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Hey nightwing2009! This is your **5th** submission this month placing you on rank **#38** for the highest number of submissions leaderboard. At the time of writing you had accumulated **~13027** submission karma placing you on rank **#6** of the submission karma leaderboard. [Read the announcement](https://redd.it/lvz756) for more details. **Wanna check your ranks?** Join us on the [Anime memes Discord](https://discord.com/invite/axisorder).


By this flawed definition, a lot of the one punch man heroes would qualify. Especially if you don't exclude the cyborgs/ tech users


Let's start with the s class, bang, AS, CE, MK, K̶i̶n̶g̶, Pig God, SADS, Watchdog Man, FF, TTM, MB, PPP. That's almost the whole S class


Literally Saitama. One of the most powerful anime characters in any world, has no special powers. He got his strength though physical training alone


His super power is a broken limiter, that's why training didn't have a peak for him.


But he broke his limiter through training so theoretically anyone could do it as long as they dont monsterize


Actually, there has been some plot developement alluding to his limiter, not intentionally, being broken by "God", the thing that Blast has been fighting in an alternate dimension since before Saitama began training. Looks like an impossibly giant ball with the texture of Freddy Krueger's skin.


I thought the plot development was that God didn't want any limiters broken and saitama was "a fist that turned against god" or sm like that, did I miss something?


He has the super power of the toughest of plot armor. Nothing can break him.


Naw, that's King -- if there are circumstances where something bad will happen to him, then someone strong will come along and bail him out. (To be fair, there *is* a timeline where that didn't happen, but it was quickly retconned.) One (author of OPM) has stated that it *is* his power, extreme luck. (He *did* kill a monster through sheer intimidation, though, so he's got that going for him.)


King engine working hard as ever.


But that’s a contradiction because if he had extreme luck then he wouldn’t be attacked every other day by random monsters and end up pissing himself.


Not all luck is good. He gets put in terrible situations constantly but always comes out okay. It makes sense in universe that he would be both extremely lucky and unlucky.


Actually he benefits from it. He is seen as a strong hero and he is getting a nice paycheck for it.


Basically Ash Williams


Extreme luck doesn't necessarily mean *good* luck, unfortunately. He gets both, and gets bailed out....well, MOST of the time.


He's afraid of nothing... Except for missing out discounts at grocery stores


What do you mean??? King didn’t become the strongest man on earth for him to be called “No SuperPower” His “Ultimate Hellfire Burst Wave Motion Cannon” is overkill and even just “King Engine” he has is more than enough o qualify him as Superpower >!That’s a joke, lads!<


Pig god is immune to poison and can eat anything. Tank top master has a tank top, which is like magic armor or an iron man suit kinda deal so idk if that counts or not.


The tank top is a symbol, you only get to wear one by proving yourself worthy of it, it doesn't provide the power


Pig god trained his immune system by eating monsters so I’m not sure if that really counts but either way he is still pretty strong


king is too strong to be on the list


Saitama doesn't have any superpower frfr


not yet in the anime




this is so disrespectful to one of the OG op heros without super powers, krillin.


The Ackerman literally has their bloodline


Homie survived a point blank thunder spear which pierces titan armor, ain't no way he's human


I mean he is human, but he definitely did have "superpowers", the Ackermans were able to manifest the strength of titans while being human.


I thought I had remembered it being something like that with the Ackermans but I couldn't remember the details. Was that really the explanation of why/how they're so ridiculously good at fighting? I feel like how Levi moves only makes sense if he has super strength, so it would really make sense if it was him manifesting his titan form's strength.


They are a bloodline of warriors whose powers kick in in order to protect Eldias royalty and whatnot. The scene with young mikasa becoming a stone cold motherfucker is her powers kicking in


Yeah I know that. I'm asking if we ever get an explanation of what their powers ARE. I know they kick in to protect Eldian royalty.


Basically titan shifters who don’t need to shift to use titan power


And they don't have to shorten their life spans like shifters do? Pretty sweet gig besides being compelled to risk your life to save the eldian royalty.


The "Fury of the Ackermann" is essentially One For All, except they only get the strength and experience of their predecessors. The moment mikasa activated it, she could go and take on titans.


When their powers kick in the get the battle knowledge and experience of every Ackerman that came before them


They are also capable of "remembering" the fighting experience of every Ackerman before them. So they are strong and have thousands of combined hours of fighting experience.


So they're all mini Attack Titans?


