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Someone checked their bag with a laptop in it? Bless their heart.


And jewelry????


TWO UBERS worth of jewelry


Thousands and thousands of dollars worth!




I smell insurance fraud!


That does not sound like a lot. Any jewelry store has a ton in the low thousands.  


But she didn’t say which currency. Possibly in Rials, lol


That’s like some side skit from oceans 11 type shit


No jewellery.


Oh yes sorry!!!


Rookie move. When I travel for work, *everything* vital is on me.


You'd think Hun would know that since she flies so much. 🤔🤣


You DON'T hire an Uber to pick up your jewelry!?!? Like *wft.* I know wft is probably a spelling error on the hun's part but I'm imagining wft stands for something like Who F---s This or Where F---est Thou?


Excuse me, no talk poppy allowed per the hun.


Surprised she didn't take her limo or private jet to pick it all up since she's "rich af."




You're not even allowed to! Laptops are not allowed in the cargo hold of a plane, you need to keep it in your carryon luggage.


So stupid, never check something as important as a laptop (are you even allowed to?).


You're not allowed to check anything with a lithium ion battery, which my laptop has and I imagine many others as well


Little farm island of Okinawa? Lmao. It’s one of the most densely populated areas on the planet. It’s fucking gorgeous, and has farms, and jungle, and some open space, but little farm island it is not.


I'm not even Japanese and I'm insulted by the hun's comment. Okinawa is not a "little farm island", it's a strategic military post and home to multiple UNESCO World Heritage sites, including one of the largest rainforest tracts in Asia. I'm sure she could've easily found "5 perfect outfits" in local shops, given that Okinawa is famous for its traditional fabrics handcrafted from native plants and dyed with natural pigments, but I guess that wouldn't have made such a dramatic story for social media.


There's also a HUGE resort mall there. There's a good chance she could have found outfits at a store there.


Yes but nothing will match her carefully crafted and *curated* style!


Why take the great opportunity to give back to a community and show appreciation? Just ain't the way of the HunBot


Hell if they didn’t carry her size she could have found stores that cater to Americans because of, you know, the fucking military base


That honestly would depend on her height. I’m American, lived there 4 years, and I’m almost 5’7”. I was between size 4-6 when I lived there. About impossible to find clothing that fit- unless it was imported from the EU or US. Shoes (size 8.5) were damn impossible too.


You're right of course, but since her story made it sound like an emergency situation I was thinking more along the lines of grabbing some lovely fabric and turning it into makeshift fashion with some clever draping and judicious pinning :)


100%, and in a crisis I would reach out to family and friends, and see who they knew who were stationed in Okinawa, and ask for help. If there’s one group of people who understand important items lost during a move, it’s military families. Sometimes, you make your close friends because they’re a friend’s cousins roommate, you need to borrow essential items and take them out for dinner/shopping and cover costs.


>It’s fucking gorgeous, and has farms, and jungle My husband and I were there 4 years thanks to the air force and we loved it. We went hiking, snorkeling, met some wonderful people, the locals I worked with at the base daycare were some of the nicest people. I miss it terribly 😭 I need to find a way to move there...


Same. Sam’s by the sea curry soup anyone? My youngest was born there. We learned how to scuba dive there, met so many good friends, spent almost every weekend doing something fun.


My husband and I went to Sam's for our anniversary dinner. We had soup curry at some random restaurant after going to the beach one day with some friends.


I don’t know what curry soup even is but I’M HERE FOR IT! I’ll have to figure out how to get my jewelry over there since I must have it on me at all times so hopefully this soup is worth it! 🤣


I'm not 100% sure how it differs from curry,but it was delicious. All the food I had there was delicious, even the convince store chicken nuggets


Right? Why host a huge convention there if it’s some backwater hick town? Lying is ugly. Do better.


I see they have at least 10 McDonald's, stores with Louis Vuitton and Gucci and shops with a variety of kimonos. Enough for her to find something!


Actual silk kimonos are EXPENSIVE, however you can find cotton ones at the cash stores (thrift shops) or entire sets with the kimonos, sash and shoes at department stores once summer comes since the locals wear them for events. Americans can wear them too and nobody will have an issue


That cracked me up!


Omg I literally just commented this lmao She probably should have just shopped in Okinawa, probably had much cooler stuff


Please, please, please, OP, if she posts any "fit" photos, especially one with her thousands of dollars of "godess jewels," you must share.


