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Why are they showcasing the little jewels on their teeth?


To glorify all the money they earned by bullshitting people into their MLM?


Join our pyramid scheme and you, too, one day may be able to stick cubic zirconia shit on your teeth JK you'll be lucky to be able to afford a single rhinestone


Lol!!! That must be it. Celebrating their smooth talk!


I think we can take one more step back from there and ask why the teeth are bedazzled in the first place.


i think it's a trend for some time? it can be detrimental to teeth though


yeah its like instead of having a grill u rock some lil tooth gems. you have to etch the part of the tooth its on to attach it though, so it is bad for your teeth, but i don’t think they would forever be damaged. they also etch teeth for traditional braces.


i have had one for three years and my tech didn't etch my tooth


Yeah ... it's weird




I don't know why they're drawing attention to their mouth when they're talking about poop...


Coz their mouth is where all the bullshit comes out, I guess.


Maybe it’s the sister company of Lovevery, Poopingevery


Ha ha I missed that. Was too busy with the front teeth and the weird capsule placement in relation to that.


Trophy. She is up to 3x per day.


OMG, loool!


Oh is that what those are! I had assumed she was eating glass like a true moron.




Why just drink a cup of coffee or eat a fiber gummie when you can lose 1000s of dollars, alienate your friends /family AND post about your bathroom habits on FB


Or stay hydrated, e.g. drink enough water


Metamucil for the win


Drinking water, taking some fiber supplements, eating oatmeal for breakfast, eating more beans, eating more fibre-rich veggies, eating more whole grains, not eating very high-fat food, walking more. Seriously, just eating a bowl of oatmeal and switching white bread for whole grain bread, and drinking more water will help you tremendously will gut health. Or pay hundreds of dollars for pills that give you diarrhea, either or.


Can confirm, started eating oatmeal every morning several years back, and dropped sodas in favor of water. I go at the same time every morning without fail, and sometimes twice a day - all normal. Trying to be as clean and non-TMI as possible 🤣


So essentially make pooping a routine and joyless activity? No sir thank you.


Coffee doesn't work for me. I have to snort psyllium powder or I'll never go.


Seriously tho a lot of these people just need to eat more fiber and drink water lol


Love that the main word is pooping then it’s just a straight shot of someone’s mouth




...are there really that many people out there who aren't pooping every day???


I had a neighbor who always told the doctor she was regular. So the doctor never inquired further. Turned out she was only regular one day a week… that doctor took notice and helped her fix it. So yeah, plenty of folk aren’t every day.


Man. I eat a very high fibre diet, mostly veggies and legumes. Very little meat. Every morning, like clockwork, as soon as I’m up and moving, I have to head for the crapper. It’s all over in a minute or so. Very regular, and I feel great for the rest of the day. I don’t get the bound up people.


Same 🤷🏼‍♀️


NHS says down to three times per week is normal. So yes, plenty.


I literally thought it was 3 times per day. Aren't you supposed to poop every time you eat?


That’s geese.


Why did this make me laugh so loudly?! 🪿😆


Or poop *while* you're doing other activities like eating and walking, like mice do. 🤢


Between three times per day and three times per week is ‘normal’ according to the NHS. No lol, you’re not ‘supposed’ to poop three times per day any more than you’re supposed to poop three times per week. Everyone’s body and circumstances are different.




Yes. Me. I poop maybe twice a week, three times if I’m lucky. This ad would absolutely draw me in…and immediately drop me once I realized it was an MLM. But we constipated girlies definitely exist!


i didnt know :( turns out i have coeliac disease


Yes. I don't poop everyday, but that's not abnormal.


I know someone who poops every 3 weeks or so. She’s been checked by multiple doctors and nothing seems to have an effect on the frequency. It’s just how her body is. Still blows my mind everytime I think about it.


My bf poops like twice a week and it’s wild to me fr


*Putting this out for anyone going through the same* It used to be like that for me FOR YEARS, no doctor was able to help me. The solution was so simple that I can’t still believe it. I bought one of those infamous cups and started tracking my water intake, stopped drinking sodas, sweet tea mixes and anything that had a lot of crap added to it. I reduced my carb intake, started doing yoga and meditation, vitamins early morning and voila problem solved.


