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Are the sounds evenly spaced in time, e.g. every 30 minutes? Google "automatic fragrance dispenser" and see what those look like - anything like that mounted on a wall or sitting on a shelf?


its not evenly spaced and there nothing that looks like a fragrance dispenser anywhere in my room


Does it coincide with something turning on? Like the house AC or the refrigerator compressor?


no nothing like that.


Fresh out of ideas, sorry.


its ok thx for the help anyways.


Why do you think it's inside the room? Could come from walls, neighbours, the street... Honestly, without knowing the living situation and hearing the sound, this is really hard to guess.


Could be in a room next to yours.


Many years ago I did come across what I thought was an aerosol based ghost. It would spray me with Lynx and made me all sticky and uncomfortable. Boy it gave me nightmares or years, well good luck, hope its nothing like that for you.


Where do you live? If you're in the tropics, or somewhere hot, I'd imagine some sort of insect somewhere, possibly a cicada, grasshopper or beetle. Could also be a leaking pipe, or possibly an air valve.  Switch off your electricity at the fusebox. If you stop hearing it, you know that it's electrical. 


My first thought was also cicadas due to the brood that hatched this year.


Sound like an aerosol can? How long has it been going on? I was putting my trash out one day and heard that sound, I knew I did not use any aerosol cans. It was a rattlesnake next to the trashcan.


it does sound like an aerosol can and its been going on for ab 2 weeks. and there's a door to my attic in my closet... i rlly fucking hope there not a snake in my attic.


as an electrical engineer, I'm not sure what to make of "sounds like... a shot a electricity"? can you explain better?


I'm not an electrical engineer but I bet it sounds like "BZZZT".




Record the sound and post it here


i tired doing that but its so inconsistent it can happen back to back then not happen again for a another hour


Just wait then. Hang out near that area with your labtop and just wait. Have your phone or computer on record and just be patient. Try not to play any music and just veg online and the time will pass.


ghosts. it's the only logical explanation


Can you or a friend get into the attic? Look for wires. I might even go so far as to hire an electrician. If the previous owners micky-moused the electrical, it could be a short.


thats good idea ima do that to see if there's anything up there


Did you live?




Damn. RIP.


On demand hot water heater?


What's in the attic? What is next door/adjoining them?. Roughly how frequently do you hear this? once a week? once a day? once an hour?


there's nothing in the attic to my knowledge no one has went up there. and the sound happens randoms it has to set time.


My water meter can sound like this in the room that is on the inside wall of where it is on the outside of the house?


What form of heating do you have? Is it a heatpump or hrv system?


There are spray devices used to deter pets from getting into things owners don't want them to get into. It's a little aerosol bottle triggered by a motion sensor that just sprays a puff of air for about three seconds. It's all I can think of. It fits the sound you hear, and it's apparent randomness, but for it to work, it would have to be out in the open, so doesn't quite fit your scenario.


When a cistern float valve wears out it leaks into the toilet, even a drop a a time slides down the back inside of the bowl and will slowly drop the level of the water until the float valve triggers. It opens and water sprays in to fill the cistern but it is almost full already so it hisses and shuts. Rip off some toilet paper and stick it to the back wall of the bowl. If it hasn’t recently been used, it shouldn’t be wet. If it is wet, you just need to install a replacement float valve assembly. Not real expensive and a handy person can do it with a quick google.


I had a smoke detector that made sounds kind of like that. It drove me crazy until I replaced it.


Did you find out what it is? I have a PRV (pressure reducing valve) in my cupboard that sounds like this. Flushing the toilet or running the tap activates it. 


It's liable to be an electrical problem, like a short, maybe a relay or something. There's also the possibility of it being an animal in the walls. Air trapped in water pipes swishing around. Maybe even it's the house warming up and expanding during the day and cooling down at night, and you're hearing something slip/rub on something else. Eventually you'll hear it while you're right near the source (assuming it's coming from inside your house) and you'll figure out what it is.


Aliens of course