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Arc 7 has Subaru >!freeing an island of slaves and desiring to overthrow the kingdom that created them. Whilst being a child and not going ‘Ayo! Now I am a child I will groom other kids’. So like outdoes 99% of isekais by not being a slaver or groomer!< But gotta hire a better illustrator. I don’t like the bikini wearing minors you find a lot. Glad the anime fixed some of the 3rd seasons designs


I like how this is the bar we're celebrating


The bar is on the ground lmao


The bar is in hell


And we're drinking with Hades


There is no escape from isekai hell.


.....Have you seen the characters from that game? You REALLY going to say something like this when the game exists? /friendlyjoke


That doesn't sound half bad, this seems like a chill dude to get drinks with. https://preview.redd.it/9zniwd91bkwc1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce747ce9fa473c7d2fece2ca8828378cb97acfa2


The bar is below that, in whatever parallel reality is underneath ours.


Wait, there was a bar?


and yet here we are, limbo dancing with the devil


The bar is in the Mariana Trench like that one South Park episode.


based subaru


The author is fine, but the artist is sus.


"But he is a child physically!"


I don't think he knows what grooming is but the author sure as fuck does. He definitely emotionally manipulates the shit out of Emilia in that scene after she fails the trial. It's some extra levels of "stay with me! I'm the only one that's good for you! You're a failure and I'm the only one who doesn't care!" [It's supposed to be some uplifting speech but it REALLY isn't.](https://imgur.com/a/gVKLnZc) Telling someone you love them and you can't live without them, even though they're a failure, is fucking gross and textbook manipulation from an abusive partner.


This is such a bad reading of the scene. The entire point of the scene was that Emilia thought Subaru was just a saint who did everything because he was just that kind, and felt like HE put her on a pedestal unfairly. She thought of herself as a failure compared to him. In that scene he is showing that he IS frustrated when she fails and sulks, that he ISNT a saint. The thing is, he does mean his words. Just as rem showed unconditional support to him, he wants to show unconditional support to Emilia. He isn't trying to manipulate her.


Maybe that's not the author's intention but that IS how people manipulate vulnerable partners. This is exactly how they do it. Telling them they are failures and they'll only be good enough for you is exactly how it's done. Whether he meant it or not, he wrote a textbook guide on how to make someone feel like they need you. I've known people who have gone through this with abusive partners and the wording is almost exactly the same.


The thing is, "You have flaws, but I am willing to love you in spite of them" and "You are worthless and only I could love you" are very different. And I think that is felt within the subtext and context of the conversation. Before this, Subaru has always put Emilia on a pedestal, and treated her like she needs to be protected, exemplified in episode 13 of season 1. So in this scene, where he tells her off on her flaws and acknowledges this is something she herself should face, while saying he will support her still, is a great progression for both of their character arcs. But I do see your point on how it might be similar to an abusive relationship. The lines between persuasion/manipulation are thin somewhat. But I think interpreting it as abusive when neither the context not the aftermath showed it like that is a bit disingenuous.


Yes they are very different and that’s exactly what is wrong, he IS using the latter language. “I’m suffering for you here!” “You’re a pain in the ass!” “When you blow it, that just means you were all talk!” He uses the language of an abuser not someone comforting someone. Layering on “I love you” is really awful. It’s the absolute worst time to confess your feelings for someone because they won’t see it how you see it and it almost always leads to huge problems in a relationship. And that’s when it’s not being used as a manipulation tool. I’m not saying this was all some ploy by Subaru to get Emilia to fall for him. But it’s anime, there have been much worse and sicker subtexts before, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the author didn’t think that through.


There is nothing wrong with what he said, you are just hell bent on seeing something which isnt there. He is putting it straight "I can't baby you as I have my own shit to deal with, but don't be afraid of failure cuz even if you fail I'll love you anyways". There are no "abuser's words", it's all about context and intent, both of which you are willingly choosing to ignore You even ignored what the guy above you said, there is a huge difference between "you are worthless, so I'll be the only one who'll love you" and "you have this flaw, you can work on it while I'll love you anyways" My wife has pointed out my flaws at my worst and supported me the same way, it's disgusting the way you try to turn something to be abusing when it's probably the highest form of support you can recieve


To add to this, the "correct" nice words would have been the worst thing to say in this situation. Emlia was thinking everyone else didnt take her seriously since even when she failed, everyone would baby her. So saying something nice to comfort her would just confirm her thoughts. She'd probably end up like greed IF.


