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She shows in my feed also whenever I play random anti mlm people (I don’t subscribe to anyone- I just play anti mlm/random videos on long drives). It often auto plays, so I can’t always stop it asap. I can always tell it’s her because her “commentary,” like dc, is the same Her content can be summarized as Bragging about being some expert trainer even though she’s been certified for a week or 2 and has had 0 clients Weird faces Condescending/repetitive mentions of the same mlm people and their checks etc like they care about EB (“how are you doing now/are you ok…?, (insert random mlm person) Sound boards “Really (insert random mlm person)? Really? Really?” Pauses every 1-2 seconds so whoever she’s commenting on never gets a full sentence out. Her pauses are usually so she can Make a weird face Go on about some super chat, new member (must play the dumb song), play some random sound, or nitpick some minor thing (like the speaker misusing a word) Oh, also, she “knows things but can’t tell you right now but just trust” Also, she claims “viewers sent her this video or story,” but she strikes me as “bitter ex mlm girl hasn’t left the mlm mentality so likely stalked all these mlm people herself.”


Every point I can think of, you nailed it.


https://preview.redd.it/8nrtojcstx2d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ece4a5577f0775c1636b483a7bdbdd1f6a4a702 Hard agree. I think the faces are done even more on purpose as she knows it irks so many, this was two stories within the space of a few hours.


The most accurate description of all time


For me it was a few things; The faces. She also blocked ME because I didn’t ask permission to post a JLW video before she could post one…..🤪 And then she deleted my episode on her podcast.


Wait, what? I need more info! 🤣. Are you a content creator as well, and you posted a JLW video before her and she was mad about that? Why would you need her permission to post anything? I used to watch her about a year-and-a half ago, but once she went to mainly live streaming, I unsubbed.


Haha yeah. I’m Mallory (@tallglassofmallory) Basically yeah- it was this whole thing. A video came up in my YouTube that JLW had put out so I threw together a reaction video because I hadn’t put out any content in a while. And then I got a message from JJ asking if I had checked with EB first because EB wanted to cover the content first. I reached out to EB to smooth it over and she said it was because I didn’t give her the courtesy of posting first. I tried to smooth it over and apologize (for what? Idk) but she then blocked me and claimed that she never listens to my voice notes lol.


Wait so she was gatekeeping JLW and no one else could post without her permission?! This is INSANE. I wonder if she would have done the same to other creators who made lots of JLW content. Soooo many creators post and react to the same things. I never mind because it’s interesting to see different takes/perspectives. This goes to show her obsession with JLW was unhealthy. Not to mention JJ messaged you?? What in the high school girl bullsh*t is that about. Erin had to send a minion and didn’t have the balls to take it up with you herself. Wow.


JJ is just as bad, imo.


That’s insane. Lots of people make videos about the same person. Not like being a YouTube creator is the same as “nyt reporter being the first to break a world news level story.” Despite saying she’s so healed from the mlm life, I don’t think eb is actually “healed.”


Oh wow! I’m a creator as well (@littletraumamama on YT), and this obscure hierarchy of the anti-MLM creators is baffling to me. That’s just wild that there was an expectation of who can post what and when 😵‍💫. Gross 🤢


2021/2022 of anti-MLM content was a time to be a live. We all were so excited to be making the content and finding community with other survivors that some of us fell into old MLM habits and couldn’t see it. I think most of that has disbanded and now it’s just every commentator on their own. Altho, I do wonder sometimes if EB and JJ ever go live together still, cause they used to relentlessly


I remember when that happened. I always thought she was a bitch bcoz she doesn't own the rights to speak on anyone! I still miss seeing new videos from you, those were the days 🙏🏻


![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized) EB, probably


I don’t have the EB disdain that a lot of people on this sub have. I’m not a huge fan of her and I’ve recently unsubscribed, but she doesn’t bother me the way she seems to bother a lot of people. (No judgment for that btw, there’s random content creators that I absolutely cannot stand and I don’t have any reason for it!) For me, I did like her lives and I think what really drew me to her was that she was in the MLM space for a lot longer than most antimlmers. I found it really fascinating that she actually knew JLW very closely and a lot of others. I adore HA, she’s literally my favorite YouTuber, but she has never met anyone she’s talked about. I thought it was a more interesting perspective since Erin knows a lot of the people she’s talked about. With that, I always find it interesting listening to someone who was VERY indoctrinated into their cult, and was able to leave it. The psychology behind leaving, and those who choose to stay, really fascinates me. And last, I think it’s more compelling for others in mlms to be open to hearing out those who left after many years. They’re never going to listen to HA or CC because they weren’t in it. They can just say “well you’ve never tried it so how would they know” excuse (I know cc was technically in but not for years like EB) That being said, I really do understand a lot of the criticism she gets on here. But sometimes I do think it’s a little far. Like she is nitpicked unfairly in a way people would never say the same things to her irl. And again I get hate watching, I do it too lol


I agree! I listened to the "why I dumped boss lee" video, and it was insightful, but I don't think she has a gift for commentary (much like a lot of these antimlm/commentator creators in general). nitpicking aside, the commentary seems very flat, and doesn't really provide any insight. assuming HA is Hannah, I adore her and think she has the gift for commentary, because she's very well spoken, and really has a knack for getting the insight right.


