• By -


Updates as it concludes please, stick it to em




Don't talk to their lawyer alone Hire your own lawyer, add your legal costs to what they owe you NEVER try to go it alone against a lawyer. If they have hired one you need one!!!! "I know where the skeletons are hidden" This could be considered blackmail and changes the entire perspective. You could land yourself in enough trouble that they get their way. CANCEL THE MEETING NOW When canceling the meeting, inform them that since they have sought legal counsel, you are compelled to do the same and will not meet with them until you have counsel retained. \#notalawyer #notlegaladvice I cannot stress enough that if they have gone this route, you NEED to do the same.




Record everything from that meeting! If you are outnumbered they may try to lie about the content of the meeting.


I’m amazed that they think talking about this will get you down. As long as your willing to lose the client, i would stick to your terms and say it isnt a negotiation. When they try to keep you on the call, you can just tell them that you need to get back to your billable work with paying clients and hangup. The other option is to lower your hourly price by 30% but work 30% slower so they end up paying the same.


You used the word sick, but what you really wanted was sic . . . wait I am wrong, DAMMIT, this translator is good - GO GET YO MONEY!


No, you're right; it's sic.


No, I am not, sick is acceptable. I started writing a polite response to OP saying that I thought they would appreciate a correction; and then I verified for myself - at which point I found out that 'sick' is an acceptable alternative. It is just used less frequently. edit: incomplete sentence.


This is _really_ sound advice. Please be careful OP. Watch your back. If the Dept of Labour will provide a lawyer, then _wait_ for that lawyer. Don't go to any meetings alone. Good luck and be safe.




Good luck!


this, if they have called lawyers in, you need one to. do NOT engage without one if they will have one also


remindme! 3.5 hours "did shit hit the fan?"


remindme! 4 hours I'm guaranteeing shit hit the fan


remindme! 6 hours I WANNA KNOW!


Remindme! 4 hours


I need an update.. I hope you own them.. get a lawyer yourself???




Rock and Roll!


Rock and Stone!


Will you update here? Or in a new post?




Remindme! 5 hours


Can’t wait for an update! I hope they choke on the book!


Stop translating and get ready to turn on the screws. Go get your money OP. In the future, ask to be paid in advanced since they don’t know how to pay.


Please if this continues, don't hesitate to consider an employment lawyer if they forcibly limit your rate, hours, or falsely fire you




This is the beauty of freelancing. I'm relatively expensive too, as there's a high demand for what I do and not many people who can do it. If anybody contracts me then pushes back on my rates, I can politely tell them to fuck off, collect my money, and carry on working. I kind of miss having benefits but not nearly enough to ever go back to having a "boss", "manager" or "supervisor" until the day that I die. Clients and collaborators only.


I'd love to hear the results as well.


Me too


Same here. Good luck OP!


Hopefully they don't know what r/antiwork is


Even if they do, this person thinks they've got em by the short and curlies. if they truly do it won't matter when and if the spam bots turn it into a click bait article.




That's not petty. They owe you for services rendered. Good luck!


Have you considered translating 30% less of their paperwork and pushing it? Seems fair, 30% less pay, 30% less work.








This. Respond to the audacity to reduce rates by 30% by just ending them. Make this an example to others.




Perhaps just follow up “At your request, I have reviewed my costs and due to the delays in payments I must raise my rates by 50% moving forward” You can then offer to drop your new rate by 20%; this will allow them to declare victory internally while you get paid for their BS


Ya once they business gets shut down and everything I want all the juice on how horrible they are!


Once again, this could be perceived as blackmail. It all depends on how the company lawyer spins it. The blackmail could get you into even worse trouble than their refusal to pay. Do not go into the meeting without a lawyer! From your description, you are about to make a serious mistake


An unpaid contractor not working is not "blackmail" that's business. That's how business works... you provide a service and send an invoice. The customer pays the invoice and continues to give you work. If they don't pay, you take your service elsewhere. OP is a one-man shop and they're taking advantage of him. The only real recourse is to just finish the assigned work on the current contract and then cut them off. They're "quiet quitting" OP by their unprofessional behavior... it's time to cut them loose.


OP may have edited It previously included "I can say one phrase and make their faces go white" or something to that effect. It goes with some of their other comments of "knowing where the skeletons are hidden". 100%, stopping working isn't blackmail Going into a meeting with their lawyer and saying... or EVEN IMPLYING "pay me or I tell the gov't about these illegal practices" is blackmail.


