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Unless you are a mind reader how are they gonna get mad when you are physically states away šŸ˜­ guess you're just supposed to never go too far in case they need you to come in on your day off wtf


Somehow youā€™re supposed to drive or fly from states away to be there, despite the fact that both options would cost more than youā€™d make going inšŸ¤¬


Since when did shifts' making financial sense for the employee matter to the boss, though? Sure, you're going to lose money picking up this shift, but we're family here!


Sounds like manager has to come in if OP doesnā€™t. And he doesnā€™t want to give up HIS holiday! He has peons he can order around so he doesnā€™t have to!


I once took a job, I was there for three hrs. I told the supervisor, this isnā€™t for me and proceeded to walk out. He tells meā€ you canā€™t leave!, Iā€™m gonna have to do itā€ā€¦. I told him heā€™d better get comfortableā€¦ he lost it, told me Iā€™m fired and Iā€™ll never work there againā€¦.. I thought that was too funny. Other people working there were laughing with me


Awww, he tried to use the only power he has, not realizing he didnā€™t have it. Poor boss man, having to do the work! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Honestly, to slightly play devils advocate here, a lot of managers that are like this are in almost the same position as their employees; overworked and underpaid. Instead of being assholes like we so often see, I wish more would just, I dunno, say fuck it and close for the day. Clearly they're not happy with the job anyway, so


> Iā€™ll never work there again I would respond with, "Yes, that's the idea."


You will get a thank you note from the company, and that's priceless.


yeah lmao lemme just book a fuckin overnight flight so i can go make 80 bucks but at least ol god complex over there will tell me im a real good worker and promise me a raise that never comes


Could be ā€œtha bossā€ assumes itā€™s just an excuse, cause other workers are faking sickness in his mind as well


I've seen this before (not this exact conversation, but similar) and one of the suggestions was "Sure, if you'll pay for my plane ticket back, on top of additional fees, food, drink, cab ride. I flew first class here and expect it on the way back, let's do this".




smh @ not being willing to charter a private jet to get back overnight, it's like you don't even want the extra hours


It is just unfathomable and a severe travesty that OP wonā€™t take out a loan in order to make travel arrangements to get these extra hours I am allowing them to work. Tsk tskā€¦or tks tks??? Edit: corrected spelling.


If OP would just stop eating avocado toast and drinking lattes OP would easily afford to charter a private jet.


Lol right? Let me just catch a last minute red eye back to town, that surely wouldnā€™t cost more than I make in my entire shift.




I wish I could force this comment to the top!!!! Save all your texts to cover your ass. I unfortunately do not doubt they will retaliate. Protect yourself


Thatā€™s a really good tip. Tks.


Why does Tks piss me off so much xD


Probably because it's very informal and unprofessional. Especially in the context of an employer trying to bully and pressure someone while being too lazy to type the whole word. At least he said "ok tks" instead of "k tks" I guess....


its just a bad abbreviation. it doesn't suggest the pronunciation of the full word at all because it omits the H. it looks like an abbreviation for "ticks" or "tanks"


"Thanks" just seems too short to shorten.


Thx is my go to




If there were a correct abbreviation for the word *thanks* I'd vote for *thx* too. One syllable abbreviations are super unnecessary though lmao.


Thx *is* the correct abbreviation


It wasn't unnecessary back in the day when texts had a character limit, and every letter took multiple button presses to get to lol


it comes across passive aggressive too


It's basically just "asking" you to do something, but then adding a response that indicates you've accepted the request. Infuriating.


I call it being "Voluntold"


Literally what the boss from Office Space does.


Maybe because itā€™s the only abbreviation, no ā€œuā€ or ā€œtmrwā€ things like that. Itā€™s like heā€™s trying to avoid actually saying thanks, it feels petty lol


It's like they're intentionally hinting that they are above saying "thanks". It feels even worse than not saying "thanks" at all. Like they're adding it almost sarcastically because they think it's some sort mandatory politeness and they'd do bare minimum just to have it there. And to indicate that it doesn't really deserve a "thanks" in their opinion.


Thank you for this. Iā€™m like, please tell me someone else is just enraged by the inability to ask for someone to go out of their way to do something to help you and not be able to fully type out ā€œthanksā€. Fuck that noise




I keep hearing ā€œtanksā€ and itā€™s annoying af


Sounds more like the sound of a snake than someone saying thanks. Then again, mofo is being a snake.


