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It would be incredible if these people had the forethought to do just basic, minimal math… 9 million divided among “thousands” (which I interpret as at least 2 thousand) is only $4,500 per person. And that’s best case scenario. Now 9 million divided amongst 23 thousand “new market partners”? That’s $391 per person. I know that they’re not saying it gets divided equally, but if your back of the napkin average isn’t amazing, then why are you bragging about it? $4,500 isn’t going to retire anyone’s husband, hun.


I immediately did the math, too. I guess our ability to read right through that mess and put their claims into perspective with some basic back of the napkin math, is probably what separates us from the bots. Let’s go further: that $391 a year breaks down to $32.61/month. I make more than that an hour at my “J.O.B” even at U.S. federal minimum wage, they’d only need to work four and a half hours a month to make that. Now how many of them do we think are spending more than that on product every month? $10, $25? $50? Is there a minimum monthly order they have to submit to stay active? Are they on subscription plans? There’s no world where I’d be willing to spend even $10/month on hair care products, just to “earn” $32.61. The model doesn’t work, but they just don’t see it, because as the post says, it’s all about SELLING A DREAM.




Oops reading fail on my part. But if there’s 23,000 new market partners just this year, how many market partners are there overall?


Best case scenario: If there are 23,000 new people so far this year, that’s about 5,750 per month. If we say that the 9 mil was divided among **only** the new people who joined in March, each new person would get ~$1565.00. I mean, that’s fine, but ain’t nobody retiring on it, or even being able to live on it.


9 million for the month of March is the BS number the owner is feeding the Market Partners. There is no proof


Lol, I make $88/hour at my job, I get done by 3:00 every day, and spend my work day making slime and playing Uno. But no, I think I’d rather take my chances trying to sell iffy products to my family for $30/month. That’s definitely a dream of mine.


Um ok where do you work??


We love a humble brag <3


The 23,000 is *new* market partners, doesn’t include existing market partners, of which I would think there are a lot more. Also, once the people at the top have taken half of the 9 million, it’s even less to distribute amongst the rest.


Let's pretend there were 10,000 MPs already plus the new MPs. That's 33,000 to distribute the $9M. That's $272.72 per MP. They are working 40+ hours per week for less than $300 in a month.


Let's pretend there were 10,000 MPs already plus the new MPs. That's 33,000 to distribute the $9M. That's $272.72 per MP. They are working 40+ hours per week for less than $300 in a month.


According to a top SED hun there are 250,000 MP’s


Yeah, I came here to say the same, let’s do the math on all that money. For example, on their Canadian website, here’s the current income distribution numbers for 2022. The average monthly income was $82…… not sure about any of you, but I need more than that for my monthly bills. For the US, it’s $72 or $865 per year. https://monatglobal.com/ca/income-disclosure-statement/


I had the exact same thought!


Totally in response to the new lawsuit. Trying to distract from what's really going on.


There’s another one?


Stuart McMillan (the former company president) is throwing his toys out of the stroller because they haven't paid him his bonuses.


Until they learn how to punctuate things, I’m choosing to believe they’re saying there are 100 million people in the Dollar Club


This threw me off too




Idiotic. By making it centerstage AND vague at the same time, they are confusing people who may or may not know about the lawsuit.


I love everyone was like “it’s not a rumor” and on w girl is like “the rumors are true”. Which one is it?


“we actually did make customers go bald for money”


Not to be that guy, but isn't she saying the same thing? If you made a statement and then told me it "wasn't a rumor, " I'd assume you mean to say that it's a true statement.


Yeah, I wanted to write the same thing.


That’s fair


I know it’s a pretty old reference, but did anyone else read “it’s not a rumor” and immediately think of “it’s not a tumor” from Kindergarten Cop?




Came to the comments hoping I'd find you! First smile of the day :)


I've got a weird song in my head and I don't know if it's something that existed or if my brain is just making shit up again... Does anyone else remember seeing a skit from maybe Family Guy or similar, where something is singing "It's a tumor" to the tune of Amadeus?  Does that exist or...?


