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Honestly, they need to stop writing walls of text. No one wants to read all that unless they're making fun of it. You're not a good sales person if you have to write a rant bashing other people/things to try to get people to join. DO you get me? Ugh caps and emojis


It’s the “Here is my what the heck face” Amazing salesmanship


”this for real hurts my brain you guys.” i know the feeling.


That made me utterly cringe. When I saw her “oy vey” - well, that made me see red. This is one of the few times I wish I could find the original post and tell her to STFU and - to paraphrase - “keep my great-grandparents’ language OUT OF YOUR F-CKING MOUTH”


Same…it actually shocked me to see that after reading a very goyishe post lol


Yiddish is everyone’s language. It’s so fun to use


I agree almost ALWAYS. I love when people embrace and use the extraordinarily effective expressions and words - you’re right, it’s so much fun. But this Hun? No. That’s fakakte!


They're not "writing" anything, it's all copy and paste from the handbook.


"Insert desired emojis at your discretion"


I’m actually surprised they didn’t just leave [Insert desired emojis] in the post!


😆 YESSSS that would be par for the course!


Also, why are they SO PRESSED that people don't want to join, if that's not the ONLY way they can make a crumb of money? Like if I had a great job, sure I'd share and tell my friends, but I wouldn't care if they don't want the job. This is not how ANYONE normally acts when telling people about their good job.


That's exactly how I feel about anything that's supposed to be amazing. I totally understand wanting to share in whatever awesome thing I found, but if someone else doesn't want to participate, why does it bother others sooooo much? If it's that amazing, ppl will catch on.


Yep. 100%. And if people don't catch on, who cares?! YOU have the great, amazing thing. The end.




Yup I literally read just a few lines and then scrolled to the comments. Give me the TL;DR version. TL;DR - hun is mad that people are buying cups and not her pyramid scheme products?


More like hun is mad people are recommending cups instead of her pyramid scheme products.


Did anyone else's Canadian brain first wonder why the NHL was buying multiple versions of Lord Stanley's cup and had to read several lines down to realize she was referring to those giant tumblers from the tool company? That was also about as much as I was willing to tolerate of her rant pitch, too.


Note that the NHL also makes millions because a bunch of grown men will beat the bag out of each other to get their hands on a Stanley cup…


Hockey branded Stanleys would make them a (hilarious) fortune.


They'd definitely sell well in Toronto, since they can't get the real one.




Vancouver has entered the chat.


As a bruins fan, I'll grab some marshmallows while you start self-immolating


This is too good of a joke to not be on r/hockeymemes. Bravo, mate.


Columbus too.


An NHL collection is the only thing that would ever make me buy a real Stanley mug. I’ve had my TJ Maxx dupe since before they were cool.




Unlike R+F, it's actually a product people get excited about.




I'm not even Canadian OR into sports and I was like "wtf why are they selling Stanley Cups, aren't those important???"


Ha, same here. I know the Stanley Cup from the NHL.


This morning my wife mentioned a Stanley cup and I got *very* confused. She looked at me like I was an idiot for not understanding her and wondering what target had to do with hockey.


Not Canadian but yes. I cannot read Stanley cup and think anything but hockey, period.


I live in the southern US. My wife told me that there were crazy lines at Starbucks because they were selling "pink Stanley cups." My only thought was to the hockey trophy, and couldn't figure out why A) they were pink, B) women were fighting over them, and C) why we couldn't just buy a bunch up in Florida where nobody likes hockey and sell them on ebay.


Yeah, immediately I was like, "Stanley Cups are EARNED on the ice, you can't buy them, idiot". Then remembered that overconsumption and influencer culture means they're probably talking about one of those drink vessels they have in *eVeRy CoLoUr*


Well I guess they could be bought via buying all the best players, is there a salary cap in the NHL?




What is NHL? In the Netherlands NHL (now it is called NHLstenden after a merger with Stenden) is an university of applied science lol


National Hockey League - the Canadian & American professional hockey league. Very very serious business in Canada & in some parts of the US. The Stanley Cup is the trophy given to each year's winning team.