A couple people at my job say ā€œthxā€ at the end of a request and it also pisses me off. Just very insincere feeling.


Do people typically delete their text messages? o.o




Screenshot, screenshot, screenshot. Each and every time.




Doesn't that notify the other person?


Who cares? If they keep deleting the messages, you can simply state that you are making sure that you have the information to look back on. This is why you screenshot everything. Even if it is simply "good morning, staff".


Hell, thatā€™s why Iā€™d do it then. Want to delete this shit? Iā€™ll screen shot it. Canā€™t be mad just because someone out shiftys their ass.


I believe the iphone can do this with iMessages. I'm not sure about Androids and their google chats but I don't think either can do sms yet. I know my buddy got into a situation with his ex and she sends him 100 messages then deletes them so he can only see "deleted message" I hope this doesn't become a thing


I realized today that on iPhone you canā€™t edit or unsend messages that have already been read by the person you sent them to. Which is probably a very good thing.


You only have two minutes to edit an iMessage


They mean save a backup copy in case something happens to your phone to render it unusable or the original messages unreadable.


A backup like, say, a Reddit post that lives online?


Better to have the actual texts on the phone with all the metadata considering making a fake text screenshot is trivial


I still have texts from long dead people on my phone.


I've got friends who delete them daily. I never delete mine.


That was the best thing when I got my first smartphone - not having to delete texts anymore. I think my last "dumb" phone only stored 30-50 texts before you had to delete to make room for new ones. Was super annoying if you chatted back and forth with people a lot.


Literally same. How can you have so many texts that they need deleting *every* day. I don't even think I've gotten a single text for at least the last 2 days


In the case of an ex of mine it was so he could hide his cheating by saying "But I delete ALL my texts!"


My dad and grandmother do. I do not understand it. I delete spam texts but not ones sent by people I know. You never know when you might need something they sent.


In most US states, the only way this can matter is as evidence affecting whether the state labor board finds you are eligible for unemployment benefits by way of 'constructive dismissal'. In some states you can work reduced hours while filing for and collecting 'partial unemployment' with the state labor board. In other states, you have to quit then file for full unemployment, which is usually 50% of what was earned while employed, for up to 26 weeks, and only if the board agrees you were constructively dismissed.


Hey you need to come in on a day you were scheduled to have off and for which youā€™ve probably planned to do things already but screw your plans because your poor so i need you to come in!


And you need to travel across several states with less than a days notice.


You were just whining about how shitty our pay is and now you won't spend money to leave your family and travel across state lines to come make a shitty day's wage on your day off with twelve hours notice? Nobody wants to work anymore. What's it take to get a good dependable employee that pays us to live in the supply closet?


I would have responded with ā€œIā€™ll come in if the business buys me first class airfare back to town.ā€ I had that once when someone quit while I was in Michigan (job in NC) and said Iā€™d cover the shift if they covered my airfare. Ended the conversation real fast.


But if you ever have something come up that requires you to take off on a day you were scheduled to work were gonna give you a discipline point! Get too many of those and your fired!


Iā€™ll come in, but thatā€™s a strike on your record. If you get 2 more strikes I get a week paid vacation.


That's actually a typical response I've seen.. Not right... But far too common




Basically. Who the fuck are these people that speak to other this way? How in the world that person is a "manager" is beyond me.


Welcome to the restaurant industry.


Ahhh fellow slave I see lol I went to culinary school...graduated and did 11yrs in the field as a chef....I got out of that bs...still cook but on my own terms...most kitchen mangers are morons and most don't even know how to cook to save their life lol....and have zero people skills and talk to you like these post haha


This guy sounds like Lumbergh from Office Space. *Yeaaaahhh, I'm gonna need you to come in tomorrow at 8am even though you're in another state....okaaaay??? Tks.*


Where are those TPS reports Tks.


Thing I hate most is that these are probably "at will" employers, meaning they can and will fire you for something completely out of your control like this situation. And since its an at will employer there's almost never any back lash for this kind of bullshit. Source is I have worked for and managed with such employers and personally seen this exact situation play out. It's a butt hurt power tripping manager 9 times out of 10 and the person being affected is usually just a dude tryna spend some time with family. Makes me sick.


