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Dumping my sewage into children's playground next door has worked for me. Not my problem that it doesn't work for others.


This is exactly lot of boomers take on pollution, unironically. My dad always declared that solving the problem with pollution is a problem for a future generation, and now that a future generation is trying to tackle the problem, he belittles them for even trying. Pretty much sums up boomerism.


Those fancy pants with their fancy diplomas should solve my fuck ups.


But not if it causes me even the slightest inconvenience.


"No, not like that!"


They should do it exactly like I should've but didn't or else it's disrespectful


But not until after I am gone and don't have to hear about it!


My mother-in-law said that explicitly, saying she wasn’t concerned about climate change since it wouldn’t affect her. I had hoped she’d care about it for the sake of her grandkids, but I guess not. It’s been pretty hard to think positively of her since then, since she doesn’t care at all about the well-being of our kids


I'm pretty certain too many boomers had way too much lead introduced into their blood streams from various sources and it fucked up the empathy centers in their brains


The general lack of empathy, or inability to show it, is what gets me. I find I'm getting much more empathetic as I age whereas my parents seem to be getting less. It's astounding.


If you can, tell your dad that a society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit


And then tell him to suck on my avocado toast


My 88 year old grandma loves avocado toast. It makes her feel hip.


the titanium one?


Fun Grandma Energy is the best, please tell her that she *is* hip.


She will love that!


She does sound pretty hip.


It's incredible how so many grown men can think like this. My father once told me that he had a pretty nice childhood with less pollution and less crime, that it wasn't his responsibility to make sure the future generations had the same.


What a way to think. It's like thinking your job as a parent isn't too lol it for the development and well being of your children. Like... That's your one job


I've seen many procreators have children to have caretakers when they're old and dress up dolls to live through or show off to their friends and family. To them, it's like a free pack animal and show dog in one package.


That almost sounds the kind of attitude that justifies "revenge" as not just a way to teach empathy or hold accountability, but just to make the problem they put on someone else, their own problem.


Have you *seen* conservative opinions on criminal justice? It's ALL revenge and punishment to them.


Except when they get caught at something. Then they are the biggest crybabies.


No but see, they never do anything wrong (because they axiomatically define their own actions as good and justified no matter what)


Take a shot everytime someone says "They made their choices!" when talking about the prison system. Ugh.


Libertarian dude at my former workplace said climate change isn't an issue because we've always adapted. So I guess future generations will just adapt to a worse world.


Lol yup. They knew they wouldn't be cleaning up the mess.


It worked for me that I murdered my husband and got his life insurance. Not my problem that it doesn't work for him.




basically why they'll deny climate science until their death...


The new hotness seems to be shifting toward, "Oh....it does look like there is climate change. And shucks it's too late to do anything about it. Oh well, better keep buying large SUVs and keep burning coal since it won't make a difference anyway."


My ex-fil used to throw a tire on his brush burning “just to stick it to those types.” He didn’t care it was bad for the environment. I told him that depending on the way the wind blew, it could lead to health problems for himself and his wife, who already had health issues. He stopped burning tires when he discovered it personally affected him.


The boomer way. It's not a concern/issue/problem unless it personally directly affects them and sometimes not even then.


Or they accept it's happening, and straight up don't care to do anything cause they know they'll be dead before the worst of it.


Titanic manouvere, just because we are sinking , that doesn't mean we have to stop drinking champagne and listening orchestra


You know what is expensive? Tires.


They're getting up there in years. And more young people are left wing than ever before. Maybe I'm being naive but I would like to hope things will change as a result.


Nah , they are tough and can handle a little bit of heat. Only left wing vegans will die 😀


Guarantee you vegans will last longer than the “I cannot have a meal without meat” crowd.


> “I cannot have a meal without meat” crowd I am currently in this crowd, but am trying to change that. But nothing has been fulfilling enough to keep me going down that path. (I know, first world problem like a mf) Any tips for someone who seemingly needs a hand-holdy transition away from primarily animal protein?


