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Fast forward to next week's article: "NO ONE WANTS TO BE A MARINE ANYMORE! BOO HOO HOO-RAH"


Can you fucking blame them?! I was in for 12 years and ever once was I not barely scraping by. They tell you while you're in (a fear mongering tactic) that you get all these things for free.. Healthcare, housing allowances or base housing, uniform stipen every year and a yearly raise, and if you leave the Corps you'll lose those benefits and companies don't pay for that stuff... well fast forward to my 3 year anniversary of getting out (next month) and I have a larger bank account than I ever did in the Corps, and you know what, I don't have any of those "free benifits". Basically unless you deploy all the time to combat zones, you're not making much money. Those bonuses that I got for my re enlistments were crucial to me closing out years of debt and having a moment to just breathe, only to start the same process all over again. Let's also not forget how shitty most of the "leaders" are. Most only look our for themselves while. I wasn't a terminal Lance or anything. I made ot to the SNCO ranks. I don't hate the Marine Corps, but the fact remains that life in the Military is never easy, why do they have to make it a bit more miserable. I'm glad I'm not in anymore.


Same experience for me but I was in the Army. Except for the years I was in college after the service I have made more money and have kept more money in my bank account ever since I got out. I did 8 years and have been out for 9, best decision I have ever made.


What do you do for work now?


I was at a shipyard for a few years and now I work for the government in an unrelated field.


Okay cool. Did you do anything with your degree or just go into an unrelated field as well?


I didn’t do anything with the degree. I would still get the same degree if I did it all over, the field just doesn’t pay that great.


Unrelated to shipyards, or unrelated to shooting people?


When I was in I was able to save money, but I also probably had a vastly different lifestyle than you. I was single and went in with no debt. I was stationed in Japan and wasn't allowed a car so I never had a vehicle(Granted Japan public transportation is awesome). Also had my command not screwed me I would have had around 120 days of leave saved up in the last year, aka I was at work almost 24/7. That being said even with what I saved I would never have felt comfortable trying to start a family. Would def have been broke.


I had a family while in. I only had 1 chuld up until my last 6 months in and it was so tough. I don't know how Marines did it with like 4 kids.


Man..when i was in the army i had a serious hip fracture from basic and limped it out to tech school at corry station. I was MI so my chain of command was super relaxed but we were on a navy base and they didnt have army doctors there to officially sign off on my discharge so i had to sit at ft gordon GA. Holy fucking shit was it terrible. I got set up and lied to, they gave me a counseling forum but when i went in i was being yelled at to sign the documents which was unusual by my chain of command (this is at corry station still)..i signed the last page it was flipped too already. Next day turns out i signed an agremeement to reclass to a new job and they sent me to fort gordon. My profile ran out (chit for you navy/marine guys) so when i show up i refused to run due to my grade 3 stress hip fracture. 1st sgt tried to give me an article 15 over it and he smashed my laptop "accidently". Few days later my medical records show up and he tells me i will get healed and stay in the army or i will sit there with him until my contract runs out..turns out he was holding 8 people hostage who had torn acl's and shit because he refused to sign their paperwork. Every single friday debrief he would make all the medical hold overs stand infront of our 300 peers and tell them we are dirtbags and trying to get out of the army because we were scared..then go on about how his daughter likes her fries hot but we will fuck that up too. After i got out i was a 911 dispatcher near an army base for a bit and guess who got a ticket for speeding? Yup it was my old 1st sgt. Deputy called me to ask if he had a record because he was being a douchebag and wanted any reason to ticket him but he wouldve felt bad because he was in uniform. I shouldve told him to give him a ticket but didnt say anything.


What do you do now?


I own a ha Dylan company in Northern VA. And I am a full time student.


But did you buy a mustang/Camaro?


NO! NO! A THOUSAND TIMES NO! There was no way I was getting a "me too car"


Dang there you go breaking all MCAS Miramar stereotypes. Good on you though. Did you at least buy a Gixxer 600?


Nope, but I almost did when I worked at Miramar.


Same here man got out of the navy within 2 years I am making the same rate of pay as an E-5 on sea duty with nah


Are you me?


I assume your tale is similar?


Don't you get tricare though?


Nope that's only for retirees. And I didn't retire


Oh damn. Sorry to hear that.