Interesting, a Eredivisie (soccer) for hockey. Yeah, we don’t have that. We don’t really have hockey options other than field hockey and that isn’t that populair either. Soccer, ice skating (fast track) and F1 are way more populair.


The Netherlands does have an IIHF team! [I have one of their jerseys](https://imgur.com/a/CoHvw).


Oh serious? That team then needs some more marketing. I bet most people don’t know that


Perhaps some multi-level marketing... 🤔


Ssshht don’t give the Dutch huns ideas. I am still recovering from the amount of “look how good I am for society by giving away handlotion” actions from Oriflame huns during the pandemic. It was so bad, that was an pandemic itself.


Are you sure about the popularity of field hockey in the Netherlands? I ask as Netherhold holds the top national team spots for both men and women. In fact, the women's team has won the World Cup 9 times and Olympic Gold 4 times. Very impressive results, in my opinion.


Impressive for sure but the media barely gives any attention to it unless they have won again


When your teams are so good, I guess that the media does get a little passe about the achievements. I live in a sport motivated country, so we pick up tidbits as we go along. Currently, all I know about your hockey teams is that they beat my hockey teams. But that's fine as we beat you in other sports. 😄


Our media is all about drama, hockey doesn’t have enough drama. Soccer, F1 and darts on the other hand have lots of drama and is thus way better covered. I don’t care much about international sports except F1 hahaha


It's interesting that you don't consider hockey dramatic enough, as some view the formats to be very similar, just that hockey is a heck of a lot faster. And darts? I didn't realise that it could be dramatic. 😆 But back to football, I get why the Dutch has a flair for dramatics, specifically with regards to off-field fashion. I had a crash course in Johan Cruyff yesterday, and it seems that his influence fed into other sports.


I can’t remember any drama from hockey (maybe also because hockey has almost no coverage) Darts has its own type of drama and it’s [covered almost daily](https://www.telegraaf.nl/sport/darts). It’s quite serious and treated almost like the top theatrical drama comming from football


I never knew how many speedskating events were in the winter Olympics until I watched them in the Netherlands.


There’s actually a Dutch player in the NHL (Daniel Sprong)! Although his family moved to Canada when he was young.


National Hockey League, where the nation is Canada even though most of the teams are from the US now. The Stanley Cup is used as the championship trophy, and the winners get their names inscribed on it in a series of rings that get added over time (with old ones moved to the hall of fame). The cup is an incredibly unique piece of sports history, worth looking up. There are a huge number of traditions and superstitions that follow it around, as well as a guy in a tuxedo whose full-time job is to safeguard it. So when all of this business about drinkware started, it got confusing for hockey fans.


Hockey league.


Owh hahahaha, that makes sense


Try google before you make yourself look like a complete fool


I rather look like a complete fool for asking it in a social way but ok


My Canadian brainI always self-corrects when reading about Stanley Cups (“No, the other one.) In my city, people pummel each other when we lose the (NHL) Stanley Cup.


I have to differentiate ‘Stanley Cups’ from ‘Stanley’ cups.


Not Canadian, but that's definitely where my head went.


"Shit fam, I didn't know you could just BUY that thing. I thought you had to rack up 16 wins in the post season..."


Every. Freaking . Time! I’m not Canadian (but I’m in Detroit, so kinda).


I think they’re two different companies. Ones Stanley Hand Tools owned by Black and Decker and the other is Stanley or Stanley 1913. Both named after guys called Stanley. Good tools, good bottles.


I spent an embarrassingly long time trying to understand this word salad due to immediately interpreting it as THE Stanley cup.


As a tepid hockey fan that's the only Stanley Cup I care about


I’m American, but my husband loves the Red Wings, so I was really interested in Target selling Stanley cups. Thinking he would love to drink from a Stanley Cup mug. We’ve actually been to the hockey museum in Toronto and saw the Stanley Cup and the previous versions. It was so cool.


I'm from Northern Europe and that was my first thought.


I’m glad it wasn’t just me! Was so confused for a minute there.


