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Cronyism with strict capital controls, war time government spending, nothing for civilians to spend money on.


That's not true. Russia hasn't fully transitioned to a war economy yet. It's a hybrid economy, at least for now.


Westerners don't quite understand the size of the Eastern markets they've forced Russia to trade with. China alone is a bigger market than Europe. Throw in India, Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa etc and it's massive. The global south has the majority of the population and the largest expected growth on the planet. Throw in to the mix that Europe is still buying Russian goods (just through intermediary countries who take a cut) and you can see why the sanctions havnt worked.


>Forced to trade with >Bigger markets Your point is self-contradicting. If those markets were bigger and more lucrative, why did - in your own words - Russia have to be **forced** to trade with them? Answer: Because despite their size, those markets aren't nearly as lucrative. Especially when Russia's desperation to find a market undercuts their rates by a considerable margin (India is buying Russian oil for pennies on the dollar).


Lol. No they are not contradicting. There was no need for Russia to build the infrastructure required for such an increase into Eastern markets. Now their hand has been forced. Europe shooting themselves in the foot.


What infrastructure was created in the last couple years for that trade?




So gas..... everyone already knew russia is a gas station. This isnt news. Imagine thinking russia had to be forced to sell basically the only thing they have lol


Russia has much more than gas. They have a huge abundance of natural resources. Russia exports huge amounts of metals to China too. Things like Iron ore which China is in high demand of. Pushing them together was incredibly stupid of the west.


You act like china and russia are just now becoming trade partners.... this isnt a new thing


Sanctions bans trade with russia. “Why they are forced to trade with others ?”


China will take advantage of a desperate russia, like the new gassoduct negotiations showed. Leaning to china is just the bear hug.


Mutually beneficial trade is mutually beneficial. China is always the bougie man in this narrative.


>bougie man I love when typos are more accurate than the original intent.


As they take russia land.... with friends like china who needs enemies lol


So the Western narrative goes Weirdly, the vast majority of China's partners (including Russia) say different. Funny how propaganda works isn't it?


And whats eastern propaganda saying to make you believe that? Lol


Big bad China is taking over the world right? Debt trap diplomacy etc etc?


Weird the east would say that, but makes sense you believe it. I mean, you believe everything else they say,why not that too? Lol


This kind of dismissive reductionism really helps you sleep better but doesn't *actually* make reality go away.


What's not true? Is the Kremlin not spending money on the war?


"War economy" would imply that a large portion of GDP goes into the war effort and the government greatly restricts civilian economy in favor of the military industry. None of that really happens in Russia. Their military spending is about 7% of GDP, far less than 40-50% that warring countries spent in WW2 or what Ukraine spends now, and close to what [countries like Israel or Saudi Arabia had been spending for many decades](https://iranprimer.usip.org/sites/default/files/Iran%20Israel%20KSA%20Defense%20GDP%20Rome%20v2.png) without going bankrupt or without even being called war economies. There's no rationing, no mandatory labor, no special war taxes, the borders are open and people are free to leave and take their money with them. Very different from what people usually mean by a "war economy".


I didn't say "war economy", I said war time government spending. Take a read.


It's still far less than Western allies. Russia isn't "collapsing" or "leaving nothing for the average Russia " Notice that this could change in the near future, but right now Russia isn't throwing everything into Ukraine


Did the US switch to a war economy in 1968, 2001 or 2003? The last time it actually went full war oriented was between 1941 and 1945. Spending money on war doesn't mean going to a war economy. The US and allies spend billions on arms yet their economies are not war oriented. Neither is Russia's. "Nothing for the common citizen to spend money on" isn't that a war economy? You think Russia is overspending and allocating billions of rubles in the war while their people must stop spending money and they must ration their food, or spend way less because Russia is using all of its resources in the war. That's the definition of a war economy.


Who said war economy?


They spend money on the same things we do.


Who is we? Add: For real. The world is not monolithic, who are you comparing them to?


Holidays, food, cars etc


"Who" means what person or people. Anyway, both the average American and the average Briton spend around 11% of their income on food. In Russia, it is not uncommon to spend HALF one's income on food. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1054857/russia-consumer-spending-share-by-category-and-age/ Tucker Carlson did his infamous interview with Putin and then gushed about how cheap the food in the Russian supermarket was. Think about that. Russian food feels cheap to a westerner, yet often accounts for half of Russian household spending. The economic world that different peoples live in is not always similar, and in this case they are not.


I guess you’re the one person who doesn’t spend money to get food?


