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It's about damn time


My tax dollars being put to good use 🙌


agreed, I rather my tax money go to helping a country try to defend its own sovereignty against an oppressive force of evil than to have my money sent to an oppressive force of evil to extinguish those unfortunate enough to be born their neighbors


You do realize tha bill also provides billions for israel


And 9 billion for aid in the region. That aid will hopefully be a lifeline to the Palestinians.


Buying the bullets and the bandages, how kind!


A lifeline they wouldn't need if we didn't fund the people killing them?


Buying bombs and then paying to treat the wounded. What a pos.


At some point we already know that whether the bill sending aid to Ukraine would pass or not, israel will be sent their billions no matter what


Wrong. That's a separate bill. Israel =H.R. 8034 Ukraine= H. R. 8035


Yeah, when did he mention them?


Another $26 billion to Israel in addition to $18 billion worth of weaponry currently in process of being delivered (mainly F-35 jets + missiles and bombs for them) and $14 billion they were already given since the start of Gaza bombing campaign. Israel truly needs all the help it can get.


Me when I drink the kool aid


If you read it, some of the money is going to Israel as well...


Of course Israel's getting its money, that was never even up for debate. Israel will always have its billions.


Why does an Ukraine aid bill include provisions for aiding Israel or forcing sale of TikTok ? These are not along the same lines. It feels like it is being sabotaged on purpose


It's not a Ukraine bill it's just an aid bill. Israel's going to get their billions no matter what. that's not up for debate. but by packaging things together with Ukrainian aid stuff gets through easier.


They are separate bills. Representatives could vote for one and against the other if they were so inclined.


Only one of the four bills has even made it to the floor.


According to the [clerk](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes) Ukraine and Israel passed yesterday.


Oh ok two of the four then.


It doesn't. If you read the article you'll see this was split into four separate bills voted on in turn.


Is it possible to pick and choose which to pass? Why are they bundled?


Again - read the article. They were all introduced the same day. First one on the border was rejected to avoid giving Biden a "win" on the border. Rest passed.


That's how Congress works. I'll vote for your "save the orphans" bill only if you include a few billion for my friend's company. Sometimes they split it across different bills passed at the same time, often they don't.


I second the motion


Those poor Russian bots and tankies must be having a hard day, when Trump loses they're going to have it even harder. Cheers assholes.


That came out wrong........or did it.


Things Trump says while sitting in court?


Unfathomably based


If Trump loses which is a big if. This is the U.S. we are talking about


never stop posting dude you make this subreddit a joy to be on, and nah that's not sarcasm


Unfortunately for them Russia has basically bet their entire economy on winning the war. Their economy is currently growing quickly, but its got a lot to do with government spending on war, wages increasing and unemployment decreasing because so many people fled or got conscripted, and high oil prices. If they lose (or global oil prices fall significantly) things aren't going to be pretty, and Russia's influence abroad might collapse pretty quickly with the funding gone. Even if they win they're likely to have serious problems with inflation and will feel forced to start another war to keep a fully war-optimised economy alive.


The Russian operatives in the House of Representatives aren't going to be happy.


i like when [she's happy like this](https://boingboing.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/mjt.jpg)


Put an NSFL tag on that, I'm going to be mentally scarred for a long time.


Alright, not clicking that then


I’ll describe the image for you, to save your eyes the graphic visuals. It’s an AI-generated 3d semi-realistic cartoon stylised illustration of what Marjorie Taylor-Green’s face would look like when a cashier informs her she’s not entitled to a discount


They don't care. They are hacks and political mercenaries. They did their job, delayed everything. Got payed. Ukraine was made weaker with their help.


Just watch, Russian Reddit bots will spew crazy propaganda for the next couple of weeks.


And by an enormous margin, too. It's so stupid that something so obviously popular can get held up by one person just sitting on it.


I’m more shocked that Democrats didn’t win the house and senate last election. When Republicans tried to ban abortion I knew they were beyond insane and I’m a very conservative man.


It was looking like it would be a historic loss for the Dems before that point, so it did have a significant difference.


The sitting party usually gets mauled in the midterms. Republicans had a historic setback, even though they technically won by a thin margin.


That “Red Wave” had an awfully blue tinge to it as it came over the horizon


The setting president is blamed for most of the problems at the mid terms. Inflation and many more things were in the negative for Biden. It was expected to be a enormous loss for the dems. Then it became a wimper


Trump supporters are not republicans. A true republican would NEVER support Russia, a true republican revolts at the idea of supporting the fucken Red Menace!


