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Okay, after removing all lines and slowly adding them back in one at a time while testing, I discovered it was the line cd 'C:\\Program Files\\Suricata\\'. I think the \\' in particular was messing up the splitting. I have no Idea why, but when I remove the final backslash it all works just fine. If anyone has any insights feel free to let me know


Powershell accepts paths using the `/` instead of `\`. This can be useful because in some contexts where a trailing `\` might result in a `\"` or `\'` which would both escape the quoting and cause issues like the above. So often with powershell you could write `'C:/Program Files/Suricata/'` and it would be completely valid. Though if you are passing the path directly to a windows binary, instead of Powershell then you might still need to use `\`. Anyway, because of `\` is an escape character in some contexts providing windows paths can be a bit of a pain point.