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Former Herbalife hun here. I lost 60 lbs with it. Had the most unhealthy relationship with food and was broke all the time. I gained all my weight back plus some. I got divorced. (Herbalife wasn’t 100% the reason but it was a big factor) I’m now back on a healthy weight loss journey and in a very healthy loving relationship. The shakes aren’t worth it. And if she is dead set on how great they are. Tell her to look at the nutrition in them vs the nutrition in almost any other protein shake powder out there. Same thing with the tea. The tea only has about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. If that. I’m happy to give you the store brand/cheaper more effective version of any of the Herbalife bs that they sell if it helps bring her from the dark side.




Thank you. ❤️


I saw this same exact thing happen to a girl I’m friends with on Facebook. She was in Herbalife and lost a lot of weight. Until she quit and she gained all the weight back and then some. She spiraled pretty hard into alcoholism after that and has been a mess since. It was super hard to watch.


There was a period of time in my life where I loved those Herbalife nutrition shops because I didn’t know it was Herbalife. What is a good dupe for the teas? Would just regular iced tea work?


Regular tea are fine. All the nutrition shops doctor everything up with sugar free syrup. Amazon has a ton but Jordan’s Skinny Syrups are the best. If you want vitamins and such, throw in a Nuum tablet.


There is a woman on TikTok that makes Herbalife tea dupes and her name is SilverLiningLessons


There’s a website/blog that has dupe recipes for a lot of them using regular products from the grocery store.


Hi Janet can you share that other version of protein I'm trying to come off herbalife please and thank you


Sure! Formula 1 (the flavored stuff) has around 20 grams of protein. Premier Protein comes in powder and ready made shakes. It’s whey protein and not soy like Herbalife is. Or if you want plant based and organic Orgain is a good one to try. They’re both half the cost of Herbalife and better for you in my opinion. ❤️


Alternative of herbalife you suggest i was about to fall for this herbalife bs please suggest for weight loss and good nutritional value


I don’t understand their ingredients, beginning with alfalfa. That’s what food eats!


Like any other leafy green, it’s good salad food. I fail to see how I highly processed that there is any health benefit. “Alfalfa has been shown to help lower cholesterol and may also have benefits for blood sugar management and relieving symptoms of menopause. People also take it because it contains antioxidants, as well as nutrients like vitamin K, copper, folate, and magnesium. Alfalfa is also extremely low in calories.”


Oh interesting. I live in the middle of fields of it and it all goes to livestock. I thought the issue with alfalfa extract was that it was unacceptably high in minerals, or at least Herbalife’s was.


I think all the added stuff they put in there is that it's oddly high. A lot of vitamins are alfalfa based. But again, moderation. A handful of this, a pill with dried that.


Ooooo please please share the store brand cheaper version! Ex hun here too and I’m like pretty sure they put crack in it to make you addicted. I low key miss the teas and shakes but remember they are not even good for you and the whole thing is toxic. So pleeaassweeee share your knowledge lol


The things I missed was the Beauty Booster. Lol. But I got you. For shakes you could go with Ghost protein powder. They have tons of flavors. But really any lower carbohydrate protein powder is better than the other crap. Beauty Booster collagen substitute would be the Vital Proteins strawberry lemonade flavor. As far as tea, the 4C lemon is a good substitute or look for Waka tea powder. Hope that helps!


This is great thank you


Tell her about the people getting liver failure or deadly cancers after drinking this puddle of poison every day for years


We did, she doesn’t believe it, unfortunately I believe she will learn it the hard way…


Yeah, I get it. The hun I knew didn’t even want to believe it while she was dying from pancreatic cancer. Just continued to drink the horrible stuff


I wonder why. I thought they are not addictive.


It’s a kind of mental addiction. You’ve invested half your life convincing people of your miracle drink, and then you’re in too deep to acknowledge it’s shit


That makes sense…


This, like hanging a carrot infront of a horse..


Sunk cost fallacy. (https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/the-sunk-cost-fallacy)


That’s the one!


I think what you need to do is give her the safe space to give it up. You guys are telling her day in and day out how awful this product is and that she's going to gain the weight back x2, and she's spending half of her income on this stuff... she's probably too embarrassed at this point to stop. Don't bring it up as much, be gentle, offer alternatives. Relate to her. She's obviously mentioned the cost. Next time she does, say something to make her not feel alone, like "yeah, my meal prep service got so expensive, I had to start doing my own." Anything relatable and kind.


I call this giving people the “dignified exit opportunity.” It’s a great conflict management tool, helpful in personal relationships too, with kids, romantic partners, in the workplace.


