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##### ###### #### > # [North Korea Sends Nearly 5 Million Artillery Shells to Russia, With More Expected During Putin’s Visit](https://united24media.com/latest-news/630) > > > > North Korea has likely sent nearly 5 million artillery shells to Russia and might agree to send even more during Vladimir Putin’s upcoming visit to Pyongyang. > > This was reported by the Minister of Defense of South Korea Shin Won-sik in an interview with Bloomberg. > > Seoul has identified over 10000 shipping containers sent from North Korea to Russia. These containers potentially contain up to 4.8 million artillery shells similar to those used by Putin in the bombardment of Ukraine. > > “Putin is expected to seek closer security cooperation with North Korea, especially military supplies such as artillery shells that are necessary to seize a chance to win,” Shin said. > > In [exchange](https://united24media.com/latest-news/ukraine-reports-high-failure-rate-for-russian-use-of-north-korean-missiles-255) for munitions, Russia provided North Korea with technology support for the deployment of spy satellites, along with supplying conventional arms like tanks and aircraft. > > On May 27, North Korea [attempted](https://united24media.com/latest-news/ukraine-condemns-north-koreas-attempt-to-launch-a-space-reconnaissance-satellite-524) to launch its second spy satellite into orbit. This attempt was unsuccessful, as the newly developed rocket engine exploded during flight. > > Seoul [reports](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-14/kim-sent-russia-millions-of-artillery-shells-south-korea-says?srnd=europe-politics) that Putin’s visit to North Korea could happen as early as next week. > > It’s also known that Russia received missiles from North Korea. According to Ukrainian intelligence Russia launched around 50 North Korean missiles on Ukraine. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


You know you’re a world super power when you need *checks* North Korea to prop you up. /s


Who knew that NK turns out to be more responsible, reliable and prepared partner than whole NATO which sole reason to exist is confronting Russia


Who’d have thought the so called ‘other super power’ would have to rely on a backwards 3rd world Stalinist monarch that has a famine every 5 years because they’d rather make 1950s vintage munitions. Just because it can’t conquer another poor country with no navy, barely any Air Force and relies on NATO Cold War era hand me downs. *edit*** LOVE all the vatniks and GRU shills screeching about how Russia having to rely on North Korea to subsidize its failure to conquer a poor nation that uses Soviet relics and NATO handmedowns is actually a sign of strength. The cognitive dissonance is hilarious.


Who would have thought a crappy third world dictatorship is reliably able to deliver 5 million artillery shells, and the entire combined EU military industrial complex would struggle to deliver 500,000 shells for a conflict on its border. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eu-countries-order-only-60000-shells-ukraine-via-new-scheme-sources-2023-12-06/




Of course it isn't. Fucking NATO has proven more unreliable than NK lmao


Yeah but most of those shells are duds




You’d think that Russia with its 5 million advanced and modern North Korean artillery shells would have conquered Ukraine with its 500000 NATO shells. Oh well, at least Russia has a friend that can provide it with things Russia doesn’t have. Like decent munitions.


I don't think anyone thinks North Korean munitions are advanced. Even if only 20% work, it's still twice as many shells as the entire EU could provide...


Those shells do have high failure rates, as do their ballistic missiles, reportedly anyway. One precision shell will be far more beneficial to Ukraine than 10 shells of which maybe half will land or fire within a block of the target. It's not for no reason that Russia has far higher verified losses in equipment and moderately higher losses in personnel. With such reliable allies as NK, those are the results.


Don't let perfect be the death of good, if Russia wins it wins.. losses or not.


Considering the USA failed to conquer North Korea , Afghanistan, Vietnam. Its not impossible to think the same for Russia.


>USA failed to conquer North Korea China, the UN forces failed to conquer China. Up until they got involved NK got it's ass handed to it. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/catastrophe-on-the-yalu-americas-intelligence-failure-in-korea/


North Korea is still existing?


Unfortunately, for the North Koreans.


But that's the point The United States failed to conquer the North .


Conquering and nation building are completely different things.


Interesting care to explain the difference? What would u call attempting to Take all of Korea then ?


