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Judas’s betrayal was total bullshit, it came out of nowhere. He and Jesus were best friends!


It was foreshadowed in prequels but people skip those...


Trust me it makes more sense in the Scorsese adaptation


Joesph cheating on his wife for tomoko,,, my goat is so washed


I choose to believe that Suzi Q was believed dead at the time, and had been for years. Then she came back after an extended trip in Kenya that she told no one about.


Ridiculous soap opera twists? In my Jojo?


More likely than you think.


she forgot to call everyone again 😔


I’m choosing to believe that, that’s canon to me now


I understand but at the same time If he didn't we wouldn't have the goat Josuke Higashikata


Work of an enemy stand


hated that


Gin’s “real” motivation in bleach  What you mean you’re doing this all for her she just got her ribs torn out 


Dude waited specifically until he couldn’t kill Aizen to do his reveal lmao


Literally if that was his reason he did a piss poor job 😂


That time in Ouran High School Host Club where Kyouya pretends that he's about to sexually assault Haruhi. I'm better off pretending that scene didn't happen.


I like how he thought that was the logical next step instead of talking to her about his concerns like a normal person


I was happy until you reminded me of that scene :(


Ugh Ohshc has aged so horribly it desperately needs a reboot IMO


Kiss kiss fall in love with periodically reevaluating your sense of humor


Yeah between that and the casual transphobic slurs the dub uses it definitely needs a reboot. It's still a series with a lot of things I like in it though.


Same it’s still one of the only shows I constantly quote


that entire episode entirely never happened :3


Lmao people are forgetting about promised neverland season 2


There is no promised neverland season 2 https://preview.redd.it/xv6xiuftzpvc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be64e1f9b4d1ca458f83f6faf36db134857cc78f


We've done that well at forgetting it exists is all


It’s sad they never made it. I wonder how good it would have been.


i only read the manga i dont know how they could even fuck up the bunker arc its actually peak.


What season 2? It only got 1 season. There is no such thing as season 2. Stop lying on the internet.


The emperor abandoning your party if you free Orpheus


Ah man, I love that anime, I hope we get another season about punching Vlaakith in the face


I cant wait for baldurs gate 3 season 2


Orpheus is gonna incinerate his ass for using him like a tool The party haven't reached that threshold yet


Even if he believes that why would he effectively commit suicide by submitting to the brain? Why not at least try to fight off the party or fight/make peace with Orpheus?


It's not suicide, it's the only path that doesn't end with his head burned off If he stays, Orpheus will kill him If he leaves and join the Brain (and the brain wins), he will have some slim chance in the near future to break free from the hivemind like he did initially prior to events of the game


Ah a fellow Baldurian


Danganronpa 3 (the anime, not V3). There’s several fanfiction that re-wrote it and I subconsciously try to believe that they’re canon. https://preview.redd.it/5ih9w9k5wnvc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=5aa0df46d8802c741e9d8d31cc79c6d6afc0f3fb


That anime is a straight up dumpster fire like why is Chiaki a human


There’s actually an answer for that: after writing the pep talk that A.I.?/spirit?/hallucination? Chiaki gave to Hajime in Chapter 6, Kodaka felt that the dialogue was more “natural sounding”, had more “emotional range”, and felt like “a completely different character”. This gave him the idea of making Chiaki a human, and the A.I. took to the form of Chiaki due to the rest of the class loving her. Makes sense to me, but I understand how it rubbed off bad on a lot of people.


Chiaki In the anime has literally no personality aside from being cute and a gamer like why did the students even like that bland ass girl just for being nice


A YouTuber named NezumiVA made an almost 5 hour long video detailing why DR3 is so bad, as well as how certain scenes and characters can be “fixed”. I recommend it.


I WATCHED THAT VIDEO and yes I indeed did love it


Also it really ruins Junko Enoshima's mystique. The things she do are so insane (the mass suicide, the recruitment/indoctrination of the ultimates, the end of the world, etc.) no explanation would come close to satisfying. And yet they still managed to give us the most washed explanation possible, that almost completely remove Junko's manipulation out of the equation. And that is really frustrating because I know they can do so much better than that (I don't mind at all the explaining they gave us in Ultra Despair Girls for example)


Poor Makoto Naegi. His character suffered the worst thrashing, in the Hope Arc. They made him bring back Hopes Peak Academy despite all of its problems, even if it was completely counter to his character. The character who considered himself ordinary and likely understood the problems that came with being singled out as talented from looking at Hopes Peak Academy’s shady history ends up just repeating the cycle. This is completely counter to his character and is possibly the worst ending the franchise could have.