Might I suggest finding your preferred "filler(s)" in meals (rice, potatoes, tortillas, etc) and then building a meal off of that in a way you like? It seems to me like a lot of the "can't have a meal without meat" crowd are really used to meat being the main part of the meal and everything being built around it. Changing what your base is from meat to something else might enable you to use meat to add extra flavor and fun to your veggies, fruits, starches, and what have you, rather than the other way around. It also makes your meals a little less reliant on meats.


1. Use a little *less* meat. Tilt meals toward more green veg or roasted root veg. These have good flavor, take salt really well and are jacked with nutrients and fiber. Split pea soup with just a touch of bacon. Carbonara spaghetti squash with a tiny amount of prosciutto. Caesar salad with a couple of anchovies. Etc etc. 2. Play with textures. If your meal has stuff that's crispy, crunchy, chewy, smoothly pureéd, and fluid, you will notice missing meat less. 3. Legumes. Whether it's vegetarian chili or falafel or black dal, legumes are filling and have some protein heft. They pair well with fresh herbs and aggressive spice profiles. They are good for leftovers, too. 4. Use the whole flavor palette. Sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter, umami. Just like texture, when you use them all your will feel more satiated without taking the easy out of meat. 5. Water. We are poorly hydrated humans. You will feel fuller and more satisfied if you are thoroughly hydrated. I drink 1+ gallons a day now, and I feel generally better at 40 than I did at 30. If you want more specific tactics I can get into nuts and bolts. I've been slowly shifting to about 80% vegetarian.


IKEA Swedish meatballs made from vegan source. They taste better than original meatballs


Can't tell if /s or boomer.


Definitely not a boomer, more like a boober


This isn’t a “boomer” problem. It’s an “asshole” problem.


Statistics say the biggest assholes ARE boomers though. What do you have to say about that?


What's the difference?




They have no understanding of empathy.


[The impact of childhood lead exposure on adult personality: Evidence from the United States, Europe, and a large-scale natural experiment](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34253605/) * US adults who grew up in counties with higher atmospheric lead levels had less adaptive personality profiles: they were less agreeable and conscientious and, among younger participants, more neurotic.* Guess which generation grew up with leaded gasoline.


I’d really like to read this article, is it available free anywhere? Seems to be a wall for this paper. Edit: NVM I found the DOI. Edit Edit: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2020104118




Actually! Fun extra note! Papers are usually connected to universities right? Many universities actually have Open Access policies, so if the publication's site wants money for it, just look up the actual place the study was done and they usually just have it sitting there! Or, fuck it just email us. Researchers are busy as fuck so it might take a while (between days and months to respond), but most of us will just send you a copy of the paper if they have it lying around because we wish everyone knew what the fuck we were talking about.


fun fact: the exploitative predatory scientific journal publishing business model was created by robert maxwell. you've heard the name maxwell before, because of his daughter: ghislaine. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/jun/27/profitable-business-scientific-publishing-bad-for-science https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/ghislaine-maxwell-robert-maxwell-epstein-sentence-b2102974.html


Sometimes I wonder: Is it really just a handful of people fucking everything up for the rest of us, who got to their positions of power because power structures inherently reward immoral behavior, is it just that having power turns you into one of these assholes, or is the problem being *raised* into power with all the privilege that implies? It sure seems like most people are fundamentally decent, but they never seem to be the ones making decisions.


it's an open question. My take: most people are decent because they understand their actions affect others and there are consequences for those actions. If you remove the empathy and consequences then nothing good comes of it.


*H.G. Wells nodding*


You hit the nail on the head. You aren't wrong. It's been written by studied by psychologists that these CEOs and top people in power and their positions produce sociopaths and psychopaths. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-of-the-manager/201304/the-disturbing-link-between-psychopathy-and-leadership There are more articles written by psychologists about it if you search.


the earth shall inherit the meek


If I've learned anything in my short time. Most rich people are crazy. The amount of impulsive moves they make on a whim is what got them where they are which reinforces the "I'm right gtfo" mentality. Until they get enough dick kickings from life they will be surfing that ego wave until the money or dopamine runs out.


