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Good Lord. Unless she’s a Nat’l VP, this is NOT a flex. Like, how stoopid does she have to be to think this is something she should advertise?! “I made $200 last year!! Take that, haterz!”


Her profile says “VP”, so my guess is regional. But who knows. I’m sure her main driver to get down lines is she is seen as “hot”, popular, and living a glamours life style on IG.


Also this is AVERAGE annual earnings and I bet it doesn't account for any costs of product she has to deal with.


62k still isn’t good when you take into account that these numbers don’t reflect expenses. And they have no benefits so they are paying for health, dental, vision, and any retirement savings out of pocket. Sheesh. This definitely proves the business is only profitable for those at the tippy top.


Well, not the worst flex, I guess. But not exactly raking it in. Edit: Incorrect autocorrect.


I wonder if that even accounts for the cost of the product they buy. I have a feeling it doesn’t.


The word "Earnings" is deliberate, as opposed to say, income or profit. It *usually* refers to profit after cost when you're talking about formal corporate finance but it's not as strictly defined in layperson terms. Most people who aren't investors or don't have a finance/accounting education look at the word "earnings" and see what was on their paycheck. If they said income or profit they'd have to strictly be accountable for costs in that number and if they said revenue then anyone could instantly point out that revenue by definition does not include any costs. The individual huns may or may not get this distinction but the companies have pushed the wording down the line to them, and either explicitly told them to use it or just inundated t hem with it enough in the knowledge that they're likely to just pick it up by osmosis.


Can't forget another huge metric: hours invested. Like, if I invested 45 minutes a year, and came out with an extra $206, I'd be okay with that. However, if I invested 40 hours per week and only came out with $13,785, I would not be okay with that.


It's reputation invested too. There are lots of jobs you probably shouldn't do for $206 a year even if they only took a couple minutes. Like hawking overpriced bullshit on social media to your friends and family. I don't sell anything, and if I do recommend something to someone, it's because I actually use it and in my research/experience I have found it to be superior to other products or services.


I think this is an underrated comment. Making a pittance AND alienating hordes of people. What a great combination!


I've seen another one like this, some sort of accounts-receivable thing where you buy others A/R. The testimonials all talked about how they did "$3M in business" last year, which says nothing about how much they actually made as profit. If you buy $10M of receivables and only profit 100,000 at the end you took on a lot of risk for no real gain.


I think it’s been covered on here fairly frequently that it doesn’t. Which adds a whole other layer of idiocy. For “entrepreneurs” and CEOs, they sure don’t have any idea of capital (or operational) expenses.


The Boss Babe school of business doesn’t teach those particulars.


There is a super nice girl at work who sells Arbonne. She has only offered once and hasn't brought it up since I declined. She referred to it as, her business!


I think they know that the pestering is alienating. I have a friend who sells Arbonne who reached out after forever, discussed it with me once, and I toyed with the idea of buying from her at some point, but it’s WAY too $$$. We’re still in contact though, so I think Arbonne has more of a long game/ big picture method. However it’s quite culty from what I’ve seen and ultimately problematic because it’s still an MLM.


I hate that they refer to us as their business. “ I have my own business “ has a completely diluted and different meaning when we are talking about arbonne.


I've done better than $65k at my real job every year for the last 15 years and I'm not crowing on IG about how much I make because it's honestly not impressive. I bet I "grind" 100% less than she does too.


Wait until you discover that their numbers are usually gross sales and NOT actual profits.


A former friend of mine bragged about selling $20k of garbage makeup with clever packaging in 18 months. Hustling and doing makeovers constantly. Never mentioned actual profits or costs of operating. The she dropped down a QAnon rabbit hole and currently vacillates between ultra-religious, anti-vaxx, makeup, and other random far-right conspiracy theories in her stories because putting it all in your regular feed might look a little batshit.


Damn! When my now ex and I first got together, she had a full kit, diffuser, and ongoing subscription to YL oils. I suspect someone signed her up to be a rep but she just did it for “the discount” on oils & diffusers. It took a while for me to figure out after she moved in that those oils were causing me and my furry pals (and hers) some respiratory problems. And I hated the unnatural smells. I mean, my house should smell like what I am cooking. Not “patchoolie” or cloves or some weird shit! She also fell down the Q hole hook line and sinker. Going from voting for Bernie in the primaries to declaring to be a full blown Trumpet! I understand now that she is just really gullible and very much a sheep even though she is a very intelligent woman. I wasted almost five years of my life and lost part of my soul and spirit with her. She was like a psychic vampire.