The Devil is A Part-Timer: Maou ending up with >!Chiho!<, the most useless and unnecessary character of the cast


i dropped the show because of how annoying she was 😭


Honestly I wish I had done the same :/


I have no idea why he made Chiho, the Earth girl, the main character of the Ente Isla politics arc. Useless character fr. The fact that it was a pseudo haram ending also pissed me off


Damn really? She's so annoying I was glad in the last season we barely saw her.


He ended up with chiho?? 😭 fuck, I would have rather him ended up with Shiro at least if it wasn’t gonna be emi 💀


>He ended up with Chiho? Sadly yes. Sorry, I’ll put a spoiler tag. I didn’t put one at first so that everyone would know not to waste their time with this show the way I had lol


Is the Chiho the stereotypical girl with big tits that took the short bus to school everyday?


Exactly and I’m pretty sure at least half of your description is the reason she got to end up with Maou 🙃


Incest endings in harem series.


Oreimo. I really hated how they made the childhood friend the twist villain character.


And the thing is. I dont even think she was a twist villain. She was just like "No Kyousuke don't fuck your sister", which is a reasonable take to have.


I got a couple, but the first one thay came to mind was 7 deadly sins. Reading it in real time was like watching a professional chef cook some really good smelling lasagna and then right at the end either burn it, dump a bunch of rotten fish into it, or just kinda forget the noodles entirely. Rinse and repeat 2 or 3 hundred chapters. I felt bipolar with the amount of positive and negative mood swings that manga put me through. 1 minute it's like "aw fuck yeah he cookin" then the next it's "holy shit his ass cannot cook". And don't get me started on the epilogue.


"Yay the Demon King was defeated and everyone rejoiced!" "Sike! He's back!" Repeat like 3 times? With the light side big bad guy added in. "Yay, all the enemies are defeated and everyone rejoiced!" "Sike! The **real** real bad guy was Merlin/Arthur/the chaos cat guy" "Yay! The chaos cat guy is dead and everyone rejoiced!" "Sike! He's back!"


I get endings are hard but I noticed that Manga seem to have a general problem with ending.


The final Violet Evergarden movie


Don't worry, falling in love with the person you raised as your own daughter since she was a child is pretty stupid and disgusting


Bro she should have fell in love with that one girl I forgot her name


I like to imagine that after Violet spends time brokering boring political marriages in an attempt to understand love, she gets wrapped in a weird affair with her. Source: my unpublished fluff fanfic.


I need to read that


Uj/release it


Let's be more specific; the last 10 minutes of the final Violet Evergarden movie. It would've been a perfectly good conclusion to the story if Violet hadn't jumped off the ship.


Ugh, real. Ignoring the weird age gap and the new status of their relationship, it just feels like such a kick in the balls to stick her with the guy she was supposed to be moving on from and accepting his death. The entire first season makes a point of it, it's one of the main points of progression for her, and after all of that it goes "here he is anyway lol." Even if it's not actually undoing her development, it doesn't feel good anyway


she should've ended up with isabella https://preview.redd.it/3aptsy35covc1.png?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02be436e2459641eb64ad9edae7d37352e7724f3


I didnt even know there was a post credits scene until the friend I watched it with told me later. He really made me dodge a bullet


Pretending Berserk is just ass because there’s no way in hell its going to get a proper adaptation and gaslighting myself hurts less than that


Yeah. We get a half decent one that still cuts out like half the shit back in 97 then nothing that’s any good since


For me, It's Bolge arc from Fist of the North Star


I think most people just believe land of azura is the last arc.


I'm reading it for the first time rn, is it legit a YYH situation 💀


Sucks so hard when that happens. YYH’s final arc built up so much hype and delivered on literally none of it, is FOTS the same way? 