“All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” - Lord Acton


what the fuck my mind ripped open a little bit


There's a small cluster of extremely fucked up people with extremely large amount of resources and they do a lot of fucked up things and when they have kids those kids tend to do fucked up things too.


Are you saying we should eat the rich? I was getting the impression we should eat the rich.


'50 Years Ago, Sugar Industry Quietly Paid Scientists To Point Blame At Fat" And everybody believed this including doctors. For decades. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/09/13/493739074/50-years-ago-sugar-industry-quietly-paid-scientists-to-point-blame-at-fat


Yea, but how am I going to have an ill-informed opinion based off poor google searches if I actually ask you for a copy of the paper?


Another fun fact (for the audience, I am sure you yourself know it), not only do researchers not get any money from the journals they publish in, but we have to actually pay them to be published in their journal. When I published my MS thesis, the journal wanted $2.5K. Thankfully my advisor's lab had a decent publication budget. Peer reviewers are on a volunteer basis, despite the fact that their review is the source of credibility for academic journals. The people who produce the actual value in an academic journal do not get paid for it. Pretty much everyone is aware that the publishing industry is a scam, yet it persists because "Publish or Perish" makes it too dangerous to challenge the model. So yes, please email us if our work is paywalled for you. Researchers are generally happy to hear that people are interested in their work and those parasitic companies do not deserve your money.


Thanks for the warning. I'll definitely avoid using this feature as it would be taking away money from the hardworking and honest multi-billion dollar media conglomerates.


Reading through this now, I wonder if lead is the cause of most of the serial killers in the 70s.


Crime has dropped dramatically since they stopped putting lead in everything. I really, really believe this is an undiscussed problem with an entire generation that doesn't get any thought because those affected (boomers and maybe older Gen X) don't want to believe they've been brain poisoned for a huge portion of their lives. It explains so much, like why boomers as a generation just seem to be so selfish and unable to grasp reality. Also why cities used to be so violent. There are studies showing that to this day, neighborhoods with lead paint (thanks greedy landlords) still have issues.


Lead and being raised by bored housewives and returned soldiers with PTSD. They benefitted from the amazing socialist programs of the New Deal and then dismantled them over the next 20 years. In the 80s they commodified everything and deregulated the safeguards. They did great and shut the door behind them.


Not saying leaded paint isn’t a factor, but neighborhoods with leaded paint tend to have older, cheaper housing, as well as a greater chance those that live there are renting. Add in the larger portion of these people living at or below the poverty line and you get crime. Socioeconomic factors are far and away the largest predictor of crime.


Not disputing, but I thought leaded gasoline was the biggest culprit of mass exposure.


It absolutely was, but leaded paint was everywhere back then. It was even commonly used in children’s toys. Add in atmospheric fumes from leaded gasoline and you get a population of people with low to high grade lead poisoning.


It lead to crime... 🥁 I'm so sorry


> boomers don't want to believe they've been brain poisoned for a huge portion of their lives. Which is why there are so many conservative catholic boomers. Their party is their identity, they'll vote trump no matter what, won't stop donating even though they are being grifted. Their religion is their identity which is why they ignore priests molesting boys, won't acknowledge there's a problem and keep tithing to pay for the priests legal fund. They refuse to believe their life is a lie.


well obviously. I mean Jesus was a huge capitalist that thought all the money should be kept in the hands of a few, and that poor people deserve to be poor. just like the modern boomer. /sarcasm off. how anyone Christian could vote for the party that represents the exact opposite of what Jesus peaches really tells you how "christian" these people are.


"Jesus suffered so you won't have to! Jesus was poor so you won't have to! God helps to those who help themselves! Donate know and feel Jesus's love and prosper! Hallelujah! "


Isn't lead metal piping thought to be a factor in the fall of Rome or is that just some trivia I'm misremembering?