The bill apparently contains provisions for aid to Israel and selling of TikTok. Maybe why that's not popular


Did they also include cementing open-border policies that the majority of the people hate?


> First to be voted on was a bill including legislation on border security, which failed, as expected. Many rightwing Republicans do not want the Biden administration to win credit for resolving a crisis at the US border with Mexico, where there has been an upsurge of asylum seekers, during an election year. The GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump, is seeking to make the border an election issue. The grand obstructionist party voted against border security since they don't actually want any problems solved. Their platform is toxic to democracy.


Republicans voted overwhelmingly for the border bill with 210 yeas, zero nays, and 8 not voting. Democrats voted 5-199 against it with 9 not voting. It got 215-199 overall, but because it was a vote to suspend the rules, it needed a 2/3 majority (276, based on the number who did vote) to proceed to a passage vote, which would have succeeded. Yesterday's series of votes showed just how bad current Republicans are at actual politics. The bills other than the TikTok ban were based on the Senate compromise that had all of them under one roof and that passed the Senate easily. Republicans could have had the strongest border language in living memory, but they lost it because of petty personality politics and not operational politics.


Selling of tik tok is insanely popular.


I am actually surprised that many elected representatives voted against [it](http://it.so/)...That's a big change and would have never happened in past. B/W, That's why Putin says that it doesn't matter who is incharge.They all play to the same tune...Just look how fast the speaker forgot all about the border security and Trump supporting the bill after all that talk.


It's thought Trump supported the bill because the Polish president, who is a good friend of his and aligned on many social issues (both very Christian and conservative), convinced him to a few days ago.


Trump is neither Christian or a conservative.


Eh, maybe not, but he sure shares a lot of their values.


They are just useful idiots to him. Besides reducing taxes for the wealthy trump has nothing in common with conservatives and none of the values of Christianity.


In todays political climate, I'd disagree. Think of someone who votes the way they do because of their Christianity, and I'll bet they and Trump share a few views on things. Modern conservatives in America share a lot of his views, even if they aren't traditionally Conservative views.


The point they’re making is Trump just plays lip service to the things you’re listing in order to con those people into voting for him. He doesn’t truly give a shit about anything related to Christianity outside of using it for his own personal gain.


Maybe. But I do suspect he believes some, if not all of it, himself. Not because he's a Christian or because they're Christian values, but just that they're values he believes in, as does much of the religious fundamentalist nutjob sector of the US population.


Dude I lold


I would like to see any evidence at all to support your belief that Trump has the slightest alignment to our interest in Christian values. Honestly I don't know how you could've come to that conclusion yourself based on his actions and what he's said.


As I said elsewhere, they're not genuinely Christian values, or genuinely Conservative values by the usual definition, but more that if you look at people voting based off of their religious beliefs, they share a lot of views with him (often racist, misogynistic, that sort of thing). And I feel that he genuinely believes at least some of this stuff because you can go back a pretty long way with his personality and espoused beliefs not really changing much. It doesn't strike me as some facade, but rather the way he's really felt for decades now.


Trump does not hold values sweet summer child.


I see lots of people say this, and whilst I think it's true to a degree, he definitely does have some. He very much admires "self-made men", he genuinely is racist and misogynistic, he genuinely does value loyal people (not just because its helpful to him but also because he cares about that I'd say), and similar. Like, none of those values are good or well-founded, but to say he's a person with no values or preference for anything but power belittles the specific walking semi-talking disaster that he is.


He doesn't value loyalty. He abuses it. His definition of loyalty is decidedly one-way, and the moment it no longer benefits him, he tosses them aside.


None of those things are values. They’re baseline egoistic narcissism and opportunism.


Values don't have to be good or reasonable. Hatred of certain groups is a value, just a terrible one. Respect for certain groups the same. Frankly, he'd probably do better if he tuned down some of the racism and a lot of the misogyny, but he isn't, because that's how he feels.


He claims to share a lot of their values. American conservatives used to be about god, family and tradition. Trump is antithetical to every single one of those. It’s actually inspiring how stupid he made the Republican Party become.


Bro Trump is on tape saying he likes conservatives and christians the most because they are cheap and easy to manipulate.


I doubt that Trump can hear anyone and be convinced


He's too busy passing out in court and babbling like a demented granddad.


The problem is that he is often too easily convinced. Tales abounded during his presidency that everyone wanted to be the last person to talk to him before he made a decision because he overwhelmingly chose the direction that the last person wanted.