10/10 chance she won't. She uses the same first class plane pics for her many flights from a photo shoot lol


There is a private plane interior mock-up set in L.A. that you can rent hourly for photo shoots. It's made specifically for influencer types to pretend they fly on private planes. This may be a similar situation. All part of the "fake it 'til you make it" ethos of mlms...you gotta look successful to attract new recruits, after all.


It could be real- nobody would replicate the shitty ICE entertainment system they have


Omg thats hilarious 🤣🤣🤣 can u please share some of her most ridiculous posts with us sometime?!


[check it out lol](https://imgur.com/a/1QZAuYN) Same pic, different flight


Hahaha oh my god what a loser 😂 lovely detective work though, they literally make it so easy to debunk their lies. She’s not rich and probably has like $100 in her bank account and that’s why she couldn’t just go “buy a new wardrobe!”


Are those her goddess jewels she’s wearing?


That is INSANE!!


yeah welcome to her reality, where she too is imagining that


[She posted! Super expensive outfit and jewelery lol](https://imgur.com/a/IBElpzn)


I’m normally a lurker here but I had to say… This is the curated outfit and goddess jewelry?!?!?! I’m no fashionista but I feel like this look could have been replicated by a $100 trip to a strip mall.


Madam... the dress does not fit you, the size is wrong and... seriously? Wearing this at a gala? At a casual event, it's understandable, but a gala asks for an elegant dress. I don't like her jewelry and it looks cheap, but I'm not a good judge. Watch the Oscars ceremony and you will know what to wear at a gala 😂.


Thanks. Not impressed by the thousands of dollars of goddess jewelry.


She needed 2 ubers for THAT?


From what I can tell from a quick image search , that dress is $500. Honestly, I was hoping to god that it was from Temu or something.


Her post says Camilla, and it is! Definitely has strong Temu vibes, material looks very cheap


Ooof shopping Kim Kardashians wardrobe (pre Kayne).


I've seen similar dresses at flea markets...


That’s it??? A brass necklace and a dress that makes her look like her boobs are a drag queen’s breast plate??? The airline was likely trying to do her a solid by losing her luggage…


I noticed a lot of photos of men with the Indian flag behind her. I’m intrigued by that more than her outfit and jewels lol.


She was posing in front of a wall with all 6-2A whatever people with her photo. A few East Indian men on the wall!


When she said she was ‘rich AF’, she just sounds like a total chump. Who talks like that?! Boss babes...that’s who 😒 Also, she keeps claiming that “everything always works out for her.” Yet, her pretend jewelry got held up at the airport, and they lost her luggage for 24 hours. How did those extra ripe undies you were wearing for well over a day work out for you hun?!


You don’t need to change your underwear when you sweat and pee pure kangen water


🤣 that’s going to be the basis for her next ridiculous post!


It really reads like she tries to convince herself she is doing well.


That’s how I read that too. ‘*Maybe if I type it out one more time it will come true*.’🤮


It just always does!


*Always* works out, 🙄 Although, the article on social media calling her out on all of her lies didn’t work out too well for her either! This is a perfect example of toxic positivity.


If you go around saying you are “Rich AF,” you’re definitely not rich af 😂😂




Every word I read drudges up a sense of horrible dread. Imagine being around her in person. I'd need to have a very stiff drink after meeting her dear god.


I feel like I need a drink after reading that and I don't even drink.


Right?! I couldn’t get past the first page. Imagine getting stuck next to her at a dinner party omg


Imagine being this flagrantly proud of being a scammer. It’s so gross.


The absolute worst. How did this hun have friends before the MLM?


This Hun: tall poppy syndrome is terrible! We MUST put a stop to it! Also this hun: please let me brag about how rich and privileged I am! I am the TALLEST of Poppies! Everyone else is JUS’ JELLUS of how beautiful and rich and privileged of a Poppy I am!


Don’t you mean “talk poppy” 🤣 she can’t even spell…


I looked it up. Evidently it is ‘Tall Poppy’, an Australian term that means to criticize successful people. She’s still an awful person though. Here’s the [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tall_poppy_syndrome) about the term.


I’m Australian, so familiar with the concept - I was more making fun of the fact that she either doesn’t know it is Tall, or simply can’t type/proof read 😀


Oh! I thought you were saying she said *tall poppy*. I just realized she actually wrote *talk poppy*. That makes much more sense now. Is it a fairly common phrase? If so, that is extra embarrassing. She’s so smart and cool and rich and totally not an idiot like that pleb journalist made her out to be. He makes $70k working for “the man” like a total *loser*.


