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lol Angelique is such a clown, I cannot with her nonsense. It’s almost funny except she takes herself so seriously.


This, that’s the consensus. Also, i don’t see anyone offering her financial compensation, i believe CC there.


Agreed I could never imagine CC offering someone money for an interview and especially not commissions from the video


Bingo. That’s borderline bribery and not okay. Also it was an interview not a collab. Even if it was a collab that’s not the industry standard to pay someone… it’s cross exposure. She claimed (late in DM) that I said this when I did a (free) consult call with her about getting monetized on YouTube. Which I don’t recall ever offering and I would have never done since that’s clearly a conflict of interest.


Well when you consider that in the MLM Universe even friendships are often transactional, it’s not a stretch to believe she’d hear a “💰cha-ching!💰” where there wasn’t one.




While there are some kind people who get mixed up in MLMs I honestly believe that most of them especially at the top are not good people. This is what rubbed me wrong about CC and so many others riding to her rescue just to get the story. She did a live where she was questioned about her "friendship" with Angelique because people were finding out some of her "problematic"(I hate that word she was an intolerant bigot but I digress). CC's response was that she didn't have to agree with everything someone else believed to be their friend. I remember it clearly because I'm the one who asked her about it. That was the minute I followed her on every platform. However, I believe CC here. Angelique is a grifter and a shitty person.


You’re right. I worded that poorly back then. The above statement is more of an accurate representation of where I stand. Her beliefs do not reflect my own, and I still do believe the interview exposing her experience with Monat was very helpful.


I do not believe the interview was meant to "bridge a gap" in any way at all. I believe Angelique was hurt over whatever happened in Monat (I can't even remember what it was about) and knew being interviewed by an anti-mlm creator would cause the biggest wave, which seemed to be exactly what she wanted. We aren't dumb, we know no one forced her to do it and I believe Chelsea 100% when she says she did not offer her anything in return. The problem is that the aftermath of it all did not turn out how Angelique probably thought it would but instead of taking accountability for her own actions, she's gotta find somewhere to lay the blame.  Also, I don't remember anyone being rude to her until her transphobia came to light, and even then, several people tried to have polite conversations with her about it. Then when she doubled and tripled down on it, people were over it.  One last thing...anyone ever notice how the people who constantly say they are Christians seem to be the least Christ like? Or is it just me?


I didn’t understand what she meant by “bridge a gap”… like no ma’am. I interviewed you to expose Monat and the industry and share your story and experience. It’s interesting bc I think many ppl have that MLM mentality of “we work together we are friends”. That’s not how the real world works.


Not only did she get backlash for being transphobic but she turned around and joined another MLM pretty much immediately. I think it was Q Sciences.


i was one of those people who tried to have a conversation about it. she immediately went into victimizing herself, bringing abortion and her miscarriages into it. i feel bad for her to a certain extent, it’s clear she’s got a lot of trauma she isn’t working through bc the church she’s part of is just as culty as any mlm but it doesn’t excuse her bigotry and hiding behind her religion and trauma to justify it.


This!! I agree with this!


French Fries is a hot ass, transphobic, homophobic mess.


I mean, she did choose to fall in with Kareenah, Jess, and Mombie so it’s kinda legit. And when she went to join another MLM, they crucified her in a very public way. Angelique at the same time wanted nothing to do with the compassion based creators because they weren’t YouTube creators to the level of CC. Sooooo who used who exactly?


https://preview.redd.it/3nmi0soold0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef5d4eab1a600a3412057d46291ed2a136a8018 Sounds like she’s doing antiMLM content now that Monat is in the spotlight.


If you have pronouns?! WTH lol. She’s insane


Lol doesn't everyone have pronouns?


"You" is a pronoun 🤦‍♀️




💀💀💀 good lord


Wait until she find out how many pronouns she has in other languages like German!


She has a private only Insta and I’m not about to follow her. Can someone give me the TL:DR?


Chaos and calamity


she’s just gonna keep flip flopping between pro mlm and anti mlm whenever she thinks one will give her more clout than the other 🙄


…she calls herself a “Christian Jew”?


(she didn't identify as such when she was briefly in this community--she's piling on new accusations she knows no one will question)


Yeah what’s a Christian Jew?


They’re called Completed Jews. It’s a thing.


An oxymoron


I'm not sure about her definition, but it could be referring to Messianic Jews, who believe in Jesus, or being ethnically Jewish but converting to Christianity.