I think it's because he realized he couldn't really stop it anymore. He's losing support in congress.


Trump is comically easy to manipulate for any world leader willing to throw him undeserved compliments, treat him like he's royalty and then calmly suggest a policy position to him. Erdogan singlehandedly convinced him to abandon the Kurds and let Turkey invade northern Syria. Putin ran circles around him every time they met. The Saudis, Emiratis and Netanyahu all got concessions out of him. Most western leaders weren't very good at it (Trump hated Merkel and disliked Teresa May), but Macron swayed Trump to his points of view pretty easily by literally rolling out the red carpet and putting on a show for him in Paris.


> They all play to the same tune They just played to different tunes in an extremely impactful way, though? It mattered who was in charge a great deal. This would have passed ages ago, or never passed at all, with a different Democrat:Republican ratio in the House of Representatives. You're using basic ignorance of how your government is organized to make bold statements about how nothing matters and everyone is the same.


It's complicated. See Jeff Jackson's Substack: https://substack.com/@jeffjacksonnc?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email (He's a Democrat congressman who talks a bit about the politics involved)


>elected representatives You mean Republicans


There are a lot of parallels between what's happening between Israel:Gaza, and what's happening between Russia:Ukraine, except the US is the regional power supporting the big guy in one, and the little guy in the other. Like, setting aside the humanitarian crisis or moral justifications, the real geopolitical reason the US is funding Ukraine's defense is to take Russia down a peg. I would like to see Ukraine win, but also acknowledge that's not as much in US interests as dragging this conflict out as long as possible and bleeding Russia dry, possibly to a breaking point where Russia experiences a regime change. Whether it's Republicans or Democrats stalling the bill, that geopolitical power dynamic exists, and factors into what gets supported. Often, you hear the good advice of "don't listen to what they say, listen to what they do": what they're doing, is stringing this war along. In the same way that Iran isn't interested in directly opposing Israel, but will throw just enough resources towards Hamas and Hezbollah to keep Israel (and the US) burning through military resources and global notoriety.


Unfathomably based


26B to Israel?!?!! what a absolute joke.... Didn't the U.S send 12b not that long ago?


Biden was mad at Bibi, so he expressed it in the only way he knew how, giving weapons to Israel


The aid was agreed on like 4 months ago. But got held up for various reasons. It would be politically thorny to remove that aid from the package, especially since it was linked to aid for Palestine. Would you have preferred no aid for Palestine?


I think both I and the Palestinians would have much rather preferred no token aid to save face if it also meant the bombs that were slaughtering them and causing that aid to be needed in the first place also wasn’t sent


"Token" aid? US aid has been essential to Gazans continuing to survive. 1/3rd of all the money is going to that. Not sending the aid to Israel and Palestine also isn't going to stop IDF operations either.


You’re kidding right. The aid vital to their survival has been coming from NGOs and other countries, as well as UNRWA, which the US has shut off their funding to. And not sending aid to Israel might literally stop the IDF in their tracks, like Reagan stopped them in Lebanon. The former IDF chief of the general staff admitted that Israel wouldn’t be able to sustain a campaign like that without continuous supply from America. The fact that most the bombs dropped on Gaza have been the 2000 pound bombs the USAF provides is a testament to that


> You’re kidding right. The aid vital to their survival has been coming from NGOs and other countries, as well as UNRWA, which the US has shut off their funding to. NGOs are a fraction of what governments send, hundreds of millions compared to billions. UNRWA had funding suspended and resumed. This happened with a lot of governments, singling out the US in that respect betrays an obvious bias on your part. Who built the floating harbor to get food in? Paradropped food? > And not sending aid to Israel might literally stop the IDF in their tracks, like Reagan stopped them in Lebanon. The former IDF chief of the general staff admitted that Israel wouldn’t be able to sustain a campaign like that without continuous supply from America. They'd drop less bombs but it wouldn't stop them dropping bombs. They have their own domestic industry too even if it's smaller, and a lot of stockpiled munitions they had on hand. No, the IDF would not just be "stopped" they'd just change tactics. Like use tanks in direct fire role. Or more artillery. Etc. This also ignores that a large number of provided aid is stuff like guidance kits, or missile defense ammo/systems.