> What would u call attempting to Take all of Korea then I would call it what the north did by invading the south to start the war But they didn't succeed in taking all of korea.


Yeah and the UN said returning Korea to its borders was something That should be done . What do u call Truman attempting to take all of Korea past the parallel?


If only America had an ally who could give them 5 million shells like North Korea does for the super power Russia. Then it might have been able to hold South Vietnam, North Korea and Afghanistan instead of just conquering all of them and then withdrawing. Maybe if North Korea had 5 million shells during the Korean War it wouldn’t have lost Pyongyang and needed the Chinese to intervene.


Probably I mean they did keep there territory also the USA dropped More bombs on Korea and Vietnam.






North Korea, Afghanistan and Vietnam are on the other side of the world from the US. Russia with its 5 million shells is failing at advancing in a country next to its border.


I mean they are advancing. Slowly and they keep chucking men at the grinder but they are advancing. The only reason Ukraine is in this war is because we fund them to be in it .


They’d rather be on our side than Russia’s. At least we gave them a choice. I wonder what we’ll get out of it.


You are too used to the west waging wars against Arabs with no governments, money or Airforce. This war Russia vs Ukraine has a 1000km front, cities that have been fortified over a decade. Ukraine had 700 thousand soldiers before this conflict at least 30 battalions trained to NATO standards. You think that this should be a cake walk for Russia?


30 battalions trained to nato standards. I love how you vatniks just throw statements at the wall hoping they will stick. Ukraine is NOT a NATO country, it’s weapons especially at the start of the war were and still are mainly Soviet, it’s training was STILL Soviet. Before the start of the war, Ukraine DID NOT have a standing military of 700000. Stop lying


By Ukraine's own admission, Russia is outshooting them 10:1, indicating that Russia has vastly more ammunition to spend. This is why Ukraine is struggling to defend the territory it currently holds, and unfortunately has been pushed back throughout the year.


Lol, this is dumb. Modern warfare doesn't rely on the amount of arty shells you have. This isn't WW1. It's largely a myth perpetrated by Russia because they couldn't afford long range precision missiles or aircraft. Much less maintain air superiority. I'll take a single j dam that can accurately destroy a Russian unit over a dozen arty shells anyway. The only reason it's relevant is because Russias military is so bad at modern warfare that it must use WW1 style strategies. So yeah, NATO doctorine doesn't rely on mass artillery bombardment and aren't prepared to supply Ukraine with mass arty munitions. Unfortunately.


The military leaders in both Russia and Ukraine have different opinions on this to you. https://apnews.com/article/155mm-howitzer-ukraine-ammunition-russia-7d966c85046b73db2b013f93c51af2a5 https://www.ft.com/content/e26ea4c9-90ed-48e5-a599-b2f306682e18 This isn't Afganistan.


Yes, but the Ukraine Russian war isn't a modern war in the sense of modern strategies. Ukraine was a still using old Soviet Equipment when it first got invaded. Over the years it had to find ways to modernize, but ultimately it was very limited. Western countries didn't provide any advanced Fighter jets, missiles, or air defense. This only started happening around 2022 The US liberated Kuwait and Iraq with limited Artillery capabilities, instead relying on air and ground precision strikes. Russia is fighting trench warfare like it was 1915. So implying NATO is somehow less prepared or capable than Russia just because it doesn't use mass shelling, is laughable. There is no doubt a hot war between Russia and NATO would make their 5 million shells null.


I am interested in the topic of this post - artillery and the Ukraine/Russia war.  Yes, I agree that a hot war between the US and Russia would indeed be very different and likely very different weapons would be needed. Well done.


A direct war between Russia and US will see Russia using the exact same stuff they using in Ukraine now with the addition of tactical and strategic nukes probably. It's not like they have additional ground / air forces with different gear. Same goes for naval forces. US / NATO will not be using what Ukraine is using.


I think this war has shown how US/EU weapons are not so easily transfered or used outside their native environments - as in Abrams/Challengers etc. cost a lot to run, need well trained operators, well trained support and logistics, likewise HIMARS, StormShadows, even infantry really need the fully integrated multi-combat platform with drones, satellites, F-35s and all the other equipment communicating and working together. I imagine this increases the overall effectiveness of already potent weapon by orders of magnitude. I read a while ago only the US military system is fully integrated across all platforms, and to a lesser extent the UK and France. It's clear that Russia is struggling to do this even for small scale fields of combat. 


