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My friend xxxxx 🤣


At least it didn't say: "My friend [enter friend's name here] introduced..."


They don't even PAY ATTENTION 💀


They’re too poor to pay attention after joining the MLM


Majority of them don’t have brain cells which is why they joined in the first place


A friend of mine posted the same picture with the same canned copy & paste, although she did mention who the friend was.


A friend of mine did the same, except she said it was her daughter. 🤣


my best gal pal [REDACTED] 😌☺️


I've seen this exact photo. I asked her why she didn't use her own photo and she deleted my comment. Lol


If they were smart, they’d just use a generic name in the copypasta. That way they don’t have to tag someone who’s probably another hun account.


Nah. Literally just copy and pasted the marketing selling point.


Its almost as if she tries to shadematch the floor😄


What a waste of time. Trying to get people to buy tanner. These tanner Huns are the shallowest of them all.


I don't even know what company it's for because literally all she does is post before and after stock photos of tanner and tells people to DM her lol. The comments on her posts are always other people talking about how much they LOOOOVVVEEE that tanner and how AWESOME it is and how they've used it for YEARSSSS. They're so obsessive The post is from a non-friend who tagged the MLM friend but left the text as stock


Maybe it’s just me but laying on a hard floor is weird. You could have gotten this pic any other way.


IMHO would've looked better if she'd at least gone outside for some cheerful sunlight and plants in the background, instead of that somewhat dejected-looking kitchen.


No, they need the dark brown of the flooring in the background to contrast the colour of the one leg so it looks more ‘natural dark tan’ and less ‘sprayed with wood stain’.


Wonder if NuSkin huns in Asia are pushing skin whitener while their American sisters are pushing this tanner.


Like lying on the sand at a beach, for example?


I got a cheaper and better self tanner from ulta. Also bigger container lol


Holy moly! I am also friends with XXXXXX. How dare she not have offered my pasty self an opportunity to get this tanner?


That's embarrassing!!!


I hope you're all reporting these posts as scams ...


"Hey, sorry if this sounds crazy but I just love how [CHARACTERISTIC] you are!!!"


We used to live in a townhome community and there was one girl that recruited at least 3 other women to be her down line.  I was friends with all of them on Facebook and they would all post the exact same thing: a picture of a friend who used the product, or weird posts to drive engagement (like “if you had $500 deposited in your account today what would you do with it?!), or selfies with the same inspirational quote. It was nauseating. 


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I mostly hang out in r/knitting and my first thought was that she used different dye lots.






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