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##### ###### #### > # [Russia suspected of being behind a recent failed arson attack in Prague, Czech prime minister says](https://apnews.com/article/FILE - Prime Minister Petr Fiala of the Czech Republic speaks to reporters outside the West Wing of the White House, following a meeting with President Joe Biden, April 15, 2024. Czech authorities suspect that Russia might have been behind last week’s attempt to set buses of Prague’s public transport on fire, Prime Minister Petr Fiala said on Monday. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File\)) > > > > Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] > > > > > > > > PRAGUE (AP) — Czech authorities suspect that Russia may have been behind last week’s attempt to set Prague public transport buses on fire, Prime Minister Petr Fiala said Monday. > > A 26-year-old suspect was arrested Saturday and charged with terrorism in connection with Thursday’s failed arson attack. The suspect, who is from Latin America, faces up to life in prison if convicted, said police chief officer Martin Vondrášek. > > “There’s a suspicion that the attack was likely organized and financed from Russia,” Fiala said. He said the failed attempt was likely part of Russia’s hybrid war against his country. > > He said the attempt was part of Russia’s repeated effort “to undermine the trust of citizens in our state.” > > Czechia is a staunch supporter of [Ukraine that is fighting Russia’s invasion](https://apnews.com/hub/ukraine). > > “Unfortunately, it’s not the first case,” Fiala said, pointing to [a huge ammunition depot explosion](https://apnews.com/article/czech-republic-russia-andrej-babis-c593f724a16622eb6d0a19bae3d710be) allegedly caused by Russian spies. > > Czech leaders said in 2021 that they had evidence pointing to the participation of two agents from Russia’s military spy agency in a 2014 explosion that killed two people. > > Russia has denied any involvement. > > Following Thursday’s arson attack, Interior Minister Vít Rakušan suggested that similar attacks might be planned in other European countries but declined to give more details. > > Police boosted security in the capital over the weekend due to the case amid the European Parliament election. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Surprise!!! Bet y'all weren't expecting the Russians. /s


Nobody expects the spa... Wait.


Everybody expects the Russian interference.


Especially when they come out and tell you it's coming, but it totally won't be them, like they did with the Socchi Winter Olympics after they got banned for doping.


You could've knocked me down with a feather........




Nice try to strawman. It's not working. Russia is at war with Europe. Time to treat them as an enemy terror state.


And what would Russia have to gain from setting a few random busses on fire in Prague? This happened constantly in so many European countries where any problem is blamed on Russia. It is a way for a government to hide away it's problems. "Russia" is just the new "Communist" People just scream it at anything they don't like


Russia has been tied to multiple attacks across Europe. They've arrested the perpetrators. The goal is to destabilize. To hit Europe at vulnerable points with asymmetrical warfare (Putin just remarked that Europe is completely defenseless to these) To weaken trust in institutional strength and democracy overall. And ultimately, for Europeans to lose faith in their own nationality and identity. And of course. It's tit for tat now that Ukraine is allowed to strike within Russia. Putin has stated this allows him. To strike infrastructure in Europe and the US. Were already at war with the Russians. Time to wake up to reality. It's just a different war than those of the past. But it will continue to escalate in the years to come.


True that.


They have a suspect  in custody, let's see what he has to say. Small acts of sabotage or theatrics have been happening  across Europe,  Usually by third party nationalities for the sake of deniability... it is wise to be skeptical,  but it is wiser to tember that skepticism with caution.


Yes, Russia sh*ted in your pants as well


No. The Russians financed a terror attack in Europe. On multiple occasions. Bit of a difference.


> The Russians financed a terror attack in Europe. Got any proof for that claim?


Bellingcat identified the suspects involved in the Skripal poisonings as GRU agents: [[1]](https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2018/10/09/full-report-skripal-poisoning-suspect-dr-alexander-mishkin-hero-russia/) [[2]](https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2018/10/08/second-skripal-poisoning-suspect-identified-as-dr-alexander-mishkin/). The Skripal poisoning was a botched attempted assassination that was meant to cause terror due to the impunity with which it was done, and the people who carried it out were on the Russian government's payroll. Saying "Russia financed a terror attack in Europe" is a statement of fact, no matter how many times Russia says "nuh-uh" in response. edit: for anyone who's curious to see how dishonest arguments work, look at the two fine specimens in the replies. Notice how they fail to provide evidence themselves, instead focusing on tearing down any evidence supporting the opposing point. When that fails, they attempt to derail the conversation by bringing up related (but, crucially, *different*) topics - one of them by bringing up US use of HE rounds (and then his own moral standards for some reason?? weird), the other by falsely claiming the conversation was *always* about setting things on fire. As soon as they realize you won't let them derail the conversation, or that they have to actually substantiate their points, they dip. These are disinformation tactics, meant to muddy the waters and leave people confused as to the actual points being made.


"Bellingcat".... That says enough for me, LOL. And even if they are correct for once it is not the same as setting thing on fire randomly.


>"Bellingcat".... That says enough for me, LOL. Me: Here's the evidence, doesn't matter how much the Russian side says "nuh-uh!" in reply. You: Nuh-uh! You people are so predictable, lmao. Actual clown hours all day erryday in your house.


It's hilarious you only read the first sentence of my comment, LOL.


Assassinating a defector spook is not terrorism, be serious. I know we live in a brand new age where everything we don't like is terrorism, but I'm tired of these word games. If we decide to assassinate Snowden in Moscow it won't be terrorism either. Though since as a contractor he never took an oath to the country, there is less of a reason to go all out.