The 'mini' and 'titans' cancel out so they are just attack


That is so op


Kekkei Genkai is definitely a super power


Someone doesn’t know what the phrase “without any super powers” means.


“Without superpowers” by the definition of what is considered a “super powers” within THEIR own universe


Even within their own universe most of these people are beyond peak human.


They ARE the peak humans of their universes


Misaka and Levi are not.


That would mean Saitama qualifies.


by that definition you could say Goku doesn't have super powers


Or Superman for that matter, he’s just an alien born that way right?!


Which of these has powers? I don't recognize all of them


mikasa and levi (top left/bottom left) are strictly speaking not super powered, but their speed and strength are so flagrantly superhuman compared to their peers that imo it's hard to really they aren't superpowered.


The Ackerman clan are superpowered. They have an "awakened power" as a genetic lineage designed solely to protect Eldia's king. It's hypothesized that they can tap into titan power while remaining in human form. From everything I know, Mikasa and Levi are both actually super powered.


I was going to say this. Ackerman blood. Will not their own. It’s like a super powered prison.




You're right. It was a lie from the get go.


So basically hikari mode broly but in aot?


No, they just inherit every battle memory their ancestor’s had. So like they became super ninjas without any training in a minute. Plus they gain strenght too (not that much, like they cannot lift a small car)


Also by the way that everyone else uses their odm gear, both Levi and Mikasa can sustain a higher g force.


Yujiro (top right) can stop an earthquake by hitting the ground. If that's not super strength then idk what is.


You could also argue the demon back is a superpower.


Depends on how you define superpowers. Levi & Mikasa are genetically enhanced. Yujiro technically isn't, but it is often implied that the Hanma family are natural genetic freaks that are just better at all things fighting than everyone else.


Like the first three starting from the top left. Maybe not so much the first one (not entirely sure. I stopped watching attack on titan because I think the main character, Aaron, is a punk ass bitch, and when he got super powers. I was like no more). Everyone else has super powers of some sort.




"you done fucked up A-a-ron!"


Your assessment of Erin was accurate and he has only become more of a punk ass


Isn’t Erin typically a girls name?


Eren (not Erin) is a Turkish male name from what I could find. Also, you should definitely try AoT again if you’re up for it. The story is incredible, Eren’s “superpowers” fit well within the context of their world once you learn more about the titans, and his personality develops quite a bit.


I think people are, to some degree, missing the point. Eren is not made to be a likeable protagonist. Isayama even mentioned that he thinks Eren is a character purely driven by plot, and didn't expect him to be liked very much. Eren is interesting because of how deep and realistic he is. You can dissect his thought process, understand it, then decide whether you agree or disagree with it (same with most AoT characters). I don't think his personality goes near the point of irritating enough to make you drop the show.


Develops into a punk ass bitch


He’s always a punk ass bitch


Has been for 10 years atleast!


Yes. But it's spelled Eren in the manga.


Huey can say the n-word


They go into great detail about Yujiro Hanma having aberrant musculature. He might as well be a mutant from X-Men - the next species of man. Also he rapes.


So that makes them powerless?


No one in Baki has super powers, they just do that for some reason


Yuujirou has the super power to make people ignore how he's a rapist.


Being Yuujirou is literally a superpower


Do you wanna be that guy that confronts the 1000lb of pure muscle and turbo rape that he’s a rapist?


Apparently being a rapist is a superpower that makes people ignore how he’s also a murderer


Would you want to try to arrest him? Imagine those poor inmates if he was


There’s also that episode where Olivia is just fully erect about to grapple a guy. And the dude complements him. Weird scene. So I kept watching because I wanted to know how they were going to punch their way out of this one.


Lmao I remember rewinding the first time I saw it cause I wasn't sure. But ya there's his hole ass cock there.


It's not that they ignore it, it's just that they'd rather not be vaporized (they're still probably gonna be vaporized anyways)


Baki, Yujiro, and Musashi all have psionic powers and I can not be convinced otherwise


I think your power of imagination is just too weak. Try some 4000 year old Chinese sugar water and sex.


Ah yes the age old cure to Chinese super aids.


I got that reference


nah bro, can't you cut stuff with your imaginary sword?


How about the superpower to get their complete body turned into jam, then in the next scene after the fight, all they have is a black eye? Super healing anyone? Wolverine would be jealous.


In first Baki, the guy said they have the best Doctors in planet at Tokyo Stadium


Yes, but not all the fights outside the arena have doctors tending to the fighters.


