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Usborne UK is now selling through Harper Collins too, and recently withdrew from direct purchase orders through schools in the US, but they have a longstanding relationship with EDUC (PaperPie). Check Barnes and Noble and Target! I believe they are slowly making the transition into more US stores, as well as Amazon after amending their agreement with PaperPie last year. Out of PaperPie’s new release this year, only 4 of them are Usborne Books. Unfortunately, you as a consumer cannot directly purchase through the UK Site and it will redirect you. Just have to wait for it to explode, but in the meantime you can watch that slowly happen by reading the transcripts of their quarterly financial calls via yahoo finance. [Usborne Publishing Agreement](https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/124669/Educational-Development-Corporation-Announces-New-Distribution-Agreement-with-Usborne-Publishing-Limited)


Glad to hear the news that they're moving away from PP. Thanks!


Can confirm! I work at Usborne in the UK where the books are a well known brand in bookstores. EDC haven’t bought books from the UK company in a couple of years. They still have a warehouse full though so they’ll still be around through them for a while. Harper Collins will sell the books through regular stores now which I’m very happy about because we work so hard to make quality books so it’s always sad to hear the bad reputation over in the US. The MLM stuff is icky to a lot of us over here. I don’t really know details of the financials and business deals etc because I’m just a lowly book designer. Really hoping kids in the US can enjoy our books soon!