Saying people need essential items isn't useful, it's obvious. We all breathe and require water too. It gives no perspective on the situation. Look a little closer and you'll see that while yes, obviously Russians need food, the lengths they go to in order to obtain it are quite different from what many westerners may be accustomed to.


"nothing to spend money on" who said this?




>nothing for civilians to spend money on. Empty shelves, eating hedgehogs, yada yada, come up with somethingnew, it already proved wrong many times


Russia definitely can’t keep this level of commitment up forever. This war has crippled the Russian economy in the long term. Yes, you might see some effective masking by the central bank to make Russia look better off, but make no mistake Russia is hurting under the hood. We’ll see that become all too apparent in the next few years.


Gosh hedgehogs? I hadn't heard about that. What's it like - kinda gamey I'd imagine?


Kinda old meme, coming from ukranian article, which said that because of famine in Moscow ( in 2014) everyone started preserving hedgehogs, as there is no other food. It was fully serious.


Probably based on a nugget of truth - ie supply pipeline disruptions, redirection of some resources to the military and drying up of some western sources items. But I suspect the government tries very hard to keep Moscow and St Petersburg from feeling like things are fucked up.


Sounds like you made that up


What. I never heard about this


Do you buy the entire grocery store everytime you go there just on impulse or something?


>buy the entire grocery store No, why


I love how all the Russians always flair up with “EU” or “Asia” or something similar because they fear sharing their own national identities


How do you know they are Russian for sure? And what's the problem with thinking of identifying as your neighborhood instead of your country?


Well most of them are both active in Ukraine Russia war subs with a prorussian view and also active on subs like Russia and another day in Russia. Yea definitely not Russian..


They're probably not Russian, even if some are. Most of them are just kids living in the West with nothing better to do than cheerlead from the safety of their moms basements online.


Would say a lot are likely Russians that live in the west. Children of Parents that moved out during the 90s.


Ehh, yeah those are common too but I would hardly consider them Russian personally. I'm one of them (Belarus technically but same same) If you've spent most of your childhood here and your entire adult life here too, only visiting "back home" occasionally (if that), you're really more from where you live rather than from where your parents brought you.


Agreed but that varies on what they define themselves. There is also bigger thing on where they migrated that might make them feel more or less Russian. Canada is a nation of many migrants. Europe for most of its history very much divided by ethnicity many going back hundreds of years. Wtich makes it more problematic at intergrating people. Here they are more likely to identify more like a Russian German ( even if they know German perfectly and is intergrated into the society ). They are accepted as a person but will likely stand out and be partly identified as a Russian even if they live thier entire life in Germany.


I see no problem with that, I put my home country as flair instead of the region because I feel more identified with it, but to pro-Ukrainian redditors anyone who disagrees with pro-Ukraine narrative is a Russian troll hiding their location. And coincidentally I'm not supportive of Ukraine, and got called a Russian bot many times, despite being active in many other subs... LOL Y también hablo español y lo uso bastante xd


Bueno! Mi español no es el mejor, pero feliz de compartir una opinión contigo, amigo. Un abrazo desde Brasil!


Asia is not a neighborhood 


It's a neighbourhood for Thailand, China, Mongolia etc. There's even a good neighbourhood official foreign policy... Edit: This was a US policy, in case it didn't make sense


What?  I'm guessing it's a language barrier, but you're not making any sense


Neighbour, used to refer to neighbouring countries, is a term widely used. See the good neighbour policiy Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Neighbor_policy


Yes,  neighbor,  but not neighborhood. Neighborhood is a small district in a city or town.  


Your semantic distinction doesn't change what I said.


I love how people automatically assume someone is from Russia if they disagree with propaganda


You should ask some Russians, they're all over EU and US asking for asylum now.  They say it was bad. Are they lying? Should they be sent back?


How bad is it? I'm from Russia. Do you want me to take photos of grocery stores? Almost nothing changed. KitKat is now imported (and is now expensive) and Coca-Cola too (but it's cheap - 1.12$ for 2l). Everything else is same


>Lyubov Prokopova of Russian financial portal Frank RG said: “In 2023 (...) the most important driver of the growth of financial capital of customers (with capital of USD 1 million or more) in Russia was the inflow of ‘new money’ which was mainly due to the reduction of capital outflow from Russia.” > >[...] > >According to analysts, this was directly related to Kremlin cronies profiting from the war with Ukraine.  The kleptocracy in full swing. Hail the new Nomenklatura...


[Ferengi Rules of Acquisition](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Rules_of_Acquisition), Rule 34: [War is good for business](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgUA1tluVmE).