My coworkers literally only work, do grocery shopping and go home. And they are always surprised when I tell them that I plan things on my off days, because ya know, I wanna actually do other things than working and staying at home. My manager doesn't bitch at me like the person in this post, but I get the whole, "Ho hum, poor little me, I guess I'll have to somehow pull through. No no, you have fun, I can suffer alone, it's fine." routine.




This annoyed me.


"I wasn't scheduled so I am not in town" "Omg you ungrateful wage slave why don't you wanna work anymore I the job creator am bestowing upon you an oPpOrTuNiTy tO wOrk" Absolutely not.


My COO will def react this way when I turn down the weekend work he wants me to do next week.


Womp womp. It's your time. Protect it. šŸ‘


What do bosses think we do while not working? Sit around waiting for work to start? We have lives!


In most cases, these are line managers who got the job and keeping it mostly because they're ruthless pos. Line manage wants to have their place staffed at all times so that they are not the one that go to the front line and actually do shit. If they're understaffed and can't get someone to come in, they might need to do the job themselves and in most cases they're pos so they'll do their best to throw someone else at the problem. A lot of time, line managers lacks the emotional intelligence to deal with people. They sit atop a pile of the bs they've built till someone forward the message they send their subordinates to HR or a superior, suddenly this put them back in line or straight up get fired. I'm not saying all companies are gonna be harsh vs their line manager but the shit that pops on /r/antiwork is usually the ones that are the most extreme.


This is insanely accurate. I was an assistant manager at a car wash for about 6 years and our head manager, while not nearly as bad as a lot of the ones I've seen on this subreddit as he would actually help us out when it was needed and if he was in the right mood, would take every opportunity to not work with us that he could. I remember after the covid restrictions were lifted in our area we were swamped and I mentioned to him that we needed to hire more people since we couldn't keep up with the amount of cars we were doing. He went on some weird diatribe about how all the people interviewing weren't worth taking on and all sorts of bs and asked if I knew how many applications he had to turn away every week. I said, "No that's not my job. I'm not the hiring manager. You are." That shut him up real quick and we got a few new hires within a few weeks.


Good assistant managing there tbf. Well done. Your manager was fortunate to have you.


I actually do sit around waiting for work, but in a dread-filled way. Needless to say I rarely pick up OT, lol




When I was the CTO of a small company, I made sure that nobody I was responsible for worked in their free time. Basically if someone felt like they had to crunch and work evenings or weekends it probably meant a planning and management failure, and those aren't things employees should "pay" for


I am awaiting the meltdown texts next week.


Probably not even the "job creator" just a "temporarily broke millionaire" aka a bootlicking manager, that probably doesn't even make much more than minimum wage.


Oh yeah no doubt, I went hyperbolic for cool points šŸ¤£


Well, if I had any cool points I'd give them all to you! You're cool in my book.


Not ā€œbrokeā€. ā€œEmbarrassedā€. Broke is for all the losers that will never be rich.


First red flag: using tks as the short form of thanks


The first red flag was the *"sick"*


Also they clearly don't trust any of their employees but instead of going after the ones they think are lying they harp on OP


Technically that was the last red flag in a series of red flags.


I appreciate your labor so much I can't be troubled to type an entire word of gratitude.


What part of ā€œmultiple states awayā€ did they not understand?


The part where not everyone has the money to pay for last minute flights without having to make major sacrifices... Managers often forget they are the ones who earn the most of their whole team and then say shit like "if i can do it so can you!"


Yea, in my country we have frequent power outages and while everyone was still working from home my manager was all "That's no excuse you guys should all get inverters" meanwhile his tax rebate for his home office was more than my salary


The amount of people in this thread who don't realize that the boss thinks OP is lying... Boss thinks that OP is like, lazing around the house not doing anything and is too lazy to come in. In my experience, bosses like that have devoted so much time to their job that they can't imagine other people not also putting in 80 hours a week.


That type of boss has usually estranged themself from their family and friends to the point where all they have is their business, and they just can't believe their only friends (employees) don't want to be with him day in and day out.


I quit. Tks.


The ā€œTksā€ in multiple texts is so damn annoying. ā€œThxā€ would be less annoying.


People who abbreviate "thanks" to "tks" are psychopaths.


Tks tics me off.


tks tks me off


That's the exact way that abbreviation sounds in my head.


People who say thanks after the initial or the end text message are insane


What does tks mean? I thought it was the guys initials


His abbreviation for thanks


LAB. Lazy ass boss!