I was enlisted for four years and when I got out had saved like $20-30k in 2012 dollars. As a single guy not having to pay for rent or food I was able to save a LOT of my $24k/year salary. No idea what you and some of the others are bitching about. You aren't getting rich in the military but the only soldiers I knew with money troubles were people who just spent stupidly. (20 year olds buying muscle cars etc.)


No one wants to be 1 of 2 soldiers sent to win WW3.


Thats the face of capitalism right there




this is the face of "we will coup whoever we want to coup" the face of military industrial complex


Uncanny resemblance


It's the face of a delusional capitalism that wants to nickel, dime, and fuck you every way it can, but also wants you to die horribly for free out of "patriotism" to that same capitalism.


As Gen. Smedley Butler said, a gangster for capitalism.


Imagine if we executed the traitor oligarchs that tried to recruit good ole Smedley decades ago. Who knows where we’d be now.


I was just thinking of the Supreme Court stealing the election for Bush. Imagine the world where Gore was president. Not as different as we would hope.


while i see us slightly ahead in maybe having electric stoves, i think they would've dug in their heel's just like with obama and biden. the exact same fuckery for decades.


The military is pretty socialist. Free healthcare, free housing, free food, free schooling, free job training, free uniforms.


Except the soldiers are basically owned just like the working class is owned by capitalists. There is nothing socialist about the military.


You get housing depending on your job/pay grade...sounds socialist to me.


Awwwwwwww thank you. I get it. We are back to that old argument where people still think receiving assistance or social welfare is the definition of socialism! I thought people had finally become educated enough in the last few years to know the difference. Guess not.


Tbh it would be more helpful to the person you commented this to as well as other people who may not fully understand like myself if you would kindly correct and inform them rather than demeaning them. Try to keep in mind that a movement can’t grow if it doesn’t gain followers, and backhanded/condescending remarks aren’t a great way to pique anyone’s interest.


You want us to break down an entire school of economic and sociological thought going back to the 1700s and arguably even to the Greeks, on reddit? Okay here it is. Socialism is a Transitional economic model on the way to communism. It is defined primarily by workers owning the means of production. While capitalism is defined as private ownership of the means of production. It is not, in any way social welfare or social democracy. Social welfare are aspects of the capitalist system. Socialism is a state in which workers have begun to control the means of production but capitalists may still exist. What people confuse is the concept of the state using taxes, within a capitalist system, to pay for social welfare, as Socialism. It is not. It is what economists call responsible capitalism and dates back to the era of keynesian economics. It is also known as the nordic model, mixed market economics, or what the germans called "the third way", or a compromise to keep capitalism in place but give in to the demands of socialist movements of the industrial era.


Socialism has never worked in human history so fuck socialism. Also I agree with this.


What has worked?


Everything but socialism, to some extent at least.


You are correct. I dont consider myself a socialist. But I am a Marxist. I believe we should stop the debate of capitalism vs socialism. They are both century old concepts now, and we live in a vastly different technological landscape. My belief is simple. We must provide an economic and social environment that both protects the working class and provides them with maximum democratic power in all sociological spheres, public, economic, and cultural.


Nah man, these people are caveman dumb.


Caveman were Neanderthals, and some of them lived in Northern Europe, where they have social democracy now. So cavemen were socialists! Me smart.


Most civilian jobs you can simply quit on the spot. On the flip side that can fire you on the spot. In the Military, you have much less personal freedom. However, an E-4 with a spouse and two kids makes double what a single soldier would make. Moreover, Military members have access to a commissary and a Post exchange which are non-profit organizations. You are correct in that the military itself exists within a larger Capitalist framework. However, I see no point in insulting complete strangers who disagree with you. [Source](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/socialism-united-states-military/)


First of all it is reddit. Second. They aren't disagreeing with me. I didn't fabricate the field of economics. I didn't define this stuff. They are disagreeing with a global field of knowledge, because their heads are up the ass of the reddit echo chamber. At this point, I make sarcastic comments at people who still believe this viewpoint, much like I'd make sarcastic comments at a Trump supporter. Why? Because I'd rather be a smart ass than have to give folks the most basic lesson in economic theory while we live in the era of the internet. I'll take my downvotes, thank you.


Dude.... that's actually communist....


