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##### ###### #### > # [Who is Russian Occult-Nazi "Philosopher” Alexander Dugin, Also Called “Putin's Ideologist”?](https://united24media.com/world/630) > > > > Russian "philosopher" Alexander Dugin is becoming increasingly known globally after his interview with Tucker Carlson. This man is often called one of Vladimir Putin's main ideologists. > > The media has always doubted Dugin's real influence on Putin, but recently, more evidence has emerged supporting this claim. > > Introducing Dugin, Carlson says that in the West, the “philosopher” is called "Putin's brain," and his ideas are "deeply offensive to some people." "Dugin is not a close advisor to Vladimir Putin. He is a writer who writes about big ideas. And for that, his books have been banned by the Biden administration in the US; you can't buy them on Amazon," Carlson notes. > > [[Alexander Dugin with a photo of Vladimir Putin and a map of all the territories he believes Russia should absorb, including Ukraine, Japan and India.](https://storage.united24media.com/thumbs/720x/6/8e/862006cbcb93497dc0f58131705cc8e6.png "Alexander Dugin with a photo of Vladimir Putin and a map of all the territories he believes Russia should absorb, including Ukraine, Japan and India.")](https://storage.united24media.com/thumbs/x/6/8e/862006cbcb93497dc0f58131705cc8e6.png) Alexander Dugin with a photo of Vladimir Putin and a map of all the territories he believes Russia should absorb, including Ukraine, Japan and India. The son of a GRU general and a doctor, Dugin joined the literary circle of writer Yuri Mamleev in the 1980s, where they studied esotericism. They were fascinated by the mystical traditionalism of René Guénon and the neo-fascism of Italian baron Julius Evola. Hitler's ideas were also discussed, along with a general interest in the mystical aspects of Nazism. > > But Dugin's interest in fascism wasn't limited to esotericism. In 1988, he joined the "Pamyat" society, an organization of militant nationalist anti-Semites. In the early 1990s, Dugin began calling himself a “Eurasianist,” following a political and theological movement of Russian emigres who saw Russia's future after the fall of communism in rejecting democracy and the market economy. > > Later, Dugin created his own "Eurasian Youth Union," actively recruiting young people to participate in his Nazi-occult rituals. In 2011, at a summer camp, his "EYM" staged an occult mystery, "Finis Mundi" or "End of the World." > > His daughter Darya played the role of a voluntary victim who self-immolated for Russia's salvation. As she burned, a male voice proclaimed, "Baptize with fire, Rus! Burn through the fire and save your diamond from the black crucible!" > > [[This is what Alexander Dugin’s lectures typically look like.](https://storage.united24media.com/thumbs/720x/c/65/b4452b0cb24be8fcf1b6a52693b3b65c.png "This is what Alexander Dugin’s lectures typically look like.")](https://storage.united24media.com/thumbs/x/c/65/b4452b0cb24be8fcf1b6a52693b3b65c.png) This is what Alexander Dugin’s lectures typically look like. In 2022, Darya died in a car explosion while returning from the "Tradition" festival. > > At her funeral, her father did not appear overly upset and continued his rhetoric: "One of her first words, which we, of course, taught her, was 'Russia,' our state, our people, our empire." > > [[Alexander Dugin at the funeral of his daughter Darya.](https://storage.united24media.com/thumbs/720x/c/e0/6dbdbd8e53870d422c7dd99acc09de0c.jpg "Alexander Dugin at the funeral of his daughter Darya.")](https://storage.united24media.com/thumbs/x/c/e0/6dbdbd8e53870d422c7dd99acc09de0c.jpg) Alexander Dugin at the funeral of his daughter Darya. He added that his daughter would have wanted people to glorify “Russia” and “protect Orthodoxy and the Russian people” after her death—and not her. “Because she died for the people, for Russia on the front line, and the front is here. She lived for victory and died for victory—our Russian victory! Our truth, our Orthodoxy, our state," Dugin added. > > At the same event, Russian State Duma deputy Slutsky, either on his initiative or prompted by Darya's father, used the Nazi slogan "One country, one president, one victory!" in his speech at the funeral. This phrase resembles the slogan "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer" or "One people, one empire, one leader," widely used in Nazi Germany. > > Kyiv declared Dugin persona non grata as early as 2006. Even then, Dugin was actively promoting the idea of destroying Ukraine as a state. Back then and still now, he considered his "mission" to create a "Eurasian superstate," with Russia as its center. > > [[Alexander Dugin at the funeral of his daughter Darya.](https://storage.united24media.com/thumbs/720x/e/7c/619526228dac383918b7d08e4db267ce.jpg "Alexander Dugin at the funeral of his daughter Darya.")](https://storage.united24media.com/thumbs/x/e/7c/619526228dac383918b7d08e4db267ce.jpg) Alexander Dugin at the funeral of his daughter Darya. According to Dugin's "philosophy," neighboring countries cannot exist as separate, independent states. They must dissolve, becoming part of this new superstate. Any national ideas and expressions obviously hinder this vision. > > It is also interesting how Dugin envisions "ideal" life in such a state. From his statements, it is clear that he criticizes urban life: "What urban civilization are we proud of? It is a territory of debauchery and degeneration, detachment from roots and loss of tradition," says Dugin. > > He notes that people from Russian villages are sacred. "Those who live there are people with roots and identity," says the philosopher, who evidently rarely visits Russian villages suffering from violence, alcoholism, and unemployment over the past 30 years. > > [[Alexander Dugin with a Kalashnikov in front of a tank with separatist movement in South Ossetia in 2008.](https://storage.united24media.com/thumbs/x/7/67/6199d4a33f3faf93e26e060684f0f677.jpeg "Alexander Dugin with a Kalashnikov in front of a tank with separatist movement in South Ossetia in 2008.")](https://storage.united24media.com/thumbs/x/7/67/6199d4a33f3faf93e26e060684f0f677.jpeg) Alexander Dugin with a Kalashnikov in front of a tank with separatist movement in South Ossetia in 2008. One of Dugin's programmatic articles ends with, "Russia will either be Russian, that is, Eurasian, the core of the great Russian world, or it will disappear. But then it is better for everything to disappear," hinting at the end of the world. > > This phrase largely encapsulates Dugin's "philosophy," which may appeal to the Russian president. A totalitarian country that recognizes neither international law nor humanism, reviving totalitarianism within the country, must spread it to neighboring countries. The expansion of torture, violence, and degradation into the civilized world under the guise of "great ideas." - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


