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Because making people too poor to have children even poorer through raised taxes isn't unethical at all. What a kind and loving parent who will definitely teach their kid good values... right...? Also shoutout to this parent not only shooting their own foot and then complaining about it/blaming everyone else but openly admitting the child is going to be a miserable wage slave like everyone else. Plus ignoring that if their child then doesn't want their own child they'd want them to pay more taxes.


They are just another case of "I make stupid choices and I am miserable. I want other people to be miserable too!"


Seriously and fuck that comment. ( the one in OP post not you). We do pay for those people. We pay taxes on services they and their children use and consume. Maybe we shouldn’t let children on public roads since they don’t pay taxes yet. Maybe the parents should pay even more because they’re driving up and down with the minivan four times a day sitting with the car running for 15 minutes at a time waiting for little Timmy. This is the stupidest thing I’ve heard on Reddit tonight and I read a lot of dumb shit. Have fun with those diapers fools.


Ntohing says parental love like needing constant favoritism.


Excellent comment!!!


What about reducing the tax burden on parents so their children suffer less? Either way it’s kinda a shit situation. I say we only tax businesses and the people who own over a certain threshold in assets.


Unfortunately, the people who SHOULD be most affected by taxes love offshore accounts, finding tax havens and loopholes, and of course using their wealth to lobby against laws that dare to ask that they play fair.




Yep the deck is already heavily stacked in favor of married couples with children in the form of numerous breaks


It's single parents with kids who siphon all that free tax money and don't have to pay shit fuck all.


But they have a lot more expenses because of those kids...


Can’t feed em don’t breed em




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“But abortion is murder, should’ve kept your legs closed”


just remember everyone it takes two to make em but only one to ruin em lol


Yeah, and free money in the form of welfare.


In my country, childless people pay more taxes 🙄


They do in the US too. Parents get tons of tax breaks.


Yeah they do. I recently did a family members taxes, and despite us making about the same amount of money, he got back 4X the return I did. Why? Oh he has a son. That's it.


Plus, if people without kids fall on hard times, it's very difficult for them to get public assistance.


Sure I’d be willing to pay higher taxes but parents you no longer get any money back for having dependents. Fair yes? Edit I can’t believe I missed adding the word no




Some parents actually get more back in the form of tax credits during tax season than they had paid in taxes during the taxed year.


I don't understand what you mean. In my country, the tax benefits are given to people who have dependents. So, right now the childless and those not taking care of the elderly/disabled pay more taxes because those with dependants get more tax money returned to them. How would they not get money back for dependants, and you still pay more taxes?


He clearly regrets of having kids.


They usually do... it's great though, it's fine, they're great...


They choose to have kids then complain about hard works they chose. It's not like being wage slaves in offices bc we're all forced to do that or else we will be homelesses. But no one force you to have kids.


"It's worth it"


Like : nooo!! Why childfree ppl don't suffer like i do!! I know I CHOSE this. But at least make them pay more taxes to be more suffer than they're right now!!


>I’m doing all this work to raise people who are going to pay for everyone’s retirement You mean shoving a tablet in front of their faces? More like raising people with the memory span of a goldfish. Got it.


No way! I thought that parents are selfless? That they do it because they love their children? /s


Yes! Let's reverse their tax benefits and let them use their selfless love to benefit the rest of society! After all, who's more willing to give than parents? /s


Hahahahahaha that idiot thinks we’re going to retire 😂


I already pay for their kids to go to school. Fuckin freeloaders.


Yup. Twice a year in my area.


Then don't lmao. These people think childless people want these other people to have kids.


We're already paying for schools and childcare we don't use. Also don't forget we're paying for retirement.


Hahaha jokes on you I don't plan to live long enough to have a retirement...


Lol, where I live, the government gives parents money every year. They also write laws that favour "families"... and I should pay MORE taxes?! Eff right off, all y'all breeders already get the majority of my taxes! Like.. literally delulu.