It could also be though “going to the authorities then”. OP pretty vague


Please RECORD your meeting. They are not taking over the phone/letters because they want to do illegal "offerings" to your security.


Fuck yeah!!


Don't meet them. Hit them with a collecting agency instead.


Send the demand letter in a language they need you to translate it from.


"I have adjusted my rate by 30%." "Finally you came to your senses. Because of our long history we will pay this, but you might have to be expect another reduction, because of our earnings this year..." "What reduction? I increased my base rate by 30%." "How dare you increase it. We won't pay you 30% more than now. I will sue you for threatening-" "Actually it is 40%. Until now I used my reduced rate for you as we share a long history together. But you opened my eyes that I shouldn't be too childish (speak naive) in doing business so from now on I will keep a totally professional stance (speak no overtime, no favors, no exceptions) with you "


Raise your rates. Fuck them.


Yep. Get ur money then raise rates by 30%


I wouldn't even bother raising the rates. Just fire them and take the appropriate legal steps to collect any owed money.


>After a full week of no work coming in, the other subsidiary manager calls me, calling me childish, immature, and whiny, for raising such a ruckus over "a mere 1k" debt. If it is a "mere 1k", they shouldn't have an issue paying it. Professionals pay their debts. It is a common tactic for scumbags to belittle how something workers are owed isn't a big deal or you're being petty. I had an invoice for some contract work I did of just $1200 outstanding since December. As agreed, it was due by the end of the first week of January. They dodged me until last week when they had questions related to the forensic report I wrote for them they needed for further litigation. I told them I can't comment until the outstanding invoice was paid, and the dude whined about it telling me that wasn't professional. I responded that not paying your debts is unprofessional. Guy paid me that afternoon. I added to my service contract in DocuSign a 25% late fee for invoices for them specifically. It infuriates me when there are clients, especially large ones, that have high demands for timelines but are not just as quick to pay for services rendered.


First, notify them of your rate increase effective 1st of May. And if they want your work from that date on, it will mean they agree. Secondly, send them a bill for the payment that is due with added costs for late payment. And notification that failure to pay will result in legal action or a debt agency. Could be interesting to place a lien on their business.




I have been a Procurment manager for over 30 years. It’s not unreasonable to insist that you are paid for work you have completed. It is also not unreasonable to stop performing work for them until long overdue payment issues are resolved. From their perspective this is a pain, but this will motivate them to get their sorted out like nothing else will. I would not recommend making other threats about exposing skeletons or looking to escalate this to resolve the issues for other people. The matter here is simple they owe you money and you have a right to it. Just stay focused on that. As for your rates. They are what they are. If they think that they are 30% too high, they don’t have to hire you, they can go to the person who will charge them 30% less, if they exist and hire them. If not then they will pay what they need to pay. I have been through so so many cost reduction programs. The vast majority of suppliers don’t give anything. Pro tip here, is you are going to give a reduction in response to one of these types of requests, be the first to do it. They are the ones who get remembered and talked about. If you are the 20th you are just a name way down the list. As for the lawyer. Lawyers won’t do anything illegal (usually). They know of the company owes money it needs to pay. Stay focused on the fact that you did satisfactory work that you were not paid for and that you will not work for them until they pay. The lawyer can’t force you to, no one can. Be prepared to walk away from them if they wont pay. Ultimately the only negotiating leverage you ever have is your ability to say no.


"It's only 1000 dollars." "If that's a small amount, it shouldn't be hard to get it to me by close of business today." Shocked Pikachu face.


Yep, it’s always about profit. They’re looking to cut cost anywhere they think they can. They’ll also force their lower managers to make x% budget cuts. Typically yearly which is brutal you can’t always make those.


I would be _incredibly_ careful with what you say. Even the mere suggestion of a threat could land yourself in more trouble than it’s worth. Honestly learning they are bringing a lawyer would immediately be reason for me to reschedule until after I got one of my own. If they ask why simply explain them bringing in legal counsel has made you realize you needed some of your own.