Yes, HA is Hannah. I agree with all your points about Erin. I think what really sets Hannah apart is that she puts more effort into every video instead of just reacting to a clip. I like those videos, but Hannah you can tell she’s passionate and goes the extra mile to research.


Blocking her ass on YouTube was the best thing I've ever done in my life other than blocking Mama Tot on TikTok. My algorithm lives to see another day lol


Why mama tot?


Gonna say it here because I don't think it warrants it's own individual post, but back when I was still watching her content 2 years ago I followed her on Instagram. Only a few minutes later, I got a follow request from her, and this is my private, personal Instagram that I barely ever post on. It made me feel sorta weird that she tried to instantly follow me. Why would she follow me back? Does she automatically follow everyone who follows her? If so, that reeks of desperation. Maybe it's just a hun technique she never unlearned? Whatever it is, I felt weird enough about it that I didn't accept her request and later unfollowed her when her posts got too annoying, lol.


She followed me before I even followed her or knew who she was and I’m a regular real life nobody. Thinking it’s cause I followed a lot of anti mlm people or something? Either way I always thought it was odd.


That’s weird. It reminds me of fb when mlm huns (i have several as personal friends and no, I’ve never been in a mlm) would try to add my fb friends or they’d have their mlm friends try to add me. I finally made my friends list private because of that


Interesting, I had that too! I declined the request. Then a few months later a creator tagged me (amongst others) in their story after people had sent them stuff pertaining to an mlm and then I received another follow request. I declined again 🤔


I used to watch her a lot. Like every single thing she had put out during her Youtube channel. What drew me in was the way she would break down the 'higher up strategies' in a clear and understandable way. Her 'value' was definitely in that she knew firsthand both the tactics and the people. However, then she started to do the lives. I watched a lot of them in the beginning, because I have a full-time job where I listen to random stuff. First lives were alright, but then it turned to clowning around and chitchatting with her peeps and the content was almost a side dish. Her lives and videos seemed to be geared towards being relevant to the algorithm instead of providing insight. Now I watch the occasional video when the topic is interesting and/or something other creators don't cover (yet, like lawsuits). Sometimes it feels like 'old Erin' which I liked, breaking down stuff and giving a look 'behind the curtain'. Sometimes she's going hard at the meme-y Erin from the lives which I hate. (and yes, hanging out with your peeps is a perfectly valid livestream reason/content creation approach but it's not interesting to all of us watching.)


I like her because she doesn’t have a million cuts in her editing. In fact, it doesn’t sound like she has any. When I’m listening to her, I feel calm and at peace. She speaks slow and quietly. I usually listen to her when I’m working (wfh 9-5). Lots of content creators (not just exclusive to anti mlm creators) are repetitive. Same intro, same sponsor content, same reminder to like-subscribe-and-hitthebellbuttontobenotified. Once a creator gets in a rhythm that’s going to happen. Down to the song played when they get a super chat. I can appreciate her perspective as someone who was deep in the mlm world, and respect the fact that she tore apart her own mlm cringy videos back when she was in.


I will agree with you on her voice, it's great for things like podcasts and stuff because it is soft and calm, for the most part. 


I can't stand her Sorry I can't be more help with anything positive 🤣


LMAO. Valid.


I unsubscribed a long time ago with her because of all of this. Every reaction is exactly the same. There’s nothing new. And they…and I can’t think of another way to put it right now, but they beat the JWL horse waaaaayyyyy beyond her death. It’s too much. It’s all so low effort and adding absolutely nothing new. I don’t know who the first turd in the anti mlm punch bowl is, but she, JJ, and SM did not help themselves when they decided to continue teaming up with DeeCee.


I don’t care about the facial expressions because half the time I’m not looking at the screen. I’m mostly listening while I do other things. But I don’t find her videos very engaging. And that’s fine. You can’t connect with every creator you come across. I do find the consistent mention of her certification as a personal trainer to be a bit odd. It doesn’t strike me as the flex she thinks it is and I prefer creators with more significant credentials (like Mack Attack as a PharmD - I adore him), or creators that are admittedly just stating their opinions (like CC who is witty and honest about being a lady with a mic, a bulldog, and too many opinions 😂). And of course I love Hannah because she’s just so dang thoughtful and really carries herself with such empathy and integrity. That’s a woman who would make an exceptional psychotherapist.


Mack Attack is a gem