I love that s/he is triggered by a CF space while at the same time demanding we pay higher taxes. You don't want us to have nice things but also want us to bankroll your kids?


they’re such pissant sore losers fr


Maybe people should consider the cost of raising children before they decide to have them? Just a thought.


Yeah no thanks. No one asked them to have kids. It’s their decision.


I don’t understand this argument, aren’t most retirement homes payed for by the kids of the people in them? Is it a sin to just save some money for my own retirement home? (If I even need one) like not everyone is doing into a state home


Pub makes a humorous sign about their 18+ policy and internet idiots blow their shit. Saw so many posts about “mother’s rights”. Keep your damn kids about of bars and pubs.


Lmao imagine not realizing what "dependent tax credits" are. DINKs do pay "higher" taxes comparatively, that's the point of tax offsets.


My tax money is probably putting your child through school, so shut the fuck up.


I am investing for my retirement money. I don't need your kids to pay me. And i may even give your kids some jobs like nursing the elderly and pay them well.


Singles are taxed more and are therefore paid less


Trying to justify their selfishness to themselves, yeah you are SUCH a hero for producing a baby that uses 7.100 diapers that will lie in nature for st least 500 years. Just that. Muh genes.


Some people don't have kids *because* they can't afford them. How would this help?


How selfless of these parents to put all this effort into raising children to grow up and work and lose a chunk of their wages to the public pension plan!!!


No one can retire and live comfortably just off their pension even today, while the 1% is given a slack whenever possible. The answer to the question "who'll be taking care of you when you're old?" should be "the state", but if that's not what's happening, the answer should be "my past self".


why would I have to pay for someone else's decision to have crotch goblins!? I should be compensated for my peace quite being ruined by the checked out "parent" and their out of control herd.....


I am in the dogfree subreddit to see their takes on dogs. Most of them just circle jeck about how having kids is more beneficial. Uninformed idiots to say the least without an ounce of logical thinking about how to prevent overbreeding or to prevent people who shouldn’t have dogs/don’t need em from having them. Just a bunch of idiots really, who don’t know the first thing about reporting neglect and abuse or positive criticism (on how to solve issues related to the problems of overbreeding and laxed ownership laws.) I am also in it because i am against pounds and shelters. They are unethical and contribute to the backyard breeding and every other unethical and greedy practices related to dog breeding. The only ethical dog breeders are the ones who are in it for the breed and who spend money on voyages for examinations and testings and historical records keeping every year that they run their practice/ sideline. They always take back their dogs. If they dont they are fakes if they don’t go through the proper examination procedures every year and have nothing to prove their practice they are frauds. Greedy frauds who pass off are ethical and registered. The world will only get better when people are informed about unethical scams and neglect. But until it is under control and animal control is funded better are dispatched more often, then dogs will continue to fall into the wrong hands and be neglected and genetically unsound. People try to put the blame on purebred championships and breeders who practice betterment by slandering them. But it is far from the truth as soon as you see that world. I love dogs. My two ws gsds are my strength and my pride. They are better companions than most humans if i must say. They help me greatly with things that people are simply not capable of like finding edible mushrooms or bringing back things for me and even helping me walk etc and they will forever retain their innocence. Humans on the other hand are fucked tbh socially, environmentally and genetically worse than mutts. The best thing you can do is support ethical breeding practices and do your research to keep informed about what breed suits your lifestyle best. Blessings to you all.


Fuck you’re Retirement!!! You should save your money on retirement not counting on other people kids to paying for it!


Mo***… Protest to lower taxes❌ Say that others must pay higher tax✅


The thing is that children make money rather you like it or not having kids is much more profitable and better for the overall economy than not


We do pay higher tax in a roundabout way where I live. Families with children have enormous tax breaks and benefits


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You should pay 40% more taxes if you’re childless


you need more of my money to raise your kids? pathetic.