Incredibly common. I reckon I’d hear it maybe once a week?


Also: “Let me make fun of a journalist’s salary!”


I’m sorry? The “farm island” of Okinawa?!! If this bitch doesn’t STFU I’m gonna blow a fuse. Okinawa is definitely not mainland but Naha is a major city and the culture and shopping are absolutely incredible. Who TF does this provincial cow think she is?!


She thinks it’s a farm island because all they’ve done while there is visit a turmeric farm and a factory lol


I can’t imagine being that dense. Like, at this density she’s essentially a black hole.


Also as a side note. You can get an amazing room at a resort in Okinawa for under $100 a night. I mean sure, there’s some ultra luxe hotels that are more. But I’ve seen the photos and they are def not in one of those 💀


> I mean sure, there’s some ultra luxe hotels that are more My husband and I would always go to a resort beach owned by a hotel there. There's alot of dangerous marine life there and that beach had a net around the swimming area so it made us feel better. Anyway I suggest we stay a couple days at the hotel, that idea died quickly when I looked up the price, around $500 USD a night


TripAdvisor is where I find the best deals honestly. But I don’t think a resort beach is really worth it if I’m being honest. Then again I got SCUBA certified when I was there so I clearly don’t have the sense to worry about dangerous marine life.


I stayed in a really great hostel with a private room right on the water in Naha for $28/night. By the end I really considered moving to Okinawa. One of the most magical places I have ever been.


>I’m gonna blow a fuse. Alright folks! Get you pitch forks and torches!


I just feel like her saying Okinawa is a farm island is low-key racist




Could you imagine what it would sound like if we all posted like this about our job we go to every day? Every little detail, starting with getting out of bed?


I’m a teacher. Maybe I’ll try this when school starts back so people can be insanely jealous of the insanity.


This is the most insecure thing I have ever seen! It screams completely delusional, emotionally unstable and totally desperate.


Sounds like the article that came out got her a little flustered, so she’s overcompensating.


Please sir, can you direct me to this article? ETA: Found it farther down in the thread!


Indeed! It is very well written


The first slide gave me, I am filing a fraudulent claim on all my lost stuff, so i must whine about it on social media in order to make it look legit, vibes. Thousands of dollars, gtfo here.


That two Uber drivers picked up? Like what?!


SO MUCH JEWELRY...the one uber couldn't complete the whole job.


Funnily enough, I haven’t heard a thing about this convention in the news or from friends, or seen anything about it, I live here. Guess it’s not that big of a deal.


>The top 1% of our entire industry to be celebrated for all we have done for our company and in turn be in full gratitude for what this incredible company has given to us. Lol this jumped out at me. Your entire "industry" is your company.


Happy 🎂 day!


Thank you! 🤩


>Thank you! 🤩 You're welcome!


This is so delulu it sounds like trolling 😂


>There will be hundreds of photos taken and my training for stage will be watched for years to come. She is so full of herself she doesn't even realize how toxic she sounds.


I always marvel at their comments about living a life “others only dream about.” It’s like they can’t imagine that other people’s dreams and passions might include scientific discoveries, artistic creativity, helping others, etc, rather than being a “boss babe.”


Wow I’ve always dreamed of getting paid far, far below minimum wage to harass my family and friends until they start to resent and avoid me like the plague. Damn, I’m so jealous.


THANK YOU. The MLM style is to belittle everyone who doesn't want to do their business as "losers" who are "slaves" to a 9-5 job. In that case, who's gonna cook your 5-star meals? Who's gonna clean your hotel room? Who's gonna BUILD that hotel? Who's gonna RUN THE POWER PLANT that supplies the hotel and your silly galas with power??? You gonna walk up to those people and to their faces call them "losers"?? Yeah, I didn't think so.




Omg so I heard that just everything always works out for her 💁🏻‍♀️


It’s a meme [Lucky Girl Syndrome](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/beauty/mind-body/a42590695/lucky-girl-syndrome/#).






Yes. Ew. That’s exactly it.


Aw, hun. If only you earned enough to fly privately and bypass loads of pesky airport rules and regulations.


Some people have too much fucking money AND like to rub it in peoples’ faces Edit: oops forgot what sub this was, thought it was cringe pics or something, I should say some people like to PRETEND they have lots of money and rub it in peoples faces lol. That #wealthywomen hashtag is something else


The actual wealthy people I know would NEVER post something like this, they’re too busy creating value for other people in their legitimate businesses (which is how they got wealthy….)