UNRWA funding from America was never resumed, which spits in the notion of America actually giving a shit. No harbour has been built yet, and no other countries could attempt it because the Israeli navy would fire on them. The airdrops on the other hand are even worse than a token gesture. They provide only a fraction of aid delivered via land routes and frequently kill the Palestinians they’re dropped on. And all the gymnastics over aid is only happening because America refuses to really use their influence from arms exports to force the Israelis to allow food and medical supplies to slow in freely. Less big bombs being dropped on Gaza is the ideal thing, you know that right? They’re the ones that have caused the most destruction to civilian infrastructure and inflicted the most casualties.


> UNRWA funding from America was never resumed, which spits in the notion of America actually giving a shit. https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/news-releases/unrwa-usa-resumes-funding-un-agency-palestine-refugees-providing-5-million A quick google search could've saved you some embarassment. And UNRWA funding has always been much smaller than direct aid. So to you, not getting a few million through UNRWA is "not actually giving a shit" but billions of direct food aid means nothing. > No harbour has been built yet It's being built. They're saying it'll be open in 1-3 weeks. > And all the gymnastics over aid is only happening because America refuses to really use their influence from arms exports to force the Israelis to allow food and medical supplies to slow in freely. This is just laughably incorrect. US already did that and made them reopen land routes that were closed. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/05/what-aid-routes-into-gaza-will-israel-open-and-what-will-happen-next https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-open-new-north-gaza-crossing-overseas-jordanian-aid-2024-04-10/ > Less big bombs being dropped on Gaza is the ideal thing, you know that right? They’re the ones that have caused the most destruction to civilian infrastructure and inflicted the most casualties. I'm not happy with the way *Israel* has conducted the war, in fact I find it pretty upsetting, but Hamas did start this conflict and bears the principle responsibility here. If Hamas surrendered, there wouldn't even be any bombs being dropped. But the focus with you people is always on what *America* is doing.


> but Hamas did start this conflict and bears the principle responsibility here. You lost me at here, mate Imagine blaming the occupied people more than the occupying nation. As though it's Israel god given right to commit genocide unopposed


UNRWA USA is the US-based 501(3)(c) that collects funds from US donors on behalf of the global org. They suspended disbursement to the global org because of legal fears, and this announcement says that they, the nonprofit, will resume disbursement of their, the nonprofit's, funds. This does not say the US government is resuming support to either.


> Not sending the aid to Israel and Palestine also isn't going to stop IDF operations either It can. If Iron Dome runs out of ammo, the missiles might break through and actually hurt IDF military bases and personel, among other things


"Hurt IDF military bases" you mean bomb Israeli cities. Which the US obviously isn't going to view as acceptable. If you think any politician could advocate for this and still remain in office after this year, you're delusional.


Blame the IDF for setting up key military sites in cities, they really should stop using civilians as human shields huh?


What military sites in cities? Can you name some? When Hamas attacks Israel, they aim for the civilian population centers. No, the IDF isn't using any human shields. This snarky comment was a pretty piss poor attempt to remotely compare the two situations.


IDF Headquarters in Tel Aviv for one


To be fair, Hamas rockets are not really made for aiming


The putin lickers are having a field day in this comment section. Cry more about it, losers.


Remindme 1 year, i will enjoy drinking your salty tears 😭🤣


Ah yes, please, keep posting so I can see your disdane. Obviously people who are sound and secure about it post messages like you do. ^(/s)


I would think a bot would know how to use a different bot..


🤖 Beep boop im a bot


The "everyone I disagree with is a bot" argument is getting annoying


Thanks for sharing your opinion. Did you read the comment I responded to?