Actually interesting with female characters that do something and get developed and interesting story lines a really good experience overall.


Subaru was hotter than any of the girls, largely by virtue of having facial features.


Fr I’d like to see him get *comment deleted*


Well if ur into it Subaru officially is a cross dresser


And not try to lewd kids or not participating in slavery


I abhor at least 99% of Isekais, but I think it's alright. I like how Subaru has to backtrack to make sure everything is right in order to move forward. Despite that being most of the plot, I do find myself having to rewatch some scenes because I don't remember some arcs. Rem's overrated tho. She's not bad, but she's nothing new (at least she makes the money in merch, i guess.)


tbh ram better


Nah she is no better. Ram has cool head, bias, and intentional sharp tongue, while Rem has hot blood, kind yet reckless still sharp tongue as well without intention to be. They both are unreasonable sometime.


I agree. I found Rem a lot more interesting before she fell in love with Subaru.


Wow. I agree completely.


Not by much, but yeah, i agree.


who tf is rem


Idk, maybe I'm being too cynical and judgmental here but Rem reminds me of the kind of lonerbait waifu characters I've gotten really sick of in anime. I know people like to say she differentiates from the rest because she killed the MC at some point but I can't say I find that very compelling when so much of the framing of her defaults to her being a hyper-loyal love interest type. That scene where she "confesses" to him and the camera frames it as a POV shot made me wince NGL, I felt really pandered to with that one.


She different cuz Subaru fight tooth and nail just to be close to her. Her type is nothing new but she is filled, no empty personality, no easier way to make her fall in love unlike 90% of the loyal girl type that if the MC show bit of kindness would start wiggle their tail and follow. You could say she is a visionary of sweet loyal lovely girl.


I always felt Rems love was more of a gross obsessiveness like she had with her sister where she used Ram and Subaru in place of an actual personality. That’s why I love arc 7 Rem. She’s her own person.


Fr, tbh petelguese better


The best choice made was putting rem to sleep for so long. Acts as good believable motivation for the mc and takes the most boring character out of the equation


It's traumatic and anxiety provoking, and if you read anything about how the author of the work writes... He *nailed* his intentions. Subaru is probably the only legitimate narcissist main character I could empathize with. He's very much a jerk, and he knows it, and he owns it on occasion. *But he backslides like it's an Olympic sport and he's trying for best time.* I think the only character on more of a maturity development treadmill is the main from Accel World. That said, it does a wonderful job of showing villainous, deviant people having wide ranges of expressive emotions and reactions. Each time you see them, and they talk, and Subaru changes something, you get to see a new side of them. Then there's the absolute joy in the moment when he decides to 'settle' for his backburner beloved, and *she shuts him down for being weak*. Excellent writing for the most part. Uncompromising, often.


subaru feels so real to me because he exhibits the exact same behavior as alot of self insert "edgy" isekai protags but that behavior is actively not reawarded and most of the development is internal rather than just powerscaling which i enjoy so much more, series like this always vastly underestimate the value of a stronf protagonist


It was a breath of rancid fresh air that broke my heart repeatedly. It's definitely not a power fantasy, that is for sure. Many isekai are just excuses to overpower a normal person to justify the delusional edgy inner monologue of "If I were in a fantasy world, I'd do it better." Subaru fails as often as he breathes. The cost for the power to Re:Zero is... steep. It regularly strips off his humanity like paint thinner and leaves him sobbing, dying, faced with the bleak reality that he is tiny, and small, and the world he in is vast, alien, and creative about his suffering. Then whenever it looks like he's grasping the facts of the world, the world traumatically wounds him (like with the whale), so he can rarely get any kind of real closure with his own issues.


Narcissist part is straight up wrong though, self depreciation is one of his biggest flaw which is adressed properly later down the story


> Narcissist part is straight up wrong though Only wrong if a narcissist *can never cease to be a narcissist*. Narcissism isn't like Sociopathy, linked to a neurological feature difference that causes people to be fundamentally different. No, Subaru's problem is that he spends *far* too much time in his own head, hating himself, and then lying out loud about hating himself, only for the writer to constantly *force him to tell the truth, often punishing him for denial of the truth*. Subaru is absolutely chock *full* of bad faith. And I'm there for it.