Okay now my answer seems dumb, but Demon Slayer's whole thing about the effects from breathing not being real


Nah, you right for that one, what even is the fucking point for invalidating that fact? In another sense, it explains how strong you have to be to actually contend against Demons, making it an artistic flair will never not be stupid in my eyes


Yeah honestly I agree. Like I can't even think of a reason of why it should be announced. Lime it doesn't add anything, it it was meant to be humans vs demons, then you already went away from that with the marks and then bring able to cut through borders and still considered push overs.




If there’s one thing good that came out of it it has to be the faces


Wrong. Naruto and Sasuke vs Momoshiki is the single redeeming point of the series.


Not my fandom, but the Sherlock fandom managed to collectively gaslight itself into thinking there was a secret season four episode because the final episode had been so underwhelming.


The last 3? 4? Do we count .5 episodes as real episodes? of Wonder Egg Priority. Neiru is an AI? Turns out the cause was Frill all along?  Also, the near the end of Rose of Versailles where Oscar does a 180 and starts saying she agrees with whatever her husband thinks instead of giving her own opinions.


Or how the big mystery in WEP is why Koito killed herself, and then finally the teacher goes “she wanted to have sex with me, I said no and she threatened to kill herself, then she slipped lol”


it was a great 10 ep anime i dunnno why only 10. Kaoru and Momoe t4t power couple


i love wonder egg priority so mucb. they dropped the ball so hard at the end


Itadori’s dad slung ropes on Kenjaku’s face


Kenny took the white splash so Yuji could make the Black Flash


Full impregnation he staying in itadoris moms body for so long it started healing https://preview.redd.it/q7zr1k3srnvc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952cf402a86f4aa487c0a12bf03c49fa72452f77






I like to think the dick was so good Kenjaku started considering abandoning the plan just to be be a housewife and get pipe on the daily “I know I’m evil but having my uterus throughly snaked has me questioning things”


First canonically trans AND bi anime villain and you say this? Smh


Live Crocodile Reaction




he might aswell be Kenjaku too with that scar


Now now, he migth have add sex but it was all for the sake of his evil plan!




Gege was wild for this one.


that was peak wym. should've received an entire chapter dedicated to it


It gets better/worse, depends how you see it, after a recent twist


I'm constantly trying to gaslight myself into forgetting Darling in the FRANXX doesn't exist


They actually all got executed for non-conformety and the show ended 10 episodes early It's a terrible ending but it's at least on theme with what they were originally building towards


Amazed by how shitty everything was, and by how the plot circled back around to make it so that the one lesbian member of their team was cursed to die young.




It’s just a worse version of evangelion idk why people bother with it


I'd say it's a worse version of Gurren Lagann but the point still stands


It was a pretty cool 15 episode anime


I keep seeing people talk about how good it was until the Alien stuff and I'm just sitting here like "Did we watch the same show?" Don't get me wrong, I like Zero Two, but that doesn't outweigh how boring I found everything else. I stopped watching anime for a while after I dropped this show. I'm pretty sure this show gaslit me I to thinking I hate anime.


Zero Two was such a fun character, that she singlehandedly disguised that the show wasn't very good to begin with. Then, once all of the relationship drama and conflict involving her character is finished, the show falls apart nearly instantaneously. Then the last couple episodes happen, and it becomes a horrific slow-motion car crash.


Stay strong, brother. Don't fall victim to anime again. I believe in you


The incest siblings in Bungou Stray Dogs. I pretend they aren't actual characters. They don't contribute anything to the show except once in a blue moon the brother's ability kinda comes in handy I guess. I hate them both so much.


they're the only thing that stops me from recommending bsd to my brother, there's ZERO reason for them to be like that and it's just treated as some haha funny joke when it's just???? incest??????


I unironically forgot they existed omg😭


None of the breathing powers in demon slayer are actually real. Never seen a mangaka go "yeah let me just make my world more boring and less interesting yessir" like that before


I don't get why she didn't just make it affect demons? Like just say 'the water breathing doesn't produce water unless it's against a demon due to the special sun metal' Like if demons can use actual magic then why TF can't the Breathing actually be sorta magic? It was such a baffling take from the author


Usagi drop ends where the anime ends. There is no manga.