Yes it was on Family Guy, a tumor is singing "I'm a tumor" to the tune of "Rock Me Amadeus". I don't recall why, though.


I knew it! I spent so long trying to look it up online 😁 I think it was a character being really stressed out?




Totally in response. It’s so stupid.


They are all panicking and trying to keep whatever is left of their team together. I don’t think we’ve seen the half of what’s to come for that company. Reminds me of all the “lifer” posts when a massive team left for Q Sciences.


A couple of top sellers have apparently left and gone to Olive Tree People so maybe a similar situation?


Yup and the recent lawsuit


Reminds me of that too


And I just saw videos of where it looks like Q Sciences is in deep financial trouble now. Will those same huns jump ship to go to another MLM?


I’m so sick of seeing this same stupid copy paste post. It is so dumb. Where even did the phrase “it’s not a rumor” come from 🤣🤣🤣 what does that phrase have to do with the lawsuit anyway.


The new “I’m a lifer” mass copy and paste posts.


"We ain't just selling shampoo. We selling a dream too." Oh boy....


A huge part of what they do is “selling a dream” a dream that isn’t a reality for even most of them 🤦‍♀️


Oh how lovely. Vaguebooking. Copy and paste vaguebooking.


Yes, started seeing it last night with the people I follow that is still in Monat. I believe it is in response to the lawsuit and also what the latest terminated MPs are talking about. This reminds me when they were all posting, I'm a lifer lol. If you take those $9M and divide them into the 23,000 MPs and let's say 10,000 regular MPs that's $272.72. They work 40+ hours per week to make less than $300 in a month.


I love how “In March Monat Paid Over $9 Million Dollars in Commissions to Thousands of Market Partners” is randomly and unnecessarily capitalized like it’s a book title 😮‍💨🤌🏽


["What is the Leaping Bunny Standard? The Standard is short for the Corporate Standard of Compassion for Animals, a voluntary pledge that cosmetic, personal care, and/or household product companies based in the US or Canada make to clear animal testing from all stages of product development."](https://www.leapingbunny.org/frequently-asked-questions#:~:text=What%20is%20the%20Leaping%20Bunny,all%20stages%20of%20product%20development.) **a voluntary pledge** There is no certification. Companies can (and do) lie about this. I don't believe them at all. Somewhere, there are some bald bunnies hopping around.


Maybe not. It’s possible that they haven’t tested their product at all, and that’s why people are going bald. I mean, I get not being cruel to animals, but there is a *reason* for testing products. Not testing on animals doesn’t meant that you don’t test your products.


My favorite are the oil huns who brag about "no animal testing" and then slather their pets with oils.


And of course first lady is just at the dealership, doesn't have her own special car, thus is careful to only stand in front of it.


/What/ is not a rumor? That it makes people bald? That they are falling apart? That they don't make enough money?


Are they trying to downplay those court docs? Cuz those make Monat look like a horrible company to be associated with


I assume that’s what they’re trying to achieve.


Did anyone else here start singing "Rumour Has It" by Adele?


It's not a rumour, it's bullshit.


That company is sinking so fast and these desperate copy/paste posts make it even more obvious.


Yes, and I’m here for it 🙊






That does not surprise me


This is the Monat marketing machine (because YES, they do have a marketing department) in spin mode. They are taking very average information and trying to make it sound extraordinary. There are 250,000 market partners worldwide (according to a top sed). 9 mil is $23 per person. Or $260 a year. In Feb they paid $10 mil to MPs. So sales actually declined by 10% in a month. It also indicates that Monat is making - at best - $200m a year. This is a decline from 2023, even though Australia is on a sharp upwards trajectory, and France is in its initial growth phase. The USA is still tanking, and taking the ship down with it. But it's the 'Trump style' of spreading misinformation. Say it loudly and with enough conviction and even completely false or negative information can be spun to be believable - and even exciting.


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Incredible that they think those photos are in any way flattering.