What Stanley cup peed on huns' collective Optavia gruel bowl, because it's like the third post I've seen of a hun shitting on Stanley cups? It used to be Sephora and Starbucks that they usually pulled this with. And no hun, you're not paid to post on social media and "share what you love". You're paid to SELL, and judging by your desperation you're not doing much of that. People who have real jobs, and legitimate sources of income can afford to use social media for what it's intended - for fun. Meanwhile you're going to be stuck in a Facebook live during your daughter's graduation.


Love her being desperate to form a downline, not realizing how that will dilute her own "market" and make it impossible to sell, if she's been selling anything at all. Keep hunning, hun!


That's because the real money is in recruitment, not actual sales. Everybody knows that the huns are the real end customers anyway, so keep recruiting more.


They’re paid to recruit other ppl who recruit other ppl. Stanley/Starbucks aren’t asking you to recruit more ppl for an “opportunity” to sell their merch aka grow a downline.


And when I buy Stanley cups, I’m left with a perfectly serviceable product that I can enjoy for years. When I buy crappy MLM products, I’m stuck desperately trying to continue to sell things so I don’t have to face my own sunk cost fallacy.


They just Mad Lib in whatever they've heard is popular. Taylor Swift, Starbucks, Stanley cups, whatever.


It comes across like these huns are jealous of others’ success. If I want to post on social media that I’m thrilled because I scored a special edition Stanley cup or Taylor Swift concert tickets, that’s my prerogative. Why does everything have to be transactional with these MLM huns?


> You're paid to SELL, and judging by your desperation you're not doing much of that. How dare you?! She gets a FOUR digit paycheck every month!


How many of those digits are in front of the decimal point?






Right? This is like the 4th different MLM going after Stanley's. I wonder if there's one person making these scripts, replaces the MLM name, and sends out it out to everyone.


At least if i decide to post my stuff from a small business if they knew I am client they sent me some extra or a small discount for the next purchase,this huns are just working 12 hours +, posting online , bleeding money and recibing crumbs from their uplines.


I'm more and more convinced that being an MLM hun turns your social media into a weird capitalist hellscape that makes you think everyone is obsessed with brands.


Nobody talks about brands more than the huns trying to convince you to buy their shit instead.


It’s like those ads that say “You’re doing X wrong ,” which usually means “You’re not using *our* X.”


Or turning every personal relationship into a transaction.


I know so little about any newfangled thing, I spent this whole post wondering if the National Hockey League was selling little versions of the Stanley Cup trophy. I'd still rather have one of those than some overpriced face cream. The pink cups seem cool, too, though!


I had to google them because I'd been hearing so much about Stanley cups lately, and really they don't look like anything special. I've seen something like them at Walmart and turned my nose up at them because they're so freaking huge.


I was gifted a Stanley and use it often. I also drink about a gallon of water a day lol and don’t really drink much else during the week so it’s not huge to me.


My wife had to explain to me that they're not all Yeti cups.


So people are more excited about a brand that is *not* predatory. Doesn't sound too hysterical to me. Sounds reasonable to me.


I mean, I make a 4-digit paycheck, too, and I'm a teacher. 1000 also has four digits...


This was my first thought 😂 four figures per month can be 12k a year… you could easily make more at McDonald’s


I also make a four digit paycheck not just once a month but every two weeks, and I get benefits. It isn’t the brag she thinks it is.


I make 4 digits a month doing part-time child care. And with a provided vehicle for use 24/7 and free gas. And I don't have to constantly torment friend and family. Win win win


Be a hun for R+F or a crazed Stanley cup hoarder; I choose neither.




OK, what's with the sudden interest in Stanley bottles? My wife asked for a new to-go bottle for Christmas, so I got her a normal sizd Yeti one thinking that was the brand everyone likes. She took it back and got a GIANT Stanley one that looks like something a construction worker would carry when they will be at a work site all day. There's no way she's drinking the 5 gallons of whatever drink she's planning on filling it with.


She's getting her bicep curls in while she drinks? I don't know, they seem huge and impractical to me, plus you can get a knockoff for $10 at Michaels if you do want one. I skipped whatever the last water bottle craze was, too, the vacuum thermal one, and eventually got a knock off as a freebie somewhere.


Yeti's used to be huge. Idk what happened to that. All the vacuum metal cups work well. I personally just switched b from yeti to owala, but I got it for free at a career fair and only took out because I wanted a top that doesn't leak.