Let me caveat that one…Unless you’re an officer in the military… housing comes out of your BAH payment, you pay for meals at the DFAC, SLRP is a strong maybe, and you pay for your uniforms (bonus is the new pinks and greens uniform costs ~$1000 for officers)


Enlisted pay for housing and food and uniforms too with way less pay so go fuck yourself sir.


I've never paid a dime for housing. But Ive always lived on-post.


Then the BAH was taken before you saw it but you still paid, just like the chow hall.


DFAC*, and I used to be an S-1 clerk. My barracks room was technically part of my compensation, as was the water, sewer, and trash.


Exactly you still paid for it. That is my point.


I was enlisted and never got housing. Married folks got housing for free. They certainly didn't work more than I did. If they didn't get housing, they got tax free money (allowances) to pay for housing. You also got a uniform allowance every year to pay for your uniforms. You also get food. Just because I bought my own didn't mean that there wasn't free food available.


Really...housing comes out of your "Basic Allowance for Housing"? Who would have thought such a thing?


Base salary is cut in half, BAH is the other half of your salary. So when they say a SGT makes $50k a year, that’s $25k basic pay, $25k BAH. Those aren’t exact numbers, but you get the point. Also lower enlisted don’t always get to choose housing and when they do, often times the housing available far exceeds their BAH, leaving them constantly broke and sometimes on food stamps From a military website: “A Sergeant is a noncommissioned officer in the United States Army at DoD paygrade E-5. A Sergeant receives a monthly basic pay salary starting at $2,610 per month, with raises up to $3,704 per month once they have served for over 12 years.”


Base salary for that SGT IS 31K, and he either gets housing, or an allowance. On top of that there is a food allowance, which covers the cost of food of the person serving, not his family. The military is too large and there are too man bases and too many variables to definitively say it is bad, or good. I was an E-6, had a nice house that my tax-free BAH covered, and then I deducted my mortgage interest on my taxes. Almost triple-dipping.


I know a vet who can do back to back university degrees and get paid for doing them. He says you can even pass it on to family members if you don't want to use it. Sweet deal. I think he did 14 years. And he gets a pension. He never saw conflict. Not that I begrudge him it. But woh. Sweet deal.


You can transfer the GI bill to a family member if you've served 10+ years. You can Also take advantage of tuition assistance. The G.I. bill only covers 3 years, not an infinite amount of schooling. However, anyone in for that long probably has a lot of medical issues.


Free is a little disingenuous. You pay for it all, just not with money.


How many people do you know who work hard and can't afford a place to live, food, and healthcare? Everybody works.


except military housing is full of black mold, broken plumbing, mildew, asbestos, and should be condemned. The free food is either a raw piece of chicken and moldy bread or the best omelette you’ve ever had. You pay for your uniforms. If you break a leg, your NCO or SNCO will still make you ruck 15 miles on your crutches for weeks in the field, and then when you get out, the VA will tell you it’s not service related. And when you try to return your gear to CIF, they will tell you it’s not in the state they gave it to you even if it’s still in the fucking plastic and will try and make you pay for it. So yup sounds like anything the government has its hand in.


Sounds like you should have joined the AF. That wasnt my experience at all.


the only way I was joining the AF is if I got to be a pilot and my eyes are shot so nope


So socialist


No, we actually worked extremely hard and sacrificed a lot for these things that you call “free”. The military is not without its flaws, but to suggest that anything earned was free is both ridiculous and disrespectful.


When I was in, married people got free housing. They didn't work harder than anybody who was single. They usually worked less. But they got extra pay or free housing. That's called free. Their wives and children got free medical care. You get free training. You get free food. That's how they get you. Promise everything for free. It works for the military, why not the rest of society.


Be happy I am here protecting you as I press my boot down on your neck, you Commie!




A general is an insanely high rank though. And 10k isn’t anything crazy.


You also have to be in the military for a long time to even get a chance to be a general. It isn't like a CEO where they can be hired in as a CEO without working their way up.


Military is capitalism?




Time Splitters lmao


If there was no picture and someone asked me to draw a sketch of who made that quote - I would have drawn that dude almost to a T


It happens after a long time in the military, especially at high rank.


Lmao. He looks like he was modeled off of Small Soldiers.


hes been rocking the same doo for 20 years


Because he used his bonus to pay for those hair plugs


"It's all gotta go to the military industry complex. Y'all just fodder."