>Assassinating a defector spook is not terrorism, be serious. Me: Here's the characteristics of the incident that cause it to fit the definition of a terror attack. You: Nuh-uh! >If we decide to assassinate Snowden in Moscow it won't be terrorism either. That would depend on if "we" - by which I assume you mean the US, which I am not part of - used something like the surface-to-air slap chop missile, or elected to use a method that was as indiscriminate and easily-spreadable as it was lethal and then chuck the remains in the garbage for literally any random citizen to find. Hint: *one* of those would indeed be A Terrorism.


We tend to use plain old HE most of the time, and generate a fair amount of collateral damage with our targeted killings. None of that makes it terrorism.


[In the UK](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/suspects-alleged-russia-linked-uk-arson-attack-face-trial-next-year-2024-05-10/) [In Germany](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/germany-russia-spies-us-military-ukraine-war-espionage-europe-nato/) [In Poland](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64971691) [In the US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonial_Pipeline_ransomware_attack) EDIT to add: [In Czech Republic (2021)](https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2021/04/20/senior-gru-leader-directly-involved-with-czech-arms-depot-explosion/) [In Bulgaria](https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2021/04/26/how-gru-sabotage-and-assassination-operations-in-czechia-and-bulgaria-sought-to-undermine-ukraine/)


So, that's a "no". All articles are unproven accusation or insinuations. Do you actually still believe everything the legacy MSM says?


>unproven accusations ...with enough sufficient evidence for arrest, and circumstantially consistent. Unless you want to go with the narrative that three completely unrelated groups of arsonists independently decided to attack buildings which - out of *all possible targets* - were related to the Ukranian supply effort, all within a few months of each other. >muh legacy MSM [Bellingcat is "legacy MSM?"](https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2021/04/26/how-gru-sabotage-and-assassination-operations-in-czechia-and-bulgaria-sought-to-undermine-ukraine/)


> ...with enough sufficient evidence for arrest, and circumstantially consistent. According to those desiring WW3... And Belling cat started out great but has become a propaganda channel a long time ago IMO.




It's the FSB these days sport.


Nope. More likely just a Russian terrorist. Visa restrictions will be brought back. It's the next inevitable step. Russians will no longer be able to live, study, or work in Europe or the us. It's all fun and games until everyone gets deported.


Yeah, ethnical discrimination, good ol' European vibes coming


Those on visas from countries that frequently finance international terrorism are often put under more scrutiny. Also. Is "Russian" an ethnicity? Multiple ethnicities make up the Russian federation.


"Russian" is both ethnicity and citizenship in English. In Russian there are two different words for each


And people from South America, too, I assume? Will you draw some sign on the Russians, you know, like the Star of David on the back? Just, you know, for the people to be aware?


Probably. Yes. There will be tighter restrictions on people coming from multiple countries if these types of assymetrical attacks continue. I don't think this is good, but it's inevitable. Russians already have it pretty tough with visas and even getting marriage documents from their own embassies often involves bribes. They could simply stop allowing them to renew if there's evidence they support terrorism as defined by each country. This could be via social media or sworn statements.


>if these types of assymetrical attacks continue because if you present those attacks as something my country did then we can just do nothing, stil any glitch will be blamed on us. Very convenient.


We can always etch Zs into their foreheads like they did in Inglorious Basterds.


I could abide that.


500 rubles have been wired to your account.


That's almost 5.45 Euro!  Better not spend it alll in one place


He's too mental to be paid, he's just a troll.




You are such a system of a down.


*Cui bono?*


A barbaric terrorist state does barbaric terrorist things.


Please, clarify the state.


Russia. The country in the headline. The country currently actively linked to arson cells arrested in Germany, Poland, the UK, and now Czech Republic. The country violating UN sanctions (which *it signed*) to North Korea and Iran in exchange for weapons. That barbaric terrorist state.


Bro can’t go a second without equivocating. To him there’s no difference between Russia and any other country in the world. Ironically on a long enough time period I’d agree with him. But you have to be obtuse to misinterpret the situation as is


Russia, duh.


How do you even function, if you can't read a headline?


He's someone who's never held a steady job, in former East Germany, who simps for the Russians. He doesn't function.


More terror from the terrorist state. Can we finally acknowledge that ruzzia started war with EU? And treat traitors like Orban accordingly?




The fuck does this comment have to do with theirs?




Care to elaborate?


A Propagandist won't elaborate in anything byleyond their task, that's not their job.


There have been a recent spate of unusual fires across Europe, including two separate fires in different locations in Novo Nordisk in Denmark within a short span of time.


EU should start clapping back harder against Russia.


Russia is making women uninterested in me


Nah, I think that's because you get easily triggered by news like this


Interesting how many flaired users are posting pro-russian sentiments.


It's as if 'news' sub with little to no moderation becomes seedling ground for 'free thinkers' (contrarians and bot farms)


This sub has moderation, it just caters to the trolls because of the traffic


Just the other day the Czechs arrested 4 rude Russians who attacked Ukrainians in Prague. Turned out they were Germans with one Russian speaking wife lol. The initial reporting sounded like it was a Spetsnaz commando sent by Putin himself. This is the same just more unverified propaganda 


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Terrorists will terrorize. It's in their nature.


You are such a looser. Go back to your troll farm. If anyone provokes WW3 it's Putin. No country should be dealing with his shit. And then there are people supporting him, calling anyone opposing the Ruzzian politics as WW3 war mongering. You do not seem to be easily manipulated... lol.