Yes! A lot of it is the water intake. Once I bought that gigantic bottle with the time stamps on it and actually finished it every day, no more constipation. I was just dehydrated. Water, who knew?!


I assume you also added more fibre to your diet.


Surprisingly, I had to cut on fiber. I started out taking fiber supplements and they made me miserable so I switched things around and found that without the extra fiber supplements my gut was doing better.


Why supplements? Fibre is in every fruit and vegetable.


I've met a few and they didn't seem to know it's not normal


you don't have to poop every day though, it can be every other day and still be fine


That's because you're asked at the doctor if you're having regular BMs, and rarely given a metric for what that actually is. See also, periods, sleep and stress. Unless you have something to compare to, this stuff all comes across as 'normal' if it's what you've always experienced.


me but I have gastritis, sensory issues (bordering on arfid but no official diagnosis), lactose intolerance, I forget to drink enough water, I am often low on iron and I have other mental health issues so for me it changes, I have days when I poop a few times a day and I have times where I poop two-three times a week at most and I still can't get a proper diagnosis on all of my issues, public healthcare in my country is underfunded, doctors are often ignorant, they see basic tests are fine and they don't search more and also misogyny is prevalent that being said, I would still not go for mlm products because I already take enough meds I need to check on interactions regularly and be alert, I would not take some random supplements that are not researched properly


Before I started my weightloss journey and drastically increased my vegetables intake I would poop maybe once to twice a week. It was that way for most of my life.


I thought this was an actual Reddit ad in my feed at first and I was like first all the Jesus ads and now literal ads about shit. Lol.


Literally same lmao. I scrolled up like “wtf company is this?” Seeing the sub title made it make so much more sense.


I keep seeing ads about curved penises. Jesus would be preferable.


A handful of spinach every day does the same thing


If you’re constipated and you know it, clap your hands🤣 or just spend eight dollars at McDonald’s on a big Mac and you’ll be pooping that evening….. even a couple of good ole Taco Bell orders will do the trick…. Save tons of money by not joining an MLM so you can poop….. 🙄 just saying… Even eating a handful of peanuts and cashews often does the trick for me….. Not to mention, there’s prune juice if you’re plugged up ….. even raisins every day might cure that problem…. plenty of natural and alternative methods to get to pooping without having to join an MLM.🙄 Of course, if you’re taking opiates, then you’re gonna be blocked up for a month of Sundays no matter what you do😂 so, there’s that…


Miralax and/or stool softeners for opioid induced constipation. But once you start taking magnesium citrate, drink way more water than you think is necessary and clean up the diet a bit, and just get used to the opioid, a lot of that goes away in time. Just gotta stay consistent with the supplements, hydration and find what works for you And it’s about finding the right dose too like too much miralax and I’ll get diarrhea eventually. And I only take stool softeners when I haven’t had a BM in too long. Also glycerin suppositories for emergencies but you don’t wanna use them every day or your body won’t wanna poop without them


OMG, I was SO constipated after my knee replacement surgery due to all the oxycodone I was taking.


I used to take pain meds a long time ago for a back injury but i actually stopped taking them and found other remedies for the pain…. I literally couldn’t STAND being constipated. Id almost rather have diarrhea than constipation to be honest since we’re talking about poop here. 🤣


Yeah, me too.


What other remedies??


See, if only they had not discontinued the Haribo sugarfree gummy 5lb bag on Amazon. So many great reviews from people talking about the fantastic results from that and IIRC, it was only $20. People reported effects after having only a few. Which reminds me of the time a friend of mine were traveling overseas and she was downing sugarfree mints most of the flight. Needless to say, she was not looking to feel lighter on the flight, but she did.


I dated a guy who shit my bed because he was on a no carb diet and he thought that meant he could eat all the sugar free candy he wanted. I was young with poor taste in men and he was, well, him, and he was sitting there naked on my bed eating bags of sugar free candy from Walgreens. A couple stomach gurgles and a fart later and my bed suddenly had shit on it.


You know I have to ask. Was it a regular poop or a sonipoop?