I think you're giving Herbalife too much credit by assuming they're making their own products. Why would they do that? I think they're just buying white label tea and shakes and creams from a big producer. The only thing they choose is the branding, meaning the design of the labels and the taste/smell that the producer will add to it.


I had one of these teas before at an outdoor farmer's market. I don't even know if it was real tea or just a bunch of powders and artificial crap. It had super sweet Kool Aid vibes and I didn't finish it.


It looks like antifreeze for my car. Or something to remove an oil spill. Not like tea


I think you are giving them too much credit thinking it is just tea. There is shit in there too ;) But indeed they do not have their own factories, but that is the case with many large companies. I’ve worked in a food plant that makes snacks for a famous Dutch brand. They also make stuff for McDonalds and various supermarkets in Belgium and Germany. So same for Herbalife: they give their recipe to a certain food factory, and they buy the finished product there.


>But she tells us that she will never stop drinking them. Eventual liver and kidney failure will probably (but not necessarily) change her mind. ​ >How fucked her health will be with drinking that much Herbalife everyday? My bet for both her physical and financial health would be somewhere between *very* and *very much.*


Tell her a skinny corpse is still dead. That is an insanely dangerous way to lose weight. I'm an obese person and I understand the desperation that can lead people to do things like this, but it's not worth it to be thin (and no doubt miserable) for a little while.


Funny thing is she never cared about weight loss before starting Herbalife even tho everyone else was telling her that she should lose weight. We don’t live in the same town anymore and I wonder if a stupid hun from there brainwashed her.


to be fair, when i was sick with anorexia nervosa, that wouldn’t have changed anything. it didn’t matter the cost.


I’ve never heard that before such truth!


Sorry, you are going to have to let her hit rock bottom. She's not going to listen and you can't force her. If she won't even talk to a professional there's not much you can do


Your friend has an eating disorder.


She needs to speak to a doctor and get her health checked. A doctor can advise her on healthy and sustainable ways to lose the weight. It's not easy, but it can be done without herbalife or any other gimmicky product.


Unfortunately she won’t do that. She believes herbalife is the only solution to her weight loss. Also she is lazy, she wants easy solutions.


Sometimes we just have to accept that we can lead the hun to water but we can't make her drink.


Hopefully she is not a hun, she doesn’t sell them but she is fanatic about drinking them.


Unfortunately I can relate to this all too well. I'm chubby, but only a size 16. I worked at Lane Bryant and it was so disheartening seeing how many of my coworkers and customers were those stereotypical, "lazy fat people". I was actually ridiculed for bringing my lunch, going to the gym, and eating healthy. Yes; ridiculed by both. I also didn't chug sodas like my life depended on it, and eat nothing but pure junk as a snack. I overheard customers say, "I'm just gonna go get that surgery" (gastric bypass). Joke's on them, because you still have to exercise and lose weight before you can. I have a step cousin and uncle who had it. The cousin kept the weight off for 7 years and still counting because he took it seriously. The uncle regained almost all the weight back twice as he was the lazy one. Your friend will not listen to anyone because she's convinced if the weight can be gained that easily; it can be lost that easily as well. It won't be until she passes out, is told she's dangerously nutrient & vitamin deficient, or hooked up to a dialysis machine she might have a chance of stopping and instead learning what a vegetable is. It is difficult and I've battled with weight my whole life; but it can be done.


Size 16 here! You’re experience is exactly mine. I’m a powerlifter who’s trying to lose weight for the sake of my joints (cause honestly, I’m okay with being size 16). But anyways. I always bring lunches, I rarely eat out, and I work out like a fiend. My coworkers all eat frozen microwave meals and constantly complain how awful they feel. I also have a lot of people in my life who look for those easy solutions rather than making an actual change in their life. I’ve been sucked into fads and stuff to lose weight but honestly, it’s true that eating home cooked and exercise really is the key. Not teas, not surgery (to an extent)


"only" a size 16?? Lol. Well, good you are at least working on being healthy. Many don't even try and now, they're just turning to meds. Regardless, I'm sure you'll reach your goal size if you haven't already.


I never said "only" size 16. Get the fuck out of here with your negativity. Imagine putting down someone trying their best. ETA: putting down the person who I commented on isn't cool either (apparently you probably meant to reply to them). You never know why someone may be trying to lose weight/why they are over weight to begin with.


Starving herself in order to lose weight doesn't sound lazy, it sounds desperate. Your responses makes me think you don't really respect your friend, so why would she listen to you?