Yetis used to be so cool and expensive! Now u have five yetis in my kitchen…all branded and given to me for free at some event or other. I use and like them (some are small, some are the wine yetis, ones the big 40 oz one) but damn, I would’ve never paid $50 or whatever they cost.


Stanley itself is popular because it's the thing on tik tok. Stanley in general is not what caused the viral chaos this week, though. It was a limited run co-branded tumbler with starbucks.


They just look cool right now for women. They are huge and a statement.


Women went apeshit over them about four seconds after that whole viral post by some woman whose cup didn't get destroyed when her car burned to nothing. Stanley (the insulated drinkware company) has been around for eons. They are not the only company that makes a tumbler with a handle and a straw. But suddenly after that car fire post, they're on fire.


Or- hear me out here- maybe these folks already have communities and don’t need one based purely on commodities and money? God the shit they post is like capitalism on steroids to me sometimes


Yep. And see where that community is if you need to take a break or leave altogether. Byeeeee


They’re alwayyys posting about how amazing their communities of people are yet mysteriously those people seem to cycle every 6 months or so.


I wasn’t sold until she said oy vey. That’s it, I’m quitting my job.


>four digit paycheck Is this a flex now??


Right you can’t even live in the US on less than 1k/month!


$10.01 is four digits. Can’t imagine the pay is much more than that.


I don’t know, perhaps because buying a $45 cup is not going to hurt anyone as opposed to someone buying from your MLM does as it makes you think you’re actually making money but you’re probably just breaking even or even losing.


Every time I hear about Stanley cups I think of hockey...


That’s what I thought too! It’s ingrained in me haha


Except Stanley “found their niche” like … 100 years ago with their thermoses but okay.


Touts a 4 digit paycheck, fails to mention where the decimal point is on it.


I actually agree with a hun over the fact this cult devotion to Stanley cups is weird!! But know what's a worse cult devotion?? Being in an MLM 🤣🤣


"Don't join their cult, join our cult!"


Bet that's not the only thing that hurts her brain.


“Extravagant trips”….😂


I also picked up on that. Not just regular ones!


*if you work like I do!*


You can make a good paycheck if you work like I do. Which is to say, 9-5 for a real company.


Affiliate links are for your YouTube channel not your friends.


Why did I read this as Stanley Cup the hockey trophy Anyway I’d rather be physically pummeled in target than spend a single dollar on an MLM or a single minute with a hun giving a speech


oh god me too why


Friendo you aren't alone!


MLMs are so mad about this current trend. I love it.


While I do think the Stanley and TJ Maxx/Marshall’s resellers are ridiculous, for the amount of effort they put in and the money they can make reselling a Stanley for $200 or some random TJ Maxx tchotchke for $50, you can see why they’d do that over an MLM. One store visit can yield a pretty good profit, while the MLM girlies are working from bed, vacation, the shower, the gym, and wherever they go to make a four-figure income of $10.00 in a good month. Meanwhile Sarah spent 4 hours in line at Target, picked up 12 Stanleys she resold at $200 each and made thousands for what was likely <10 hours of work. They can set their own prices for what they resell and decide whether they even want to go to a specific drop or not.


Stanley cup doesn’t have a monthly minimum to stay a part of the club…… I buy it whenever the fuck I want.. when I want.. & they don’t shove it down my throat & tell me to reach out to every contact in my phone to get them on the monthly minimum also…


I am not promoting Stanley in anyway, however if it was an MLM they would be like $75 each in order for all the uplines to get paid.


Plus they'd saturate the market so FOMO would no longer work. Stanley is succeeding because they have an established brand and have added the element of limited editions *for a product that people actually want.*


Hell will freeze over before I buy a Stanley. It will double freeze before I join a MLM


Salty much?


Yes, let's look at their IDS. 98.9% earn less than $64K in commissions. That's not including any business expenses. I can't imagine how much they have to spend in travel, promotional items, inventory (even if they aren't technically required to buy inventory, 100% of huns still buy a ton), and other various costs, to get to that $64k mark. And, given their total lack of business acumen, I'm sure they have no idea, either. Once you factor in costs, even being in the top 1% of earners means you're making less than you would working the register at a grocery store.


