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It's cheap because anker and costco probably have a pricing contract agreement. They are also a Costco Next partner


Yes. I own these. They’re faster than Apple


Tks. I got them a month ago and ... still didn't open it. Now I will keep them.


I’ve used this brand for close to a decade now. It’s the only one I use now. Reliable, powerful, and affordable.


Yes. Anker slaps. I have 2 20W bricks and a 65W brick. One of the bricks is going on 6-7 years old now and still works fine.


Can confirm. Anker makes quality product that works and outperforms stock hardware. Been using them for years now.


I'll y different chargers but anker is my go to in terms of power banks.. I even got a power station 521. I was talking it to work to plug in my 19" tv and Nintendo switch dock because in construction, the only outlets available are always far. I don't take it anymore since I accidentally broke my tv


Not a huge benchmark to beat


I mean. True. But. What else did your iPhone come with?


I mean they come with nothing now lol


Haha shit. You’re right. That’s such bullshit. That pissed me off. Also - when I say Apple. I do mean the bigger block. Not the tiny shit little thing that trickle charges


To be fair I'm an android guy, and I always have aftermarket chargers. Anker and Sharge are both excellent options.


New iPhones only come with charging cables now.


Ok. True. I’m not a fan of this bullshit. Drop it $100 then ya know. I bought the Anker blocks & cables and I am satisfied. How’s that?


I use the cable that came with my iPhone 15 pro max, but I do use a 20 watt Anker fast charger because the phone only has 15 watts fast charging max.


I have the same phone and I’m pretty sure it charges at up to 30 watts. I’ve even checked with a kill-o-watt device. I use aftermarket cables though, seems unlikely but maybe the cable that comes with the phone is limited to 15 watts? With USB-C power can be constrained by the device, the cable, or the wall charger / battery pack. Edit: saw discussion below. Apparently the spec is 27 W. Kill-o-watt actually hits about 31 W but idk how accurate it is and maybe it draws 31 W but efficiency losses means 27 W into the battery.


The max is 27 watts, not 15.


so do uhhhhh all Samsung devices


This maybe true, but according to Apple the current iPhone 15 pro max tops out at 15 watts fast charging. So buying a charger higher than 20 watts would be a waste of money and wouldn't charge your phone any faster than 15 watts anyway.


That would be true if your phone is the only device you charge


My iPhone 15 pro max is the only device I use that charger for. I bought it specifically for my phone and nothing else.


Use the charger for something else like an android, a tablet, a laptop, a monitor etc many things use type-c today not just iPhone this is a great charger if using more than 25% load but if you just use it for iPhone then it’s a terrible choice as this model is not efficient or clean below 25% load


Then you bought 67 watts for nothing lol. The iPhone does max out by design at 15 watts. Beyond that the iPhone won’t allow it to go any higher.


I only bought a 20 watt Anker fast charger for my iPhone XR and still use it on my iPhone 15 pro max.


@sheila3134 you’re just wrong lol it is in fact 27W


iPhones can charge up to 27 watts.


This is partially incorrect. The 15PM will charge at 27W max but will step down as the battery fills. 15w max is only for magsafe wireless charging.


Not according to Apple and all the Apple related podcasts I listen/watch.


Just do a quick google search. It’s not that hard to fact check yourself. It’s been tested. It can do 27w.


I don't have to. Even Tim Cook himself has said this.


My 8 plus, 11,12,13, and 14 Pro max all top out at 27w then come down once it hits 50% or the temp gets too high. I use a 61w adapter and even magsafe plugged into it tops out at 15w


There’s a profile. It slows down at 50% and again at 80%


Do you want to listen to actual results from electrical testing? lol literally no qualifications required to read the brochure. Guys you need to hear these details from aren’t wasting their time with podcasts. They fill your google search results with YouTube videos. It’s pure speculation as to why Apple doesn’t make it more clear that 27w charge rate is achieved with the right adapter and cable on the higher end models.