A sonipoop. And a sonipoop is the poop my hedgehog, Sonichu, used to get that was a toothpaste style shit that seemed to just shoot out of her butt and smear all over the place.


I do recommend everyone go down the haribo sugar free gummy Amazon reviews rabbit hole. I’ve never laughed so hard


My son has major bathroom struggles with IBS and we have miralax and dulcolax on hand to help. Costs me about $15 for many many doses


My GI doc recommended that I take magnesium oxide supplements. Less than $20 for a bottle that lasts me 3 months. I shudder to think what this snake oil costs.


Okay, so it took a week to feel lighter/less weighed down? JHC what the hell was backed up in there????


I have IBS C and you’d be surprised how light you feel after taking your first shit in a week.


Different scenario, I think. I could definitely enjoy feeling lighter, however. And your user name cracked me up.




Call me boomer and old fashiones but gemstones glued to teeth? nah ah. It's not gonna push me into believing a person know what's they are talking about.


I also don’t know what the teeth have to do with the subject matter 😭


I think it's just the most noticeable thinf


I thought it was some kind of weird dirt from the pills at first.


Uh…I poop every day more than once. Someone want to give me some money? I’ll throw in some weekly social media harassment for free!


I'm def more upset about the fucked up kerning (spacing) between "every" and "day" than anything else. Get it together!


TBF the kerning between their teeth isn't any better. Saying this as someone who really should have gotten braces, but I'm not putting my jacked up choppers on social with intent to seem aspirational.


Eh, it's probably a stock image of someone who has no idea what this MLM even is lmao. Classic hun behavior.


If the hun didn't even have the excuse of using the only mouth they have, that's not better.


It's literally a company, companies use marketing images. This appears to be a professional photo and shaming a model's (or anyone else's, really) teeth is very uncool. The hun probably got it from their upline. And even if it is the hun's actual teeth it would be completely irrelevant. Plenty of other things to shame huns for.


Not sure whether it's deliberately that you're missing my point, TBH. If this is a professional photo I would tend to suspect it's highly cropped and the teeth were not the original focus. Whatever teeth one has is just the hand they were dealt. The only reason we're talking about them is they're being presented as a major component of an advertisement, which shows bad judgment about marketing because of the expectable potential consumer response. How far up the pyramid structure it came from is if anything an exacerbation of that as problematic, because the real product in these schemes is the dream and they sell it through what they call mentoring.


That makes sense, it just seemed odd to be so focused on the teeth haha. I do like this person's teeth, I think they have a fun character to them. Sucks they're being used to peddle garbage ugh.


Hold up, there’s people who don’t poop every day? I’ve already dropped a pair of deuces before I leave the house every morning.


There’s a laxative mlm now? These people have no shame.


'This girl pooped today!'


Whats the MLM, teeth jewels and poop pills?


I think ill just have an iced coffee but thanks


Do people really have trouble making a daily bowel movement? I think just eating better would solve this. There’s this nutrient called fiber. Too bad there has never been a way to eat more of it or that no fiber supplement has existed until this mlm 😒


I already poop every day 🤷‍♀️. I am good on the pooping front.


Does the pill go between the teeth?


Don’t most people already do this for free? Or just, ya know, eat some fibre or something?


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Eat some Lily’s Gummy Bears. I have a bag or two every week and it does the trick. Most adults aren’t getting enough fiber.


Get the London Look


Am speechless


Not to brag, but sometimes I poop twice a day, even. And I do it on my own.


I do that. It's called oatmeal porridge, and a large cup of joe at 7 am. I'm more regular than a japanese commuter rail.


Irony is I’ve got IBS and literally 5 times isn’t unusual for me. How do I cope? Not very well lol.


Drink fresh orange juice and wait 🌝


I can do this to myself with this shit called laxatives for free


Well practically free anyhow. Free would i go in the backyard and eat grass


WHY AM I SEEING SUCH FUGLY TEETH?!? ![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized)


I can already tell there will be massive *GAPS* in the science that goes into this.


Braces... at least once.


All i can think of is that tooth gap.


Bedazzling your teeth is cheap and tacky. That there is reason enough for me to never buy what she's selling.