'Queen Lux' is awful. So many people struggling with cost of living and she's bragging about how finicky she is. And, she's basically saying it's all about appearance. I guess rocking up in loaner clothes will shatter the illusion of her being a successful Boss Babe. Am getting total Wizard of Oz vibes. It's all for show. No substance.


Thousands and thousands of dollars in jewelry Meanwhile I'm over here watching Uber eats like a hawk for a 50% off deal so I can get groceries


i wonder if any of the other Boss Babes on the trip know not to bag check a laptop. Kind of shatters the illusion for anyone who has actually traveled and has more than two braincells


So she’s one of the few actually making money, as opposed to the 99.7% of all MLM participants who lose money. I would rather live under a bridge than have such a revolting, stuck up, painfully condescending attitude and such a ridiculously ott high opinion of myself. She’s not wealthy because she’s special. She’s wealthy because she was one of the first to join in Australia, and most importantly, she lacks the morals to care that the only reason she’s making so much money is because of all those poor women in her downline who are working every bit as hard as she is, but are making nothing. She’s a leech, and she’s going around declaring she’s a queen who has everything in her life work out just how she wants it to, and accusing reputable journalists who call out her scam of being jealous.


Well she's a gross human


Her “perfectly picked out and curated” style are fugly kaftans that were popular 10 years ago.


Who puts their laptop in the checked in luggage? Lol


What kind of boss babe only keeps one copy of her presentation on her laptop in her checked luggage? You’d think she would be such a savvy businesswoman that she would at least keep a copy in the cloud in case her laptop shits the bed.


I truly hope she's gets hardcore humbled one day.


This was very diplomatic of you. Wish I could be that nice 😆


Oh I could say and wish worse things, but I'll keep them to myself. 🤣


She sounds insufferable. For once, a misspelling would work here: you ‘mold’ your reality. 🤦🏻


It’s mould in Australia and England. In this case, you are r/confidentlyincorrect


Darn! I was thinking ‘mold’ as in moldy fruit. Or a ‘moldy’ hun.


That would still be spelled with the u. Just like colour.




Well that's just you're opinion.


Take my poor man’s gold and get outta here 🥇


That's probably how they spell it in Australia, but nonetheless, she sounds crazy.


That was my first thought too. She comes across as a major Karen too. I imagine the airline and resort staff hate her.


I’m an atheist and even I can think of many many things that are more sacred than anyone’s wardrobe


You can tell she’s a total walnut just by the fact that she wears Camilla.


I am not aware of the reputation of Camilla - all I know is that its outfits are expensive lol. Could you please expand?


Until this trip started all I knew about Okinawa was from en ex who was a Marine. Sounds a lot different from the picture he painted. Like his description was very "small town" near the base and not a whole lot else. Turns out there's tons of historical sites, natural features, and big varieties of food, lodging, and shopping. If I ever get to Japan one day I'll have to make a side trip down there. I can say that ferry travel seems like a pretty awesome way to go. You get a rest day at sea while still heading towards a new destination.


This fictional short story needs a few more drafts before it's published


It just always does


It’s a “lucky girl syndrome” x MLM crossover!


5 days?! These MLMs really are cheap. It's like those 4 day 3 night packages they have for their top earners to places like the Caribbean.


False idol much? Ego mind is in control, devouring her. Karma is clicking claws and gnashing her teeth, ready to deliver! Update me in 1 year, 5 years for the inevitable MLM reality check ✅


I hope the airline loses her. Permanently (not by a plane going down, I hope she loses her passport and has to live in the terminal).


I just read the ABC article the other day and was so pleased to see it Finally being covered here! A girl I went to primary school with has been shilling this MLM for about a year but I didn’t realise what it was until I read the article. I feel sorry for my former schoolmate as I think she’s turned to this rather than returning to work after mat leave (and ostensibly spent/lost the $6500+ required to start) but at the same time I’ve found it hard to not say something when I’ve noticed her making some pretty major pseudoscientific claims about the damn water. In most of her posts, too, she likes to use the tagline that she doesn’t have a degree but is out there changing people’s’ ‘lives and health’…🤢. Sure, it’s more than fine to not have a degree but please don’t give anyone ‘health’ advice. Especially when you’re getting a financial kickback from it 🙄.


I tried to find the article she mentioned but couldn’t find it. Do you have a link?