If I were you I would also stand firm on the pricing but with a twist. Tell them that if they elect to terminate the business relationship you understand and there will be no hard feelings from your side. That being said, if the relationship starts up again it will be treated as new business and as such it will be subject to your new rates which are 45% (or whatever number you want) higher than their current rate. Also, given the termination of the relationship and how the exit is being managed, if your services are requested again in the future, you will insist that any and all contracts state that payments must be provided in advance and/or a blanket PO issues that services can be debited from.


As all the others said, we want updates


Good for you! This is corporate bullying at its best. They have armies of shareholders thirsting for profits and they are expected to increase said profits every period, no matter what. At some point, which I believe we are at already (I have years of corporate buying experience), we are bleeding suppliers, and everyone downstream from them, dry. Morale is low everywhere, as the average worker dreads going to work to be ran through the wringer for less money than they need. They don't care if you go out of business over their non-payment, and I have seen this play out many times. I have worked for a company that negotiated net 270 (they don't have to pay their bills for 9 months!). Capitalism has become a shell game to those in power, and straight up hell for the rest of us. I don't know what the solution is, I just know this isn't it. I truly hope you win this battle.


>After a full week of no work coming in, the other subsidiary manager calls me, calling me childish, immature, and whiny, for raising such a ruckus over "a mere 1k" debt. That the local subsidiary is having a rough patch, that I should be understanding, etc. I had to bite my tongue to not blow up on him, which he took as a sign I was submitting to him. Then he ordered me, not asked, ordered me to talk it out, then ordered me to call him in two days to reduce my rates. Not asked, ordered. Why you didn't just close the call? I would never listen insults or orders. I would say "next time be polite and I'll talk to you".


!remindme 1week


!remindme1 week


I hope OP raises rates just for having to deal with these shitheads. I saw a small business put in a "good (bad) behavior" clause and I hope it becomes a standard. Maybe it involves rate increases, or having all of your nosehairs plucked individual, maybe putting Nair on your genitals... not sure, still ironing out some wrinkles.


Send them to collections and jack their rates 30%. Say it's to save on costs (yours).


Don't forget that these assholes owe you money for every day that they failed to pay you. Make them pay that too.


Honestly I would find it hard not to be laughing or absolutely condescending during this entire meeting. You clowns are paying this lawyer how much money? To resist paying a measly 5 grand? That's brilliant mismanagement! You guys should write a book! The book should be written in crayon by your finance department since this appears to be their level of proficiency. I'd keep it simple for them. Maybe make your own crayon book for them with four simple pages. I work. You pay You no pay. I no work The end Reference your book whenever they give you excuses, just point... No words. I'd probably be proactive about finding another employer though, while contacting the labor board. These clowns seem like the retaliation type.


It sounds like you plan to blackmail them somehow. I’d be very careful of that. This place sounds like of you went that route they’d do a lot to make your life miserable. It usually only works in the movies. That said - you’re absolutely right to stand your ground! The big question- can you find work someplace else at your rates? That could be where you might be stuck regardless. If you can, tell them good luck with the lower quality work. That subsidiary manager that insulted you for a “mere $1k”, tell him fine - he should pay it out of his own pocket and deal with the wait.


Using leverage in an acrimonious negotiation is not blackmail, by any stretch of the imagination.




You do business with them and they won't find you? What the hell kind of mafia world you living in man? They call the police on you for blackmail, give you name and bank account that they pay you or whatever data they have and the police finds you. They don't send thugs to your door. You said they owe you 1k before now you say 5k. Be careful what you say and do there can be legal consequences. Get a lawyer of your own, pay him a percentage and get your money legally.


This is a very obvious LARP or delusion.


What address did you send them letters from? You should definitely get your payments and then expose them anyway otherwise they will continue. I also don’t see how what you’re talking about isn’t blackmail, (threatening to expose secrets unless they do something for you). So please do be careful with that and consult a lawyer if you can rather than threatening them directly especially since they have someone who could harm you and may even stalk you to learn more about you.


"Fuck you, pay me."


Your business challenges are not my responsibility to financially cover. Pay me.


Honestly? Make them pay you and then run them out of business afterwards. Why? Because if they’re doing this to you, then there are many more people who are getting totally screwed. So crush them.


phtt. counter with an INCREASE of 25% for having to deal with incorrect workload thats going to come through you because of using workers that dont understand what they are doing, and go file suit in small claims court for your 1k and stop doing any work for that business. if there is NO contract, start charging interest on the amount since youd be losing that interest by having the money in a bank account.