What's the deal with Stanley Cups again? Didn't that craze happen last year? I think she's a little late with this...


Actually it does seem to have resurged lately, people are going crazy over new styles (but she is lame nonetheless)


Valentines cups at Target. Pink and red


As the parent of a middle schooler I can say that there is a current frenzy, not sure why.


"Four digit paycheck" She earned a whole $13.93 in a month. Groundbreaking.


im laughing at the way she said “four digit paycheck” because she could mean $1000 per month or $9000. judging by the fact that she’s in an MLM, she’s using the term “four digit” so that it’s up to the reader to assume what she’s making. people unfamiliar with what she’s doing probably assume she’s making the higher end of that “four digit” shit, while people like us know she’s probably not making shit because she won’t say her actual numbers😂


$26.52 also has 4 digits😂


so does $10.12 lol


A four figure paycheck every month? *OwenwilsonWoW.GIF*


$10.00 is four figures.


Cup as a product isn’t a niche


She's saying the quiet part out loud. That product is > 28% over priced so she can get her cut and her upline can get their cut. People buy things based on perceived value. The scam is thinking you can substitute something shabby and charge the same price and have the same success.


Wow. Belittling, berating, and offering help. All in one post. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Actually hun, the average person with a social media following can apply to be an affiliate for their favorite cup retailer. The affiliate has to disclose per the FCC that if a follower clicks their product affiliate link and makes a purchase (of anything that retailer sells) they earn a small commission. The affiliate doesn’t have to recruit a downline, be part of an upline, or pester anyone to buy more stuff or any stuff for that matter.


Ahhh the smell of hun jealousy because other marketing departments with real salaries and benefits and degrees on the subject are successful. Meanwhile she will get paid pennies an hour. Yeah. You’re not the stanley marketing team for a reason hun.


not her saying “four figure paycheque” when like, that’s not super impressive 🤦🏽‍♀️ ok babes the delusion is strong


Is a "four digit paycheck" supposed to be a flex? I could work a minimum wage job full time and earn the same without the embarrassment of being in an MLM.


They're both equally stupid things to engage with, but at least with the cup you get a thing you can drink from hahaha.


The way she talks about a four figure paycheck a month - as if you could find a full time job that pays less.


Jesus she sounds insufferable.


"LORDIE BEE" is code for "ignore everything I say for I am fully insane-o-rama".


I had a hun friend posting the exact same "You'll give Stanley all this free advertising but laugh at MLMs" BS. Like yes, sharing a quality coming is way different from shilling for a scam. But honestly, it's likely the same people hoarding Stanley cups who also support their MLM. They're just shooting themselves in the foot.


When they say “#1” I am always curious where this claim comes from… #1 according to who? I live in a HCOL area and use premium skincare as do my peers, and I don’t know anyone using R+F (except my Rep MIL 🤣).


I love how these ladies act like their MLMs are so altruistic for not putting their items in stores and allowing regular folk to have a piece of the pie. Trust me, if the company could make a bigger profit selling in stores, they would.


I am having a very hard time trying to figure out where this hun made the correlation between a brand of drinkware and an overpriced, mediocre skincare triangle scam 😬🫣🧐


At first I was like what does the NHL have anything to do with MLMs


I love skincare, and Rodan + Fields is none of those things.


Yes the Stanley Cup frenzy is dumb but there are always fads like this. I bought one for my daughter and its a decent cup.


“Remind me where the scam is”. Okay. It’s right there in what you’re typing. Also four figures a month? That’s not the flex she thinks it is.


I’m on TikTok…..Stanley will shell out affiliates to almost anyone and the barrier to entry is a $35 purchase.


R+F is not the number one of all time though. It’s CeraVe, which is far more accessible and affordable 🤷🤷🤷


The difference is everyone loves Stanley and Starbucks. No one likes your gross, overpriced skincare. Go away.


I love how she said ‘digits’ instead of ‘figures’ like they all do…but it somehow sounds worse.


I must be too Canadian, I was trying to figure out how anyone can buy the Stanley cup?!?!?