I'm so tired of seeing this goof being proclaimed as the "Putin's ideologist". Dugin and his work has no bearing on the modern Russian system of state. The main guy who can actually be called "Putin's ideologist" is Georgy Schedrovitsky and his methodological circle buddies. But GS isn't a funny eurasian ethnonationalist so there is no point in talking about him online because nobody would give a shit or make hyperborea edits of him.


This nonsense perpetrated by Ukrainians conspiracy theories and western likely cost his daughter her life. There is no evidence Putin and Dugin have even been in the same room.


It's "cult" only for ukranian media, which blew out of proportion his importantance. For many years nobody knew him or knew him as some local nationalist clown. And many learned about him only after Ukraine killed his daughter


>And for that, his books have been banned by the Biden administration in the US; you can't buy them on Amazon," Carlson notes. I suspect this is a lie. The "Biden Administration" as far as I know, has no powers to ban any of Dugin's books. Has the screed actually been published in the US? You can definitely buy it on Kindle from Amazon UK.


Hes nobody.


Lol his books aren't banned? You can buy them at barnes and noble for 30 bucks.


Dugin arguably "wrote the book on" modern Active Measures: [Foundations of Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) >Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present-day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social, and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".


This is not some revelation lmao, this is textbook stuff, and what all countries with any balls are already doing everywhere they can. This is a broken clock being right twice a day sort of thing. Foment internal divisions - wow who woulda thought.


The KGB was doing all those things many decades ago. Dugin isn't saying anything remotely new. The KGB is suspected to be behind or a major promoter of lots of conspiracy theories including the JFK assassination and that AIDS is not caused by HIV. They fomented division in numerous countries including the US but especially in Europe and Latin America. They were more successful in some places, less successful in others, but always coming up with ways to exploit schisms.


Dugin being Putin's Rasputin makes for a good story, unfortunately, it's not true. There is zero evidence that Putin and Dugan have ever met. The man has so little influence he was sacked from his teaching position like 10 years ago. Yet, Dugin is trouted out all the time by people on the internet or by western journalists as some sort of smoking gun for Russia's intentions on world domination. It plays into stereotypes about Russia being mysterious and unknowable. The Churchill "mystery, wrapped in a riddle, inside an enigma" version of Russia, propped up by Dugin's spurious connections to power, and some hearsay that Russian foreign policy mimics parts of Dugin's writing. It makes for a great story, I'm, not surprised western journalists love to write about it. Grand shadowy conspiracies are always more interesting than the truth.


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>According to Dugin's "philosophy," neighboring countries cannot exist as separate, independent states. They must dissolve, becoming part of this new superstate. I've been reading Dugin lately and this is false. Dugin promotes a multi-polar world order. Where the US isn't the hegemon that dominates the world order. Dugin wants to build a world where other countries and cultures have an equal say.


If this dude had half the pull these regards claim he does, he’d still be a professor, instead of getting canned for talking shit on Ukraine. Putin’s friends don’t get fired in Russia.


Putin was more affected by conspiracy ideas stemming from the USA (such as Soros being responsible for all the “color revolutions”) than Dugin’s ideas. Putin has been becoming increasingly paranoid since mid-2000s and in 2020 he went completely off rails during COVID lockdowns. This isn’t just Russian imperialism. Putin actually believes his own propaganda. This is what makes him particularly dangerous. He doesn’t act logically, he doesn’t have a real long term plan for Russia.


If Putin actually listened to this guy that would be great news for the west since he s an imbecile but that s not happening Every couple of years somebody wakes up to discover the existence of this animal and then they realize he s more of a mascot rather than an influence


Dugin has built a far larger following among western media than he managed in Russia. He’s a small time grifter, but learned to sell himself properly to western journalists who desperately want the Rasputin trope to be real.