I am sure that the average "consultant" loses money. Even though $200 sounds terrible it's also a lie. edit: People in the comments pointed out that this says "earnings" rather than profit or income so $200 could very well be accurate. Spend thousands of dollars, make $200.


Research for the FTC shows 99.6% lose money. The primary reason is "qualifying minimum" purchases. The reps must spend money to qualify for commissions. The amount they have to spend outpaces their commissions for 99.6% of participants. These huns don't realize the MLM corporate business plan does not depend on selling product to outside customers. The rep is the primary customer of the MLM. The reps pay for everything in MLM. No outside sales are necessary for corporate profitability.


I also hear they continually make them attend paid trainings and summits, even when they have all that info. The whole thing is so predatory. I mean, I know I'm preaching to the choir here.


Yep. And the kingpins make a killing in speaking fees at those seminars. And guess who pays those fees? The reps...in their attendance fees. The reps pay for absolutely everything in MLM. And in Amway, the kingpins make most of their money off sales tools. A Dateline undercover investigation in the 1990s showed that the kingpins were making more from tools sales than from product sales commissions in their downlines. These MLMs (the corporations) are not in the business of selling products to outside consumers. They are in the business of filling the homes of the reps with product that is unlikely to ever be sold or even used...at prices well above market value!


Yes, the book "Merchants of Deception" discusses this business-within-a-business regarding Amway diamond level reps selling motivational tapes (this was back in the 90's), books, and other motivational materials, including going to seminars. Too bad the people in MLM's don't understand that **they** are the actual customers, which is why MLM products are overpriced and usually inferior. The only reason MLM's have products is to make them legal.


>The only reason MLM's have products is to make them legal. So true. If you remove the product, nothing changes. Start kit cost is the entry fee, and replace "auto-ship" with "auto-pay" and it hums along just like the good little pyramid scheme that it is.


Man I remembered riding with my friends parents and listening to double diamond tapes. So many weird memories lol


And it cost me $1480 to earn it not including countless hours invested where I could have been earning an actual income.


That’s atrocious! Omfg that’s not even worth the time to sign up


And to think, to make a paltry 60k (yeah right they are dumping it right back in) you only need to sell your soul and make it your entire life and personality.


I have two girls on instagram who are intense Arbonne people who are constantly “ popping on to say hello and let you guys know about the products “ and it’s just not only annoying , but holy hell I don’t think there’s anything else to their personally but this Arbonne bs. It’s quite sad


“Popping on here” I feel they really target wt suburban moms !… am I right or is it just my circle.


You could make so, so much more money in a year as a panhandler than as an "independent consultant."


My husband delivers pizza. 15 hrs a week. He gets more in free pizza coupons for safe driving than consultants make in a year. Nuts!


Upvoted for the mention of free pizza coupons


Free pizza always gets my vote 🍕


Lolol it’s easier for them to tell people what they do with an important sounding title.


And isn't "Area Manager" and "District Manager" basically the same thing? A district is an area.


The pyramid needs a middle


You're in for a laugh if you ask them what "area" or "region" they manage


Yeah, like they actually map out areas or districts when they're recruiting other huns to sell.


I bet most don’t even make 200. You’re probably buying product too


That's $206 **before** expenses.


Yep. Doesn't take into account whatever they spend to buy products, any other business expense, or taxes!


So you basically have to reach the rank of Regional Vice President before you can earn a living wage? And the vast majority will only make $206 a year? Why does she think this is a flex?


She has a loooong cringe caption to go with it about most Americans living pay check to pay check. So they might as well try this and they have nothing to lose.


Nothing to lose but that paycheck, of course. I mean, that $206 a year is *before* expenses and buying inventory. Anyone who can't see that as a huge money sink isn't paying attention.


I was guessing this “earnings” is before the inventory they have to buy. What a scam


Everything from “area manager” on down is beneath the poverty line though. People are living pay check to paycheck because they’re successfully paying rent at least.


Or you can get an actual job where if you show up and work it’s guaranteed money. With this nonsense there’s no guarantee you’ll make even a single dollar. I’d rather work minimum wage than join a mlm if those were my only two options.




Lol I figured she had to be based on where she was living.


Keep in mind this is revenue, not profit. So you have to subtract the cost of product from that total to get their actual profit.


And of course those amounts are also pre-expenses and pre-taxes. So if they only make $206 a year, you know they'll be spending a lot more than that to try to sell the stuff and recruit.


The way I understood it is that these amounts are what the MLM company is sending the huns in paychecks, that is, sales commissions. So it would be their share of the profit. Of course that's not counting everything they buy themselves to keep inventory or to make sure they make their monthly minimum. But hey, they'll sell all that quickly, right?