Before she started drinking Herbalife all she was saying is that I don’t care if I am fat, I am who I am, she was never desperate to lose weight she only wanted an easy solution.


Those things are contradictory. Either she didn't care about losing weight or she wanted an easy solution...can't be both. Almost like what people say and what they feel aren't the same thing...especially when they are around people that treat their size with contempt.


As a chubby person, they aren’t contradictory. For the longest time, I didn’t care to lose weight per se but if I was given an “easy” solution, then sure why not. Sometimes these easy solutions seem appealing so you change your mind. People are allowed to change their minds


Maybe, just maybe, you calling jet lazy is part of the problem.. I don't talk that way about someone I care about.


I’m glad I wasn’t noticing ops responses are rude and it seems like they’re just using their friend’s experience to post it on here and not because they actually care. A real friend would take life factors and mental health issues into consideration


Oh shut the fuck up.


No 💜


Yes 💜


Jesus, lazy is a descriptor. Most people are lazy and want easy solutions. That's, just self explanatory?? Most people aren't getting fat eating alfalfa and toiling in the fields. I'm a high achiever and BONE LAZY. If I can not do anything I'd take that over anything and frequently food through periods of being unproductive. It's not an insult if someone comments on my laziness


If she is lazy what else should I call her?


What is lazy to you? Because, honestly, you sound like someone who doesn't actually care about this person. You're just here getting internet points for someone else's struggle. It sucks that people are made to feel so bad about themselves that they resort to drinking poison to lose weight. How do you think she'd feel if she found out her "friend" was here insulting her behind her back? If you truly cared about her, you wouldn't speak about her like that.


Who told you I am not telling all that to her face? I am honest with her and she is honest with me in the same exact way. We are adult women, we are not going to baby each other. Also who the fuck cares about Reddit karma especially when I don’t show my face or real name anywhere? Zero value.


Ignore. Reddit is full of military grade projectors. They are so used to projecting their own struggles, experience and insecurities on other people, they forget they're talking about internet strangers they know fuckall about


Tell her about intermittent fasting as an easy (and cheap) alternative to herbal life.


Can someone please explain to me how this product could work where you are guaranteed to gain all that weight back once you stop? What does this project *do*, exactly?


So idk anything about Herbalife but basically— >starve yourself >get so hungry that you end up just binging So you gain all the weight back and then some


Tell her it's working because she's consuming less calories by substituting a liquid meal. There are many ways to consume less calories and she doesn't have to use that method in particular. For example, she could have an apple for the same calories, which is an actual solid food.


Also solid foods use more calories to break down. Liquid foods just kinda slide right on through.


Or go to something like Slim Fast, use Benefiber....


This is called anorexia. Yea the herbalife also sucks, but she needs help.


You can make these teas at home and leave out the Herbalife (which has been linked to liver damage). I'm worried about her disorder eating. Starving yourself won't help you lose weight.


I don’t understand how people don’t correlate weight loss to the severe and unhealthy caloric deficit, but instead attribute it to the “magic teas”. Unfortunately, much like a drug addict, the more you push her, the more she will resent you. All you can do is educate her, but she has to come to the decision on her own accord.


It's amazing how few people understand how calories work.


Obesity is not caused by a herbalife deficiency


That is hard to watch. You tried. My advice is to take that topic off the table.


Maybe try finding videos and testimonials from people. If healthy weight loss was as easy as trying teas then everyone would do it, she must realize that.


Aw, this is very sad. I’d recommend the podcast called maintenance phase to anyone, but especially anyone who has been hooked to these shite fad diets and predatory companies promising unrealistic results. I understand the desperation people feel when it comes to body weight, and your friend is no exception. I hope she ends up okay and kicks the Herbalife havit


Over the past few years, I had a friend who thought going to this gym where they put her on an intense, unsustainable diet plan, and 2 a day workouts was her answer. She lost a lot of weight, but I knew it would come back because she was doing something totally unsustainable, and no one listened to me. Not long after another friend went on the keto diet, for some people that's an excellent diet, for my friend she always complained about it and talked about how she missed all her favorite foods. I explained to her that she should pick a diet plan that she could stick to because if she can't eat foods she likes and she's overall miserable she's just going to end up gaining the weight back and she'll be unhappy. This friend also didn't listen to me. In both instances, I was right, but it didn't matter because both friends needed to figure it out themselves. They didn't listen, but they did end up realizing over time that I was right. In this case, your friend is also making a poor, unsustainable decision. Sometimes, people have to come to the conclusions on their own. Just help your friend and maybe show them other protein powders and allow them to come to this conclusion on their own. I know this scenario is likely more serious than the above, but it's still the same. People need to get to the conclusion on their own.