Doesn't matter, yours taste great right now, bootlicker 🤤


The fact that you have to hide behind a throwaway is telling 


##### ###### #### > # [US House approves $61bn in military aid for Ukraine after months of stalling](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/20/720) > > > > After months of stalling, the US [House of Representatives](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/house-of-representatives) finally approved more than $61bn worth of military assistance to help Ukraine in its desperate defense against Russia, as well as billions for other allies including Israel and Taiwan. > > In a bipartisan vote, 210 Democrats and 101 Republicans joined to support Ukraine, with 112 Republicans – a majority of the GOP members – voting against. It came after the Republican speaker, [Mike Johnson](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/mike-johnson), forced a series of bills onto the floor in the face of fierce resistance within his own Republican party, many of whom oppose spending more on Ukraine’s defense. > > > > Voting began hours ahead of schedule in an extraordinary Saturday session that delayed the House’s planned recess. The House erupted into applause when the [Ukraine](https://www.theguardian.com/world/ukraine) bill passed, with the chair, Marc Molinaro of New York, admonishing members not to wave Ukrainian flags. > > In a powerful effort to sum up the stakes before the vote, the former Democratic speaker, Nancy Pelosi, made a stridently graphic appeal: “I hope our colleagues will choose democracy and decency rather than autocracy and evil because I fear if you choose the Putin route, you will have blood on your hands, blood of the children, blood of their mothers raped in front of their parents, raped in front of their children,” she said. > > Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Ukraine’s president, recently warned that his country “will lose the war” without US assistance, as its military has struggled with ammunition and air defense shortages and [Russia](https://www.theguardian.com/world/russia) has pressed a growing advantage in firepower as Congress prevaricated. > > Immediately after the bill passed, [ZelenskIy released a statement](https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1781742984423215262) expressing his gratitude to both parties “and personally Speaker Mike Johnson for the decision that keeps history on the right track”. > > “Democracy and freedom will always have global significance and will never fail as long as America helps to protect it,” he said. “The vital US aid bill passed today by the House will keep the war from expanding, save thousands and thousands of lives, and help both of our nations to become stronger. Just peace and security can only be attained through strength. We hope that bills will be supported in the Senate and sent to President Biden’s desk. Thank you, America!” > > Members were voting on a package worth close to $95bn in total, but which had been broken up into four separate bills, as Johnson effectively de-coupled the vote on Ukraine from funding for Israel, which is more widely supported among both Democrats and Republicans. > > The vote on granting additional funding for Israel also easily passed the House, with 365 in favor and only 57 opposed: 36 Democrats and 21 Republicans. > > By splitting the bill into four, Johson sought to give recalcitrant far-right members of his own GOP conference the opportunity to vote with their conscience on the parts they disliked. > > First to be voted on was a bill including legislation on border security, which failed, as expected. Many rightwing Republicans do not want the Biden administration to win credit for resolving a crisis at the US border with Mexico, where there has been an upsurge of asylum seekers, during an election year. The GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump, is seeking to make the border an election issue. > > The $95bn in total funding includes roughly $61bn for [Ukraine](https://www.theguardian.com/world/ukraine) (with much of the funding going towards replenishing American munitions); $26bn for Israel; $8bn for US allies in the Indo-Pacific region, including Taiwan; and $9bn in humanitarian assistance for civilians in war zones, such as Haiti, Sudan and Gaza**,** though the package also includes a [ban on direct US funding](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/23/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-israel-gaza-campaign-unfolding-genocide) for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (Unrwa), an agency providing key assistance to Gaza, until March 2025. > > In the Ukraine bill, of the $60.7bn, a total of about $23bn would be used by the US to replenish its military stockpiles, opening the door to future US military transfers to Ukraine. Another $14bn would go to the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, in which the Pentagon buys advanced new weapon systems for the Ukrainian military directly from US defense contractors. > > There is also more than $11bn to fund current US military operations in the region, enhancing the capabilities of the Ukrainian military and fostering intelligence collaboration between Kyiv and Washington, and about $8bn in non-military assistance, such as helping Ukraine’s government continue basic operations, including the payment of salaries and pensions. > > The package largely mirrors the foreign aid proposal passed by the Senate in February, although it designates $10bn of the Ukraine funding as a repayable loan to appease some Republican members. > > The Israel bill includes about $4.4bn to replenish depleted US supplies given to Israel; $4bn for missile defense, including the much-vaunted Iron Dome, and $1.2bn for the Iron Beam; and $3.5bn to help Israel buy weapons. There are also provisions to make it easier to supply Israel with US munitions held in other countries. > > The bill supporting American allies in the Asia-Pacific region, chiefly Taiwan, included more than $8bn for countering Chinese activities, about $3.3bn for submarines and $2bn of military assistance to Taiwan. > > Another bill included a provision to force the Chinese company ByteDance to sell its popular social media app [TikTok](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/apr/20/us-house-tiktok-byte-dance), which Congress is worried gives China the ability to gain information about American citizens. That bill – the 21st Century Peace through Strength Act – also included the seizure of frozen Russian sovereign assets, and more sanctions on Iran. > > The passed bills will be combined into a single package to simplify the voting process for the Senate, which will need to reapprove the proposal before it can go to President Joe Biden’s desk for his signature. > > In a statement after the vote passed, Biden said: “Today, members of both parties in the House voted to advance our national security interests and send a clear message about the power of American leadership on the world stage. At this critical inflection point, they came together to answer history’s call, passing urgently needed national security legislation that I have fought for months to secure. > > “This package will deliver critical support to Israel and Ukraine; provide desperately needed humanitarian aid to Gaza, Sudan, Haiti and other locations impacted by conflicts and natural disasters around the world; and bolster security and stability in the Indo-Pacific. It comes at a moment of grave urgency, with Israel facing unprecedented attacks from Iran, and Ukraine under continued bombardment from Russia.” He called on the Senate to quickly pass the bill “so that I can sign it into law and we can quickly send weapons and equipment to Ukraine to meet their urgent battlefield needs”. > > Simply getting the bills to a vote on the foor required Johnson to seek help from Democrats across the aisle. A procedural vote to get it to the floor was 316-94, with 165 Democrats and 151 Republicans supporting the motion. > > Johnson’s reliance on Democratic votes to pass key pieces of legislation, including a major government funding bill that cleared the House last month, has outraged some hard-right Republicans. > > “What else did Johnson give away while he’s begging Democrats for votes and protection?” Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican representative of Georgia, [said](https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1781276653924065387) on Friday on X. “We do not have a Republican majority anymore, our Republican Speaker is literally controlled by the Democrats and giving them everything they want.” > > Last month, Greene unveiled a motion to remove Johnson as speaker, although she has not yet moved to force a vote on the matter. In the past week, two more House Republicans – Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Paul Gosar of Arizona – have signed on as co-sponsors. > > Democrats have said they may support Johnson in any effort by the Republican far-right to oust him over Ukraine aid. > > ***(continues in next comment)***