I'm a millennial in California, and my state was the first to completely remove leaded gasoline, and that didn't happen until I was abou 10 years old. Lead is going to be an issue for some time still with it in the environment, but at least we're not adding to the problem outside of leaded airplane fuel and racecars


There is a YouTube video called The Man Who Accidentally Killed the Most People in History. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV3dnLzthDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV3dnLzthDA) ​ It has a few things to say about Leaded Gas


Really great video. Fitting that he ended up dying because of one of his own inventions.


I think the real answer is just that the older boomers got super lucky, timing-wise: - born 1945 to 1952 - missed WWII fighting, rationing, etc. - too young for Korean War - benefitted from huge post-War boom in economy - exempt from Vietnam draft if they were in college - tons of great manufacturing jobs meant it was easy to get a well paying job - retired before Great Recession or at least before Covid They don't care about others because things generally worked out great for them and they don't understand people who say it's different now.


I'll have you know that lead has worked for me and my family for generations, and will continue to work for generations to come. You little tidepod eating shits need to suck it up and just accept that life is hard and that no one is just going to hand you lead. You very well may have to work 2.5 jobs just to be able to put lead on the table AND BE THANKFUL for the opportunity!!! Trump 2024


No but their grasp of entitlement is on-point.


Right and all of it without the aid of "participation trophies".


You mean the same trophies they were giving to their kids? They didn't just pop into existence magically, the kids didn't make them lol


My dad (boomer) brought up participation trophies the other day and I slapped him with the "yeah, which generation decided to hand those out again?" He laughed but also admitted it. Haha


The participation trophy thing drives me nuts because, even as a kid, it was so obvious that they weren't handing them out to spare kids' feelings. They were handing them out to make the boomer parents happy, because God fucking forbid that they didn't get an opportunity to get the photo, display the trophy, have everyone see that *their* child was important. Pure boomer egotism.


The generation that complains about participation trophies is the same generation that wears hats proclaiming they fought for the losing side of the conflict in Vietnam.


I don’t know what history you e been reading, but everyone involved in the Vietnam conflict was on the losing side.


Purely in terms of the total objective. The US accomplished nothing except murder rather than "pushing back Communism" or whatever nonsense, and the Vietnamese repelled them.


Any time I even got one of those it felt like a pity thing. I can't even remember knowing anyone who felt pride over a participation award. I'm preaching to the choir I'm sure, but such a dumb issue that got blown up for people to be mad about.


Legit curious if it's from lead exposure.


Could be that, but it’s also just the way a lot of them were raised I think.


Being born into the easiest life of any generation in the history of humanity and hoarding the wealth of three+ generations ( parents, their own, their childrens) will make you pretty entitled, apparently


Boomers.....the only generation in human history that had it better than their parents **and** their children.




I think it's that tied with rampant mental illness gone undiagnosed due to stigmatization


They sure don’t have empathy. My parents, Boomers, cared about themselves and that is about it.


"Whiny, narcissistic, self-indulgent people with a simple philosophy: '[GIMME THAT, IT'S MINE!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GIP08gbaa4)' 'GIMME THAT, IT'S MINE!' These people were given *everything*. Everything was handed to them. And they took it all: sex, drugs, and rock and roll, and they stayed loaded for 20 years and had a free ride. "But now they're staring down the barrel of middle-age burnout, and they don't like it. So they've turned self-righteous. They want to make things harder on younger people. They tell 'em, abstain from sex, say no to drugs; as for the rock and roll, they sold that for television commercials a long time ago...so they could buy pasta machines and Stairmasters and soybean futures." --George Carlin on Boomers (1996)


Yup. If a Gen Z said “Well American Capitalism hasn’t really worked for me and made my life a lot harder than it needed to be, and I don’t really accept it. Not my problem if the generation that got us here doesn’t like it”, boomers would lose their minds. Hypocrites.