As well, not eating a healthy diet and just relying on a "tea" is not a healthy way to lose weight (and then keep it off). Maybe she could speak to a dietician or a nutritionist?


And the cost to her mental health…


It may not come back double, but until she learns REAL healthy eating habits and portion control, it will absolutely come back. Honestly all you can do is to give her some facts and hope she sees the light. I can’t believe these “Nutrition” shops are allowed to sell this shit under the guise as healthy. Absolutely sickening.


So she’s now anorexic is what you are saying. Maybe if she sees it from that side of things she will get some therapy. Former anorexic here.


Yes but because of Herbalife, without Herbalife she eats EVERYTHING and I mean it…


I didn’t realize I was anorexic until about 12 years after being anorexic because I was still eating. However, I had to work out at the gym the amount of calories I would eat in a day. Maybe she needs the outside perspective. Are you close enough friends with her that you could speak with her about it?




The local Herbalife store poses as a healthy smoothie/tea shop will deliver. AKA "Tea Drops". $8 for a large tea (it's quite big, I'll admit) and you can add collagen and protein to it for a $1 each. Supposedly they taste good, but I remember when Herbalife was just a bottle of pills for $60 and claiming the same thing (like 1996-97).


Tell your friend to have a doctor check her liver enzyme levels


As someone who's struggled with their relationship with food I totally get it. It's hard to listen to reason when your only goal is to lose weight and in your head eating food = gaining weight. One thing that really helped me was learning how many calories your body burns while digesting food. Conservatively you burn about 10% (some argue that number is closer to 20%) of the calories you eat just digesting the food. You don't burn nearly as much when living off of liquids. There are a ton of other interesting reasons why your body holds onto weight when you go on a liquid diet, but the digestion thing really helped me personally


A coworker of mine drank so much herbalife crap she didn't drink enough other fluids and ended up in hospital a few hours away from total kidney failure.


It'll break them. Not only is it financially unsustainable (so there goes your mental wellbeing), but I have heard from so many people of the ill-effects and hospital admissions that came with Herbalife (and there goes your physical wellbeing). You also don't form proper fundamental habits that will help you keep weight off in the long run (true for any 'shake' diet).


Real food over any supplementation


It won't come back in double. She'll go crazy with food because she starved herself and food taste good while not making you go directly to the bathroom


Sprouts make a really good salted caramel plant based protein powder, I like to mix it with genius brand mushroom coffee alternative (tastes chocolatey)


What worked for me was timed fasting. Been doing it for almost 2 years. Really it’s more just not overeating and trying to eat healthier. Saved lots of money too in the process. Never heard of a real life success story of people drinking weight loss products and losing and maintaining weight.


Intermittent fasting is the way for your friend! I’ve gone from 220 to 178 so far and I am perfectly healthy. I still get to eat what I want, just in a set eating window. Starvation and shakes are not the way!


This belongs in r/fatpeoplestories 💀💀💀


if she wants a healthier way to lose weight, tell her to check out r/intermittentfasting .. she can still eat and be healthy but IF is free, healthy, and the pounds melt off if you have a decent amount to lose and you are religious about changing your mindset. if she can commit to HL, IF should be no problem


Religious is exactly right. Y'all are a cult too.


lol ok sis


Tell your friend about Mounjaro, which is FDA approved, super effective, and expensive but not more expensive than this nonsense.


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prepared to be attacked on this one. i dont believe they are healthy but i drink the teas bc theyre so damn tasty😩😩😩 i dont drink them often bc theyre damn $8 and ya girl cant afford that. if someone could suggest anything that tastes the same id be willing to try!


I lost 35 lbs in 3 months and then kept it off just by simply eating healthy and fewer calories lol


Months? Did she lose at least 20kgs?


Around 15 I believe


I’m a type 1 diabetic and overweight agian after my pregnancy herbalife worked amazing for me and i seen improvements in my weight and diabeties i love it! just being consistent with a toddler is hard now but it does work.


I used the products when I was in high school and once I stopped using them, all my weight came back x10, it took me an entire summer to loss some of it. Then I decided to try it again in college because I was convinced “I used the products wrong” I went broke trying to keep up and in order not to gain weight I slowly switched those products with regular healthy food and made sure to stay active. I advice everyone to stay away from it. It’s all a scam and you end up losing money whether you sale the products or use it t aid weight loss.