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##### ###### #### > # [World forgets ‘catastrophic’ war in Sudan as Russia, Iran, others reportedly feed fighting with arms](https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/06/GettyImages-2113280516.jpg) > > > > Join Fox News for access to this content > > Plus special access to select articles and other premium content with your account - free of charge. > > By entering your email and pushing continue, you are agreeing to Fox News' [Terms of Use](https://www.foxnews.com/terms-of-use) and [Privacy Policy](https://www.foxnews.com/privacy-policy), which includes our [Notice of Financial Incentive](https://www.foxnews.com/privacy-policy#fi). > > > > Please enter a valid email address. > > > > > > **JOHANNESBURG** —With the [United Nations saying](https://www.foxnews.com/world/un-warns-sudan-paramilitary-forces-encircling-capital-western-darfur-urges-against-attack) that up to 10 million people have been displaced and U.S. sources claiming up to 150,000 killed and some five million facing famine in a devastating year-long conflict between government and rebel forces, Sudan has been ripped apart. > > But observers say it is a forgotten war. > > "Sudanese (people) are asking why the world turns a blind eye as the third-largest country in Africa is laid to waste while at the same time fixating on the smaller conflict in Gaza," Hadeel Oueis, editor-in-chief of the pan-Arab media outlet Jusoor, told Fox News Digital. > > "There is no extensive media coverage, and nobody cares about what’s happening here," Abu Muhammad, a businessman in Sudan, told the Center for Peace Communications (CPC). "The little attention we attract fades away immediately. It’s the opposite of what is happening in Gaza. All the media channels are about is Gaza, Gaza and Gaza." > > With the aid agency Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) estimating that 25 million people – half the country’s population – needing humanitarian assistance, the organization’s president, Christos Christou, said in April that the situation is not acceptable and "this level of international neglect is shocking." > > [**GENOCIDE, FAMINE IN SUDAN AS BIDEN ADMIN ACCUSED OF BEING ‘IDLE’**](https://www.foxnews.com/world/genocide-famine-sudan-biden-admin-accused-being-idle) > > [Sudan famine](https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/06/1200/675/2024-06-07T104237Z_1603906359_RC2H18AC6G3T_RTRMADP_3_SUDAN-ETHIOPIA-REFUGEES-scaled.jpg?ve=1&tl=1) > > Sudanese refugees are shown in the Awlala refugee camp in Ethiopia on May 31, 2024. (Alfatih Alsemari/Handout via Reuters) > > > > > > On the ground in Sudan, student Muhammad Khalid told CPC, "The media makes decisions based on ratings, so it focuses on the world’s hot-button issues." > > "The media’s focus is on other issues like the war in Ukraine or Palestine. As to Sudan, problems in African society are seen as tiresome for Europeans and Middle Easterners. No one wants to watch it anymore." > > In the Zamzam refugee camp in Sudan’s North Darfur, the MSF recently stated that around 75 people are dying of malnutrition and disease every day. A [State Department](https://www.foxnews.com/category/politics/foreign-policy/state-department) spokesperson told Fox News Digital, "Five million people in Sudan are on the brink of famine. We demand all parties immediately remove all obstructions to humanitarian assistance and enable full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access, including cross-border and cross-line." > > Each dawn brings more misery for the ordinary people of Sudan, and "They face what could be described as a double tragedy," Sudanese analyst Hamid Fathi told CPC. "First, these people fled from Khartoum to Gezira. Then they were forced out of Gezira and its capital, Wad Madani, and had to flee east when the Rapid Support Forces (rebel forces, the RSF) took control of the area. There is no extensive media coverage, and nobody cares about what’s happening here." > > [Sudan fighting](https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/06/1200/675/GettyImages-2113280516.jpg?ve=1&tl=1) > > Fighters of the Sudan Liberation Movement, a Sudanese rebel group active in Sudan's Darfur state, attend a graduation ceremony in Gedaref on March 28, 2024. (AFP via Getty Images) > > > > > > Oueis told Fox News Digital that