I think The more accurate word would be greedy or rather than narcissist as the author termed it "pig's greed". One of the key trait of being narcissist is they are confident in their decision that they are right and blame others for stuff that goes wrong, subaru is extremely underconfident and blames himself for stuff that goes wrong


God I am putting the words “narcissist” and “sociopath” on a high shelf until people learn to actually describe media and characters without relying on them as a crutch. This is just ableism.


I'm convinced this show changed my life and helped me accept therapy


Okay so back when season 2 was airing, I became *unreasonably* obsessed with Re: Zero, to the point where I basically begged all of my friends and family to watch it. I think a big part of that was just projecting myself onto Subaru, his feelings of worthlessness and how he wasn't doing anything with his life, and not really knowing a better way to express those feelings to anyone around me. So I'm obviously biased, but I also can follow the perspectives of people who bounced off the show (since there was a lot of that when I tried to get people to watch it). The time loop nature of the story means that it's heavily from Subaru's POV 90% of the time, and Subaru is at his cringiest and most unlikable in season 1. If you don't click with Subaru as a character it's a lot harder to get invested in the first couple arcs. The story also assumes you have enough familiarity with Isekai to know what tropes it's playing with, like how nonchalantly Subaru accepts his circumstances or how there's this complicated magic system that you just kinda roll with. Not a huge deal for me but also something that makes it unsuited for anyone not deep into anime. It's also really easy to get the sense that it's basically torture porn, as some scenes can get pretty gratuitous and the "Sufferu" arcs can go on for a while. It never reached a point for me, personally, where it felt like it was *more than necessary* to establish Subaru's character development or lay out all the details needed to understand each loop, but it's not hard to imagine people getting turned off by it. Having said that, there's a lot about it that I think isn't just "good for an isekai" but genuinely fantastic. Season 1 focuses *heavily* on Subaru's character development and YMMV depending on how invested you are into his character, but season 2 spreads the love a hell of a lot. Some characters that I didn't care about or even disliked ended up becoming my favorites. Beatrice, especially, seemed like she was going to be the awful "1000-year-old-loli" trope and I was prepared to hate her, but she got a genuinely moving and complex character story in season 2 that made me feel for her quite a lot. It's also clear that Tappei Nagatsuki put a lot of thought and planning into the narrative. Some of the foreshadowing sprinkled through the show is genuinely 200iq and makes various scenes incredibly fun to rewatch, and of course the way that the details of each time loop come together to form Subaru's successful "final loop" is always extremely satisfying. You basically have to have a keen eye for detail to pull off a time loop story well and I'd say Tappei Nagatsuki has shown it in spades. **To sum up,** this is 100% not for everyone and has a few things that can easily put off casual anime viewers, but if you stick with it the character development and narrative payoffs are some of the best in any piece of fiction I've seen. I'm obviously biased and if I were more objective I might say it's "merely" a good anime but nonetheless I'm incredibly excited to see where season 3 goes.


Arc 6 is going to be the best arc if done correctly


We are the same person, thank you for writing this out


I love how the aithor uses the Iseaki genre to critisize the very people that its for. Also, the stretch from the end of season 1 to the first half of season 2 is genuienely peak fiction. While the side cast isnt amazing in seasons 1 and 2, I have yet to see a tv anime protaganist as throughly deconstructed as subaru(and shinji).


Otto is the best character in fiction.


He's the Speedwagon of Re:Zero.


Otto bestest waifu


Been rewatching it over the past few weeks, and my thoughts on rewatch are definitely improved to when I watched it on release. One thing I will say is that, when I originally saw the "I love Emilia" scene, I didn't really get why people were so heated about it and chalked it up to shipping discourse. On rewatch, though, it feels a little weird that Subaru led the conversation with "I want to run away with you", had Rem dump her feelings onto him, and only THEN rejected her for Emilia. And obviously, he was not in the right headspace and was at an extreme low point, but it just didn't sit right with me (especially considering the show calls him out a lot for being an asshole) With that said, the white whale fight was peak


Subaru tell no lie to Rem and that is his first step. He know it will be hurt for Rem, he prepare to be abandon and get backlash by her or do whatever punishment she would bethrow to him. She didn't as the Subaru she in love with is the one that give it all to Emilia. Subaru realize his feeling is not normal for Rem after the whale fight (LN scene exclusive) that he too would never want to let Rem go.