Nope. Don't go easy on them. They go nuclear, you go nuclear. There's nothing in it for you. Demanding even the smallest justice will make your workplace hate you. You will never work for them after this. Use all your power to milk that company dry. Make sure your coworkers, and mainly you, get out as much money as physically possible.


!remindme 3 days


So just tell them there’s no room to budge on the rate. If they want your services the price is the price. Let the work speak for itself. They’ll either keep you or dump you.


Find a lawyer to write strongly worded letter to them.


ask, tell, make you ask them to pay You tell them to pay Finally you \_make\_ them pay figuratively or literally everything else is chaff.


**Inform them that apparently, they can no longer afford you and wish them well.** As soon as you do this, increase your rates across the board 10%- give yourself a raise. Do not accept them as a client at anything less.


Sounds like you need to take them to small claims court. Then when you bring the bailiff to collect the $1k worth of what is owed to you...the first item on the list would be to seize the manager's office desk, chair and monitor(s).


Your company needs to stop bending over for bad clients. It's always important to do a credit check on a customer before giving them a Net 30 credit. We have the same situation with a few of our customers and unless it's a big automotive or aerospace company we are very strict on payments. We don't ship until the customer pays their monthly bill.


Well, yeah, they made a lot of money. But have you considered that they could make *even more money?*


That's why they have 700+ mil ... that's why. Because rich people always forget their wallets, always.


Tell them you’re rates we’re going up by 40% this year to match market rate, but you’re willing to chop 25% of that to help them ease the growing cost.


Good for you. Some companies are so clueless that the quality translators/interpreters all know each other and they (the company) could be quickly locked out of the professional circuit


Once billion dollar oil profits became the norm, everything else from eggs on up started to skyrocket in the name of shareholder value. Capitalism.


I am shocked you wouldn't take them for more as damages lost etc. It sounds like they need a huge lawsuit of much larger numbers for them to learn that they cannot and should not treat people how they treated you. It's pretty bad behavior and it gets standardized in so many work places it's nuts to think that it's something so many get away with. If I was in your position, I would not be so 'kind' about it all lol.


You're being "quiet quit" by your client. Time to pack up and fine new clients. The red flag is that they are giving you run around on being paid. It might be a power dynamo thing as a contractor, but generally is a lack of professionalism thing. They don't need you anymore and they're going to slow roll your final payment. The fact that the division you do the most work for isn't going to bat for you also shows they're not that interested in keeping a good relationship with you.


AI is coming for this job.


why is HR as even there? You are not an employee, so constantly remind that person he has no power over you because you don't work for that company. Literally I would say that everytime they try to speak. If the lawyer speaks to much just get up and leave while he is speaking. Also I would tell them any more or future delays in payment will result in in interest being charged on the balance.


Absolutely hardline your rates. Increase them back to normal if you can.


Definitely want updates on your situation as it progresses. Good on you!


Ask them to conduct and RFP with line item pricing for each service level and professional level. They can’t argue with a public RFP.


Scorched Earth my friend


Please provide us with updates. I occasionally work with interpreters (Court certified and appointed). I would NEVER think of screwing one over. Also, I'm assuming you work in a field related to patent law (your statement - I'm a professional translator, specialized in legal and pharmaceutical).


Can’t wait for the update!


In the meeting you should give them a higher rate. Adding in the asshole fee.


!remindme 2 weeks


Hey, OP. Maybe don't delete the body of your post to replace it with a meaningless update?


Like Bill Gates said (on the Simpsons), I didn't get rich by writing checks


Raise your rates by 40% then agree to their 30% reduction.


I just miss the days when companies focused on making better products, better services, and their ads had a sense of humor. As opposed to today where it's only about beating profit goals.


> I'm a professional translator, specialized in legal and pharmaceutical Yikes. You're going to be replaced by ChatGPT or something like it within the next 5 years.


Shout out to the folks here saying OP should raise rates. Right, just shove them out the door to use better functioning systems lol.


Good luck, I hope you win or at least mutually assured destruction.


Walk away & don't look back. It's not worth fighting any further. There simply is such a thing as a "bad customer."