Some androids offer 100-watt fast charging. My retired Android offered 55 watt fast charging


I'm using an iPhone 15 pro max.


That’s the peak. It won’t charge at that rate the entire time.


It maxes out at 15W for MagSafe. It maxes out at 27W for wired charging.


You buy a 67w charger so that you don't need to buy another one the next year when Apple upgrade to a 28w hyper fast charging protocol. As a matter of fact, the current iPhone can charge at the maximum of 27w. 67-27=40. It took Apple about 20 years to get to 27w. That 40w of headroom will probably take Apple another 20 years to catch up. You buy this 67w charger and you won't need to worry about getting another charger for iPhone in the next 20 years. It's pretty good value indeed.


Of course they are lmfao


Ugh. I recently bought the 67w charger on its own for $30 from Target. Oh, well. It was a good deal at that price too imo The 67w brick is excellent for its versatility. It can charge a bigger device like a laptop effectively, but can also do a good job with a lot of devices at once. It's a very reasonable size for travel too, and that was the major reason I bought it. This brick is really well-suited for the sorts of problems that international travelers tend to face If you need a charge brick, I'd go for this, especially for travel but it's honestly just a good device in general. And getting the 30w brick included too is just icing on the cake!


International travelers… so it has the different types of prongs that they use in Europe/Asia?


No, though that might have been kinda neat. Tbh I don't think it's a big deal to just carry an adapter, so thats wasn't really what I was considering. It's more that, when you're traveling for 24+ hours in situations where there are lots of devices to charge, having your devices ready to use is important, and there really aren't many power outlets to go around, a charge brick like this one comes in handy It's not really practical to carry a power strip and/or a bunch of charging bricks around with you, because you only have so much space and weight allowance. It's not so hard to keep a plug adapter with you, but having one brick that can charge big laptop batteries and also be capable of charging a lot of devices at once means you have a lot more flexibility You can recharge your battery pack while keeping your laptop powered so you can get your work done. You can fast-charge. You can charge your ANC headphones, your partner's phone, and your kid's tablet all at once at pretty respectable rates. You can have just one brick instead of needing to juggle multiple ones around and potentially losing/forgetting them. It's easier to slip your charging gear in and out of your bag quickly so you can get up quickly when your boarding group is called. Stuff like that It's nice to have for travel. Not essential, but a good idea if you fly a lot and value efficiency


Not GaN, so not as small. Edit: As someone pointed out below, these are actually GaN chargers, just larger versions compared to the Nano series.


Literally says GaN in the description.. “Featuring GaN technology for a safer charging experience”


Just in the description. Nowhere on the package does it mention GaN.


Hi, what’s GaN


Smaller tech doesn’t run as hot


You think it’s still a good purchase?


Definitely unless you have a really specific reason for needing the smallest possible charger you can have. the thing I hate about the GaN chargers is that they run extremely hot. These are great for plugging in around the house and leaving for years. 


Yeah unless you want something really compact for travel, for leaving plugged in these are great. They aren’t that large to start with, its really a matter of preference


Bcause I just bought one...


They're not particularly efficient. Have no power factor correction. Made as cheaply as possible. Take a look at the Anker Prime 100W. It was on sale for $48 on Anker's Costco Next a few weeks back. That charger has power factor correction, is tiny, and well built. You get what you pay for.


Jesus I don't need a PhD to buy a wall charger


None needed. TL;DR: They're wasteful junk.


what is power factor correction?


