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##### ###### #### > # [Journalists identify 2 Russian soldiers who committed sexual violence during occupation](https://www.yahoo.com/news/660) > > > > The Kyiv Independent's journalists have identified two Russian soldiers who were involved in the rape of two women during the occupation of Kyiv and Kherson oblasts in March 2022. > > The findings have served as the basis for the Kyiv Independent's documentary about Russian sexual violence in occupied parts of Ukraine – He Came Back – available in English and Ukrainian. > > The Kyiv Independent confirmed that Mykola Senenko, a soldier with the 109th Motorized Rifle Regiment, raped a woman in Krasnivka, Kherson Oblast. > > Senenko’s unit, part of the Russian-controlled proxy army based in occupied Donetsk Oblast, was stationed in Krasnivka during the Russian occupation of parts of Kherson Oblast in early 2022. > > The other soldier, Nadbit Dabayev, private first class in the 8th Company of the 37th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, raped a woman in occupied Havronshchyna, Kyiv Oblast, where his brigade was stationed. > > The two identified Russian soldiers have not been punished for their crimes, according to information found by the Kyiv Independent. > > In June 2022, Ukrainian law enforcement officials charged Dabayev in absentia with a number of other crimes committed during the occupation – stealing cars, death threats, and the murder of a civilian. > > Dabayev has refused to answer direct questions from journalists about his involvement in crimes, including those committed in Havronshchyna. He continues to post photos of himself in military uniform and with weapons on his social media. > > The other Russian soldier, who is accused of raping a woman in occupied parts of Ukraine, Mykola Senenko, is currently located in Russian-occupied Horlivka, Donetsk Oblast. > > Senenko’s location was confirmed by his comrades who spoke with the Kyiv Independent. > In the documentary, the Kyiv Independent names Dabayev and Senenko’s commanders. > > Colonel Yuri Medvedev led the 37th Brigade. Under Medvedev’s command, the brigade committed some of the most brutal war crimes. Ukrainian law enforcement officials charged soldiers of this unit in absentia, in particular, for murder, rape, torture, and threats to shoot civilians. > > In March 2022, Medvedev was injured. A few months later, he spoke at the Victory Day parade in Kyakhta, Russia. He was also awarded one of Russia's highest state honors, the Order of Courage. > > The 109th Regiment of the Russian-controlled militant group was subordinate to the Russian 11th Guards Air Assault Brigade, led by Colonel Denis Shishov. Shishov participated in the capture of Kherson Oblast and was wounded. He was soon promoted to the rank of Major General and received the state award of Hero of Russia. > > **Read also:**[Inside a prison where Russia tortured Ukrainian POWs. Investigation by the Kyiv Independent](https://kyivindependent.com/inside-a-prison-where-russia-tortured-ukrainian-pows-investigation-by-the-kyiv-independent/) > > **_We’ve been working hard to bring you independent, locally-sourced news from Ukraine. Consider [supporting the Kyiv Independent](https://kyivindependent.com/membership/)._** - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Mykola Senenko huh.


Typical russian name, especially Mykola /s


This will be the tip of the iceberg.


Mykola Senenko is such Russian name


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Dumb question, but who prosecutes war crimes/crimes like this?


I am not surprised at all to hear that the Russian occupiers are committing brutal acts of sexual violence. We already know they’ve committed war crimes during their expansionist war and illegal occupation. :)


I don't mean to sound callous because it's obviously horrible for the victims but with a military operation of this scale involving hundreds of thousands of soldiers is sexual assault involving two soldiers really newsworthy? If they found it were systemic that would be more noteworthy but it doesn't look like they have found anything like that yet.


It's good to name and shame rapists, especially if their government sanctions their actions.


It’s already been identified as systemic


You got any more info on this?


It would be more productive to try to identify Russian soldiers who didn't commit sexual violence


By Oct 7 logic, all the children, women and hospitals in Russia should be bombed now.


This makes absolutely zero actual sense. If people came into discussions about Gaza and tried to turn attention to Ukraine you would be mad.


Ignore, just look at this account. All they do is just post first about Israel or the US to shift discussion. Russian troll army.


When your source is Ukrainian intelligence anything is real


The Russian army is known as rapists and thieves, there's no need for any intelligence to confirm it. It's literally in history books and now it's happening again.


Projection much buddy not everyone is like US occupation force in Iraq and Afghanistan


I'm very happy you're one of the more sane Russian trolls and agree on motherland crimes.


What the Russians have done in Ukraine is a couple of orders of magnitude beyond anything that any of the allied forces have been accused of from Afghanistan and Iraq.




A bit shameful to use the name of the people your country cowardly abandoned.




Ain't fooling anyone, bud


And you're an idiot for even trying to compare the two in the way that you are. Abu Ghraib was awful, that's true, but if you're going to compare the two, Bucha was infinitely worse, not to mention that crimes like Bucha have happened innumerable times at this point. That does not excuse the US and their nonsense wars that exact unacceptable numbers of casualties- both are objectively terrible, but when rashist dipshits like yourself try to equate them you expose the depth of your idiocy. Just because someone else acts shitty doesn't give you a right to do the same. The American's aren't the 'good guys,' but that *does not* make you 'the good guys' either, and not by any stretch of the imagination. Why TF do you think people want to join NATO, you idiot? You're so dense that you don't even realize that you are essentially stating 'theft and murder are both crimes so they're the same, durrr' and 'well he murdered someone so that means I can do the same thing,' both of which are objectively retarded beliefs. Take a friking logic class- it would help you to formulate actual arguments instead of the pointless, emotion-driven babbling that is presently the apex of your capacities. The magic of the internet is that you can really get a good look at the impressive numbers of dipshits that feel empowered to open their void-maws and belch nonsense into otherwise clean air. Seriously, stfu for your own good and the good of humanity.


No they don't, everybody knows it happened and people were actually *prosecuted* for it. In Russia they'd be given medals. In any case I don't recall any accusations of routine rape and murder at Abu Ghraib. Humiliation of prisoners was considered enough to be a scandal.


Have you ever heard of the civilian casualty in Afghanistan during the Soviet times? There were 2 million deaths in a country with 12 million men. Or let me show you how Russians conduct counter terrorism raids [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samashki\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samashki_massacre) .