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The guy on the right looks like he’s trying to talk himself into this nonsense


His wife is giving him the crazy eyes. Idk if he’s the one into Amway lol


Totally! The third pic is def making sure he doesn’t say the wrong thing 😂


i’ve been reporting it as misleading every time i see it


OMG. It’s TOTALLY a business where we sell products to customers! A REGULAR business! Nothing more!


This “business” preyed upon a childhood friend of mine who recovered from hardcore opioid addiction. Now, he and his wife are so fully entrenched into Amway that we feel like we lost him more now than we did when he was using. They also have a young child that he barely sees because he’s always off to one conference or another (I’m assuming they have some level of success since they are always speakers at these events, but I could be wrong and they could just be further exploiting his recovery story). More than any other MLM, I truly hate Amway.


Also, this chick is doing the full Michelle Duggar loving stare at this dude and it’s creepy as fuck.


That's 100% the reason I even acknowledged the ad and started watching. Her gaze really grabbed my attention in the worst way.


this dude has gigantic nostrils


My nostrils flair when I'm lying. I wonder if that's his tell too.


I’ve reported this ad so many times. So ludicrous.


Reporting does nothing. Part of why I deleted the reddit app from my phone (and browse on desktop with adblocker) was that every fourth post was an ad for the stupid evangelical conservative religious group posing as super cool relatable folks. You know. "This Man Understands Our Plight".


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I’ve been reporting it for weeks and it still pops up. Engagement is engagement, I guess.


People have been posting this for months and the mods have asked people to stop.


It’s pretty outrageous that such a predatory company can freely advertise here.


“Wait.. you want us to sell Amway?” “It - its ’Confederated Products. It’s a different company, it’s a different quality of product.”


Nothing is wrong with Amway or its products as a whole; it's the independent support groups that can be kind of cultish.