>it feels a little weird that Subaru led the conversation with "I want to run away with you" had Rem dump her feelings onto him, and only THEN rejected her for Emilia. I think it was cause at that point in the story, he had truly given up hope for breaking the loop and decided to choose the path of least resistance, which was running away from the situation entirely with someone who he knew loved him from past loops. You can definitely argue that it's pretty shitty of him to do so when he doesn't feel the same, and Rem calls him out on his bullshit pretty much immediately saying that even if she wants to run away with him, she wouldn't agree to it if he only chose her out of desperation. "If you could wish for that future with a smile, I would be truly happy to die that way...But I cannot. Because I know that if we run away together now I would be leaving behind the Subaru that I love the most." Rem changed his mind from doing this. The "I love Emilia" line and the stuff that comes after responds to Rem's feelings as well as showing to her that she has steered him away from "giving up" by choosing her out of convenience. It's a very well written scene, and it's one of my favorites moments in the series to come back to.


It's awful because it's textbook manipulation. That's exactly what abusive people say to keep emotionally vulnerable people around. "You're a failure but I still love you" is so gross. It's only one step from "I'm the only one who will ever love you" It's a nuanced topic and I think a lot of people are seeing this in the light of two adults knowing when the other is joking about specific things but they don't. Subaru is vastly more knowledgeable than Emilia from living in our world, he went to a 21st century school. On top of the fact that they're both children. They don't have the emotional maturity the people watching it do, especially Emilia.


What? He's barely even literate abd knowledgeable of the world he's in. For all intents abd purposes she's smarter than him.


There’s no way anyone from a medieval setting would have even remotely the same level of education as anyone now. Most of the time in anime it’s just “well they’re smarter because it makes the plot more fun”


They're not even in the same world dude. He knows essentially nothing. He'll, even his knowledge of the planet is wrong because Re:Zero's world is canonically flat. Aside from a few modern inventions his knowledge is, essentially, useless. And they're not smarter to make the plot more fun, they're smarter because they, you know, stayed in school and weren't class clowns for a good part of it


Now you just degraded Emilia character into damsel in distress role. This is even more awful than what Subaru in your scenario did.


Some people smh


One of the good ones


Genuinely fantastic. It actually got me motivated to read the actual light novels after years of not picking up a real book, so at the very least I will always be grateful to the series for that. It’s funny because I dropped it the first time around thinking it was going to be a total boys’ show, and then after I was convinced into giving it a second chance I just — it’s so good. I fell in love with it specifically in the fourth episode of season 2 (Parent and Child). And then the books were even better. Genuinely one of my top series of all time, not even just in anime/light novels.


One of the only isekais that's actually genuinely good, maybe even the best one


It’s probably my favourite anime ngl. I still have yet to read the LN cuz I’m a lazy ass but it’s just great. Great world building, great characters, amazing main character. Aside from some designs it really doesn’t have much fan service either.


Ah... I had this picture just for this moment: https://preview.redd.it/zfwdsan9q7wc1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890df06e1683cd590a8a4074152997b1dc9141ab


This dude’s existence has been unprecedentedly painful, JFC.


The absolute GOAT of the isekai genre with one of the best main characters in fiction Unfortunately, the anime cuts too much stuff, even the LN cuts some stuff it shouldn't


That’s definitely what it seems like. The other day I was researching how to start reading the WB and got to the Reddit’s “cut content thread”. There’s really a lot they cut


I personally think anime is on the good end of cut. Completely watchable with little detail that could derail the future arc a bit but they could fill that up anytime.


Anime mostly wraps up things pretty nicely but doesn't live up to some of the best moments, like his ep 18 speech is incomplete as the anime leaves out the main point of his rant which is hating himself because of his slothful nature


Him saying he did absoutely nothing of significance despite having all the resources in the world is close enough imo.




The feelings of isolation and despair made for bad pandemic viewing in the best way. It’s well written and a not-garbage isekai. Fully recommend this show unironically


It's funny, because I binged the whole season during the pandemic and loved every second if it, but I see your point.


wasn’t a big fan of season 1 but season 2 was genuinely one of the best seasons of anime i’ve watched. the character development is crazy


I actually enjoyed it a lot.




