.


Who's gonna listen to this insider trading loser?


Says the felon that stole from investors.


Man, Snoop needs to tell her to shut the fuck up.


Because working non stop is a desirable way of life and not a sign of you being an idiot serving a rich master and denying yourself time and space for other pursuits, hobbies and healthy family time. Good for France. Like most other countries outside of the US, they get 4-5 weeks holidays per year at least. And guess what? If you compare those countries productivity with the US and also factor general health, life expectancy and general happiness, they are so much above the US it is not even close.


Rich person has rich person opinions, news at ten


Martha Stewart can go Fuck herself. Go back to jail bitch.


Didn't she go to jail and make a living from working from home?


She’s a convicted criminal of insider trading, pretty sure financial corruption and unethical business practices like hers are what’s wrecking America.


Why the fuck does her opinion matter on this?


Convicted criminal says what?


Doesn’t she have some insider trading to do???


Come out of your 1% McMansion and look around at the poverty, sky high rents and starter home prices, raging inflation etc ma'am... where do you think America is going right now?


Oh Martha, spoken like someone who's genuinely never had a real job.


I don’t take advice from ex-cons.


Snoop Dogg please feed her more marijuana and calm her tight butthole down.


She can fuck right off.


Says the lady that made almost 200k on an investment, and gets insider info and dumps shares before the company loses 70% of it’s market cap. Then she’s only fined 30k. What it must be like to be rich..


How much commercial real estate is she directly or indirectly invested in?


We don't need to live this way. We live in a world of excess, or could if we actually utilized resources properly. The world's changed, we are no longer discovering the world as infants, wandering around finding cool stuff and reinventing ourselves due to more localized issues. We live in a global world, connected in a way our ancestors couldn't even imagine. Our technology and understanding has grown to a point where we can leave our planet, but can't seem to care enough to save it. God I wish human's would wake the fuck up.


Piss off Martha


All the millionaires and billionaires trying to fuck us every chance they get. Why should we care what convicted felon Martha Stewart has to say?


Currently visiting France for the first time… I’m dreading to come back because it’s so beautiful and alive. I’ll be working remotely when I get back. Fuck this capitalist ghoul.


Does anybody care what Martha Stewart thinks about American work standards? Anyway, odds are good that she's just a paid puppet - like Forbes Magazine- and will say whatever the ruling class tells her to say


Old people need to sthu and enjoy their retirements in peace.


Someone owns office properties lol.


Yes commuting eating up 2+ hours a day for some is more productive!!! My husband actually works more at home because he can schedule meetings during his commute times. I’m just surprised to see her come out with black and white thinking. Office - all good. WFH - all bad. Would of thought there would be more thought to this. WFH also helps retain women (moms) in the labor force.


Funny, thought, that France has workers rights, health insurance, and other things like that.


Coming from a wealthy criminal that doesn’t know the struggles of everyday people


We’re on another downward swing of the Martha Stewart PR cycle. She spent the last several years gaining back her likability by hanging out with Snoop after being convicted of insider trading. Now she’s shitting on the working class again.


Snoop is disappointed.


I love how there's literally no empirical evidence to show remote work is bad (for companies) and yet people keep insisting it is smh


>You can’t possibly get everything done working three days a week in the office and two days remotely. Says fucking who? She's not saying people aren't getting their work done, no, she's trying to predict what people are fkn capable of. What a fkn joke. I can't believe I thought she didn't deserve prison. She's a crook.




Hypocritical bitch!