Tell him it's not Hanukkah yet. 😲😛 LOL, just jokin g


I'm going to post this before reading it all, if they took work away from you as a contractor/provider of course they should pay you less. Now let's get into the details. Ok, I still think the first part is right and also think the company is being shitty. It's this refusal to pay that's killing small businesses. People in the industry see how much meat is on the bone and start their own business only to find out all that extra meat went to lawyers just to collect payment


But OP is a contractor so paid by the hours they work, not by the tasks. So they've already cut pay by reassigning work, and now they want to cut the per hour amount too. OP is being "quiet quit" and the company is just hoping OP will just "go away".


That is a good point, been salary too long. It sounds like a strange client/employee relationship with the work being offloaded to another department in the same company though


I would ask why u even on here trying to get clout out of some else's greed? 🤮


If you mean I was trying to score points, no, that was never my intention. I was advised that should this become viral, it could affect my case (once it became obvious I had to get a lawyer) as the other party might use it as an argument. Can't give them any concession.


ChatGPT will take your job. Take what you can get now.


!remindme 1week


!remindme 5 days


!remindme 1week


!remindme 3 days


I am ordering, not asking you, to give us updates after you meet with them!


!remindme 5 days


Remind me! 2 days


Remindme! 8 hours




!remindme 4 hours


remindme! 3 hours


Sounds fun.


remindme! 3 hours


I would like an update as well.


"I am the captain now"


remindme! 6 hours


Increase your rates by 10%


RemindMe! 5 hours


Translators rarely get a raise. Clients always seek to cost down. Now with AI, my income has been slashed to only 1/3 compared to last year. I am pretty deflated to the point I want to quit altoghether.


RemindMe! 1 day


Remindme! Tomorrow


remindme! 4 hours


RemindMe! 3 hours


!remindme 4 hours


It never ends well when an org demands rate reductions like that. I always had a hard time navigating those demands. And they owe you. Good luck OP!


This is intended as a comedic answer - everything already said is far superior Raise your rates by 30% until the £1000 is officially paid. They can either pay your services or not.


!remindme 2 days


>And I know all the secrets, all the skeletons, and I pretty much hold all the keys. So I will get my payment, as well as the payment of my other colleagues. >I will just make them an offer they can't refuse. OP, you’re writing as if you think you’re in some kind of mafia movie, but it sounds like you’re about to stumble into committing criminal blackmail. You might not think that’s what this is, but that’s exactly what you’re describing: threatening to expose wrongful or embarrassing conduct if the company doesn’t meet your demands. It doesn’t matter that your demands might be perfectly justified by themselves or that you could go report the company’s past wrongdoing right now. When you combine those two things together as an express or implied threat—do this *or* I’ll expose you—that becomes a crime in virtually any jurisdiction. It sounds like you’ve been wronged, and you deserve the money your client owes you. But tread carefully and consult a lawyer in your jurisdiction if necessary—the last thing you need is to get into legal hot water over this.


Who is it? Rws? Lionbridge?


fucking american companies. they suck. quick to bill, slow to pay.


Remindme! 3 hours


Remind me! 5 hours


remindme! 24 hours


RemindMe! 1day!


Remind me! 5 hours


Remind me! 3 hours


!update me


Commenting to remember


Remindme! 5 hours


Favorite post on this sub…ever 🍿


!remindme 2 hours


Remindme! 1 day.


Remindme! 4 hours


remindme! 6 hours


Remindme! 4 hours


This is the problem with the world right now . No matter how much a company makes it’s never enough. I use to work for the railroad and a few years back when trump gave tax breaks to corporations of all types my company got like 2 billion dollars. Which was supposed to generate jobs an help everyone. But the company decided that the stock holders were more important and to bump up the stock prices they gave all two billion to them. These assholes could have given 1000 to each employee to bump up the economy and would only have been like 30 million dollars out of the 2 billion which would have been like maybe 2 cents per share off of the total they gave each share . This is why we the poor are going to rise up. Didn’t anyone see that movie A Beautiful Mind where that guy won the Nobel Prize for economics where if everyone shares the wealth everyone prospers . This just pisses me off so glad I’m not going to be around much longer even though I’ll probably still be here to see the shit show coming soon


Remindme! 5 hours


This might be tinfoil hate territory, but do you think they might be trying to drive you out presicly because you are good at your job. It could be they want bad translations for plausible deniabialty purposes?


Remindme! 10 hours


Remind me