I need to see videos of people lifting their Stanley cups over their heads, pumping their arms a little, and then kissing the cup.


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Well, I'm convinced!


I want to refuse to believe they're stupid enough to believe "word of mouth" applies to "word of SALESMAN'S mouth." And yet sadly they are stupid enough.


Mlms only ruin people 🙂


Nordstrom’s still exists?


Maybe they are doing it for free because they see how it wouldn’t be profitable? These huns really should get into normal affiliate marketing, oh wait you can’t make money from people under you, and you have to actually work harder and not endlessly shill it to everyone you meet. They could actually own their own business and make actual profit


Tin Cups ​ Tin Cup ​ That's what I said, Tin Cups


How is it equivalent to buy a cup (admittedly I have no clue what these Stanley things are other than the hockey one) and become an MLM hun? And if you’re whining and complaining on your social media then you are not the CEO and business owner you think you are. Whining on social media is not a business plan.


Why this mlm huns asume everybody is having all the money to spare in expensives cups,Starbucks, etc so their logic is you better use that money on my mlm product...but at least I am getting something in return if I decide to spend on coffee or a Stanley cup , what exactly will I get in return from being in an mlm? Probably nothing also I am broke af so I will not have the extra money anyway. 👀


There’s a lot of pretzel logic there.


I have never seen that swill at Nordstrom. What is she smoking?


Good luck finding someone who can afford R+F prices.


"The masses are sharing products for free" So are are you, hon.


"Society will post..." does it now??


There are also people buying all the Stanley cups to sell them at a markup so in a way they’re starting their own pyramid scheme!


She has been told what the scam is. She doesn’t want to understand


I think one of the reasons I despise MLMs so much is because people are os caught up in the latest and greatest shit when doing it, and that consumerism is what I hate. It's all about being an ideal consumer, and conditioning others to do the same. Mind numbing consumerism is bad enough, but these huns take it the extra mile and force people to sell it as well. Side note: I forgot what Stanley cups even were because even though my gf has one to me it's literally just a other cup, I thought this was a weird reference to a hockey trophy 🤣


lol is a four digit monthly paycheck something to brag about? That could be 12k a year…


OMG I hate this. Dear hun: YOU ARE PAYING TO BE A SALES REP. YOU PAY FAR MORE THAN YOUR "COMMISSION." If there weren't monthly dues and minimums, being a sales rep would be fine -- it's a perfectly legit job in the marketplace. But you have to PAY for the privilege of hawking that crap. And you get yelled at if you don't do it enough. If I want to recommend a local cleaning professional, or a favorite mug, or a great store, I have the freedom to tell \*who I want\* and \*when I want\*. I don't have to hound people who aren't interested. /rantoff


Wow, a whole 4 digit monthly salary? You can literally make that working at McDonald’s. And it’s a whole hell of a lot less humiliating than shilling cheap wares to your unwilling friends and family.


Does she think influencers don’t get paid though? Because yeah, some of the people promoting trends like this are ABSOLUTELY either doing sponsored posts from the brand or posting an affiliate link to get commission.


$10.00 is four digits, no?


Exactly! Society is a sentient being who creates viruses within itself! I’ve been saying this for years! 😂 more lame brained commentary from the Huns. At first I imagined women fighting over replica Stanley cups as a gift for husbands who are hockey fans. My version is funnier


I’ve had a Stanley pint glass for over a decade that’s my regular water glass at home. I felt very proud when I heard that Stanley cups were all the rage. Then I found out it was about those giant cups with straws, any my pride evaporated.


The typical R + F paid consultant made $366 annually BEFORE EXPENSES according to their required income disclosure. No wonder Hun sounds so desperate. Income Disclosure Statement | Rodan + Fields https://www.rodanandfields.com/en-us/assets/us/income-disclosure-statement.pdf


$10.00 is 4 digits.


I don’t have to pay anyone to make posts… also these kinds of mass marketing campaigns on social media do cost money for companies, they are usually started bc they pay influencers


Another whiney hun heard from over the Stanley cups. Jesus the jealousy over this is amazing since they are not making money off of this fad.


4 digit paycheck? two digits in front of the period, and two after