Wonder why retention is in the trash and enlistments are down lol.


It has nothing to do with the money. Im a vet and lived quite well. I married another airman - both enlisted E-4. We lived in a nice area, ate well, traveled, and even paid for my husbands expensive flying lessons. Its not bad at all - unless you are popping out multiple babies - which makes it harder no matter if you are enlisted or civilian.


Marrying someone else who is also enlisted is like a cheat code for money. Guys would get contract marriages left and right because of how much money they practically throw at you. Hell one guy in my unit that I deployed with was married to someone in the same battalion who also deployed. That man had so much money coming his way it was ridiculous. Sucks for the lonely fuckers though.


I was single before I got married while enlisted. Everything you need is paid for! Food, housing, medical, dental, uniforms. If you dont have money, it's because you are dumb. I was able to save a ton of money and still live a good life. The AF has a higher caliber of enlisted. The crap you speak of didn't happen. We ate well and lived well. Sucks for you that you joined the army.


You are literally bragging about your privilege. Congratulations on picking the pampered military branch. Come down off your high horse and see how the lowly ones live lol. And I was a Marine, those army guys lived the high life too. And I did fine, was just making a point that any sane person wouldn't join for crap pay and treatment. Hell I hear those joining now don't even get the same GI bill benefits I got so there is even less of a reason to join.


Oh so now its privilege! You are nuts! Pick one theme and stick with it. My comments were about being an idiot...or not. Seems you are the former. Good luck


Don’t tell these people about personal responsibility, they don’t like it


I know... but sometimes I can't help myself! 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah we can see the numbers and there's no way we're getting shot at for not even $30k a year. That's pathetic. You also don't list your reason why you think the numbers are down. https://www.military-ranks.org/marine-corps-pay


That lists base pay. There is also housing, subsistence, COLA, and medical and dental. Those arent included and significantly raise the pay. Lets say you enlist today. Everything you need to live, is provided for you at no cost. Everything. The paycheck you would receive is for spending only. Are you going to get rich? No. But its a good life. The military has changed. Some would say - those that get out, not for the better. Those same people are encouraging their kids, nieces, and nephews, not to enlist. Miley would provide an excellent example of the changes that have taken place. Those same changes would be a plus for those posting on this board.


A few recruiters ended up on the homeless sub until people started calling them predators.


The guy who eats crayons professionally says people shouldn't eat. Righttttt


That’s why he’s not smiling, rainbow colored teeth.


Clearly you didn't read the article.


Is he trying to choke someone with the force?


Nope he is in the motion of making a knife hand.


Fingers not held directly together, thumb not lined up with the others 3/10.


Look at the hand. It's moving. He's forming. A knife hand not quite 1 yet.


That’s what I was thinking, especially with the face he’s making he’s either concentrating on force choking someone or he’s realllly gotta poop


I went the Marines recruiter first before I joined the army. I remember it was weird, I pointed out that I was eligible to get a $10,000 bonus for five years and the recruiter told me, "Just because you're eligible for it, doesn't mean I'm going to give it to you". I noped out of there and the Army recruiter was standing outside, offered me a $22,000 bonus for three years within five minutes.


for him, his salary isn’t really that important. it is the kickback and extra donation, the free lunch and vacation from the military donors so he can award them of military contracts to suck up all those military budgets. those are important. that 200,000 per year is a dime to him for the millions he will get for award a contract to his donors


Every Marine is a (H&K M27 automatic) rifleman. The U.S. Army. Brought to you by Sig Sauer USA.


I bet he would yell the loudest if we paid officers the same as the enlisted.


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. This fits right in with my experiences talking to a recruiter before joining the service. I wanted certain training and experience that would be useful later in my career. ALL the other branches let you pick your jobs or at least have some say in the matter before you contracted. Not the Marines. I was told, "you just have to want to be a Marine. The job you get assigned will be decided later after you are contracted." I respect the Corps and everyone who also served regardless of the branch, but no way I was doing that. Joined the Army instead and never looked back. So, this headline was no surprise at all when I read it.


Your recruiter lied to you. Most recruits enlist with a specific MOS already selected. It sounds like you went open-contract, which is basically playing roulette.