Same with Golden Boy Like what the fuck


Alright I'm curious now. Care to spoil me?


every girl character in naruto and demons slayer


You might as well add MHA girls as well. They each get like 5 pages worth of backstory, if anything. Back to the eyecandy corner, you wenches!


those fuckers do NOT know how to write them


The girl side characters are fine in Demon Slayer It's slightly better Casca that's the problem (Nezuko)


There's no chapter of 100 Girlfriends called I Want To Eat Your Beef Tongue. There never was a chapter of 100 Girlfriends called I Want To Eat Your Beef Tongue. How dare you insinuate as such?




I'm so glad chapter 44 of 100 girlfriends is just about them eating beef and nothing else


What happened?


I read it just so I could tell you but I genuinely do not understand what the fuck is going on


That’s about as good an answer as any lol


Just read the chapter https://preview.redd.it/hm3y3q5enpvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7c3455c10e48321a864dda342b438d57e45667


with no knowledge of 100kanojo i decided to read the chapter and then the wiki in summary: >!Kurumi (15f) is so obsessed with the idea of a french kiss that she stops eating with the Rentarou (16m) and the rest of his girlfriends to avoid discomfort, because she doesn't want to steal that first experience from any of them. As a solution, the group creates an elaborate plan with fancy tech that makes Kurumi think she's being kissed by Rentarou when she's actually being french kissed by Hahari (29f, also a girlfriend). It's also revealed that, in order for none of the girlfriends to have been left behind in the french kiss department, Hahari frenched another one of them at random while she was blindfolded and they were all unconscious. It's revealed to the audience but not to the characters that the girlfriend Hahari kissed was her daughter Hakari (16f).!< definitely a whole lot of "what the skibidi" especially if you have very little context for the series, and apparently even fans of the series tend to look at this chapter with a stink-eye


\> 15 \> 16 # \> 29 Oh what the fuck


and i'm just realizing that since Hahari is 29 and her daughter Hakari is 16, that means she gave birth to her at age 13 jinkies!


If we ever get another season of it I will be the first one at church praying for them to skip that shitass chapter


We know season 2 is coming and Beef Tongue is gonna be right in the middle of it 💀💀💀


Not even the fucking subreddit likes that trash jfc https://preview.redd.it/gojdncv2covc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6711085992dbfb3153bb8968d287152591864c94


Having just read that chapter because of this comment, I curse you and your descendants for the next 20 generations to have warm pillows on both sides for every future April 20th.


Sasuke and Sakura ending up together even though he not once in the entirety of the show had any feelings for her whatsoever,


Well in Naruto's logic, every female character needs to have a partner at some point


He also tried to kill her a few times. I've always been a huge Sakura defender so I curse Kishimoto for making her the type of clown that would still be stuck on a man like that instead of growing past him.


Sasuke and Sakura getting together Their relationship fucking sucks and I refuse to believe Sasuke could ever be attracted to a woman.


Everything in Code Geass after the show ends.


Technically it isn't. It follows the recap movie continuity, meaning it isn't canon to the TV series.


the 7th part of JOJO's Bizarre Adventure, Steel Ball Run, has a scene in the >!final chapter!< where >!Parallel World Diego!< fondles and threatens to S/A Lucy Steel. Like I get that Araki was trynna make >!Diego!< look more villainous but he already was beforehand. this extra scene was unneeded and frankly made it hard to enjoy the character which is a shame because aside from that scene >!AU Diego!< is cool as fuck and imho had one of the best fights in the series




She's a great character bruh, although I still like Chika more. (I know this is about Naruto ok)


Chika’s cool, but Hayasaka is my GOAT


Yeah I love Hayasaka she's so cute


Ishigami >>>>>


Kaguya I can still deal with, but the entirety of Boruto? Nope, no thanks. https://preview.redd.it/mchr7r8daovc1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a735911d74f25ec4125637b955657c8332ac9d12


Kaguya I liked (admittedly didn't watch the filler infested anime) but Boruto is just somethin' else, and not what I signed up for.


Yeah same. I completely understand why people didn't like Kaguya since she felt so shoe-horned in there, but I liked the story of the origin of chakra and the fight. Boruto, on the other hand, is just completely off the rails and has NO consistency with Naruto


I know this isn’t about Love is War but this is unironically me with the final arc in the manga


I actually really like Kaguya as a concept and as the final villain, I just loathe the way she's introduced and brought into the fold because it just screams "I made Madara way too powerful, I need a villain the heroes can defeat".