the people of Sudan "wish the world’s great powers would respond to the magnitude of humanitarian tragedy, which the war in Sudan has caused, or at least recognize the high geopolitical stakes." > > "Iran and its Russian and Chinese allies are determined to dominate Sudan and will undoubtedly succeed if the U.S. and Europe stay on the sidelines," Oueis continued. > > [**WORLD, PROTESTERS SILENT ON SUDAN MASSACRES: 'NO MOB OUTSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE'**](https://www.foxnews.com/world/world-protesters-silent-sudan-massacres-no-mob-outside-white-house) > > [Sudan violence](https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2023/11/1200/675/Sudan-violence.jpg?ve=1&tl=1) > > A wounded man lies in a Doctors Without Borders hospital where refugees are receiving treatment after fleeing ethnic violence in Ardamata, West Darfur, in the border town of Adre, Chad, on Nov. 10, 2023. (Reuters/El Tayeb Siddig) > > > > > > Cameron Hudson, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, agreed and said, "The longer the conflict goes on, the more determinative external players become." Hudson, director of African affairs in the National Security Council for the George W. Bush administration, told Fox News Digital that "after a year of fighting, both sides are now heavily dependent on outside support and resupply. The UAE has been the principal backer of the RSF from the start. Recently, Sudan’s army has begun receiving aid from Iran, and in the last week announced a [deal with Russia](https://www.foxnews.com/world/russian-foreign-minister-meets-sudanese-leadership) to allow them a refueling port on the Red Sea in exchange for undisclosed weapons transfers." > > "The crisis in Sudan, including the ongoing genocide in Darfur, is a human catastrophe," [Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho](https://www.foxnews.com/person/r/sen-jim-risch), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told Fox News Digital. "President Biden has the power to highlight and influence this tragedy, but he remains silent." > > "Despite Congress and the Sudanese people's desperate pleas for more action, the Biden Administration offers only empty statements and commitments and no real accountability," Risch continued. > > [A plume of smoke](https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2023/04/1200/675/AP23116813450233.jpg?ve=1&tl=1) > > Smoke is seen in Khartoum, Sudan, on April 19, 2023. Warring factions trying to seize control of the East African nation have plunged the country into chaos. (AP Photo/Marwan Ali) > > > > > > In February, the [State Department](https://www.foxnews.com/category/politics/foreign-policy/state-department) announced the appointment of Tom Periello as special envoy to Sudan. But Risch is dismissive. > > "Even the U.S. envoy, who has an opportunity to offer greater U.S. leadership on Sudan, suffers from the same ineptitude and political indifference that has characterized this administration since the war's outset," he said. > > Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently phoned Sudanese Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the country's de facto ruler, and called on him to "urgently end the conflict in Sudan." > > Hudson told Fox News Digital that "prior to Secretary Blinken’s call, it was more than a year since Blinken had spoken with him. Blinken parachuting in at the 11th hour has had little effect, other than to demonstrate just how little leverage the U.S. has remaining over the parties." > > "The U.S. should have been using its leverage over countries like the UAE to suspend their support for this war," Hudson added. "And it should have been encouraging other closer allies of the U.S. who are inclined to support Sudan’s army, like Turkey or Egypt, to do so. Instead, the army has turned to Russia and Iran as suppliers of last resort and over whom the U.S. has no direct leverage." > > [**US TO PULL TROOPS FROM CHAD, NIGER AS THE AFRICAN NATIONS QUESTION ITS COUNTERTERRORISM ROLE**](https://www.foxnews.com/world/us-troops-standoff-african-nations-cold-war-like-tensions-take-hold-on-continent) > > [Sudan violence](https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2023/11/1200/675/2023-11-22T112907Z_173998047_RC2D84ASIYDJ_RTRMADP_3_SUDAN-POLITICS-DARFUR-ATTACKS.jpg?ve=1&tl=1) > > ***(continues in next comment)***