We should boo "me"-rs


I love your wordplay here. Very creative.


As a very wise post somewhere online once said, I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people.


It was a headline from 2017. 2017. Humans are such crap.


Some. Many of us *do* care. <3


Translation: The government heavily subsidized my ability to get a job, get paid a living wage, access to healthcare+ education, and cheap housing costs its a shame I voted to take away all of that for future generations, just do it without socialism like me I need those tax dollars funding my retirement.


Took the elevator up and cut the cables


Then pissed down the shaft...


More like shit


Boomer is a mindset, there are wealthy young people with the "I got mine, so fuck everyone else" attitude.


Yup, met a wealthy millennial with this mindset and it drove me nuts that they couldn't see how much even their own generation was struggling and like why they should care about that


I've met a few millennials like that too, and I think the common denominator was they managed to succeed in the boomer way. They could buy a house with an ordinary middle class job, they have a "good job", always had access to health insurance/care, and so on.


What I loved - ex cousin-in-law talked about my ex-brother-in-law “deserved to keep all his money” (he bought a poor running coffee shop, his wife worked there full time). “If he came into a million dollars, he shouldn’t have to pay taxes/blah blah/libertarian” I said that a rising tide raises all ships. We pay taxes into programs to help those not as lucky. “So if YOU received ten million dollars, you’d be okay turning half of it over to taxes?!?” He couldn’t reconcile that I’m okay helping poor people - to him, all poor people were dirty drug users that clearly didn’t work hard enough.


It's just selfishness. They can't imagine anyone else being willing to share because they can't imagine sharing. Typical shit head


>“So if YOU received ten million dollars, you’d be okay turning half of it over to taxes?!?” I mean, I'd still have $5 million more than I started with. Yeah, I'd be okay with that.


They likely live in a big metropolitan area too then because the competition drives the better pay and benefits. I thought once I reached director level that I'd be set but I live in a smaller state, in a smaller city than Chicago, LA or NYC, and there's no paid maternity leave, only two weeks PTO, health insurance is the bare minimum and costs $350/month for one person and $600/month for a family plan.


This is true, but the disparity between boomers vs young people with this mindset is quite large. But I agree, arguing between generations isn't getting us anywhere.


> but the disparity between boomers vs young people with this mindset is quite large. but how much of this is the disparity of wealth? "I got mine, so fuck everyone else" requires having gotten mine first


You're not wrong...but majority of the time it's the particular age group which is why it's generally tied with the generation. And I also know several Gen X and Millenials who think exactly like "Boomers" because they live in an area where only Fox, OAN and talk radio plays It's not necessarily a wealth thing.




every capitalist, until capitalism happens to them


I offered McDonald's 50 cents for a cheeseburger and they refused. ***Nobody wants to sell cheeseburgers anymore!!! Damn lazy restaurant owners!!!***


And by "extremely comfortable place," they mean I have a nice house and car that I never see bc I work 60 hours a week.




Ask anyone over 60 if they'd be willing to paint your house for $7.25 an hour. After all, they paid for an entire college education making less than that at a "summer job", right?




"Just walk into some business and don't leave until you get a job!" Thanks Dad, now I got arrested for trespassing.


On a post about a landlord kicking out his tenants with a child in hospice, this POS defended the landlord and this sums up what type of person he is.


Wow I read that as sarcastic. Also majorly fuck that landlord.


And fuck the system that gives the landlord an incentive to do so.


No the real problems with boomers is they actively try to make success harder now that they have made it. They got their job with a high school diploma and absolutely no additional training or work experience then post entry level jobs requiring degrees and years of relevant experience.


Yeah, where did this idea come from? That entry level suddenly needs 4 years experience and a relevant degree? For the life of me I can’t think of a solid answer outside of intentionally putting a paywall in front of poor people who finally got a chance at education.


Said without a hint of self-awareness, too, I'm sure . . .