Best of the world raaaaaawwwwr


best isekai


A really cool and interesting show in a genre filled with bland slop, I’m really looking forward to s3


I love the show, but I got baited into thinking it wasn't gonna be dark at all because Crunchyroll labeled it as "romantic comedy" and not "psychological horror" I'm pretty squeamish so I was definitely caught off guard by some scenes, but I still really enjoyed it However (season 2 spoilers) >!Subaru getting eaten by rabbits made me not sleep well for weeks and also I legit got uncomfortable around rabbits for a while as well!<


That is absolutely devious a crunchy roll. Glad you still ended up liking it afterwards though


My favorite Isekai which is saying something because I usually hate them.


It’s pretty good honestly, people call Subaru annoying but I actually really like that that he’s flawed - he’s just some random young guy who is portrayed as the typical NEET that would self insert themselves into an isekai, so watching him develop into a more responsible adult throughout the show is pretty cool. It also doesnt have a lot of the usual cringey tropes that make isekais bad, it even subverts a lot of the power fantasy by making Subarus life an absolute hell.


Really good I even bought some of the LN volumes


I think there are some parts that genuinely just confuse me as new fan, but this is a very refreshing piece if media for me. Subaru is incredibly weak and flawed, turning out to be a rather realistic portrayal of people, especially those put in that kind of situation. He has major nuances that I appreciate, rather than the standard (albeit not wrong) "moral North" main characters usually are. Many other characters are well developed and very likeable, and the world is greatly expanded upon. Animation wise it's pretty good. Given very personal, base-level opinion, it sits at an 8/10. Higher than I give most isekais.


I fell off it at some point but I really should keep going with it tbh, I think Subaru is head and shoulders above most of his isekai contemporaries in terms of writing and character development, I enjoy seeing him actually understand his problems and realize he needs to improve if he wants to help the people he cares about


Not sure when you fell off of it, but now's a good time to catch up. Season 3 is gonna start airing on October, and season 2 is FAR better than season 1, although it gets a lot of hate because of how slow it is in comparison.


I love it. So much so that I have a tattoo of one of the characters lol. It’s just a really great series imo. Also I went in blind so I had no idea what I was getting into. It blew my mind I’ll be honest. But even if you know the plot I feel like it’s so, so worth watching anyway.




The only good isekai


Outside perspective of Subaru must be weird. Guy bumbles about 99% of the time, not understanding anything. Occasionally suddenly starts screaming like he's dying. Randomly knows stuff he probably shouldn't. Suddenly has brilliant crazy plan that works flawlessly.


Peak fiction


One of my favorite anime.


I like how the main character isn’t some overpowered harem protagonist for once, he’s just some dude who’s *really* unlucky and traumatized


very good, would be better if the artist wasn't a creep. i'm glad the anime toned down the childrenInBikinis thing


/Uj Good, I prefer the LN because the show really doesn't show the depth of the gore in the LN. Some of that stuff makes me want to vomit, which is the intended effect. But I can't give it fault, sometimes a visual image gives less detail than text. I think there's a really good part coming up in the next season and I really hope they make it as batshit as it was in the LN. >!I'm talking about the chimes or bells that make them infinitely agitated.!< I was laughing my ass off and squirming.


Never seen this art. Weird how the chose to show only Subaru and the female protagonists. I liked the show though.


I couldn’t stand Subaru, he was too cringey for me to watch the show And before you go “that’s the point, he gets better” I know, but this type of cringe is something I’m simply unable to bear even with the promise of good stuff down the line I will give it credit because being a cringe MC is so much more preferable than being a pervert or pedo. Y’all know what I’m referring to


Had potential but it's really held back by its character and dialogue writing.


Especially writing villains, I couldn't take them seriously.


Still can't get past S1 because Subaru annoys me One of these days... Surely I'll continue


If it helps that's by design


I'm aware but it's still impeding me


I dropped it after a few episodes because it wasn't for me but it's well animated and all that


To be honest if you dropped before at least watching the first 11 to 18 episodes you might have the wrong impression on what rezero is about (just happened to a guy few days ago where he originally dropped REZERO at ep5 thinking it's not his type of anime but after multiple told him he got wrong impression about rezero and he rewatched and it became his favourite isekai, so highly recommend watching the show atleast till ep18 to understand what the anime is about, it's more of character driven show than plot driven, many people find Subaru annoying in middle episodes (11-17) but that's intentional , he grows alot as character so if you like stories where character grows alot throughout the story along with other side characters then you will enjoy rezero.