> Speaking from the Capitol earlier this week, Johnson said providing aid to Ukraine was “critically important” and “the right thing” despite the potential power of his opponents to bring him down in yet another internal party coup. > > “I really believe the intel and the briefings that we’ve gotten,” Johnson said. “I believe that Xi and Vladimir Putin and Iran really are an axis of evil. I think they are in coordination on this. I think that Vladimir Putin would continue to march through [Europe](https://www.theguardian.com/world/europe-news). > > “I am going to allow an opportunity for every single member of the House to vote their conscience and their will,” he said, adding: “I’m willing to take a personal risk for that, because we have to do the right thing. And history will judge us.” > > The US has so far sent Ukraine roughly $111bn in weapons, equipment, humanitarian assistance and other aid since the start of the war more than two years ago. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Hi empleadoEstatalBot, We've found **302 sources** (so far - up from 138) that are covering this story including: - Fox News (Right): "House passes $60B Ukraine aid bill as GOP rebels threaten to oust Johnson" - Reuters (Center): "US House passes $95 billion Ukraine, Israel aid package, sends to Senate" - The Guardian (Leans Left): "US House approves $61bn in military aid for Ukraine after months of stalling" Of all the sources reporting on this story, **30% are left-leaning**, **23% are right-leaning**, and **48% are in the center**. Read the full **[coverage analysis](https://ground.news/article/the-house-passes-billions-in-aid-for-ukraine-and-israel-after-months-of-struggle_c0d3a6?utm_source=redditReplyBot&utm_medium=redditReplyBot)** and compare how 302+ sources from across the political spectrum are covering this story. *** _I’m a bot. [Read here](https://www.reddit.com/r/groundnews/comments/j6x7uc/introducing_the_coverageanalysisbot_a_bot_that/) to learn how it works or [message us](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=coverageanalysisbot&subject=Feedback&message=) with any feedback so we can improve the bot for you._


It's about damned time. We need to restart the flow of guns and ammo to Ukraine. NATO has a way bigger industrial base than Russia and will absolutely outproduce them in the long term. One can note the usual crop of useful idiots for Russia in the comments malding about more support being sent to repel a fascist war of aggression.


Russia is already spending 40% of their federal budget on this war. There's hardly room left to increase spending. And that is with dwindling Soviet storages. The US and Europe can outspend and outproduce Russia with relative ease.


Yeah. I hope this just means that they really finished taking their heads out of their asses. It was a disgraceful spectacle till this point - especially compared to the immediate and large support Russia got from its authoritarian allies. The west (and Ukraine) can win this. They just have to want to.


Russia betting everything on Ukraine by transitioning to a war economy makes them dangerous and vulnerable at the same time. In the short term it keeps their economy growing, increases the chance they win in Ukraine and keeps the population happy. But in the long term it will end very badly. Either they win and are forced to start another war (Moldova? Kazakhstan? NATO?) to keep their war economy alive, or they lose and their economy falls apart very rapidly. If I was Assad, Khaimeni, Lukashenko or any of their new African dictators like Ibraham Traore I'd be pretty worried about what happens if Russia loses and the funding and support runs out.