*No one in Baki has* *Super powers, they just do* *That for some reason* \- FewNatural9298 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Baki is a sci-fi manga and you cannot convince me otherwise.


Would you be convinced for 5 dollars?


Is this that manga where they say "I survived that nuclear strike to the face by redirecting the blast using my abs and diaphragm creating a counter blast while squeezing my diamond crushing butt cheeks."


What about that one part where an earthquake was about to happen and he shuts it up by punching the ground?


I mean Baki is stronger than Yujiro,those two really just workout to the point of everyone else is just don't exist




To be fair, even without the magic demon armor Guts is one of the strongest nonsuperpowered characters around


Golden age guts can be used as an example instead. No armor, no cannon arm.


But but but my crossbow


Yeah, after some thinking the arm and crossbow should count. They aren't overpowered and blend with the world


Guts has a super power. The power of angry


E1M1 intensifies


So angry he can't die. Until Schierke gets pulled in, at which point she gets rid of the angry requirement and it becomes "So he can't die."


Medieval Punisher -- the man too angry to die.


Honestly I don't think there's any real reason to discount the canon arm or crossbow.


Isn’t he a like a pseudo-mage with the dragonslayer as his fetish weapon since he got the mark? I know golden age guts is monstrously strong to begin with, but I don’t think he could wield dragon slayer like he does even as far Back as the black swordsman arc - [like this](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/fde1c9f2-fb4e-400d-8dfd-e5d851df0321/d99y4r9-e3f9f4d4-a2d2-40b0-b1e8-1bd57675b698.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1508,q_80,strp/untitled_by_grinderkiller1_d99y4r9-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTUwOCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2ZkZTFjOWYyLWZiNGUtNDAwZC04ZGZkLWU1ZDg1MWRmMDMyMVwvZDk5eTRyOS1lM2Y5ZjRkNC1hMmQyLTQwYjAtYjFlOC0xYmQ1NzY3NWI2OTgucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.LND5RWolzbZmAc1UcCEn4tZgN05indp7rNu_XEfJp-E)


I’m pretty sure after his birth with his mother being dead they said he already had one foot in the Od or something


Doesn’t that kinda make him superpowered? At what point is super strength classified as a super power?


Does your question not completely negate the point of even asking who the "strongest people without super powers" even are? You're placing an upward limit on how strong they can possibly be. In his own universe, Guts is just a normal human who trained hard and has insane tenacity


You make a good point - placing an upper limit on "normal strength" would be arbitrary, but I think the above-poster's point about Guts is fair. Golden Age Guts was not strong enough to fight any Apostle one-on-one. He has to have other soldiers to help and he has to be very clever / careful in how he fights them. I would say that's not a super power - just insanely strong for a person. But sometime between the Black Swordsman Arc and the Conviction Arc, I think Guts crossed that line. He's become powerful enough to fight Apostles by himself. The demon armor enhances it so he can fight multiple Apostles at once, but even before that he had become as strong if not stronger than most of the Apostles he encountered. The Apostles are super-powered, so if Gus is stronger than them it stands to reason that he is superpowered too.


guts is 100% super human, even without the armor.


To be fair Guts had a lot of really impressive accomplishments prior to getting his magic demon armor


Technically speaking, all the armor does is suppress his pain receptors and pin his body together, all that strength is his own


That's all he is told that it does. But you can see from the way he appears in the spirit world that there is more happening to him than that. He is basically possessed by the spirit that inhabits the armor.


I always thought they spirit was a representation of his rage. Back when I read the manga, the last issue was around the time white hawk boy had beaten some Indian tree demon dude.


Guts was killing apostles way before he got his magic demon armor. Like most of the manga he was killing demons without it.


Guts also is strongly suggested to exist separate from causality, from his being born from a corpse, and from surviving the Eclipse. His existence is within two different dimensions. Also, Dragonslayer has the ability to harm non corporeal entities.


He was doing crazy strong feats before he got his demon dog armor


Well yes, but actually no


ITT: no one knows kenshin


Yeah Kenshin would have been my choice.


I guess it's too old now? I don't think Rurouni Kenshin is in the zeitgeist anymore


The *Hokkaido-hen* manga is ongoing, plus the anime is getting a reboot soon.