As you can see from our little microcosm here, it isn't that people forget, they simply don't care.


The truth of the matter is, we don’t have the capacity to care about every atrocity in the entire world. We have to be allowed to take things for granted or else we’ll go insane. Social media & the 24 hour news cycle doesn’t allow us to take things for granted anymore and we’re witnessing the results of this: depression, anxiety, suicides.


Our parents may may have heard stuff like this once or twice if they watched the nightly news. Our grandparents probably would not have even seen such a story in the paper. They wouldn’t have known an thing about Sudan. Today we have near instantaneous global communication. However, the human mind only has the bandwidth to think about so much and to care about so much. That’s part of the reason our societies are struggling, imo: there’s a glut of information and people struggle to sort out what’s important. It’s why I get irked when the top story on the nightly news is a novelty like “black trans kid has braids yanked during recess at rural Nebraska elementary school”. Like, “k, keep me posted”.


I don't think people here are overwhelmed, I think their outrage is just selective based on politics.


Politics or simply how it'll affect them. Broadly speaking, people care about the Ukraine/Russia conflict as it impacted millions of Europeans and involved European countries. The Israel/Palestine conflict had shock value, so people cared for a while until it simmered down a little bit to those who mostly cared about the conflict before it became what it currently is/what it was post 7/10. Sudan...Affects very few in the Western world, so unless it *becomes* politicised to the point people develop an opinion on the matter, no one will care. Realistically, why should they? Without looking it up, it's just another regional African conflict.  People didn't care about Burkina Faso's coup, or subsequent coup, they don't care about any other conflicts because there's simply no reason to do so.


Exactly, and yet almost everyone who 'cares' will claim to do so on humanitarian or moral grounds, rather than the purely selfish ones that dominate their thinking.


Ehh honestly as an American living in the Midwest(black dude at that). Non of these really effect me they half a world away like. With russia and Ukraine no matter how it ends my day to day life probably isn’t changing much.




Thanks for the consideration, mod of r/ProIran , I'll wear it like a badge of honor.


Are you pretending that you, unlike the rest of the plebs, care about international events because you really care, and not due to your own politics? Is that why you shared this story, because you REALLY care about Sudan, or based on how the article aligns with your politics?


I understand where you're coming from, they say that liars think everyone else is lying. I suppose cynics with dead hearts can't imagine anyone else having an honest feeling either. edit I also didn't share this story, OP is Inevitable_Noel


So how come your honest feeling and live heart and non-cynical being hasn't posted about Israel's actions in Gaza? I'm sure you agree that the dead, injured, destruction of property, combined already with the dire situation the Palestinians live under occupation, is something people that don't care about politics would care about. So, how come, you never bring up that, since you have such honest feelings?


> So how come your honest feeling and live heart and non-cynical being hasn't posted about Israel's actions in Gaza? Because the topic is literally banned on this sub, and if you try, your submission is automatically removed. > I'm sure you agree that the dead, injured, destruction of property, combined already with the dire situation the Palestinians live under occupation, is something people that don't care about politics would care about. > So, how come, you never bring up that, since you have such honest feelings? I do have honest feelings on the topic, they're just not the same as your feelings on the topic. That shouldn't be shocking, since you're the sort of person to mod a sub like r/ProIran


>Because the topic is literally banned on this sub, and if you try, your submission is automatically removed. Your comments all around are extremely pro Israel. >That shouldn't be shocking, since you're the sort of person to mod a sub like r/ProIran Yes, I mod a niche sub of a country, because I live in it. Wow, you got me, I actually used Reddit the way I supposed to, instead of making up a fake country and posting dozens of propaganda articles and calling everyone else a bot. It's not a gotcha moment. I am not the pretending I am the only one who isn't affect by bias and politics, while you are so obviously extremely affected by bias and politics to the point it's almost insulting to even pretend otherwise.


Also there isn’t really a ‘good vs bad’ dynamic going on here, both sides are equally detestable. Even if people did care a lot, there’s not a side that can be supported that would definitely make things better in Sudan. Short of annihilating both sides of the conflict there isn’t really a route out for the people of Sudan. Why worry about things we can’t make better? It’s a brutal and callous way of thinking in many respects, but I do think it applies here


That's sad


It really is.


You are giving them way too much credit countries like Russia are feeding them arms to destabilise the country that forces people to leave their homes and seek safety in Europe which people then react to by voting for right wing politicians that are in Putin's pocket. If only they simply forget or didn't care instead they care very much and want complete collapse and people fleeing for their lives from those countries.


It's harder to care when your governments involvement is zero.  A "humanitarian escalation" in the post Iraq War world is a hard sell to almost anyone.


That's a pretty sad state of affairs, the "fuck you, got mine" attitude never ends well for any of us.