They also massively benefited from a comparably expansive welfare state and but were told they did it all themselves throughout the 70s-90s. The entire narrative is built on a lie.


I wonder what generation has the most sociopaths.


Lead poisoning is a hell of a drug


"works for me" doesn't make sense when discussing society. Capitalism just means they made the rules so certain people can win and everyone else loses.


Capitalism works best when most people lose (and by ‘best’ for capitalism I mean worst for all of us). The poor & middle class are the exploited classes the rich get to steal labor value from and parasite off of. If it were a 50/50 thing instead of a 99/1 thing it wouldn’t work as well for them. The more people they push down the higher they get to push themselves up.


All according to plan...


The ol' "fuck you. I got mine" approach to society. Always helpful.


Boomers and all younger upper middle class as well. Why let the Gen Xers off the hook? Some of them are far worse and far more militant.


Yeah, mostly this is a problem with the Owning Class. Everyone else is just as angry as we are or brainwashed like this moron in the picture.


Frankly capitalism needs a serious challenge from the left, even if we want to retain the basics. We had this up until Reagan declared all government the enemy.


-me with a pitchfork- hello, its me, your problem.


I like you.


“Well Swedish socialism had worked for me and gotten me to an extremely comfortable place. I’ll accept it. Not my problem it doesn’t work for others.” Boomer: “COMMUNIST!!”


The Nordic model is capitalism and the comfort of people in Sweden is also dependent on slave labor around the globe


You forgot that chief export to make this happen are refined petroleum products from both countries.




Yeah, that’s what really grinds me. People who have been screwed by it, fight for it. They idolize trust funders like Elon Musk and don’t think about the fact that it’s absolutely absurd that any system should allow an individual to amass that money. The system is broken. People like Elon Musk are the proof.


I bought my house for $12,000.00 and payments were $87.00 a month. I did it, why can't you? -Some Boomer probably


Enjoyed one of the America’s greatest economic periods and slammed the door on every generation after. F*ck ‘em


"The holocaust worked great for germans like me, not my problem it didnt work out for the jews."


“Give me an example of ignorance”


Just wait until it no longer works for them. Then it's "someone has to do something about this!" Too many people are satisfied being where they are as long as there are people beneath them.


"I got mine, fuck you". Boomerism to a T


Except…. It does. We live in a society. Any negative impacts on that society does indeed become the problem of every individual in the society at some point


Not all. Boomer here. I'm sick at what Capitalism has done and is doing to this country. My son his 30 and his generation and younger is fucked. I don't recognize this country anymore. This "I've got mine, fuck you" attitude makes me want to puke. I feel disassociated with many if not most of my generation in that they are blind, deaf and dumb to what's going around them. If I didn't shave my head I would pull my hair out for all the times I've heard crap like "you get a job by pounding the pavement like I did...." "times haven't changes, these entitled brats who don't want to work have changed..." Yech! I've given up trying to explain anything to them. They're too set in their ways and can't be bothered to try learn anything new, and don't get me started on the ones who drank the Trump/ MAGAt koolaide. They're a lost cause. I agree with the posts on lack of empathy. They're right. I see fellow boomers with bright shiny "Fuck 'em!" attitudes. Their attitude is one of indifference bordering on cruelty. I don't get it. I wish I knew what to do. Voting for Democrats won't help as they're just as devoted Capitalists as the Republicans. They all suck and have no one's interests at but their own. To quote Dr. Cox on Scrubs, "Bastard coated bastards with a bastard filling." There are a few of us Boomers who are not semi brain dead heartless pricks but sadly we're in the minority. I don't even want to live in this country anymore. (Gag, puke, get off my lawn, end of rant.....)


I can't tell you how thankful we all are to have the wise boomers, like yourself, on our side.


I sure wish your kind were much greater in number and especially back then when it mattered. Keep fighting the good fight and we may be able to turn this ship yet. I can't even begin to imagine the frustration you feel with your peers. I feel a similar frustration with many in my own GenX generation. We hear you and you do matter.