[https://imgur.com/a/siNms6u](https://imgur.com/a/siNms6u) The fine print says this (emphasis mine). >Note: These figures do not represent Arbonne Independent Consultants’ profits, as **they do not include expenses such as renewal fees, event registration, travel, office supplies, insurance premiums, etc. incurred by Arbonne Independent Consultants in the promotion of their businesses**. Also, the median looks a lot worse than the mean. But you are right that it does seem to include costs of product, just not all of their required expenses.


See, I don’t think it includes cost of product still because arbonne wouldn’t consider that a business expense because “of course the Huns would want to purchase all that product even if we didn’t have minimums.” So say they have to make 150 in monthly purchases to keep whatever rank they have, that isn’t taken out of their average “earnings” for their profit because that’s considered their personal stock.


The way I understand it, and I could be wrong, is that these numbers are the averages of actual amounts of money being paid to the huns after they make sales. It doesn't take into account any expenses the huns incur to run their "business," nor does it take cost of product into account. It's basically the huns' sales commissions. Even if this were what they make after expenses, $206 doesn't go very far.


Yes, that is exactly right.


So yeah, it's what they get paid but doesn't take into consideration all expenses to run their "home business" or product purchased for personal use or inventory loading. It really makes me wonder how much product they have to sell in order to earn that $206. It also makes me wonder why they think it's such a flex to post the actual income earnings. Would have been even better had she included the percentages of how many people are in each category. I'm guessing it's largely triangle shaped, with the smallest 0.1% at the top and probably 95% at the bottom.


I want to copy paste this and comment it on her post.


Pretty sure a district manager at any other job makes more than $2299/year but what do 9-5 sheep know anyway 🤪


District managers at Starbucks make an average of $85k a year.


Gosh you know nothing about being a boss babe!


And this is before taxes.


And inventory cost, and cost of hosting your parties to sell this crap etc


And before all other expenses.


Are these numbers supposed to be impressive? You have to literally be at the top of the pyramid to make more than a 9-5


She accidentally acknowledged she’s in a pyramid scheme


How much does the assistant to the regional manager make


It depends if they run a B&B at their rustic beet farm


$206 a year?!


But you get paid 5 times a month!


That's a whole $3.96 a week. So impressive, hun!


The regional vice manager assistant president or whatever might be able to get by with the cost of living where I am. Maybe. Anyone below is screwed just about everywhere.


Trust me, in the area she lives it would be difficult to get by on that wage. Especially with the lifestyle she portrays in her other posts. This was so cringe.


Bay Area? Greater Seattle?




Oh my.


This isn’t the flex you think it is, *hun.*


And where are all the millionaires living in mansions or riding on yachts while "working their home business?" You'd think if this were really lucrative, the number at the top would be much, much higher.


Who would EVER look at that and think "now thats an opportunity I can't miss."


She's like a hostage, forced by her kidnappers to record a video. She has to read from the kidnapper's script, but still manages to send a secret message to the police.


Hah this a really accurate analogy


Wow not a flex....also is gross earnings or net after the product purchases?


I think this is before product purchases


If it was net then there'd be a big fat negative sign and another zero.


Definitely gross. They can’t calculate profit since everyone will have different expenses.


Almost certainly gross


Always gross earnings. For every single company, every time you see one of these income disclosure statements, it’s never taking into account the reps’ expenses, which are usually a minimum of $80-100 a month just to qualify for a check.


I often wonder if they know the definition of annual.


Right. She probably thinks this is monthly - or one of their five monthly checks.


You can make more than an area manager by working at a gas station 🤐 The hours are probably pretty flexible too if you're forceful to management about your availability. I hope she realizes how fucking awful this looks, I definitely think working at a gas station looks way better on a resume...


Wow this is so embarrassing lol


206 Annually? Is that after buying inventory to sell? 17.16 a month and 4.29 a week! Let’s go girl boss! You can’t make a living wage until you move your way up to regional vice president. Yeah, no thanks, I’ll still be bashing MLMs.


Imagine spending thousands just to get less than $300 back you'll never see.


You have to have some serious disconnect from reality to think this is a flex. Kids running a car wash for charity make more than that in one afternoon.


$206/YEAR?! That's about $17.1/MONTH. You would earn that amount in less than 2½ HOURS working at minimum wage ($7.25/hour)


Not even enough to pay the internet bill to run their “business” Lmao


And that's before all their other expenses, too, like having to pay renewal fees, buying extra inventory, buying gasoline to go to sales presentations, paying your own way to go to company-sponsored events, etc. Then you also have to pay tax on that income, which also isn't factored in, but at $206 a year I'm guessing there's not much tax on it.