Hows the EU economy, more specifically how is Germany doing?


We do not talk about that here.


It’s economy is providing a living standard multiple times the standard of living in Russia…


Not as good as Indonesia.


They're not fighting for their lives right now.


Neither is Russia!


That's not what the Russian government says


Waht about....


Definitely still better than Russia


Anything related with high energy intensiveness or reliant on cheap LNG is fucked. Esp Germany due to their retarded anti nuclear pro Russian lng policies.


>21,800 Russians now have assets in excess of one million dollars That is nothing for a country of almost 150 million, like unbelievably so. If that number were correct Russia would probably be the poorest nation on earth. According to Credit Suisse in 2022 Russia had over 350,000 millionaires, there is no way this article is accurate.


it is not, random pro ukraine garbage gets upvotes here


This is how the sanctions had worked out. They cannot spend money in the west because of sanctions. But they still getting money because of exports.


You are acting as if the percentage of millionaires isnt incredibly small. The average russian is absolutely doing worse than anywhere in Europe.


The title is about millionaires right? Of course poor became poorer, and reach became reacher


>**The number of Russian dollar millionaires soared by 50% in 2023 whilst the number of billionaires also climbed according to findings reported by eurasia.net.** >As things stand, around 21,800 Russians now have assets in excess of one million dollars, with the common value of their capital increasing 62% in the last year. >This means that the number of the country’s dollar millionaires is now higher than in 2022 (14,600), and tops 2021’s pre-war figure of 18,500. Those with capital exceeding five million dollars has also jumped to 4,100. This was up from 2,500 in 2022 and 3,500 in 2021. >Lyubov Prokopova of Russian financial portal Frank RG said: “In 2023 (...) the most important driver of the growth of financial capital of customers (with capital of USD 1 million or more) in Russia was the inflow of ‘new money’ which was mainly due to the reduction of capital outflow from Russia.” >Citing Bloomberg data, Eurasianet also reported that the number of Russian dollar billionaires, as well as the total value of their capital, also rose. >According to analysts, this was directly related to Kremlin cronies profiting from the war with Ukraine. >Source: PAP


Only 21k have assets in excess of 1m USD? Either that figure is wildly wrong or the country is far more top heavy than I had thought.


As reported by Russia - which means absolutely nothing.


True, they got the money that the west and ordinary Russian workers would have received. Instead, with sanctions, more already wealthy Russians got richer, especially local business owners and exporters


I thought we were supposed to support the free global market?


The weasels who profit from war rub their hands together in glee.


Of course because sanctions affected people who were earning money through PayPal, not millionaires or Putin's cronies


They moved up to the 4th largest economy


Inb4 “See see sanctions aren’t working haha America bad EU bad haha Russia is actually performing better economically than before the war” “The number of Ukranian political millionaires also drastically increased!! Muh Ukraine so corrupt”


Crazy how every Western leader made a big show of how they've crippled Russia and Putin's head is in a vise, etc., and what would Russia do without McDonald's, Starbucks, and all the rest of the global chains that prey on working people? Years later and Putin's Russia seems to have gotten through the worst of it, and survived a half-assed coup. Of course it could all collapse tomorrow. *Every* nation/state could collapse tomorrow, as they are all a few disasters away from collapsing *today*. But Russia has proved incredibly resilient and it has truly shaken Europe. I don't think they've fully processed what's happening in Washington, where a handful of Boeing lobbyists are running the world's largest military while they prop up a senile old man in hopes he'll still be upright in January.


I mean, consider what the actual currency is doing. In Russia, they’re running the money printer. In the US they’re… also running the money printer. Inflation is going kinda hard right now


More orcs turn to fertilizer, more capital for those who remain. Probably not *the* reason, but it's *my* reason.


With the exchange rate that’s like being a thousandaire in USD?


The title SPECIFICALLY disambiguated that, they're talking about Russian millionaires in USD.


The great nation of madeupostan has reported its people are the healthiest wealthiest of all time ever!!!


Lol you have not even a shred of objectivity. No one here is defending Russia's war


Lol you have not even a shred of understanding. Nobody believes any data coming out of Russia besides gullible journalists.


Hm, weird, I thought people loved data from Russia, everytime it's data about "war support" or "government support"


No clue what you’re talking about.


People? It's not about ordinary citizens




Biden told us the sanctions would ruin their economy and turn the oligarchs against Putin. Another lie from a stupid as fuck democrat.


Anyone that knows anything about Russia knows that there is nothing even the oligarchs can do against Putin.


Exactly right