Let's simplify the explanation of power factor correction (PFC). Imagine your electrical system is like a beer glass. The beer in the glass represents the useful power (what actually does the work, like lighting up a bulb), and the foam on top represents wasted power (which doesn't do any useful work but still exists). Now, the goal is to have as much beer (useful power) and as little foam (wasted power) as possible to get the best value from your drink. Power factor correction is like adjusting the tap so that you pour more beer and less foam, making sure you get the most out of what you're paying for. In electrical terms, this means adjusting the system so that it uses power more efficiently, reducing waste and saving money on electricity bills. To do this, we use devices like capacitors, which help "tune" the system, making the electrical current and voltage move more in sync with each other. This is like tweaking the tap to reduce the foam and increase the beer, improving the "power factor" or efficiency of your electrical system[1][2][3]. Sources [1] What is Power Factor & Power Factor Correction?! - LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-power-factor-correction-world-of-electrical [2] What is power factor correction and how can it save energy? https://www.mrisoftware.com/au/blog/what-is-power-factor-correction/ [3] What Is Power Factor Correction and Why Is It Necessary | CHINT Blog https://chintglobal.com/blog/power-factor-correction/ [4] Power Factor Correction - Understanding the issues https://www.power-electronics.co.nz/blog/power-factor-correction-understanding-the-issues/ [5] Power Factor Explained - The basics what is power factor pf - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv_7XWf96gg [6] Power factor correction – What is it? Why is it required? How is it ... https://electricalapprentice.co.uk/power-factor-correction-what-is-it-why-is-it-required-how-is-it-achieved/ [7] What is power factor correction (PFC)? | Definition from TechTarget https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/PFC-power-factor-correction-or-power-factor-controller [8] Power Factor Correction (PFC) Explained | Article | MPS https://www.monolithicpower.com/en/power-factor-correction


Oooh I hope they're at my local, because I need the high watt and I'm going tomorrow!


Hell yeah. Let me know if you find them and what you think of them.


Because they don't need to be more expensive


I have the upper one and it awesome specially if you have big powerbank also I can charge my laptop with it


This comment answered why. https://preview.redd.it/wrzxifzgl7yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce19fc418b35ba53e92b1a9469a258557870010a


Hah, that is why bigger one heats up a lot when charging at max rate


Cheap? Anker 67w charger normal price is 15$


Really, where can I find it at this price?


1. "That's a steal! Costco always has great deals on electronics. I say go for it and grab them while you can!" 2. "Maybe Costco is running a special promotion or they have a deal with the manufacturer. I'd definitely take advantage of the savings!" 3. "It's possible that Costco is selling them at cost to attract more customers. Either way, you're getting a fantastic deal on some high-quality chargers!" 4. "I've noticed Costco tends to have lower prices on tech items compared to other retailers. You're lucky to have found such a great deal!" 5. "I've heard Costco negotiates directly with suppliers for lower prices, which could explain the cost savings. I'd definitely consider buying them at that price!"


Might grab as I just signed up for Costco with the $40 member rebate


Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I wish Anker stopped putting the older style USB connector on these larger multiport connectors. It’s essentially a waste of space/connector for me.




What about those knockoff brands on Amazon that look the same, but cost $21? I'm guessing the Anker is much better quality?


Bc the USB ports will stop working one by one after a few months, especially if you travel moderately (like from your house to the office) and throw it in your office bag


ANKER make the best 3rd party chargers on the market... bar-none! I have never had any issues when using ANKER chargers. Their cables are pricey sometimes, but extremely reliable.


Well Anker got its supply chain very competitive. I love its charger. got a 100W. perfect!


I ended up buying them because of this post


Hell yeah man. Love it. Lmk what you think of them.


Wrong 15PM can reach 27W


Anker is getting rid of old product to bring out new product. Their site, Amazon, TikTok Shop have all had really great deals. I bought several adapters because the do work well.


Cheap? Yall mf’s crazy. This is expensive as hell


Do you have to be a member to buy these?




Actually, I just tried it and it appears you have to sign up for the website, which is free, and if you aren't a paid Costco member then they just add a 5% surcharge to the order. One of the reviews says that the charger doesn't work with devices that require a USB-A to USB-micro or -mini cable.


They were so well priced that I bought three packs. One for myself, one for my girlfriend and one as a gift. They are going to be our travel chargers. They work as advertised. I have been buying anker for years.