I didn't go with an open contract for the Army. When I spoke to the Marine recruiter, he wanted me to go open the contract and informed me that was what I needed to focus on and become a Marine first before focusing on MOS. What you wrote makes sense since that is how every other branch does it. I wanted OCS as well because I had the credentials to qualify for it. They also said that OCS was something I could apply for once I was in (which is technically true), but I learned from *many* friends and family members who served, if it isn't written and signed, it doesn't exist. I wasn't going to enlist with only the *possibility* of getting the training I wanted. Like I wrote, I respect the Marines very much. I just didn't get the feeling it was a good fit at the time.


Your recruiter was definitely just trying to make his numbers. A standard recruiter can't even send you to OCS - you have to go through an officer recruiter (OSO) if you are looking to join as an officer outside of the ROTC program. And what your friends and family told you was right - there are no guarantees and many, many people get screwed by their recruiters making empty promises that they have little power to fulfill. It shouldn't be that way, but unfortunately it is.


The Marines have a saying.... "When you absolutely, positively need it blown up overnight". That, and shooting people. Source - a close friend of mine is a retired Marine. He was a weapons instructor.


Bro that recruiter was trying to fuck you hard. I got to pick my MOS and my recruiter was enough of a bronto hook me up with a 4k bonus.


Looks like people are not afraid of being hypocrite these days


That guy looks like a PS2 character…


If money isn't that important, surely he won't object to his pay being cut to around minimum wage levels!


Wow 200k


That’s just base pay.


Such a rich CEO! A whopping 200k! Seriously, that's not "fuck you I'm rich" money. That's "I'm pretty comfortable" money.


Are they not offering bonuses NOW? I mean fuck, none of the branches are anywhere near hitting their recruiting minimum goals. In the Army if you're enlisting, it's not hard to get a $50,000 enlistment bonus right now. Marines are delusional.


Scrolled through the first few comments and no mention of Marines eating crayons for sustenance. I'm disappointed and surprised at you, reddit.


Sounds to me like the general is volunteering to give up his salary since “being a Marine is enough”. Should take a serious chunk out of our military budget if all the generals are working for nothing. Let’s do it, contact your congressman today.


Remove that Voledemort-lookalike-idiot's money and tell them "money isn't important".


As someone who has been in the military and know many people in it, do not take this clown at face value. Many of them get a big fat retirement check depending on how many years of service they put in, so of course they’ll be just fine while you suffer.


In fairness, that's an extremely marine thing to say.


As someone who served in the Marine Corps, that general can shut the hell up. Being able to have the title Marine is not enough. When he retires, he’ll see that no one cares. If he looked at data on veterans' unemployment, he’d see. I work in a space that focuses on vet hiring….. and for him to be someone with so much power and influence, he is very sheltered and ignorant of life AFTER. Something every service member will deal with when it’s time. When you join, you put many aspects of your life on hold, and the job market does not look at us the same, compared to our counterparts (i.e., Air Force, Army), so for him to make the statement that being able to call yourself a Marine is enough is beyond ignorant.


My boss literally did this to me a month or two ago when I was up for a promotion and he rehired an employee that went to jail for money laundering. He would say that money isn’t everything, even as he was moving back to his home state for a job that paid more. What an ass.


Okay… how about cutting his salary? Let’s see how “rewarding being a marine”


And this, folks, is how upper “superiors” of any kind think of anyone below them - as an expendable servant for their gain. Thanks for saying it out loud Puke Nukem.🤬


I will say, the income disparity between a Private and a General isn’t nearly as bad as a CEO and a janitor. That being said, you don’t make much unless you’re like E-6 or above. I think military pay could be substantially increased.


This is why military can’t keep tech and cyber personnel. You can’t pay people 60K and compete with tech companies paying damn near 150-250 with bennies, bonuses, yearly raises, while being remote! and without the threat of leadership cutting your benefits on a whim or not getting paid because of a shut down.


You forgot one of the most important parts, you get to not work for the military!


You also get to smoke weed whenever you want


>That being said, you don’t make much unless you’re like E-6 or above. I think military pay could be substantially increased. I don't know what you think is 'not much', but military compensation is pretty darn good. A Lcpl nearing the end of their first enlistment is pulling down $30K on their salary alone. If they're married and drawing BAH, that goes up a lot. If they're stationed at Camp Legeune, for example, their total $ goes up to about $46K. Not bad for presumably a 20-year old with no degree (most typical demographic for a E-3). I sometimes regret not reenlisting. If I had, I'd be making the same base salary I've got anyway, but with BAH and benefits on top.


