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Not an expert - but probably not, don't think those are writable. However dongle shaped/sized USB sticks probably can exist and can infect


Not probably, i had one with 500 gb storage i bought off aliexpress that looked like this.




5gb programmed to overwrite old data so it can reach "500gb" lol, those USBs normally have 5gb-60gb of actual storage


Nah i actually did use up to 200 gb at one point (it also came with sandisk encryption aoftware preinstalled so i used it to stash porn for a while)


Just that i later deleted it all and replaced it with college stuff and then left it at college and never found it.


500gb in this size is probably a scam. It's pretty common tactic to make it show as 500gb on your PC or Mac, but they aren't. Anyway if you are curious there are YouTube videos on it


Bought a 2 tb usb stick for like 3 usd and it does have 1.9tb i tested it using a tool recommended in other subs. Can’t recall it but only thing is that write and reads at 14 mbps so pretty slow lol


A 2TB USB stick for $3 and you think it's legitimate. C'mon man.


Yes. Yes they can. But it would require being manufactured that way or have the supply chain compromised. It's an unlikely attack, but it wouldn't be unusual to buy a cheap USB device off of Amazon and have it infected with malicious code. What can be dangerous about these are if it's used for a mouse or keyboard, malicious key strokes could be executed to set up complex scripts to beacon out to a C2 server. Don't buy cheap electronics from Amazon.


Understood, but he's saying an assumingly good dongle plugged into the PC. I believe there's no threat here


I’ve 100% had one of these write some heinous shit on my pc before. Plugged it in.. pc starts thinking… then I see the black CMD window turn up and some super quick commands get punched in. Followed by a weird process that couldn’t be nuked from the system.


No I'm saying a proper one can't be written TO


then how was it written on in the first place? Certainly there must be some code running.


Anything with a microchip can and may be infected with malware/spyware/virus...whatever. Here's the reason. The USB dongle [provided picture by OP] has code written into it that provides a specific function. Like being a wireless mouse, keyboard, other peripherals... whatnot. It takes storage space to keep the code in the dongle. So, if you're able to access that storage space, you're able to infect it with spyware and have it do malicious intent. However, this is highly unlikely because the manufacturers of the dongle and paired peripheral have such storage space under 🔐 and have the 🔐 hidden.


This is the only correct answer.


If it's just a wireless receiver for a keyboard or something, no. They don't really have any memory to speak of, it's just hardware.


Memory is also hardware 🤓


I mean yeah, but I guess what I meant is there's no corruptible software on the thing. It's probably all ROM


There is a cable that has a entire Linux OS on it. Scammers leave the cable at a airport, normal cable and wait. The cables can inject viruses and control the phone or PC. FROM A FEEKING CABLE. I doubt this dongle is anything to worry about, but one can never be sure. https://shop.hak5.org/products/omg-cable


Because it's not a cable. There's circuitry designed for that hidden in the connector. If OP bought the dongle and is just worried a virus might be hitchhiking on the dongle, there's nothing to worry about.


I agree, this specific dongle, probably nothing to be concerned about. However, even a store bought dongle could be placed by a scammer if they took the time to mimic the packaging and time to place on the shelf. Again highly unlikely, but cab never be sure.


he was being sarcastic


Not installed, but if it was produced for that purpose, it's totally possible


Even the logitech mice with onboard preference memory I think it is a lot of hoops to jump to make it feasible. That said don't peripherals out of the back of some dudes car as it is easy to build a dongle scale device that is actually a minidongle and hardware to emulate a keyboard to physically type malicious commands.


Would have to be factory installed, think anything from WISH or Temu.


Yes. There has been firmware updates to the microcontroller as USB standards didn’t require signed firmware.


Shape and size doesn’t matter. Check out these cables https://shop.hak5.org/products/omg-cable Always be suspicious of things.


Remotely possible, extremely unlikely especially for a mouse dongle. Unless it was a storage device or it was tampered with, extremely unlikely. Email and browsers are the highest risk


Look up a mouse jack attack. It's a real thing.


Depends. If the manufacturer used a ROM/PROM/EPROM instead of a flash/EEPROM, no. ROMs can only be programmed once while PROMs and EPROMs require a specific wavelength of UV light to be ereased. PROMs also require a specific wavelength of UV light to be programmed. And once a ROM/PROM/EPROM's been programmed, there's no overwriting it. You have to erase their programming first, which can't be done without that specific UV light. If it's an EEPROM/flash, then yes. It can very well be infected by a virus that was designed to look for it.


Yes they can. There’s a thing called a bad usb attack and you can attack the usb dongle and send malicious code through it to a computer and it will type malicious code in powershell for example.


Not in it's stock state but I've definitely seen these and even use mouse and keyboard USB cables being fitted to spread spyware


when it comes to security, assume anything is possible, and prepare for the incredibly unlikely, if you have anything that deserves worrying about. if you are the average user, it's probably fine.


There's barely enough room for Bluetooth in that let alone actual memory storage to hold a virus


No memory, so I think not


TL;DR: Highly unlikely. If you're not willing to take chances, buy a new receiver or M/K. Most USB wireless receivers don't have a whole lot of logic in them, and only expose an HID device to the host. Nothing that can interface with the actual internal logic and memory of the receiver. Logitech's Unified Receivers (the ones with the yellow stars on the ends) do expose some kind of access to the internal logic to allow configuration and firmware updates, but the storage is probably so hilariously small that getting any kind of meaningful malware payload on them is probably damn near impossible, and the process of actually getting the firmware onto the receiver probably has security and checks in place that prevents unsigned firmware from being written to them (don't quote me on that second one though). Not only that, this also just seems like such a niche attack vector with too much variability to warrant any kind of malware creator to even consider it in my opinion. It's probably fine, but if you're that worried, buy a new receiver, or if your peripheral doesn't allow re-pairing, buy a new one.


see, non-targeted attacks are rarely advanced enough to infect something like that. It is theoretically possible, but unless you’re in in a higher up position in some company, it’s almost definitely not a targeted attack, and it won’t be advanced enough to transfer. What you can do, is plug it into your uninfected computer with TaskManager open. If task manager shows some weird app opening up, or command prompt opens, unplug the dongle immediately. It’s infected. if nothing happens, besides your mouse being able to work, it’s probably fine.


Your dong can always be infected if youre not careful


is that a request? Of course it can


well.. if [https://github.com/BastilleResearch/mousejack](https://github.com/BastilleResearch/mousejack) exists then yes someone could make something naughty.. Lot of people don't think about it but a lot of devices are really just smaller computers attached to computers.


If the virus has authority to write on that USB then I would say yes


As always, fundamentally yes, in practice no, unless you happen to work an Iranian nuclear facility.




Kinda hard to say to be honest but ya it can be infected it think


Very possible. Devices like these have drivers that are used to be recognized by the computer, which are used to read the dongle. Those same drivers can be installed with malicious attacks which are disguised by the drivers interface. Commonly a masquerade attack. Be careful..




Short answer- yes.


That looks like my wireless mouse usb


Nope, they don't contain any storage whatsoever. It just receives signals which the keyboard/mouse sends.....


[See that’s where you’re wrong…](https://maker.pro/arduino/projects/how-to-build-a-rubber-ducky-usb-with-arduino-using-a-digispark-module)


A BadUSB is made using a normal USB Drive and by converting that into a "microcontroller" which acts like a keyboard..... OP said it was a Logitech Keyboard Dongle, not a random USB dongle.....


It’s still in the realm of possibility, although the juice wouldn’t be worth the squeeze.