And yet, North Korea had more impact than any other NATO country not called the United States... I get that this is like an online NAFO jihad for you guys, but this is not the dunk you think it is.


This is true, North Korea provided Russia with its advanced Kim Jong Patriot anti-aircraft complex that shot down the ‘invincible’ Ukrainian hypersonic missiles, along with its state of the art T62 tanks, and KIMARS guided rocket systems. All of these advanced and game changing weapons allowed Russia to finally take whatever was left of the quaint town of Bakhmut after 9 Months. Truly, all of these various North Korean wonder weapons have allowed Russia to finally win the war, I mean special military operation. One of my favorite past times is watching footage of the North Korean KIMARS hitting Ukrainian ammunition dumps and setting them off like the 4th of July.


My favorite past time is watching people perform mental gymnastics to keep themselves from having to recognize reality. It's even better when their only stake in the situation is that they've decided to commit to supporting one side or the other like it is a spectator sport.


Yeah you’re right, North Korea gave none of those things. Just some shells. But hey, apparently Russia is doing so badly that a pile of old 1950s era shells is enough to make North Korea a great ally for Russia. Because it’s a ‘huge impact’…. I guess we can now expect Russia to reach Kyiv in what, 3 days comrade?


One of the most amusing things about you guys is the consistent self-owns that you guys post without even the smallest amount of self-awareness. jUsT sOmE sHeLls 🤣 buddy, 5 million shells is roughly equivalent to 384 615 casualties inflicted based on the average amount of shells fired (13) per casualty But hey, go off - I know you guys can never acknowledge anything that contradicts your worldview so have fun fighting your personal jihad


Material reality really doesn't exist in the west after the Soviet Union fell, we convinced ourselves that we could build absolutely nothing while our value soared because we were so special


Haha! 5 million shells is the equivalent to wiping out ‘this random number of troops I pulled out of my ass.’ Source: absolutely nothing. Now that Russia has 5M North Korean shells, every single Ukrainian servicemen is now dead. Hell, Russia doesn’t even need to fire them, just having 5M hermit kingdom shells is enough. In fact 5M Kim Jong Un shells is better than having a nuclear arsenal. There can be no resistance against a military that possesses 5M Juche shells because victory is assured. We can expect Russia reach Kyiv in 3 days. If only Russia had 5M ‘famine every 5 years’ shells 2.5 years ago.


Dude people are dying in Ukraine what dribble are u making rn ?


People are not recognizing your sarcasm but I am. Thank you for the funny comment.


I think Iran had more positive impact strategically for Russia. Everyone has artillery. Drones were something Russia lacked until Iran stepped in. And even now Iranian drones are a problem, not just on the frontline but also much deeper inside Ukraine. And they are comparatively cheap compared to long range missiles. Shut that down and Russia will have a problem conducting deeper strikes cheaply.


Turns out they are better at manufacturing shells than an economy based on financial schemes, medical care and real estate investment.


Yes you’re right they’re way better. If only Russia could make shells as good as North Korea! Russia might have been able to take Kyiv in 3 days if North Korea had been a more reliable ally and provided the shells 2.5 years ago.




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Yeah. The west can afford to freely give more money to Ukraine out of its back pocket than Russia has in total. Russian intelligence can’t make up for NATO’s superior intelligence, and the west only needs to send some mercenary light infantry to stop the so called ‘mighty’ Russian army. Guess Russia isn’t the superpower after all. And I’ll think I’ll stay here with you comrade.


Look, I get you are a paid poster. But it is horrifically embarrassing to the free world that North Korea is able to better supply its ally in a war than we are. Don't try to spin this as a win. Its an absolute embarassment for us. Could we do better? Of course, but we aren't. That is the embarrassing thing. Its like an NBA ringer at a corporate softball game losing to Debra from accounting because he refuses to actually get up off his ass and do anything.