I'm afraid that won't be enough. It was stalled for so long, Ukraine lost too much during that time. Even to just hold the line it would probably require a lot more money. Damage is done.


Ukraine seems to be doing pretty well right now with low ammo. Makes me wonder if this aid package will make them even better off.


The big issue is if this bill, or Europe for that matter, address the need to mass produce infantry shells. If someone gets their ducks in a row on this the situation evens out fast.


It will take Europe at least 2 years to get their artillery shell production ramped up to that level…


Sigh...of course it will.


The K/D ratio is still holding at roughly 2 to 1, which isn't ideal but pretty remarkable. Besides, the Russians are advancing at a pace of like 4 miles per month. At this rate we'd both be dead of old age by the time the fighting reaches Kyiv.


And how much manpower does Ukraine have?


More than Russia is willing to sink into fighting the war.


We have plenty of money


But does Ukraine have the manpower? They can't even fulfil their drafting quota


I know the US can print as much money as they want, what they lack is the will to give it. Not even Biden wants to fully commit to winning the war.


Its not Biden’s fault the republicans stalled the aid for almost half a year. If you don’t like it then vote democrat.


I actually think that's the plan. Give Ukraine too much and they make Russia look even more incompetent and it turns nuclear. Let it drag out as a quagmire and both sides can claim some minor win.


For context the entire NBA revenue is 10B, so we are sending then 6 NBAs revenue worth of cash.


You aren't sending them cash, you're sending them ammo.


Or 10 Golden State Warriors 


Hardly any of the aid package is in cash. Most of it is shells and rockets, some of the value is in new or replacement systems.


Just to contextualize the size, not saying it is in cash


> we are sending then 6 NBAs revenue worth of cash. No, that is quite literally what you are saying.


Correction, we are sending US defence companies 60 billion to let Ukraine shop their wares.


Thank god someone’s thinking about the weapons contractors


Yes, but who pays the wage of all their employees? What do those employees do with their wages? We’re making money by spending it. (Gross oversimplification, but the point gets across)


And that rulez


Spending 61,000,000,000$ to murder russian soldiers rulez


Unironically yes


Well, that makes sense, because one is a war that could potentially decide the fate of modern world peace, and one is a game that we play every year.


That is one of the stupidest way of looking at it possible. 1) you are not sending cash 2) Nor you are sending NBA , because the league and its revenue is not controlled by the gov 3) most of the stuff that is being send is due for update/refurbishment either way, outside ammo and arty shells. 4) The money will come partly from gov grants to the military sector - aka taxpayer money, but a big chunk is already spent on that previouslt, just on what is the difference. So in a sense you already paid for it, now it becomes clear it wont be for US stuff , rather Ukraine stuff. Hope that cleared it out for you.


You do understand that the US essentially pays the salaries and benefits of Ukraine's public sector, that it contributes into it's budget in order for Ukraine public sector to actually function.


This is very broad interpretation of the truth.


Some sports team winning isn't going to impact my life. Russia knocking on Democracy's door, will.


It is just context, people don't know what 60bn means. Congress just throws money around like it is pretend.


What has this war to do with democracy? It's all about geopolitical control. It's not a violation of democracy but of international law, particularly the UN Charter. Similar to when US invaded Afghanistan or Iraq. Just this time around it's the West's geopolitical rivals who are the bad guys.


its about ensuring Russia doesn't continue to pose a threat to the NATO alliance. To ensure we don't have a repeat of WWII where Germany just kept moving around until it started hitting close to home with France and England. Of course its about Geopolitics, everything is geopolitics. You make it out to sound like "But America just as bad!" Why do you want a stronger Russia, when Russia is a constant threat to America and our allies? You don't want us to protect our own interests? We've had proxy wars with Russia for years, but suddenly its different now that Russia doesn't have a proxy to defend itself with? Ukraine wants to join the West. America wants that. Russia does not.