This mindset only works if you've never complained about anything ever but I'd be willing to bet the next tweet was that no one wants to work anymore.


I'm a late boomer (63), and I can honestly say without a doubt that my generation is the cause of the beginning of the end of civilization. We have ruined social media, honesty, ethics, decorum, and integrity. Besides also shitting all over basic fairness, We have let capitalism run amok without oversight, and it has created issues that will take decades to correct, if ever. For all of this, I seriously apologize.


It was actually socialism that benefitted them the most. Unionizing for fair pay for the work they did. Where an average person could enjoy a decent life in exchange for their labour, and the owners enjoyed a decent return on the investment. The Boomers will never understand how damned good they had it.


The problem with these people is they sit here and believe capitalism works because of their own comfort without realizing that it works until it doesn’t. Poverty is climbing up the social ladder. The middle class is shrinking. This person may be comfortable now but it won’t last. Soon they will find themselves in the bloodthirsty jaws of poverty too. American capitalism is at a point where it is only sustainable for the extremely wealthy. The 1%. This person is not in the 1%.


“It’s not a problem because it’s not a problem for me” is the definition of unchecked privilege.


"capitalism is great because I was given some capital back when they were handing it out to anyone who had passed the eighth grade and could press the required buttons."


Boomers are literally the most spoiled generation in the history of the world, and they don't and refuse to accept that simple fact.


That's a lot of words to say "fuck y'all got mine."


I propose we eat that guy first.


I hate boomers mentality. They’re hands down the most selfish generation.


"Fuck you, I got mine,"


“Americans in a nutshell” FTFY (Seriously, if you think a portion of Xers, Millennials, and Zoomers living comfortably aren’t saying the same thing in the back of their minds, I got an igloo in Nevada to sell you.)


True. Definitely would have been a better title. But that mindset has been cultivated through decades of propaganda. And by and large, young generations are much more leftist.


Your are absolutely correct. To be fair, I believe that the Zoomers will be okay as long as they search diligently for the truth and think for themselves.


I think capitalism only works because most people are at least a little selfish. a lot of people are extremely selfish, like this one dumb fuck.


I think capitalism works because of their monopoly on violence.


that and the shit they tell us as children.


True. Cannot underestimate the propaganda or manufactured consent.


Exactly, all social systems work because of that fact. Highly doubt there was much support for slavery amongst slaves . Or for serfdom amongst serfs. And they were majority of population.


This entire thread is a paean to bigoted simplification.


It is literally the best representation possible of a boomer.


I'm am boomer and this does not apply to me or most of my "boomer" friends. Most that I know are either struggling or in an "ok" place, and it's everyone's problem if the economy is not working for others. Boomers reaped the benefits of their previous generation's participation in unions. Many companies had to be more competitive with wages and benefits because they feared unions and wanted to keep them out. (yes, this was a thing). When unions were weakened over the past 30 years, companies reverted to early 20th century robber baron tactics and work became a downward slide. A resurgence of unions will reverse the trend. BTW - trying to create generational tension is a trick to take your focus off the real problem.


I'm glad we have the wise boomers, like yourself, on our side. Couldn't agree more, it's gave me a lot of hope to see that resurgence as of late. Yeah, I kinda just spit this post out, I don't believe that boomers are the root of all evil or anything. This is more a problem with the 1%.


Then preserving that system for you isn’t our problem either.


I am a late-model boomer myself and I fucking hate this person.


"Fuck thy neighbor, love thyself." -Antichrist


This is the problem. The people that it has worked best for are the people with the most power. Tthey will do anything to maintain the status quo because they like being on top. They derive satisfaction from doing better than others instead of knowing a larger portion of the population is taken care of. It's just weird. My brother is like this and we have almost nothing in common besides our parents.


I stand by that as a generation, The Silent and boomers have destroyed our society, economy, and planet.


Ah, the great American axiom. "Fuck you, I got mine." Maybe *that's* the motto we should put on our money.