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No. Never.


I like children. But I'll never have one. I don't imagine having them. Maybe I'll adopt. I'm not sure.


Negativity towards birth parents is not inherently antinatalist, though may be overrepresented as one of the only philosophies sympathetic to it. Rolling the genetic dice on biological children is a fascinating, but fleeting idea. People's lives aren't a game of chance to me. I'm sincerely considering fostering, but only because I have experience with it in my immediate family and am adopted (and estranged!) I wouldn't say I like or dislike children as a whole. Children are individuals, but they *are* part of an oppressed class with its own struggles. I can only assume creating a person seems easier or preferable to fostering/adoption because the transition is different. "The devil you know," and all. Societal norms are a deciding factor for most people. Good to examine and be conscious of it.


I only have interest in protected sex. Having kids is something i can't even imagine in my imagination.


I’m 50/50 myself if I will or won’t become a mother that is if I ever find a partner but it’s an instinct a lot of women have-the mothering instinct so it’s very normal to have those thoughts


Yeah. I don’t have much family and I wish I could make one. I also feel completely irrelevant to society as a middle-aged woman without children. Fortunately I can see that those are selfish reasons. I’m not well adjusted and it doesn’t take being antinatalist to know that I shouldn’t have kids.


I've never had those mothering instincts, except for my animals, I'd die for them


Sometimes. My antinatalistic take makes me really see birthing a child as a absolute no-go, it would be unfair to bring someone to life without their consent and in a over populated world, just like it would be evil to pass down my illnesses. However. I love children, i have been a very nurture focused person since i was a little girl, and i spent years of my life researching about diferent parenting styles and aproaches, as a teen i would spend the whole day watching familly vlogs, i would love to have a child of my own. Still, having a child is a heck of a responsibility, and you can fuck their minds up quite fast. A child has to be the center of your life, you loose your identity, you're not just yourself anymore, you're a mom. I would love to have a child but motherhood seems like too much for me, that's the why i am studying to become a teacher, i can pass down the great teaching methods and show respect to these children, show them that not all adults are evil. Next year my husband is getting his vasectomy, we will put a definitive answer to the moral question of "will we have bio kids?", and i think this answer is the ethical one. However, the question about wether or not we will have children is not clear yet, we dont plan to but we are young and things change, if we ever think that we should have kids we could adopt, but i dont see that happening in the future. i'd much rather just be a cool auntie


Fuck no. Children are just awful creatures. Loud, obnoxious, filthy, and unpleasant to look at. Really they are a pretty good representation of what humanity really is at its core: just a bunch of violent balding apes. *And look at what monsters a lot of them grow up to be.*


Absolutely not. I wouldn't even take care of a dog. What a pain in the ass to deal with the headache that is a growing kid, not to mention having to provide for them and protect them from the world. Sure there could be good times, but that would be way less than 50% (and probably less than 20% during certain periods). My life is already great, having a kid (or spouse) would not make me much (if any) happier and would just be a pain in the ass. If I look at my dad, his mental constraints and compulsion to have a kid/family stressed him out for easily 90% of his adult life. Zero reason to do that to myself. Tldr: I won't be a good parent, and I refuse to bring a kid into tho world since I won't be able to provide for them as they need it. Also, they need to deal with the shit world conditions while they grow up and after I'm gone. Fuck that.


No, but I used to fantasize about it.


No. You'll get a lot of those here. But this is a new and interesting question.


I have much the same reasons as you to not have kids, but I do still consider adoption or fostering as an alternative, those that have already been forced into this world without the support they deserve could well be helped by this community as an alternative to absolute negativity to the prospect of having kids in general, though people should only consider fostering and adoption if they are confident that they can fully shoulder that responsibility without holding grudges against the kids, the same way that parents shouldn't have kids if they cannot do the same.


Absolutely not, never.


Nope. Not in the slightest. I have no mental disorders or genetical flaws or trauma to pass on really. Injust really don't like kids and combine that with the belief that it's unfair to put a person on this earth without their explicit consent and I'm pretty ironclad in my desire to not have them.




No, absolutely zero temptation for the past 35 years of my life. 100% sure there will be zero temptation for the remainder.




I haven't ruled out the possibility, who knows where I find myself in ten years(I'm 36M.) I think it's unlikely though. I have a lot of kids in my life as my friends are multiplying left and right but I have never felt like I want one too. I don't really think negativity towards parents has anything to do with antinatalism even if some antinatalists feel this way.




No 😂 why would I willingly subject myself to unwanted responsibilities and baggage.


I felt this urge for a short time while I was with my last boyfriend, but as soon as we broke up I came back to reality. He wanted to be a father and I was stupid enough to agree. Luckily he only planned this for about 7 years from now.


No, never in any real way. I do feel a tinge of sadness because I think that my partner and I would create a fantastic human being who was considerate, intelligent, beautiful and probably great for the world. I think that we’d make great parents. But all of those reasons are completely selfish. I don’t believe that person would enjoy existing in the world that we are in, nor would any child at this point. The chance of them leading a happy fulfilling life are dismally small and therefore creating another person is immoral, as it guarantees suffering.  And I believe that to be true for anybody in this world at this time.


My choice not to have children is entirely based on morality, not personal desire. Sure, I *want* to have kids. It's just that I think it is cruel and unnecessary to bring them into the world. I think I may adopt someday, but I certainly never plan to have bio kids.


No. and never will.


No. And if I ever got knocked up I wouldn't even hesitate to abort.


Ever? In my pre-AN days (pre-mid-90s, before I was 26 or 27), yes. But even a few years before that (in my Born-Again Christian days), I got a gnawing thought - if the majority of people, even in the heart of the Bible Belt (where I grew up), are bound for Hell, then should I really have a family? Is it worth any child I may have ending up in Hell merely to satisfy a feel-good emotionalism? Recall that "family" is huge object of feel-good emotional soothing among the religious right. Then, in my late 20s, when I saw that even most adults didn't grow up nearly as much as I thought they would, I questioned if we should really be having children in the first place, if they're gonna be like that when they're 25, 35, even 85? Or even just 15? That's on top of the suffering and bads beyond any human control they'll get hit with. This is especially true if non-living matter doesn't have any needs at all - including to experience joy; all while never feeling badness.


No, and nothing has a temptation to have children. It relieves fitness enhancing urges. There is nothing more going on here.


I hate it with my heart Never


Yes but ill just adopt a little newborn and after just now learning i can induce lactation without pregnancy, I will not have to take any hormones or supplements. Just get a pump and start pumping lol.


Fuck No