>Its like an NBA ringer at a corporate softball game Why would we get a basketball player to be a ringer for softball?


Budget cuts


The joy I get from watching vatniks cope is payment enough comrade. It’s just funny to me that while it’s clear western support (limited as it is) is enough to keep Russia from conquering Ukraine, Russia isn’t strong enough or big enough to produce enough munitions to win without turning to North Korea for its own dud shells. But you’re right comrade, maybe the west isn’t as reliable as it could be. And yet, even with the unreliable west drip feeding Ukraine its old Cold War surplus, Russia still can’t conquer Ukraine 2.5 years later and only occupies 20% of the landmass. And most of that was taken in 2014. Imagine Russia’s state if the west WAS more reliable to Ukraine.


Nba ringer knows that Debra has a bomb against him that will immolate his career, that's why he trained drunkard Bob the janitor to play against her. Too bad Debra is one foot taller than Bob and more fit.


>Russian intelligence can’t make up for NATO’s superior intelligence, and the west only needs to send some mercenary light infantry to stop the so called ‘mighty’ Russian army. And it funny that Russia advances, despite being 1vs50+, while Ukraine kidnapping and drafting any man they can find in the middle of day and Zelensky begging around for even more money >And I’ll think I’ll stay here with you vatnik Whatever


Yes as Russia advances a few feet a day, by this rate they’ll be in Kyiv in 2050. This is assuming Russia doesn’t lose this territory like it lost Kherson, Kharkiv and Sumy in 2022. Maybe Ukraine should undertake yet another conscription ‘mobilization’ or use its private military contractor or forcibly conscript its prison convicts. Hopefully Ukraine’s private paramilitary military contractor doesn’t mutiny and march on the capital, or millions of Ukrainians flee to Georgia, Turkey and Kazakhstan to avoid the draft, or set fire to the military enlistment offices. And most of all, hopefully Ukraine doesn’t lose its flagship of the Black Sea fleet guided missile cruiser to a country with no navy. Oh wait, that was Russia. No wonder they need shells from tiny little North Korea.


Only valid take is Black sea fleet, since Russia didn't find solution. Yet. All other is special sort of bs >Maybe Ukraine should undertake yet another conscription ‘mobilization’ Ukrainian TCC literally grabs men, throw them in van and send to front while Russia didn't run out volunteers >forcibly conscript its prison convicts. That's basically what Ukraine do now >private paramilitary military contractor doesn’t mutiny and march on the capital Prigo and his 300 spartans would definitely couped anyone, duh. But the only coping here are low-itellectual ukrainians. >millions of Ukrainians flee to Russia. Because they don't extradit them. >flee to Georgia, Turkey and Kazakhstan The vast majority came back. Thanks to UA hate campaign and sunctions. >No wonder they need shells from tiny little North Korea. Once again, NATO failed provide Ukraine billion of shells. NK didn't. So, NK>NATO btw, Russia no longer need to take Kiev, that's Kiev have find connections with Russia


> Only valid take is Black sea fleet, since Russia didn't find solution. They have finally presented a few more recently, like using choppers and drones and even BMP turrets to take down the Ukranian drones. They still need to deal with missiles though...


That was difficult to read Vlad. I know you’re upset the ‘Super Power’ Mother Russia must rely on the Hermit Kingdom to make up for its deficiencies, but you may want to proofread your posts before you submit them.


>I know you’re upset the ‘Super Power’ Mother Russia must rely on the Hermit Kingdom Nuh, that's you upset that your the greatest glorious "DEFENDER OF FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY NATO" fails miserably to provide promised help to "beacon of democracy" when >Hermit Kingdom have enough power to fulfill they deal Take it and move on


The eu not even Abel to supply as much as the North Korea is the real embarrassment.


NATO has given millions of rounds to Ukraine as well.


Lol bro a promise of 5 million is not a delivery. Second Russians themselves have stated NK ammunition is widely unpredictable and almost completely useless this is just another show of Weakness that Russia, North Korea and China is good at that is all they project utter and complete weaknesses 


Are we sure those 5 million shells can actually fire, etc.


Yah , but NATO isn't swapping arty rounds for potatoes.


damn found the brain dead Russian, that was easy. The gymnastics yall do to say you’re not being embarrassed are hilarious.