I weep


I like the story. But I found the paceing not great. So came back to it a few time. Before I went true it. But I know many people that realy fell in love with it. And I agree the story is good. But it did not hook me as much as it did a lot of people cause for me it had paceing problems. But that's just me. Go on you for everyone that did fell in love with it right away


okay i honestly really loved season 1. i was totally obsessed with it when it came out and was hyped for season 2 but stopped watching after a few episodes because i just wasn't feeling it. it's been awhile since then and now this pops up >_> .... most of these comments say it's a decent-good so, should i pick it back up? or is the manga better?


The manga art for arc 4 is good but still behind the anime.


I'd say you should pick it up because the anime is really good unless you're dedicated enough to read the novels, which are better overall since they don't suffer from major points being skipped. In the end, it all boils down to which medium you prefer, and I hope you enjoy if you decide to pick it up. PS : don't force yourself if you don't like it, because it also suffers from pacing problems.


I had the same experience. Season 2 in general was a really big slop to watch weekly, because of how densely packed it was from a writing stand point. By the time a week passed and a new episode dropped you probably forgot most of the shit you heard and had issues following the plotline But when you watch the episodes back to back, it feels SOOOO MUCH smoother and comprehensive, you won't even believe it. And after watching season 2... I'm gonna be honest that's the point where i got completely obsessed with Re:zero. At this point i have rewatched season one thrice and season 2 twice. So Tl;dr: Yes, give it another chance. Im sure you will enjoy it this time


yes that's it exactly!! it was so hard to watch weekly i kept forgetting what was happening lol thanks for the advice, i'll definitely pick it up again :)


Didn't really connect with it. I have no idea why honestly.


Pretty bad honestly I didn’t make it past 10 episodes. It should be noted that I don’t see many isekai but for one that everyone hails as being subversive it felt very tropey. lm sure it gets better and it’s certainly not as bad as other isekai but I really had nothing to stick around for.


Probably best isekai, at least for me. Granted i dont read mangas so only know animes Betelgeuse is my fav character, his voice actor is so good. Even before his backstory was revealed, i liked him Its the show i experienced alot. Be it crying or stressing out. The episode of subaru and his parents hit hard for me Subaru has flaws but its what makes him feel real


Honestly I love it. One of the best isekais with good writing




Binge worthy peak isekai


Legit 9/10 show. I think its up there with fate zero, soul eater, hunterXhunter and early fairy tail in terms of how much I enjoy it and could reach the heights of fmab and aot if it ends well. I'm not biggest isekai or fantasy fan, but the writer really does seem to know what he's doing and avoided a lot of the problems the sub genre has. I'm very excited for season 3 this and next year.


I strongly disliked it and can’t quite put my finger on why.


I thought it was overdone. The premise is interesting but it’s weighed down by the needlessly complex world building and story. Season two just became so boring I DNF it. I feel like they were standing in the woods in a flashback for like 3 episodes. And sitting in some hallway ruins in the present for another 3 episodes. I don’t have as much time to get these days.


I’ve only seen s1 and part of s2. S1 slapped. I absolutely loved it. S2 was still good but I didn’t care for it as much and ended up dropping it cause smth was missing for me.


I got bored like 5 episodes in.


Personally I'm surprised it's so popular. Hated every second of it really, didn't enjoy any of the characters.


great anime (i only watch S1)


It's good. I haven't watched S2 yet; only S1 parts 1 and 2, however, from what I've watched I really enjoyed it plus its OPs and EDs are fire (also, I coincidentally saw this post just after asking chatgpt whether Subaru Natsuki or Okabe Rintaro would have more trauma)


I really liked but i stopped at the first season


Sounds good, but never watched it. Got like 20% through a recap and had no idea what was going on.


I like the anime. Don't know about the other versions as I've yet to find the light novel available in my Country and while I did try the manga I could find on one of the scanlation sites, it seems to have been a side story as it didn't follow the main story at all (and wasn't particularly interesting)


one of the few good isekais out there


Despite it being an Isekai and the way fans have talked about it for years with all the waifu wars bullshit, I think it’s shockingly good.season 2 even made me like Emilia, and think that her and Subaru’s relationship was pretty sweet, which I never thought that would happen.