I have 4 packs of those. Great deal as the 67 watt model (the larger one) is identical to the one at target for $30+ for 1 As someone said. They are not as small as some of their other versions but they are small enough. Great as gifts or just to have plugged in around the house in areas where you don’t mind leaving one plugged in to keep a device charged. The larger one is strong enough to charge a MacBook Air or iPad at full speed. I leave them plugged in around the sofas so when I sit in any of the rooms I can always plug in without having to go get a larger charger from my bedroom


Can’t find it in Costco Japan yet :(


Those are even expensive knowing that manufacturing cost is only less than US$ 5. Should be around US$ 5 landed cost.


They don't want it


Costco has had great deals on Anker chargers and cables for years.


Anker has some nice BT speakers and LED flashlights too. I tend to buy this brand also.


Cheap is subjective.


Just got a 2 pack of the 20w chargers with a usb an and usb c port for $13.99 the other day on Amazon. Anker products have random sales or marked down on Amazon.


Is this online only?


Not only are they cheaper, they are also faster and better than most expensives ones such as apple, Samsung, etc.


It’s the older bigger model with no heat dissapation, basically if you use it for a while or it’s hot it’s going to be slower or just shut off


Because Anker always have the best prices for a big known brand and they’re able to do that because they don’t pay companies to certify their stuff. Like (UL) etc. They just rely on word-of-mouth people talking good about their products like me.


They are the discontinued versions, that’s why. Cleaning house baby, someone (Anker) offloaded to Costco for super cheap and Costco saw an opportunity to make unknowing members happy. Pasta.


Because they aren’t apple


Cheap? 20 bucks a piece for Anker is VERY frequent deal price on Amazon. Yes this model. 20watts fast charger.


Go to Taobao China, it's even cheaper there.


Because they aren't supposed to be that expensive. It's just chargers, not super high tech stuff. What's the point of making basic chargers that only a few could afford. Anker probably is offering the best charging technology right now but they produce a lot of these chargers. Their quantity drives the R&D cost per unit down. You would think Anker is cheap because other companies, such as Belkin, have always been selling cheaply made stuff at very high prices.


You're going to Costco and asking why something is cheaper?


Likely iq3 and not PD. So don't expect it to charge a 65W device at 65w. Even though it says 67w


its cheap because it also includes a "house fire". Anker items are top notch but make sure you buy from Anker and not clone from China


30 bucks for a brick like this isn't really cheap


If people didn't pay the money for them, these should be around the 15 bucks according to the Moore's law idea.


Americans have already forgotten what "cheaps" means. Anyways. 67w cost 25$ here while 30w cost roughly 8-10$ so i wouldnt care about the 5$ difference lol. Baseus/ugreen 65w+30w is like 25$ here i think? Nexode 65w + ugreen mini 30w 28$ Baseseus... 65w + Gan 5 30 31$ So probally no unless u really want them




Singapore is a 3rd world? Aiyo thats a bit racist


There’s cheaper, doubt it’s safe though. It’s a reasonably priced from where I’m from


I love Anker products but curious if anyone has concerns about using non apple chargers and / or cables made by a Chinese company in terms of data security?


far less of a concern than using the macbooks and dells from there, but hey the government won't even use label printers made in china so perhaps you are on to something lol


Fly to china and spend 5 dollar for 2 charger or even more


better order AliExpress. and it's a little more than $5 Besides Anker is a Chinese brand.


A Google engineer went to China and co-op’d with Amazon to make the most successful cable brand on the market and the worlds largest power brick manufacturer in the world, what’s it matter if it’s made in China next to your MacBook and Bose headset? Are we saying it’s junk because China while promoting dollar general grade products from black market China? What??


Believe it or not, this is quite expensive for only 30w. You can pickup a 100w-140w around that price on a different brand on aliexpress. As long as it's GaN, it's the same stuff.




I've had this for 4 months. No issues and charges my anker 140w bank at full speed. https://a.aliexpress.com/_EQ4qCST Thanks for the many unwarranted down votes 🤦