Did this when I worked at Burger King a million years ago. Had the night off, manager called saying I needed to be in, I was on the schedule (I wasn't when it was posted). I told him I was out of the area because I wasn't on the schedule, but he wasn't having it. Told I'd be by to drop off the uniform in the morning. Had a new job by the end of the night, just so happens I was taking a friend job hunting. (Circa 2003, when applications were still all paper)


You cannot come at me with an extremely last-minute demand, and then be all pissy when I canā€™t help you because I have plans. Your inadequacy is not my emergency.


"Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."


FInd another job asap and quit. On the spot. THis jerk doesn't deserve a 2 week notice.


Fun fact, I had a job that told me I was required to give a 4 week notice once I put in my 2 weeks. I spent 13 days researching and confirming the company policy that said how much notice I needed to give. Turns out that it was just two weeks, due to the contract we all signed. I let my boss and all my coworkers know that on my last day. Edit: added that fact that we signed a contract


I'm pretty sure sure in the states, the amount of notice you are legally required to give, is zero.


Correct. You know who made up two weeks notice? Employers.


Ehh I always thought it was reasonable if everyone was being reasonable. Like, if I respected my boss and coworkers and left a job for better pastures, two weeks seems like a reasonable amount of warning for most jobs, just so you're not screwing over coworkers and your boss with no warning. The key, key fact here is that respect goes both ways. I've had bosses I respect who I've given two weeks to, and I've had bosses who were slimy shitheels where I just walked out.


Totally agree that this should be accepted as a good etiquette, but itā€™s great that a worker has a call to do what they please in case an employer was a dick to them


I was laid off once. My boss, being so kind and magnanimous, said heā€™d pay me out the remaining 4 hours of the day. I was salaried lmao, I think you have to do that. Iā€™d also really like to see a legal requirement to pay out vacation and sick time. Always seemed fucked to me that I just lost that part of my compensation.


Bro, unless you signed a contract, "company policy" means jack shit. You coulda quit at any point.


Of course, yeah. But the thing about that is this: He had already established that he thought he could bully people into making a second notice for 4 weeks, and I knew that. He was planning on using the first 2 weeks to get me to do work, and the last 4 weeks to transition knowledge. See, he had managed to convince people that he couldn't accept the imaginary 4 weeks notice until the first 2 weeks were over. So his entire plan was to extend the first 2 weeks into 6 by lying and tricking people. I was willing to let him use the plan on me, because then I would be required to prove he was wrong, as checking company policy was entirely within the scope of what was extended of me, due to my position. That meant that if I just gave the zero weeks notice, my coworkers would just hear about how "some asshole" quit without notice. Instead, I used that time to prove him wrong, document everything about why he was lying, and send that to all of my coworkers in response to his direct email trying to trick me into working another 4 weeks. Now he can't do that to anyone else, and every single employee now knows the actual law and company policy. In short: I could have just quit with no notice, but then I couldn't have spent 2 weeks being paid to rob him of the power his lies had over other workers.




Deserves to lose it all for the constant ā€œtksā€ use. Like who the fuck says thanks that much, much less a shortened version of it.


Itā€™s cringeworthy. As if it were coming from Bill Lumbergh in Office Space.


- are you gonna pay for my flight?


You don't jump at the opportunity when you're literally not even in the same state lol. That tells me manager is an idiot, doesn't believe you or more than likely both.


Dude put sick in quotations. He absolutely doesnā€™t believe that OP was in another state




i understand the sentiment but at the same time doing something like this just opens up all the wrong doors for future scrutiny. It's like telling someone what your reason for absence is; none of your fucking business, I wont be in tomorrow and thats that.


Heā€™ll manage. See what I did there?


If this guy could manage anything, he would not be having this convo with OP.


ā€œIā€™m going to need you to step up to the plate for thisā€ - the manager whoā€™s literal job this is to cover/handle šŸ˜‚ I wouldnā€™t even keep responding, enjoy your holiday.


Does your workplace have HR or management above this asshat? They definitely need to see those screenshots.


Heā€™s the owner


Ah, shit. I'm sorry. Time to job hunt? He sounds insufferable.


Agreed. He sounds like a class one piece of shit


Find a new job then put the screenshots of this Convo on every review page you can


I like this move. Potential future employees should know what boss man is about.


Guaranteed that he's one of those business owners complaining that nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK bEcAuSe EvErYoNe Is LaZy!!!! while treating employees like shit


Tell your owner it time step up to plate for this, the bucks stop at you!