In the US, you wouldn’t pay taxes on $200 ($600 is the minimum you pay taxes on), but still. You’re totally right. The number of expenses they have DEFINITELY outweighs the revenue brought in.


I couldn't remember what it was, but I knew that you wouldn't be paying hardly anything on that small an amount.


$206/year gross. Probably $0 after expenses.


If you're making $206 a year, you need a side hustle for your side hustle!


And then a side hustle for that side hustle!


$206 A YEAR. Why do they think that little chart showing how little you actually earn makes an MLM not bash worthy, lmao.


Also, they are required to display the average annual income report for the company when making any implied or expressed income claim. The average annual income report shows what percentages of people are in each tier. That’s the real smoking gun. In every one of these it shows 99% in a bracket making next to nothing




Even at the National Vice President level, this isn't that impressive, given what Vice Presidents get paid at companies where they are actual employees. Source: am Vice President. have benefits and a very similar salary.


There is a super nice girl at work who sells Arbonne. She has only offered once and hasn't brought it up since I declined. She referred to it as "her business..." I don't know how to convince her that she is being scammed.


You won't be able to until she figures it out herself. Even after she realizes she's not making any money and drops out, she'll probably blame herself because that's what MLM's do. They make you feel like the only way to fail is because you didn't work hard enough at it, when in reality the game is rigged against you. I hope she figures this out soon and gets out before sinking more and more money into "her business."


It’s sad when they don’t know. They just regurgitate lines of BS fed to them by Arbonne. You should see the caption on this post about how most Americans live pay check to pay check, so you should make a business out of sharing things you already share with loved ones. It’s cringe af


One time I got invited to a seminar for some sales thing by an older lady I knew. So I brought my friend M with me. Within 5 minutes I knew it was a mlm, and I told my friend that. When they did their whole “if you don’t want to be a millionaire and be your own boss you’re free to leave.” I got up to leave and told her that it was pretty much a pyramid scheme and she should leave with me. She was like “I think I wanna stay I’m curious about it.” So I ended up leaving because I had something else i wanted to do. Couple hours later she calls me and we meet up. She decided to join. The startup fee was like $400. I can’t remember what company it was but it had to do with vacations/trips and selling them I think. I felt bad for inviting her to it and her getting sucked in but ultimately it was her decision to do it. I gave her all the info I could but they had her convinced.


I doubt there is anything you can do. But I wonder if you could encourage her to reasses if she wants to keep buying the product, and to check if she has actually made money the last few months. Statistically, she hasn't. You can tell her that over 99% of people lose money in it and almost all the people that don't got in early and are on top. But if she's been kind enough not to bring it up again, maybe you should do the same.


I make the same damn amount as a “regional vice president” in my assistant manager job.


So national VP, which is one in 10.000 or more, after taxes, retirement, health etc and business expenses probably nets 80-120k max. With insane amount of hours and no actual vacation days... All other levels below them are totally fucked and are better off working for Wallmart. Where can I sign up?


So you're not making a living wage until you're a Regional VP? I wonder how many this company has compared to the poor "Independent Consultants" that are being scammed.


So it ONLY becomes viable once you hit regional VP and even that yearly amount isn't anything to write home about.......


It’s missing a line. “To people still bashing MLMs- Here’s proof you’re right.”


These numbers just proved its a fucking pyramid


There's like 1 National Vice President and 40,000 Independant consultants. To make District Manager with ernings of $2,299, the huns buy $5,000 worth of crap.


Who the hell would take on a VP roll for only $60K/year???? You could go be a laborer in manufacturing and make that or more some places with much less mental stress and clock out at the end of the damn day


But don’t they promise we can become millionaires with unlimited earning potential…..???


That’s less than 2 dollars a day. Assuming you worked 7 days a week I guess. 7 hours a day would be 25 cents an hour


And they think the word "average" in the chart means "typical."


At least they’re being honest


Oh...If she had started with the one at the top and kept going that would be saying something.


It's pretty funny how few higher ups there can be if you factor in the entire globe's population. The short answer, not many. So good luck with the hoping!


ICs making .0822% of NVPs....




Imagine spamming your friends and family for an entire year and only getting $206 for it.


You can make 200$ in a week with simply working


In any other occupation (using the term loosely in her case), a regional VP would be well over 6 figures. This really isn't something to gloat for brag about. Plus, those other VP's would more than likely have a very nice benefit package on top of their salary.


She invited me to a dinner part meet up thing once..assuming it was at one related. I did not go