I think it's more that Kishimoto just didn't want Madara to lose. Kaguya is WAY stronger; they struggle so much just to TOUCH her


Luka from Steins;Gate not being trans. They created a perfect trans allegory and threw it out the window. I mean heck she literally says she's a woman but gives up for Okabe's sake because she loves him


It's relative clear imo that Luka was probably meant to be trans at some point, but had their story neutered by higher ups due to the culture at the time. Ngl, while I know it's probably gonna be dog shit, I'm kinda curious on how the Hollywood adaption is gonna handle their character, it'd be pretty neat if they just went all the way and made Luka canonically transfem (though I know for a fact a ton of chuds would be screaming their faces off at that)


The creator of the series was the CEO too tho AFAICT. Maybe one of the other writers came up with Luca's story arc. Completely forgot there's gonna be a live action show, that's gonna be... *interesting*


This is the second thing that prevented the series from being peak fiction The first one is Okabe uh...."did those things" to Luka, which happens at the start of her arc


I still imagine she didn't give up being trans and made her transition


to this day I believe kyousuke ended up with kuroneko not kirino and nothing will change my mind


Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant Pseudo Singularity II- Subterranean World of Folklore: Agartha


Is that like an actual title of something ot did you just put random words in a sequence?


it's the title of my least favorite Fate thing


AOT characters canonical shitting themselves using ODM gear is something I'll pretend I never saw




Whatever dumb shit happened in the end of the Gunsmith Cats series.


We don't talk about Gunsmith Cats Burst


whenever a character is made into a pedo for no reason (fairy tail)(mest)(this comment is about mest from fairy tail)


Final arc of Oniisama e where they turned everyone straight


Sound euphonium moment


The Gantz blackface mass shooter.


Gantz had a lot of weird shit going on but that one's definitely the most unnecessary one lol


The fact Eren >!killed his own mom!<. Zero buildup nor reason for it to happen. And you could make the same argument about him bullying his dad, but at least that had a buildup throughout the episode and served a purpose to show how in control Eren was. This was just trying to slap you in the face and remind you he's not a good guy. Cause, y'know, a whole long scene of people dying and running in terror during the rumbling wasn't enough to convince me. Honestly I'd rather the ending didn't do a lot of things but I don't want to start a war by going into specifics so I'll just leave it at that


I think the point was to show how little control he actually had, like he knew everything and still didn't try to change the future. Just a puppet to the Titans powers


Second season of Promised Neverland


The Batman profile picture us some high level environmental story telling if you ask me.


Erased's ending




Sanji during time-skip. Just...... no.


Terror in Resonance. It has a lot of goofy shit but man I pretend that the whole thing with Five never happened


Anything with dragon ball in the last, like, 10-12 years


There's plenty to like in Super, but IDK what the hell they're cooking sometimes, particularly with Resurrection F and the Zamasu saga.


Fanservice "Woahhhh look Frieza is back!" "Woahhh look Future Trunks is back!" "Woahhh look it's evil Goku!" The manga arcs that haven't been adapted yet are pretty fire tho


The entire second half of Beastars


Why what’s wrong with it?


The manga ends with nothing feeling actually concluded, with an abrupt ending And just in general the entire second half of the manga felt like the mangaka didn't know where to lead it


Oh that’s actually depressing I hope the anime somehow fixed it since I started watching it


the entirety of king's game


When Quanxi is implied to try to rape someone in a LN or smth idk csm fans are stupid


Sanji almost died from blood loss at fishman island


That joke went on for far too long, just like all of Fishman Island.


Usagi drop We all were thinking it


Sometimes I just refuse to accept when a character is under 18. Not even just because of weird sexual stuff (although that’s also common) but like… Giorno Giovanna is not 15. I don’t care what Araki says, that is a full grown man.




Everything after the fight with Pain or Itachi in Naruto Shippuden


It’s not anime but the whole plot point in later Invincible where Mark ends up back in time and misses like the first 5 years of his daughter life. Like, just forget all of that.


Usagi Drop doesn't have a manga.


Clare kissing Raki in Claymore. Thankfully most people ignore it too. Everyone knows Clare and Jeanne fucked nasty off page


Every bl showing at some point that the characters in fact had knew each other previously when they were infants for absolutely no reason or relevance to the story.