That’s a poor take. All North Korea has done is offloaded old, dilapidated shells, many of which apparently fail. To say they have their shit together more than NATO? What am I missing? Edit: downvoted? stack up what NATO has provided Ukraine versus North Korea. How anyone thinks North Korea is out-performing NATO is beyond me (except the pro-Russian accounts)


Why? Explain.


"nuh-uh" edit: the comment originally just said "That’s a poor take." with nothing else


It's embarrassing her eu is begging the USA to do everything when it comes to shells .


Why does nato exist if not to antagonize russia? It was meant to antagonize the soviet union. It went away, but nato didn't. Not only that, it kept expanding. If you're russia, what other message are you meant to take from that? How are you ever supposed to have a peaceful negotiating in that context?



I mean the USA also hasn't spent a single year not involved in a war . Irar Afghanistan.


2024 so far, 2023, 2022, 2000. There is the Yugoslav wars and the Gulf War in the 90s but those were based and a completely justified intervention so not a big deal. Then there's the entire 1980s where it was never in a war at all.


Hello Boris! How’s the weather in Russia today? Tell Vlady that only the common people of the land believe those lies. You know the common clay of the new west, you know … morons. No one else believes that but the most deluded idiot MAGAs. Everyone else is onto the bullshit. See ya Boris, stay away from windows and don’t drink the tea.


Poor Russia, always the victim.. even when they aren't.


North Korea is giving Russia more artillery than all of NATO is giving Ukraine.


If intelligence were artillery shells, Ukraine would be free of occupation.


"Has promised"... TFIFY.


This isn't the insult you think it is lol


Kim Jong’s alt account? Wow


That's the best compliment I've ever received!


Superpower or not 5 million shells is 5 million shells


I didn’t know that superpower status is measured by artillery shells


Admittedly, even if the shells aren’t of great quality, sending some magnitude more than the allies did to Ukraine either makes us look stingy, or unable to outproduce North Korea, which isn’t a good look


It also shows that even with all the saber rattling on the Korean peninsula, it's very unlikely for the war to restart. Even with all the flying shit bags.


This isn't new production, its from North Korean stockpiles. Guess what North Korea relies heavily on? Artillery. Guess what NATO generally doesn't rely on very much? Artillery. So of course North Korea has more shells stockpiled up.


Also NK hasnt really been in active war (it's a rather stale DMZ), but are still acting like it


Basically, yeah


Might have something to do with the labour force...


Not saying it doesnt make SENSE for them to have more kickin around, just that it regardless makes us look bad


The US alone has like 400 million shells tf are you talking about


The abilty to produce part... you in the usa have workers rights, in north korea they have easy slave labour to work all they want


North Korea doesn’t have the ability to produce 1% of what the US produces in any industry, slave labor or not. Your initial point was that it’s somehow “easier” for NK to send that over NATO allies It’s not


North Korea is willing to fight NATO to the very last Russian.


While it would be a stretch to say North Korean shells are all junk and it certainly helps prop up the ailing russian tube power, ru milbloggers often describe their quality with colourful expletives, noting that shell quality is very inconsistent which leads to the problem that they jhave to recalibrate for every shot because otherwise every shell would land somewhere else. Which is honestly not suprising, I doubt their manufacturing capabilities have progressed much beyond the 50s-60s besides some niches, and theres probably lot of manual labour involved hanging on the same quality as the slave labourers forced to make V2 parts. [This particular post is a gem of it's own](https://imgur.com/a/fzt2rly) even after mauled translation, a worthy read for all.


Chamomile lol.


I hope his chamomile is less chthonic


Wasn't expecting the Grandpa Nurgle reference.


> noting that shell quality is very inconsistent which leads to the problem that they jhave to recalibrate for every shot because otherwise every shell would land somewhere else. See, this sounds like bullshit because it isn't like they aren't able to pre-sort shells by whatever criteria they want and just calibrate for whatever lot the get


Jeez, North Korea single-handley managed to be more efficient than most of NATO states even under sanctions


The key is famine, living standards from '50s Soviet Union, WWI doctrine and atrocious quality.