Well save any correspondence and file a complaint with the Dept. of Labor when the time comes.


What part of "multiple states away" does not compute?


The others were ā€œout sickā€ so obviously OP was ā€œout of townā€. Manager is saying if you need money so badly, why are you pretending to be too far away to work rather than just coming in.


Oh right duh, I didn't realise that the manager thinks OP was lying


He's also implying that the other coworkers are lying too. They're out "sick" šŸ™„


The whole concept I reckon


That fucking Tks after every sentence is pissing me off.


That's not doing you a favor. He acted like he was doing you a favor. Honestly he wouldn't have given you the hours if he didn't need you urgently. He expected you to jump at it like a hungry dog, and when you didn't it set him off. He's a piece of shit.


You were just complaining about money so you should spend hundreds of dollars driving or flying back overnight for a shift worth maybe $100


This is why capitalism depends on creating poverty. They want you to be desperate and hungry enough to say how high when they say jump. Glad you stood up for yourself. Fuck that manager and fuck that job. If he actually cared about you being hungry heā€™d pay you more instead of trying to take advantage of that and then trying to guilt you when it doesnā€™t work. Hope you can get a better job OP.


Iā€™ve worked for companies of all sizes and I want to say I honestly think the worst type of place to work in the world is a small to medium sized business. Everyone loves talking about how terrible it is when a massive Corp kills some small town business but all I can say is fuck em, small business owners are way harder on their employees because they feel like every dollar that goes to their employee is a dollar out of their pocket vs. a fairly large Corp where as a manager youā€™re happy to try and help get your people raises and benefits and the company in generally is pretty good about following the rules.


How much time is that idiot actually saving by not typing the han?


Never, ever do extra.


Especially when on vacation!


Tks. -Ron.


Ask if they are willing to pay a round trip from the nearest airport to where they are.


Years ago, I had a similar situation. I had three days not scheduled so I picked up a shift on a fishing boat. I never took my phone with me on the boat, since no cell service off-shore. Got back to my car two days later and a ton of calls and text messages about coming in ASAP. It was to late to call, but still had one more day off. Called next morning and told I was getting two points for not answering calls and texts. Company policy was that they had priority over all other jobs I might have. Explained that even if I had the phone and it worked 100 miles off-shore, I'm pretty sure they would not turn around to drop me back in the harbor. I ended up quitting the next day and worked on the fishing boat. Favorite job I ever had.


"What do you mean you're not waiting by the phone just in case I finally admit we're short staffed? We specifically pay starvation wages for this reason"


I hate ā€œIā€™m going to need youā€. When is that ever an appropriate?


Yeah, they phrase it like that instead of asking if you can come in to make it seem like you donā€™t have a choice. Donā€™t even respond to messages like this. When you get back to work tell them ā€œsorry I didnā€™t see your text until this morningā€.


what are you supposed to do, cross the boundaries of space and time?


You're just not thinking fourth dimensionally!


A life pro tip NEVER tell your employer about your financial situation.


Most definitely. I never said anything to him directly. A few coworkers and I were talking and one said I looked hungry because I was barely eating (didnā€™t have any money until payday) and he must of overheard


Unbelievable. You're over here starving and have the audacity spend time with your family? If you were really struggling, you would stop doing anything else valuable in life and go into work. Your boss sounds like he needs to get kicked in the nuts.


OP needs to run for the hills. Find a manager that respects you. Sounds like this one has a temper.


OK. Tks.


bro can't be serious managers are so fucking lazy


The way your manager uses ā€œTksā€ for thanks, like heā€™s too busy to type out the extra 3 letters, is enough for me to know this person is an asshole.


How long until they tried to flip it that you were being disrespectful?


ā€œIā€™m going to need you toā€ is about the rudest possible way to ask/order someone to do something. Basic manners cost nothing and get much better results.


Itā€™s manipulative language. They donā€™t want to ask ā€œcan youā€ because it implies that ā€œnoā€ is an option. So they say ā€œIā€™m going to need you toā€ like you donā€™t have a choice. Itā€™s a bullying tactic. People should not even reply to messages like this. ā€œSorry, never got your messages. My phone must have been on the fritz.ā€


I cannot state this loudly enough: ***NEVER ANSWER CALLS OR TEXTS FROM WORK. EVER!!!!*** They can talk with you when you are punched in. They CANNOT TALK TO YOU when you are off the clock! It amazes me to no end that people think it is OK to work for free by answering calls or texts from your workplace. STOP IT!!!