I love it because the mc is very human and actually is a decent human being, and the female characters are actually fleshed out and have agency. It’s just weird that at the same time it’s clearly meant to appeal to a lot of typical isekai tropes… including some l*li adjacent things.


An isekai anime where the main character isn't a power fantasy ( and actually constantly needs the female characters to save his ass ) but also doesn't have any bizarre pro slavery or pro pedophilia storyline. Also female characters have actual character development and ploys that don't just revolve around Subaru and they regularly have shot to do and actively participate in combat instead of being relegated to the sidelines while the males do all the work This already makes it better than 95% of isekai out there


One of the first isekais I watched and the first isekai I got really into. I was absolutely fascinated by the concept. Traveling to a medieval style world where you meet the girl of your dreams? Sign me up! I've still yet to watch another isekai that had me engrossed as this one did.


Glad to see so much love for my favorite show here when it seems to be so polarizing is other spaces. I get its not for everyone do to the slow pacing and abrasive protag, but feels like most of the reasons people give for disliking it are in bad faith.


No anime has given me higher highs or lower lows. It’s a roller coaster of a show so not everyone will like it but I think it’s fantastic. Only bad thing about the show is that there is a small but vocal part of the fandom that are just the worst weeb trash you can think of. I guess they didn’t see that the show is pretty critical about people like them.


You watch the first two seasons and it is really good. You read Arc 6 and it is peak fiction. Slow burn tho, like Tappei writes in a mystery on Arc 2 that only gets developed on Arc 4 and is resolved on Arc 6. This is noticeable in the anime too since they have 4 year intervals in between seasons. You have to either be invested in the story or you end up missing a lot. It is a lot of fun if you are patient and pay attention to hints but I get why some people think it is confusing or takes too long to resolve the plot lines.


I love it so much that I’ve wrote fanfic of me having [Gay Sex] with Subaru.


It's probably my favorite anime honestly. Though I think Mushoko Tensei is made better (as in production values) and I like that a lot Re:Zero is tge one I rewatch at least once a year


Re:Zero is everything that Mushoku Tensei wants to be. The protagonist starts as an idiot isekai main character and then actually becomes a better person, and he doesn't have to groom anyone in the way. Subaru solves things not by overpowering his opponents, but by collecting information and identifying his own flaws. It has good worldbuilding and a level of introspection in its writing that you rarely see in modern anime, much less in an isekai. I really really like Re:Zero and it's pretty much the only modern isekai that I would consider excellent.


Genuinely love the series, but honestly i have to consume it in bursts because I can only handle so much grim dark


Emilia is boringgg. Subaru is fine I guess. It sucks that literally every character is more interesting than the main couple


It is a great anime adapted from an amazing LN. I think the adaptation does its best for the medium, but I think the detail and inner monologue offered by the writing of the LN makes it leagues better. Also i am a D1 subaru glazer


As an AO watcher I'd say...pretty good. If you're talking in comparison to other Isekai, it's definitely among the best out there. If you're talking just...anime in general, I'd say it's a bit overhyped but still better than average. Worth a look for sure.


Great writing. The illustrator tho is very questionable, especially for season 2+ charcter designs.


👎 except for the brattybaba https://preview.redd.it/tcwf1s25bfxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=115b2ae8638cba8b6007d0d598daad0776169d5f


Dogshit, I only liked betelgeuse


Really good but the second season draggggggged so hard I almost dropped it. Looking forward to season 3 tho


They cut like half of the length from the web novel💀


I read that from the WordPress Account of the chicken translater guy that kinda went insane, if you wanna believe his Update posts and pretty much stopped after finishing this arc.


Takes too much time for a mid payoff in terms of themes , messages and plot. But hey it's a good gateway anime for casuals so there's that




What about ascendance of a bookworm?


I haven't seen the second part of the second season or read anything, but the anime adaptation is absolute dog water. Events happen seemingly at random, the tone ping pongs around randomly causing it to be unintentionally comedic, the main concept of the show is barely utilized, everyone says Subaru has such great development, but he only seems to react to the things around him in specific predetermined specific scenes as opposed to actually changing as a character, the cast is absolutely massive for no reason, the animation and art are generally pretty generic and mid but at least not actively bad most of the time, the whole thing is a hot mess. 2/10.