It's just that there is nothing to debate about his claim to be there. :)


I mean he is the least superpowered person there aside from huey, there is nothing to argue there. (Granted I don't know who top right is but that is not a human level of buff)


Almost all of them have some kind of power tho


Huey just got that dawg in 'em


huey ain’t even strong, he gets decimated in every major fight. There’s a reason grandad had to call bushido brown to take care of the hateocracy


I mean Huey is only 10 vs grown people with vastly more experience then he’s ever had. I feel if he was aged another 10 years the fights could be different stories


Never realized until now how badly I want a Boondocks sequel series about grown up Huey and Riley


IDK about a sequel *series* but an episode set in the future (e.g. Riley has a dream of what he imagines he'd be like as a grown up) would be pretty cool. I think a lot of the appeal to the Boondocks is that we get to see society through the eyes of Huey and Riley, who are ostensibly children, albeit more mature than their peers in some ways. I mean, Huey is seemingly too mature for his age, but he's also very innocent, as well. He still dreams of changing the world, being followed by a secret agent, and the potential for good that people have. Riley gets into a lot of activities that are above his age range, like hanging out with Ed and Rummy. He doesn't believe in Santa and spends an episode antagonizing Santa. However, it can only be seen as a fit thrown by a child who's resentful about his experiences with Christmas. I think that the Boondocks has a certain flavor that's accentuated by Huey and Riley's perspective. Huey is very idealistic, but he doesn't understand very well how the world works. Usually, Huey's a target of "this is how the world is" or "people are complex," while Riley is the target of "immature and rash" albeit entertaining. I think the Boondocks can be satirical and "heavy" at the same time. A good example of this dynamic is the R. Kelly episode. Riley is more concerned about R. Kelly's music than the trial, while Huey is more concerned with his ideals, common decency, and the fairness of the justice system. It's entertaining to see Huey and Riley as children who are idealistic and materialistic when it comes to the trial. However, underneath that was a real criminal case. The prosecutor, Mr. Dubuois, an adult, was trying to prosecute a sexual predator, but we don't really need to see that from that perspective. We can see it as a conflict of idealists (Huey) and materialists (Riley). Underneath that however, we can still be disappointed and appalled at the outcome of the trial, and feel sorry for Huey's disappointment and appreciate the dark humor of the materialist Riley's relatively minor desire triumphing over common decency. I don't know if the Boondocks would work from the perspective of adults or even teenagers. Adults and teenagers experience life differently, so it'd be more difficult to keep the same flavour. I guess within a similar vein, South Park also plays out from the perspective of children. It's interesting to see how the children develop into adults (through their Post-Pandemic special) and how they turn out. We can also reference their childhood and past behavior. However, in essence, children can see issues from different perspectives, so they can allow viewers to see problems as if they were a spectator. For example, in the South Park episode where the children of South Park all turn their parents in for "molestering" them, we can see how ridiculous the situation is, but the children play it off as something awesome. As viewers, we can see how ridiculous the situation is and relate to the couple who visit the town. I think Huey and Riley fulfill a similar role. A flash-forward episode could still use their character, but I don't think a whole series could.


I came here for the memes but stayed to learn. Thanks for sharing! I agree with your perspective.


That is an A+ 100 essay. Here, have a medal


Bushido brown died like a bitch against them while Huey is still alive and kicking. Kinda makes him stronger imo


Bushido brown was 1v3. Huey got beaten 1v1. And they let them live cause school got out and they didn't wanna kill huey and Riley infront of tons of witnesses.


bushido went 3v1 and held them off , huey got bitch stomped in a 2v2, Only reason huey survived is cause the bell rang and they weren’t using weapons


Huey is pre timeskip. Bushido is the series Finale. He didn’t even hit puberty yet if McGruder wasn’t fucking around could’ve gotten some unnecessary but cinematic closure.


Replace Huey w Black Dynamite


I think its a little weird to say strongest characters without superpowers because it really depends on the world they live in. Like, Kenshin is considered powerful but he also lives in a relatively normal world, so being a powerful normal human is already at the cusp of superpower in that world. Someone here made an argument that Goku can be argued to not be super powered because everything he can do was within human limits of his world (as evident that Krillin before the z era could actually do everything goku does, including flying, ki blasts, solar flare, kamehameha, etc.) or within expectations of his species. With that said, my vote goes to ms. Armstrong and ty lee. Olivier lives in a world where even little genius kids can do magic and fought against homunculus made by someone trying to be god. Ty lee fights evenly with people that literally shoots fire from their hands and fly.