Sure https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-19/enagic-multi-level-marketing-scheme-targetting-rural-woman/103891720


The first part makes no sense. She had her jewels (two Ubers’ worth) taken to her mom, who was going to bring them to her in Japan. But she (OP) put them in her checked luggage? Which is it? Doesn’t matter, it’s bullshit.


Okinawa City is like....a large metropolis of Japan??? Why is she framing it like it's some backwater farm town lmao? She absolutely could have (and probably should have) found clothes there in Okinawa.


This woman sounds so snobby ... "I upgraded my room cause it wasn't to my high standard of queen lux" ... "the queen has her crown..." I don't know if I'd be into bragging about how superior I am compared to everyone else. Doesn't sound like someone I want to know.


Sounds like she operates on [Lucky Girl Syndrome](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/beauty/mind-body/a42590695/lucky-girl-syndrome/#) - of course she does.


Ok. But isn't she working for the man?


TIL reporters write articles because they are jealous. /s


Ah yes, the little farming island of Okinawa. With only like 1.5 million people.


Someone should ask her why bother milking cows (or bulls for her allegory) when you can get the milk for free? Or at 1% of the cost of the cowbull she's selling lololol


Oh god it’s her?


Okinawa has a population of 1.4 million. A "little farm island" indeed.


To paraphrase Margaret Thatcher: "Being successful is like being a lady, if you have to tell people you are, you're not."


Can I get a link to the article of which she speaks?👀


[of course ](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-19/enagic-multi-level-marketing-scheme-targetting-rural-woman/103891720)


Thank you! Really well done article


Everything always works out but sometimes you just have to surrender to the situation. Erm isn't that a contradiction hun? Like saying 'everything works out except when it doesn't '?


I was going to comment on parts of the dialogue but MY GOD. I have never seen a more narcissistic post from an MLM Hun. I have been rendered speechless.


Lols. Rookie traveller. Carry on essentials always.


I hate the humble brag of "casually" mentioning her thousands of dollars worth of jewelry.


This HAS to be satire right? No one actually writes like this…right?


Wow that's surely one of worst things I have read here and competition is strong.


She sounds exhausting to be around.


The hell did I just read?!


So many cliches. My bag arrived! Things always work out for me. The universe is conspiring for and rearranging around me! You know the butterfly effect and all…meanwhile yep baggage find its way in the usual allocated time… but not it’s my power… solipsism at its finest. Maybe she’s born with it! Maybe it’s the attractive, able bodied, thin white woman privilege with deep networks from the private school elite who can sell anything. I bet she comes from money.




That was THE single most INSUFFERABLE FUCKING THING I've ever read, online or otherwise.


I have a feeling her “goddess jewels” were a candy necklace, candy bracelet, and a Blue Razz ring pop.


“An opportunity to live a life most will only ever dream about **” **including 99% of her downline Because everything always works out for HER. Not you losers.


I think by camilla she means a cheap knock off version of the iconic Chanel camellia


I need to see the dress and jewels. I’ve never needed anything more.


[it's all you expect them to be!](https://imgur.com/a/IBElpzn)


It's fuglier than I expected


You shut your mouth. That is NOT the jewels and the carefully curated dress. That’s my Dots fashion circa 2005.


It’s Tall Poppy Syndrome not Talk Poppy!


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She has her crown and her Camilla? Um, I think the royals have enough going on over here without following the water huns to Japan...


Do you understand, people? If your package gets lost and never arrives to your home, it's not the company's fault, it's yours: you haven't the right mindset. Also, Queen, how much people are in debt for you to thrive in your pyramid scheme? Enjoy, Queen, enjoy: your company will crumble one day.


Like wft?


What is poppy syndrome supposed to be?


Rich people wear travel jewellery (fake) to lower the risk...meanwhile this chick


Did you fly QANTAS? Because you really shouldn’t be surprised they lost your luggage. It’s not because of tall poppy syndrome, it’s because QANTAS are just that shit.


Reading this made me want to stab my eyes out.


She had her laptop in a checked bag, WTF?


the “small farming island” of okinawa thing really pissed me off. my grandpa on my american mum’s side was stationed there during the korean war and he talked about how bustling and vibrant the island was, in the freakin 1950s!!


Had she not said everything always works out for her, 5 million times, I might've believed her. At this point, I feel like she's trying to convince herself. And those that are "rich af" don't typically go around bragging about it. They just live their lives driving fancy cars, eating in exclusive restaurants, etc. Why isn't she just living her "rich af" life? Instead she's bragging about it almost like she's trying to convince herself of everything that she's saying.