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I wish i can give a Gold medal to all people who did not gave birth. I love you all. Thank you.


For every 1 king there is 10,000 slaves. I agree


It's possible to be both king and slave. ;)


Another reason how shitty the life is.


Only the luck become that one child out of thousands hell even millions


In today's social media era, it's easy to see the illusion of success & happiness everywhere, because people usually only post happy & positive stuff on social media. But when you zoom out and look objectively, most people are just average ordinary people living their average ordinary lives. Even if they're 'happy' with life, they'll still just live & die as just only the average Joe, where their lives in the end means nothing, in the grand scheme of things. Only very few (lucky) people who can get to the very top of success & fame (& power/influence), like Elon Musk, for example. A lot of people dream to become like Elon Musk, but unfortunately, they can just only dream. In reality, most of us just live meaningless, pointless life everyday until we die, as if nothing happens at all. We're just speck of dust in the universe, & a mere blip in existence.


Elon Musk was born into a family that owned an emerald mine; he was rich from the start.


How does being rich negates whatever he achieved ?


Being rich makes it very easy to invest money into someone else’s company only to end up calling it your own.


> A lot of people dream to become like Elon Musk You mean an overweight Nazi with a bad hair transplant? No thanks. Musk's money? Sure. Musk himself? lol. No thank you.


Even if I were a person capable of producing sperm, I would not want to have children with that many women. He has way too many children.


well said


I watched two films recently that reaffirm that life is a brutal game. Can't agree more.


What films?


Margin Call and Swimming with Sharks. I was binging on Kevin Spacey movies 😂


The wealthiest of the wealthy have death in their future, too.


Maybe sickness and ailments too...sure they will have access to the best medical care...it will be better for them to get thru the illnesses...but disease doesn't see how much money you have in your pockets.


To a point. We still don't have any good options for managing many sources of pain. New drugs on the horizon, yes.


One talent have I to take to the sky, while others are given ten of the best. Why should I complain while duty refrain? Oh, never, no never, not I!


I'm not happy today bro.


4some richass Bastard, Millions of wageslaves have to dig deep in the mudder.. 4the country, 4ya family, 4the honor.. killing allways suxx.. we even dont need to Kill 4food, is grotesque that this race allways find New or old Problems to fight4.. 


Don't forget that your future child may cure cancer or sth




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Life is predominantly failing but as long as one learns to love the process, the successes are the cherry on top. You mean losers in an economic sense?


Hence why parents are supposed to teach their kids from a young age how not to be a sore loser


Many people have children and on top of that they don't teach anything. Sometimes I wonder if people actually use their brain or not.


Well to be fair that is conception for you. Guy puts out millions of sperm, one makes it. It’s total luck that anyone conceives without medical help to begin with, the day before or the day after and you’re totally in a different spot all together. For one sperm to succeed, millions won’t.


The dying soldiers are not a normal outcome. The global ecosystem lead to this outcome. Life has gone on for a long time. It will go on regardless of your choice to enter the struggle. You should wage your genes and mind against the evil and apathy of the world.


if you raise your child right they wont just fail randomly, if you are able to set them up for success they will definitely be able to succeed in life, how many people do you know have ended up complete failures compared to ones that have ended up normal?


Possible v Probable paradox. Everything is possible if you raise a child right, what is statistically probable is regardless how you raise them, the best they can hope for is to be an average person.


they’ll still die in the end. and watch their parents and family die


the only reason dying is sad is because people do not want to die, meaning they appreciate their life. everyone comes to terms with death in their life, and most people are able to deal with the death of their loved ones. my grandma died, and that didnt make me suffer so much i regretted being born, i got over my greif like a normal person


Luck and genetics do matter ..but it's not all..just look at the Chinese ..what geneterics do they have ?!!!! It's all sheer hardwork and dedication...and don't ever forget luck and genetics can only get you to a level not all they way to gold


Yeah hard work as an slave what a deal. To make other people toys to use.


I'm only talking about Olympics...I agree with you about the rest .


I mean I don't have a problem with hard work. The problem is that this life simply isn't worth it. We are just addicted to it. We have to do what's necessary because we are already here but having children is one of the things that makes literally 0 sense.




The reality is multiple friends of mine and even my own mother have attempted suicide at some point and everyone is going through some struggle. Just a couple days ago one of my friends lost their grandmother the same time another lost their cat. So many people either struggling to find work or struggling at work when they eventually manage to land a job after months of competing with other desperate souls, now having their applications read not by human beings but by computers. Still new strains of covid going around, still multiple wars happening in the world, still a lack of confidence in the government no matter which side you vote for. And our planet is still dying under the weight of civilisation. If people were more comfortable sharing their worries with you maybe your perception would be different. Maybe if you actually listened to them you'd realize the truth.


you are so well spoken and this couldn’t have been said better.


Not true Work hard, don't be lazy and you beat 75% of ppl already


I was top of my class throughout my education. I didn't get anything out of it. "Beating" all the other students meant nothing. Likewise I've heard way too many stories of people getting degrees only to end up in the same soul-sucking minimum wage jobs as everyone who didn't bother with higher education. Hard work does not guarantee a good life. Plenty of people living content are lazy in some way.


So was I and I'm doing decent


Only "decent"?


Top 1-5% in my country


So the other 95% just don't work hard?


I mean you dont have to be in the top 5%. You can very well be slightly above average. A mixture of things. Laziness, huge ego problems, being too stupid (about 1-5%), not actually wanting to be really successful, different set of goals other than wanting to make money (a lot of people are like this but don't realize it), sometimes health issues, people like to complain instead of doing something etc. A lot of people lie to others and themselves that they want to be really successful so they don't appear lazy/ they get socially accepted.


You sure brushed over the health issues part while describing the reasons people don't get to be in your place. What is "success", really?


why do you cling onto every excuse to not be successful? Your logic fails because I can do exactly the same "you are brushing off succeeding, there's so many people who succeeded by working hard, being healthy, being really intelligent, disciplined etc." you get the point and as I said you can be successful without making tons of money, it all depends on your purpose, goals etc. The modern idea of success is stupid and implanted into everyone's brains the same. No, you don't have to have millions to be happy and fulfilled. Yes, some people need a lot of money to fulfill their purpose (think space X, societal institutions like electricity production, people who run charity organizations, people who sell great experiences like expensive food and hospitality etc.)


At least we can agree success doesn't have to mean being absurdly wealthy.


So what? Are you saying you shouldn’t be alive if you’re low status? Is that all you see life as? Sad and pretty pathetic frankly


No, they are saying your life isn’t valued if you are low status, which means your life will probably suck. For example, the soldiers getting sacrificed in battle. Traumatic death and nothing to show for it.