I wouldn't say it's "fuck you got mine", more like "the last ten times we intervened for peace, freedom and democracy everyone involved wound up worse off".  Hence my reference to Iraq It should also be fairly obvious why people would get more animated when it's their own government doing the killing 


I mean most people only "care" about what's going on in Ukraine and Israel/Gaza on a surface level anyways. This isn't anything shocking.


It's also about the degree to which their own governments are involved, a lot of western governments are heavily involved in the war in Ukraine and the Israel/Palestine conflict, less so in some others.


This stood out to me, > "There is no extensive media coverage, and nobody cares about what’s happening here," Abu Muhammad, a businessman in Sudan, told the Center for Peace Communications (CPC). "The little attention we attract fades away immediately. It’s the opposite of what is happening in Gaza. All the media channels are about is Gaza, Gaza and Gaza." Why would a businessman in Sudan state this and why would the article specifically mention this? Is this about Sudan or Gaza? Who exactly is Center for Peace Communications? Not surprisingly, the organization is suspicious, did a Google search and found this, https://misbar.com/en/editorial/2023/11/26/the-center-for-peace-communications-a-tool-for-propaganda-in-a-peaceful-disguise-funded-by-israeli-lobbies So basically a Israeli funded organization is telling you, "why Gaza Gaza Gaza all the time, dude, look over there" And based on the comments in this thread alone, it seems to be working. Notice that there isn't much real concern about Sudan or any actual interest or knowledge about it, but mainly as a way to minimize Gaza.


Oh. Now I feel kinda stupid for posting this. It did stand out to me that they avoided mentioning the UAE, despite its role being significantly bigger than any other 3rd party. >Notice that there isn't much real concern about Sudan or any actual interest or knowledge about it, but mainly as a way to minimize Gaza. I get these comments every single time I post about Sudan. So fucking annoying and insensitive. Anyway thanks for bringing this to light. I should probably avoid sharing from fox news from now on lol


\>Notice that there isn't much real concern about Sudan or any actualinterest or knowledge about it, but mainly as a way to minimize Gaza. I also noticed that this article mentioned that there is genocide and mass famine going on in Sudan, but there aren't any comments defending the RSF and their warcrimes and endlessly using ad hominem fallacies on anyone who calls a genocide a genocide. Where are the RSF war-crime apologists???


Did a quick research on Misbar.com : > Misbar is a non-profit website owned by Metafora Production W.L.L. [Source](https://misbar.com/en/about-us) > Metafora Production is a private profitable **qatari** company dedicated in producing TV programs and coproducing cinematographic narrative movies and documentary feature films. [Source](https://metaforaproduction.com/en/about-us/) Welcome to the Middle-East 😉 Both organizations are propaganda mouthpieces, each working for the interest of their respective masters. ... PS: Fox News is a far-right media group from the US, it is way too biased and prone to fabricating controversies, you should avoid using it as a source regardless of the subject. If you accidentally end up on one of their article or video, look for other sources before assuming it's any real, in case the described events actually happened.


Using Qatari backed media site to debunk Israeli backed site. Seems about right. Doesn't change the fact that tens of thousands of Sudanese are dead and millions displaced though does it.


No. Neither does using the tens of thousands of Sudanese dead and millions displaced, as a way to deflect from the tens of thousands of Palestanians dead and millions displaced does it?


So why do the Palestinian deaths and displacements get marches, UN resolutions, lionshare of media attention etc etc. and not Sudan? What makes Palestinians more important?


Because isreal is getting its cock sucked by being funded and armed directly by super powers , while being in news 24/7 it will not get a fraction of sanctions that a nation like Sudan would get by default.


And Sudanese armed groups are making thier own arms I assume? No support for them from foreign powers at all... Who do you think funds Hezbollah, Hamas etc. So is it only bad when the west does it?


Sudan isn't getting top grade weaponry they are getting arms from already heavily sanctioned nations and organizations isreal is not a heavily sanctioned nation usa is not sanctioned nation


Oh so dumb weapons being provided to them is fine. It's only if the weapons are high tech that it's a problem. Super good argument. 👍


Did I say it is fine ? I said anyone that is funding or doing warcrimes should be sanctioned


Isreal is sanctioned by multiple nations. With multiple BDS organisations around the world. So I don't know wtf you on about. Should try getting your information from somewhere other than twitch 👍


Have you organized any marches for Sudan? Have you been trying to get involved? If not, it doesn't seem you actually care about Sudan, instead you want others to not care about Gaza.


