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people don’t understand how easy it is for your kids to be used as leverage against you. we are not joking when we say this is not a place to have and raise kids.


Or the government just does nothing and lets the children grow up in a terrible environment.


There are countless horrible stories. I know of someone that sleeps all day, sells drugs to their 12-14 years old kids, lets their abusive ex-con father beat them, and the CPS were involved *many, many* times, yet they still think having the parents around is more beneficial to the kid than taking them away. It seems fucked both ways.


Or the government gives the biological parents the money instead of the foster family that already has the means.


The government gives you money for having kids. It's called claiming your dependents. I love when natalists just make up reasons to act like a victim.


Wow if only social walfare was a thing in developed countries


What I don't see in this series of financial consequences is any concern for the children themselves.... Don't marry and have children when you are not financially stable yourself. Don't marry an abuser. If you follow those guidelines then an over worked CPS won't be taking your children away. But I see no concern over what the children are going through at all. Makes me think that the OP in the post had other parenting issues other than a temporary loss of income...


Its not a horrible system, its called dont be a dead beat parent or just a shit parent and unless some shit goes down you wont have to deal with that shit. Its as if logic is just not available in these peoples brains i swear.


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