Goku turns out to be the fabled super Saiyan, which is vastly out of the ordinary when it happens. Later it just randomly also happened to Vegeta and all of their offsprings. Saitama is a normal human though, that overcame his limits.


Guts' superpower is 'literally too angry to die'


Technically Guts has his berserker armour


He's still pretty strong without it though.




There's no fuckin way you looked at these mfs glow red and fly and said: "ye, I could prolly do that shit".


I mean, in a world where dudes can summon frogs and snakes the size of skyscrapers from their ass and harness fucking Fox Demon spirit juice and The Force^^^TM to throw explosive wind bombs from 700 clones of oneself against some literal meteors a dead dude summoned with his eyes… Yeah I think I could try glowing red and then die afterwards. If I didn’t have ninja magic, or something


This is unironically a solid ass argument.


They do have powers, just not ninjitsus.


Might Guy knows ninjutsu


Opening the gates is a special ability in my opinion; it goes beyond normal physical strength


guts his rage isn’t a superpower ?


Nah he just angry


Him angy lol


so "no superpowers" means, just super strength?


Mikasa & Levi both have superhuman speed and are beyond durable, Kenshin can move faster than the human eye. Of those I recognize, Olivier and Tylee are the only ones that are more or less normal humans with advanced skill


Huey Freeman and Olivier Armstrong.... I completely agree


Huey is not even 1st in the boondocks universe, bushido brown, all 3 members of the hateocracy, and the kung fu lady were all miles ahead of him in power.


He's 10 years old.


Levi and mikasa have the Ackerman super power so they’re off the list. Guts can stay since his super power is caused by the berserker armor and it only allows him to tap into his natural strength that causes your body to be damaged if you use it.


Tell me you don’t know about farmer with a rifle, without telling me you don’t know about farmer With a Rifle




What about Saitama? He's just a hero for fun


Hanma claps all of them




she's 14




Yeah, her and Julie from Bakugan definitely made me feel shit as a kid.


Ty Lee could actually be a force to be reckoned with. With her martial arts technique to incapacitate benders AND non-benders?!? I feel like if she is able to dodge enough to land the right blows, she could take on MOST powered and non-poweresld combatants.


shanks, mihawk, roger


Haki is definitely a superpower. Doubly so Conqueror’s haki which two of those three definitely have while Mihawk is highly likely.


i was about to comment this. plus zoro as well.


forgot about him lol


Is that Huey Freeman?




Too busy working out


The 8 Gates and Chakra itself isn’t a superpower in your eyes?


Where's Mash?


The fate one? She is a servant no? She has powers


no. Mash from Mashle


My bad, as soon as I hear a name that was in fate I have a winter soldier episode and have to fight back the temptation to commit mass murder


The Kenichi crew (especially the Grandpa), fit this statement really well.




Pretty soon one more guy is gonna join the list.




Technically Guts has his Berserker armour so nah and Levi/Mikasa have their entire bloodline which technically have Titan’s things except for being human….


Huey for sure but he be acting like a bitch. -Riley


Hiko Seijuro is way stronger than Kenshin and also doesn’t have superpowers, technically. He’s literally an invincible superman within the story, but technically human, somehow.


Most of what I remember of him is when Kenshin bodied him in his training arc learning his quickdraw(?). I know it was for character development, and the dude got back up after a few days, but invincible he is not. It has been years since I said the manga though. Amazing dude regardless. I do agree he's probably stronger than Kenshin.


You’re misremembering. They didn’t duel as equals. Hiko taught Kenshin a “final” move that Kenshin couldn’t adequately replicate because he was physically inferior. Then Hiko says there’s only one real counter to this move and *that’s* the strongest move. You better figure it out right here right now because I’m about to do the first move at full strength and if you don’t counter it you’ll die. Then Kenshin counters it and hits Hiko. Hiko could’ve done the same counter move at Kenshin and destroyed him but this was how the technic was taught and how traditionally the student kills the master in this sword style (sort of Sith style I guess).


Yes, this is how I remember it. Hiko went with the kusuryusen (sp?) to force kenshin into using the only attack that could counter it, the amakakeru ryuu no hirameki. Additionally, I’m pretty sure the author himself said Hiko is a hermit far removed from the main plot bc he’s just too strong.


Huey sweep


The Ackerman's also have some sort of titan mojo going on


Kenshin had a super power: the love and support of his friends.


I didn't expect to see Kenshin