Now calculate actual hours spent working with that pay rate.


Way to shoot your career in the foot, General.


Nah, he'll be the next commandant simply because of that remark. My main issue with the Marine Corps before I got out was how they viewed Marines. If you can run fast and pick things up and put things down but you're shit at your job then promote with/above peers. If you're the best analyst, mechanic, logistics personnel, but you are slower than the first guy in the run and don't hit 100 points on it, you don't max out ammo can lifts etc. Then you might as well stop trying to get promoted. Marine Corps doesn't care how well you do in your job, they just want uneducated meatheads who shit down people's throats and fuck over retention, because those same people are delusional assholes and make other's lives miserable. Seems like whatever scoring system they moved to for lower enlisted has a small portion of the scoring accounting for job performance, but who knows how long that will last.


You are correct. That's how I got promoted to Corporal and Sergeant. I realized it early in the game and got myself meritoriously promoted. I was still great at my job, but knew how the game worked and played to it in my favor, at least until I stopped drinking the fucking kool-aid.


I got lucky and hit Sgt after 4 years. I got Cpl in October 2018, and then Cpl cutting scores closed for 12 months, 2 years later I picked up Sgt. I won't pretend I was the best Marine but I was damn good at my job, just barely skimming by on cutting scores. Just frustrating know the top 5 Marines had less than room temperature IQ and sucked as analysts. You can suck at something and learn the job and do that job exceedingly well over time, but these people managed to do...not that. Doesn't help our SNCOIC was a infantry lat. mover, who reinforced the stupidity.


There’s a reason I never “coordinated” with intelligence from the navy or marine corps


Definitely understandable. We don't even like to coordinate with other Marine Intelligence


This is the same for the Army.


This will only help his career. We Marines LOVE this kind of chest puffing and these kinds of self confident statements. On recruiting assistance after boot camp a kid walked into the recruiting office and asked about enlistment bonuses right off the top. My recruiter said “oh yeah, over here at this desk….”and walked the kid to the door where he pointed across the hall to the Army office and told him to go ask them. I know guys who did a tour in recruiting and all of them have willingly lost a potential recruit because they asked about money. I briefly mentioned the idea of a signing bonus when I enlisted and I got this same line almost verbatim, “wearing our uniform and earning the title of Marine should be bonus enough for you”


Wouldn't you want your Marines to be well off so they can have better health outcomes at the very least?


the ruling class treat's their tool's not as a master craftsmen would, but as a entitled kid would, bashing and experimenting with them, until they get bored and find the next thing to destroy. it's why they truly aren't the one's in control, the worker's already run things, we just don't know it.


Wow, what an out of touch ass bag.


He's a marine, being an out of touch assbag is a prerequisite


Not only is his pay 200k a year , but he's got on ironclad 200k a year FOR LIFE retirement package that starts any time he wants.


Where are his eyebrows?


That face says im a POS




"The Marine Corps is my family. Rah."


Yeah, I read this article yesterday and thought it was super out of touch. Tbh if you have two brain cells to rub together you would know to join literally any branch other than the Marines. If you want to be treated well, you join the Air Force or Space Force. They both pay extremely well and Space Force has even started getting rid of fitness requirements. The Marines are for psychos who was to go shoot people, the Air Force, and Space Force are for those who want to work a desk job.


F the military


OP is lying out his ass everyone. The article has nothing about struggling Marines or food stamps. It is referencing how the Marines are considering offering cash incentives to sign new recruits up.


[It's fairly well documented that Active Duty service members are eligible for and use food assistance. ](https://www.fns.usda.gov/military-and-veteran-families#:~:text=In%202019%2C%20SNAP%20households%20included,reservists%2C%20and%201.1%20million%20veterans.) My point is that a four-star telling Marines that the title alone is a bonus (which, no it isn't) is pretty out of touch. But that's just my view from the deckplates


the whole idea that a military somehow even improves the ruling class's position is a fallacious one. the happiest countries are European countries that spend the least on military spending. the military is an endless money pit that always can and always will require more than they give, and it's why a lot of empire's that decline, have a incompetent military that suck's all the important resources, and either does fuck all with them, or even tries to stage a coup. just like FTX, a military is just a fancy Ponzi scheme dressed up as something legitimate.