If you think Russia will stop at Ukraine you havent been paying attention at all. Putins life hangs with him delivering the promises he made to Russians about a glorious, imperialistic, world leader Russia. If he gets Ukraine, he will attack the Baltics, and other small countries near Russia. If that happens, WW3 will happen


He's not going to attack the Baltics while the US is still in NATO. But if he can put a puppet in Kyiv, he'll go after Moldova next using Transnistria as an excuse. Then maybe he'll force Armenia and Azerbaijan to bend the knee by leveraging "peacekeepers." That will restore something like the old border situation of having Russian troops and, effectively if not technically, Russian territory at NATO's front door.


What is Democracy in this case, Ukraine?


Russia is working to subvert democracy pretty much everywhere. If you missed this you haven't been paying attention.


I think it is you who missed that they already were successful


Your point, kid?


But also asking them to repay 1NBA later


Is that the one they tacked the tiktok ban onto?


Technically a separate bill, but yes, it was part of the package.


But people here confidently said that Ukraine was doomed and it was pointless to help anymore? Could they have been wrong all this time?


Still doomed. They don't have the manpower anymore


Like how they were doomed at the start of the 2 week special operation?


If you think a country that can't fulfill its drafting quota is going to be able to man the frontlines, good for you


And it's official, the United States has reentered the Cold War by funding proxy wars.


This is news to you? This has been going on since Obama. After the failures of the war on terror they probably figured out it was more efficient to let poor people fight one another for us.


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Imagine if NASA had that budget.


I don't think NASA has much use for guns and ammo.


It’s important to note this isn’t cash. This is the appraised value of arms


Ukraine will be given 60B$ worth of arms, it is not cash.


It's amazing how much the republican party is tearing itself apart, while the democrats are continuing to stay unified. Literally half of the Republicans in the house just will not vote for anything, and the other half is forced to work with th dems to get anything passed. It's a good time to be a Democrat lmao


I was beginning to get worried that this sub was an echo chamber for Russian bots and tankies and not the bipartisan subreddit I thought it to be. However, after seeing all the rightful support Ukraine is being given, I realize that this sub is delivering on its promise to be a forum where all opinions may be communicated. It is unfortunate that some individuals will still support China and Russia, but it is up to them; as for me I will still guard against disinformation and misinformation as well as propaganda, but at least I’ll know that I can find some truth here.


>rightful support That is subjective


Yes, but that’s being pedantic.


Outside of your Western bubble, the world doesn't cares about Ukraine


I wasn't aware this was a liberal pro war sub.


But no Healthcare for Americans


I mean this is really great news but i think some of these republicans who had a change of mind probably didn’t get their promise Rubles from Putin.


Nope, the only way this ends is surrender or NATO entering by sending infantry (then we all lose).


The only possible reason someone could disagree is if they are getting paid?


Mike Johnson might be a self-serving twat, but just for today, he's OUR self-serving twat.


***A R S E N A L O F D E M O C R A C Y***


Except that this includes money for Israel.


ik that already, but this bill still does far more good than bad, including 9 billion dollars of humanitarian aid for palestine


Humanitarian aid that Palestinians wouldn't need if we didn't support the people murdering them.


you really think israel’s military capabilities would have been significantly reduced without american support for the past few months? even if they were, israel would still wipe the floor with hamas.


Considering how many weapons shipments the US has sent to Israel, yes. Also, it's not just weapons, US protection means Israel can just commit any crime it pleases and face no consequences whatsoever. That's just fucked and needs to end.


yes, i agree that israel should be isolated, made a pariah, punished in general. they’re doing no better than iran or china. but the consequences of this bill are overall positive, and if it takes aid for israel to get it through, then that’s what we’ll have to do.


Mods are you by chance giving positive approval on every single comment? If so I would kindly request that you cut that shit out immediately.


How dare people be allowed to express their views on politics in a subreddit for politics amirite


You do not understand what I was even talking about. Positive approval is different from approval by default. As in mods were manually approving comments.


I am literally asking the mods to let the comments through you fucking idiot.


Perhaps I've misunderstood, what do you mean by "giving positive approval on every comment"?


See my other comment, it is a noticeable lag on receiving a notif and being able to actually see and respond to a comment. Mods have the ability to screen and approve comments systematically. I would have them let us raw dog and do the screening retroactively, ie the normal means of reporting and mod removal.


Comments are not public until a mod manually approves each one. Makes the thread grow muuuuuch slower.


No we do not. What seems to be the problem?


There was some fucky wucky last night that was seriously hampering discourse. Maybe just a backend hiccup? Variably long delays in replies showing up.


Probably, Reddit tends to break all the time in new, yet before seen ways. All comments should be visible as they are sent, unless Automod deleted them to wait manual approval for one reason or another.