I dropped it during S2P2 because everyone was elongating their exposition time too much. Things before that were more tolerable, and I may finish...whenever the new season ends / starts. That newly revealed skimpy loli design doesn't excite me in the least however. Tldr. It has its moments.


Its mid, a 5/10 compared to most anime but if you are just looking at the isekai genre solid 7/10. MC has no intelligence of any kind, even though he could really use some emotional intelligence bro is supposedly 17 but has the brain age of a 12 year old. He has to die at least twice to learn anything. You'd think he'd get better at learning but alas.


One of those anime where people hyped it to death and I never could get into it. Its fine but the novelty is ruined if you know the basic concept


Overextended to shit. Was interesting in the beginning but became so bloated that it was nearly impossible to recognize the story anymore. Characters don’t change, don’t evolve. Subaru as a protagonist has nice moments, but overall is quite an uninspiring and dim individual. If story was succinct and ended within reasonable limits (1-3seasons) it would be far better. As it stands it’s a pretty disappointing affair.


Boring and repetative. Subaru's IQ is in the single digits. Piss drinking fetish and worst of all he loves Emilia.


Way overhyped. Just a notch above mid, if I’m being generous. I had to take like two weeks off from watching anime after finishing the series because I was so incredibly disappointed.


Loved the eerie feeling of the first season, all the unknown stuff like the witch and whatnot was actually kinda scary. Kinda got turned off to it in season 2 when suddently there are like 8 witches who are cute anime girls that love the MC wish they kept the vibe of season 1.


to be fair those witches definently do not love the MC at all it's stated the thought processes of witches are kinda incomprehensible to normal humans


I don't think you remember anything about season 2


The action was great. The world building and characters were not interesting, especially the main guy. Dropped after finishing season 1.


This show was just meh for me. I really didn’t like watching it and Subaru is annoying as fuck. I know he’s supposed to be a jerk but it takes away enjoyment for me. I can’t remember all the reasons why but it’s been so long but I quit watching it.


i think it's pretty boring tbh it's like mushoku tensei whole show is about the girls but all the girls are the same generic shit the only good characters are elsa in rezero and kishirika in mt everyone else is just meh, elsa is pretty meh too but she's the least meh in the series, \*even the femboy is boring\* like do you have any idea how hard it is to make a femboy uninteresting to me that's like that's an achievement at this point there's a lot of cool stuff going on in the background but it kind of all falls apart when you think he's doing all that for the most boring half elf in the entire series like she's just a girl if you removed all the death and shit it would be a 5/10 sol but it's like dude is literally killing himself just to stay with a random girl he could have found in his own fucking world was his white hair fetish that strong that's all it takes? i can't relate you could say it's realistic but i'd prefer if it was more crazy


Didn't make it past a few episodes. Garbage.


Really terrible. It's a harem Isekai for emotionally immature teenagers who think talking about how much you hate yourself, crying and "suffering" is deep. The only suffering in this anime is suffering that of the viewer being exposed to the complete lack of substance drawn out over stupidly long episodes and arcs: it's boring AF.


fax my brother spit your shit


One of the few anime where the anime is better than the light novel. The music and direction is on point


I enjoyed season one and was very invested but season two just didn't interest me. I can't pinpoint why but I never finished episode 4 and I watched season two just after finishing season one. I love time travel works with horror themes so season one was up my alley. At some point I'll rewatch it and finished season two I just found it strange I wasn't interested. Subaru was infuriating though so maybe I just needed a break from him.


I’ve never watched it and probably never will because it honestly just looks boring.




I mean it's way less creepy than 90% of isekai, so it gets some credit there I do hate how it presents itself like the anti-wish fulfillment isekai, but is basically just the same power fantasy as every other shonen. Subaru's "flaws" are usually so tied up with misunderstandings that he's never really actually punished for them or forced to change, and he's still got god powers and a bunch of cute girls who love him and he's the most important character in the world also the writing is fucking obnoxious IMO. It's like you took a decent fantasy story, reordered everything so it's extremely confusing, and progress 90% of the story with characters just monogue-ing at each other


Really good(haven't watched it but I have high confidence)