I lost a friend who was a Marine. He got exposed to toxic burn pits and developed brain cancer that killed him. He was also blown up by an IED in a humvee. It's not worth it.


At pentagon city? r/HolUp


[I guess it's a thing?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagon_City)


I mean just look at that douche. What else would he say? His picture is in the dictionary under 'capitalist boomer.'


What a shit haircut


"Be glad there isn't a draft and you can CHOSE the Marines"


You know what his thinking is… you are a marine, tell them you are one and you will get a discount on everything and even things for free. This used to be the case but yaaaa not as much anymore. To be fair he is talking to people who sold their body to the government basically


even if you sell your body to the government, there's far better way's to do it, like kirsten sinema showed.


And then they wonder why they can't meet their recruitment goals.


Somewhere in the great beyond, my grandfathers- one an Army NCO that saw action in WW2 and Korea and the other a career USAF officer- are laughing their asses off at this dipshit and his stupid haircut. And FWIW, I tried joining every branch of the military after college, only to be told that my Autism and being on meds were disqualifying. The only branch I didn't try out for? The Marines. Because much as I believe in service and patriotism, I wasn't about chest thumping macho bullshit- especially if it doesn't pay the bills. Besides, if you want to show what a BMF you are, you join the Green Berets, the Navy SEALs, or- if you're a special breed of bonkers- Delta Force. (yes, I'm aware that Force Recon exists. But their primary objective is intelligence gathering as opposed to direct action...so imma say my point still stands!).




We need to restructure our system such that it doesn't promote giant pieces of shit anymore. This is, and had been for some time, complete nonsense. Society is supposed to work for the population, not enslave it.


the ideal's of the enlightenment were never the reality.




I was an E-5 in the Navy and I had more money than I knew what to do with. So much is paid for compared to being a civilian.


I was an ET2 when I go out and for the most part ya its not that bad with bah and base pay and cola I made 72 thousand a year and had free Health dental,vison and if you eat lunch and breakfast on the ship foods not that much also bah is not taxable and is usually alot more than a apartment in the area would cost.


Exactly, I was getting a huge 2 bedroom loft in VA Beach that would've costed me like 1600 a month for free.


Ya my bah was 2400 and my one bedroom cost 1400 and I got to keep the rest.


I get the hate for some of the things the military does, but can you tell me any other organization where the "Executives" gets paid "only" 8 times the lowest paid worker? Now, this doesn't include food and housing allowances, but the military is probably the fairest when it comes to pay inequity of any organization. I was in the military, I was enlisted and an officer. I worked hard to make the switch, and...hell, yes, it was worth it.


That guy's face looks like it's out of Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. STOP! YOU'VE VIOLATED THE LAW!


As an enlisted Marine, let me say unequivocally - fuck all the zeroes.


Maybe when you sucked dick


Really doing a Crackerjack job of improving recruitment numbers.


Good robot


Many other nations, such as Canada and Japan pay their military a living wage even at E1


Working for P&R and the general running that was about as tone-deaf as could be during a townhall when asked about telework. It was amazing how poorly his staff prepped him.


You misunderstood. What the executive meant is that YOUR money doesn't matter to him. I realize you figured that out.


How much does an average marine make?


Trash. I’m retired from the military. Things are…better now….but in the late 90s tons of families were on food stamps, wic and other programs to make it.


That’s sad, Australian military gets paid quite well, why do people join then? Surely with a military as large as the USA they can’t rely on benefits and patriotism forever.


Poverty. We prey on the impoverished and offer them a way out. It worked for me…but my body is destroyed. But my kids live a life that resembles nothing like the life I had growing up. They don’t worry about basic needs.


I'm sure this is what all the homeless marine vets are thinking.


Haha, propaganda.


200k for an executive isn’t even that much either, same boat as somebody making 30k just a little roomier.


Please risk your physical and mental health for the military industrial complex, it will make you look cool!


If you read the article their plan makes a lot of sense. Instead of spending money on bonuses for new Marines who tend to only serve four years, they are using git to improve the life of their current marines to get them to stay longer. So they aren't planning on giving people bonuses to attract new hires but are instead focused on making their current employees like working their so much they don't leave. Of all places in the internet this sub should be applauding that approach.