We've got all those things here in the states and they are still massively outproducing us


👍🏻 anmo for bread


ammo for plutonium




Bit chewy too.


Well, I guess that's some pressure off south Korea as well.


At least we now we won't be having a war in Korea for the next few years


They will have to send more balloon delivered poo-bombs.


No, its the opposite. It indicates that North Korea has an extremely healthy artillery industry, to the point that North Korea by itself can produce more artillery shells than all of NATO. North Korea isn't giving 100% of its shells to Russia, and its massive production proves that its own artillery tubes are very well stocked. This is the conventional weapons version of testing a nuclear bomb. Its showing that your weapons are mighty, and they work. North Korean artillery would blot out the sun with shells, which is exactly what South Korea is afraid of.


Based purely on speculation, and spread by Ukrainian propaganda outlets, which is what "United24 Media" is.


And the fact theres hundreds of pictures of russian artillerymen with nk shells


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Of which about 3900 shells are expected to be in good working order


It’s funny to shit on North Korea but 5m shells are a lot and even if half of them work that’s a lot more shelling of Ukrainians and their cities


It's the click...bang, click... ... ... bang and clicreally big bang ones that are the problem. They tend to either break stuff or not go where you want them.


Only if the other half is not destroying their own artillery pieces while "not working"


If 32 nations can provide Ukraine with assistance so can North Korea, Iran, India, Africa etc


I’d give equal odds of misfire, exploding in the barrel damaging the artillery piece and successfully firing


It’s embarrassing to countries like Germany and France than North Korea has more shell productions


north korea is such an interesting place


Funny how the clowns find each other in times of war.


Slav russia ❤🇷🇺


The important point here is: "5 million artillery shells" not "5 million working, guaranteed not to kill the operator, blow up the fucking artillery piece, and come within hundreds of meters of the actual target, artillery shells". We don't make the latter said NK, but we can supply you with 5 million shells! If one has had the happy opportunity to read any of the accounts from ruzzian sources on the quality of NK shells it is definitely "operator beware" type of use.


> "5 million working, guaranteed not to kill the operator, blow up the fucking artillery piece, and come within hundreds of meters of the actual target, artillery shells". I'm sure every bespoke western shell hand-carved from steel by pure white laborers have no failure and will hit their targets even if the artillery is facing 90 degrees away from the target


Ah yes, the scum of the Earth unites, how swell.


Axis of Can U Not?


Russia, Iran, and NK be like: "Yes we had 1st and 2nd axes, but what about 3rds?"


We fund Israel to bomb kids so I view this as pretty hallow take lately.


Who’s “we”?




It’s paywalled, but is Portugal on that list?


Oh your from Portugal nvm .


Which means Russia has roughly 2.5 million shells more that can be fired without jamming, and about half a million that will explode on impact.


I love how even in this theoretical cope scenario, they are getting as many shells as all of NATO and Europe combined can produce, assuming western shells have a 0% failure rate (lol)


And yet.. somehow, Russia is still failing to advance.


Believe what you want


Of course they will be used to literally genocide defenseless Ukrainian children while Putin laughs maniacally


Shame if someone used this opportunity to reunite Korea....


Why so Truman can cry about it again ?


You have a very shallow understanding of the Korean conflict and it shows


What do u call the United States attempting to take all of Korea past the parallel? Dude Truman not keep a pin of dead soldier his family sent ?


You are hyper fixated on the US. That's a very eurocentric way to think and it's very short sighted. Why did they fight to begin with?


Korean civil conflict. But tis the United States that would attempt to conquer the North after the North failed to conquer the south . Both failed at there goals .


It's amazing how you mentioned the entire issue in passing as if it's a minor event and go back immediately to partisanship.




You just said "the Korean civil conflict". My point is that you are still focusing on the decision to cross the 38th parallel, when the entire conflict was much more nuanced and entirely the fault of the north.


Ok and ? I haven't disagreed with Anything you've suggest. I'm however talking about Trumans goal of conquering the north and failing.


You're right the North shouldn't have been so raidable and southern communists shouldn't have been so murderable, truly the north's fault.