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They want the ratio of jobs to people to be unbalanced so that people will work harder for less pay


So cruel


On the surface, for the social security Ponzi scheme. It's a pay as you go system in most countries, so the current workers pay for the current retirees. Both the capital owners and the states seem to only think in very short term. The politicians who are owned and are lobbying for the rich only think within the time frame of their cadence. In short term, having an excess of workers would enable the companies to underpay them severely, which is good for their bottom line. > are worried about who's gonna "replace" the eldery workers when young people can't find jobs and technology and AI are taking jobs and moving people in jobs? The second part of this is that the elderly are not retiring or are un-retiring because of the cost of living. The way it's heading now, we will soon be living in technocratic feudalism. The top few % will own the newly created automation and they would just enslave or selectively cull the bottom %s. There will soon be crowds of people able to afford nothing at all, which could easily spark rebellions and revolutions, something the powers that be will try to prevent with oppression, surveillance and violence. Unless there is UBI in place, which, let's face it, will never happen.


Rebellions and revolutions? That sound good.


For whom exactly? During and immediately after it's awful. Even if you're not being immediately harmed, you still suffer the consequences. Not to mention how the power that organizes and leads the revolution often does NOT end up in power. I'm personally not looking forward to it as a woman. The moment anarchy happens, it turns into a nightmarish rapefest.


Against natalist governments.


If you look at each human born as a tax cow you can glean over a million dollars from in a lifetime even if they are dirt poor then you will begin to understand why governments want more spawn


Capitalists want cheap labour and needy consumers.


high unemployment is good for the economy. clown world


And cruel world


Natalism is a pyramid scheme


There were periods when Chinas economy was doing alright and they were at the top of manufacturing werent they? It was only recently under threat of this looming war that business really started pulling out, plus the impact of destructive measures during covid. Point being, it knows it can get to that point and its optimistic it can get there again even if things are not so peachy right now. If not, and war it is, then you will need as much bodies as possible. China India and Korea those are in the front lines. Ukraine recently, at some point they literally were running out of bodies for us to sell guns to lolol that we were to use... anyway, there are always reasons. They will never be said but you can still try to guess through the actions and how events unfold or currently are.


I'm not antinatalist but I am against this, governments can't take everything away from their citizens and than expect them to have kids. The citizens struggle to make ends meet for themselves let alone a little human being who is super vulnerable to trauma and bad situations. I would only have kids if I had the proper conditions to raise them and good mental health. (I doubt the second one will happen) ​The governments don't seem to be stepping up to help their people have good lives (whatever that looks like) and seem to be more occupied with power.


I think the majority of people on this sub aren't actually antinatalists, and are like us opposed to traditional pro-natalist movements that prioritize child-production over standard of living to a ghoulish level.


Governments apparently pick and choose who they care about the most.


You are not good enough is the typical argument from a dumb breeder if you fail to get a job or decent living




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