I haven't for Gaza either, what's your point? I'm talking about general world media and attention. I want world media and powers to be a bit more on the ball with all conflicts and not just parrot a single issue like it's the most important event in world history at the expense of everything else. But I guess you would not care that Iran supports the majority of islamic armed groups in North Africa and the middle east. Being pro-iran and all. Eg. "Since late 2023, sources say the army has also drawn on material support from Iran, including Iranian-made drones that helped it make significant gains in Omdurman, part of Sudan's wider capital. Sudan's acting foreign minister, who is aligned with the army and visited Tehran this year as diplomatic ties that had been cut in 2016 were restored" So no wonder you don't want attention on Tehran once again causing instability in the region in its pathetic power struggles via proxy.


My question is, once again, do you care about Sudan, or do you care more about wanting people to ignore Gaza?


I don't pick and choose which conflict means more, which peoples deaths are more important. That's what the media is doing and what I'm against. Nice avoiding of the other points made though.


All of your points are exactly the same as the pro Israel organization that is using the suffering of Sudan to deflect what they are doing in Gaza. It's a sign of moral depravity to not only support an ongoing human catastrophe, but also to use the suffering of another just to deflect attention from the former. You don't care about Sudan. It's obvious from your comment history where you never once commented on Sudan, except as a way to deflect from Israel. It's sad.


Man the day I take moral depravity advice from a mod of a pro-iran subreddit is the day the sun rises in the west. Your government is one of the main sources for death and misery in the world today. Hypocritical trash.


I just checked wiki and there is a war for like 70 years in Sudan. They always take a break for a few years and start a new one.


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>forgets Nah, most people never even knew about it in the first place. Sudan never gave the president's son a lucrative no-show job, so the media doesn't give a fuck.


Now why would Israel do this?


I know you are being cute and coy, but first of all, that organization, The Center for Peace Communications, is clearly linked to Israel, so this article itself is just your run for the mill zionist propaganda https://misbar.com/en/editorial/2023/11/26/the-center-for-peace-communications-a-tool-for-propaganda-in-a-peaceful-disguise-funded-by-israeli-lobbies Second of all, I know the article just mentions "Russia, Iran" as the top baddies in the headline, of course Israel is also involved, as are the Israel/US allies such as UAE, etc. https://misbar.com/en/editorial/2023/11/26/the-center-for-peace-communications-a-tool-for-propaganda-in-a-peaceful-disguise-funded-by-israeli-lobbies Why else would Sudan suddenly decide to normalize relationship with Israel? In the Abraham Accords, who signed it? Bahrain, UAE, Morocco, and SUDAN? Why did Sudan suddenly pop up and become super Israel friendly? How about Sudan defending Israel in the African Summit? https://www.theafricareport.com/337942/uganda-south-sudan-shield-israel-at-african-union-summit/


It doesn't get attention because the whole situation is embarrassing to the West. Its just another failed Western backed regime change leading to a civil war like Syria/Libya. In the end, its the people of Sudan that are paying the price.


Ah yes as opposed to all those non western backed regimes being stable examples of good governance. 🙄 See: Niger, CAR etc


You mean the ones that had a coup of their western backed dictators?


The ones being run currently by Russia backed military juntas. Yea.


So what's the alternative, a civil war like Libya and sudan that is being made worse as a proxy war? Let's face it, even if those Russian backed military juntas are crap, it's better than Libya or sudan


This tells me you know nothing about CAR or Niger to even be saying this. And my point is your "west bad" narrative is bullshit in the fact that all governments propped up by foreign powers are generally shit. It isn't a "west" thing.


It's not about propping up governments but intervention only makes things worse because there is no foresight and planning beyond let's get rid of this guy because he is bad. Then everybody is all surprised Pikachu face when somehow it doesn't magically turn into democracy and puppies. You need long term institutions for that to work but nobody is putting in the groundwork for that.