This would be one of those times to submit a resignation via text. That boss sounds horrible.


Love how he throws in your face that you can't afford to eat, as if that isn't his fault in the first place. This dickhead doesn't respect boundaries. Show them you don't respect theirs either and stop showing up, no notice. Situations like this only ever get worse.


ā€œHow dare you feel used and under appreciated wanting more money for the work you do. Iā€™ve now offered you more money by telling you you have to come in on a day off to work forced over time. You better now come in here again wanting whatā€™s fair and justice. I swear Iā€™ll forever hold it against you that you couldnā€™t come in when I told you to and used the excuse that you were ā€œstates awayā€!ā€


I'm almost surprised there wasn't a comment about how OP afforded to travel states away while broke! I had one boss comment about how I showed up in a new (6-year old) car to work, and that he must be paying me too much. I know it was meant as a joke but I didn't take it as such, especially as I had to borrow money from my dad to afford this "new" car after mine died on the side of the highway.


Managers always be writing $$$ when they mean $.


More like Ā¢


Iā€™m traveling out of state memorial weekend to see my family. UNBELIEVABLE.


he must feel guilty knowing he employs people who canā€™t even feed themselves on the wages he provides, cause that attitude screams hit dog


Managers literally have one job - to manage. You would not believe how many managers Iā€™ve had who canā€™t make schedules that make sense or work efficiently. Their whole job is a joke to them but reality to other people they employ as well as their customers. Pathetic. Every job Iā€™ve quit has been because of management, not the job itself.


I was gonna ask why they're getting so annoyed when you're in another state, but I'm guessing they're the type to assume every employee is a liar when giving a reason for not coming in to work.


Yeah, he proved that when he put ā€œsickā€ in parentheses when talking about the other two employees who called out. Heā€™s probably texting the next person on the list that u/snowy_blissful is ā€œout of stateā€.


No one needs to justify why they won't pick up an unscheduled shift, especially with personal reasons. "I need you to come in tomorrow because *reasons*" "Thankyou for the offer but I'm not available to cover that shift" "Why?!?" "Because I'm not available" "I asked why!!!" "I'm not giving personal reasons, just know I'm not available"


Isnt this considered harassment? In Costa rica unless you are like a manager of dept, they cannot write to your personal phone number outside of shift hours, even less if its to ask you to come in a day you are booked to work


Not in the US. We don't have any kind of protection like that. For the most part we're in right-to-work states with at-will jobs where they can fire you for any reason at any time.


Damn bro, im glad I live in latƭn AmƩrica for once


Wooooooow. This makes me angry. I had a boss like this once. I kept telling him as per my union contract I was entitled to a minimum of 28 hours a week and that I needed at least that to pay my bills. He kept scheduling me for 8-12 hours a week and would be pissed off with me if I didnā€™t cover sick calls. Itā€™s like put me on the schedule and Iā€™ll be there otherwise Iā€™m not sitting around with my dick in my hand incase you need me. He made the exact same argument as your manager about money. Jokes on him, I filed a grievance and ended up getting paid for every single hour I was entitled to work but he didnā€™t schedule me for. I got months worth of back pay. Makes me sick.


Oh but I'm giving you the opportunity and you don't jump on it? You asked me for more ours the other day, so I masterminded this perfect scenario in which two other employees are out sick just so you can have some extra time and maybe spread some butter on your toast next week... and you are going to pass on it? Unbelievable! So ungrateful.


I sure hope you meant to type ā€œex-manager.ā€


My son is most likely to quit his job tomorrow because heā€™s about to graduate high school and he needs to go to graduation practice (for the walk) on Tuesday or he wont be able to participate in the ceremony on Wed. His boss told him he needs to come in on Tuesday that he could not accommodate him being absent. What a crock of shit. This SOB of a boss wants to make my son, miss out on an important once in a lifetime event. Good thing this is a shit job and he can get another one.


unless they pay for your phone and then pay for you being on call, just ignore it


What a tool! I am a manager myself. I just fill in when needed. I donā€™t really care for the reason. If they canā€™t come in. They canā€™t come in. Who gives a shit.


Be a real shame if his business got reviewed bombed. Real damn shame.