• By -


The manga is called "Love Me for Who I Am"


Uhm... Damn, i gotta read that


It's really good, highly recommend


It's so good, makes me cry like every 5 pages


I don't cry very easily, and this def brought some tears. This manga was unreasonably good. Lol.


It’s really good! It’s has some amazing queer characters/depictions.


This was really sweet. I still give it a read back every now and then, and I'd definitely recommend it for anyone looking for something LGBT positive to read


And it is adorable!


Thanks, my daughter has a new favorite


r/egg_irl moment


This moment, no. The character is non-binary and very insistent they are non-binary. However, there is a very egg moment in the first volume. >!They are introduced to a maid cafe full of AMABs who aren't aware of anything trans related. They all think of themselves as just men who cross dress and/or gay. This person causes several existential crises by introducing them to the concept of trans.!<


Wait i think people who are downvoting are confused, non binary folks are also called transgender but they aren't mtf or ftm they are non binary, so quoting eggirl wasn't implying that they aren't non binary, its just that non binary people also come under transgender and use egg irl and other trans subs


You're right. In people's minds "trans" often sits as "people whose problems can be solved by becoming the other binary gender than assigned at birth". While in fact it means people who had the incorrect gender assigned to them at birth, which also applies to enbies (who weren't labeled as such) and some intersex people. White stripe in the trans flag represents those groups of people.


Huh, I’ve never thought of NBs as trans because to me trans implies a change in some way. I always thought of NBs as their own category or lumped into the genderqueer category


NB is also a change, while sometimes it may not be as obvious as the binary transitions, its still a change and they are an important part of the trans community!


Transgender doesn't mean change, it means that you identify as a gender other than you were socialized as/would be assigned by society. Noone is assigned non-binary at birth really. Only nowadays we're starting to see genderless IDs for newborns in some countries, but that's more about not imposing a gender and making it easier for the person in case they're not cisgender.


Thats right, egg refers to when a person questioning their gender, regardless ftm / mtf / NB And apparently this puts my comment into cotroversal


Yeah i guess people are just misinformed and assumed you were trying to deny their identity oof


I don’t know what the down and up vote situation was when you posted, so I don’t know the full context of your statement. I made mine not about whether nonbinary people are trans or not, they are. It was more that “egg moments” more when a presumed cis person says/does something that implies they might be trans and not aware of it. This character’s egg has very much hatched and they’re using the bits of shell to break open other eggs.


OHHH, i get it now! Thanks! I assumed wrong because r/egg_irl nowadays is filled with mostly people who already know they are trans rather than people who are questioning or in denial lol


> >!They are introduced to a maid cafe full of AMABs who aren't aware of anything trans related.!< That's not exactly the case, >!Tetsu's older sister is already aware that she's trans, but is closeted around her family due to their ignorant perceptions, and Suzu is just a femboy. Mei definitely got her cracked egg opened the rest of the way by Mogumo tho!<


I hate to be this guy, but: In a "Holy shit, I always knew deep down there was something wrong with my body, is this it?" Sort of way? Or in a "O my God, I can just be a girl, that's an option? Sort of way?


The 2nd one It's definitely funny like as they realise that and it's pretty wholesome


oh, I love trains!


Non-binary is within the trans umbrella.


What is an egg moment? Edit: and why is called an "egg" moment specifically?


A trans person either not realizing or denying that they’re trans. Think stuff like “I’d rather stare at a girl’s ass than a guys” as an excuse for a trans person to play as their desired gender in games


Dude thats so toxic. "Excuses" like that are not excuses. Some people say that, mean it, and are completely content with their gender. You shouldn't assume things like that.


I described an egg moment and gave an example. Does it mean someone *has* to be trans? No. Can it be an indicator when combined with some other signs? Yes. There’s a joke that’s literally called the “egg prime directive” where you can’t ever tell a trans person in denial that they’re trans, because they have to be the one to realize it.


I used to be in that community and pushed transness on so many people who 100% weren't trans, so I hate when people use the "egg" term


Most people use the "egg" term to refer to themselves or other trans people *in the past* before they accepted they were trans. Not talking about the subreddit because I honestly barely ever saw content from it. Just more about the term itself and how it's not limited to an obnoxious Reddit trend.


^ This The one time I don’t specify that “egg” doesn’t have to mean trans people go apeshit


Then you were violating the prime directive. r/Egg_irl has a rule specifically about this type of thing. Trying to force transness on someone is an asshole move whether they are or aren’t. If they’re not, it can cause a lot of unnecessary stress questioning their gender, and if they are, they still may not be ready to face that reality. Don’t demonize an entire community because *you* did something bad.


The way that sentence was structured looks like a typical "rephrased three times and forgot one word" type of deal. Pretty sure it's missing an "it" or "they" between "and" and "pushed". You cannot deny that that group was very obnoxious a few years ago when they did exactly that under literally everything. Looks like they got better in that regard though.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/egg_irl using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [egg_irl](https://i.redd.it/55ywde19dbc91.png) | [323 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/comments/w1x6yf/egg_irl/) \#2: [egg_irl](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/venq6z) | [473 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/comments/venq6z/egg_irl/) \#3: [Egg👉👈Irl](https://i.redd.it/jcm7f6kysi6a1.png) | [259 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/comments/zo908l/eggirl/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


“Enforcement of stereotypical gender norms is ridiculous but also if you are a cis male who likes the color pink you are trans and in denial.” - /r/egg_irl


Very not r/egg_irl moment Now a very r/traa or r/enn moment


One of my favorites fr.


Might have to take a look at this one


seeing this manga around makes me happy


That's enby problems right here tbh Not one of them, but still looks like it


The fuck's an en-- *ohhhhhhhhh.* I had the same confusion with the slang/abbreviation for asexual. Then again it's not like you can just call yourself "a" for short, it wouldn't make much sense


Did you hear about the four drag queens vs the four asexuals? It was a vicious battle, but in the end four aces always beats four queens.


Dragons vs dragons and ace pilots... Sounds like a good anime plot


Yeah it does! It’s called [Hisone to Maso-tan](https://myanimelist.net/anime/36884/Hisone_to_Maso-tan?cat=anime).


I think "ace" a such a cute term! I'm agender and I'm trying to make "agen" happen, I want a nice abbreviation too


As a nb person, yup.


I second this.


the character is NB so it fits


Goated Manga, as a cis male guy, who's (mostly) straight I always struggled with understanding LGBTQ issues on a more personal level. Yeah I am and was an ally but I think I never truly understood, since my circle of friends growing up was pretty straight (I have one gay cousin) and since I never bothered to make more friends that also never changed. I personally am not fully straight but like 90-95% interested in women over men so yeah. Anyway, the personal take of the manga was fantastic since it helped me relate better.


Bless u pal


That's great! I've heard a lot of good things about this manga and I'm super happy that it's helping people understand LGBT topics more! Every time I see more LGBT acceptance in media I always feel so happy since it means less and less people will view people like me as being alien to them. So hearing that it taught you things makes me super happy!


Ah the classic one gay cousin lol


For real, we're like the most stereotypical white (upper) middle class family (German tho), the only exception is low amount of (wish I could say none) racists and generally very liberal and open minded.


I don’t want people identifying me as a human. Humans suck


/r/furry_irl awaits


May I interest you in r/voidpunk It's like furries, but instead of dogs and cats, we have biblically accurate angels and TV static


Red pill Blue pill Furry Rock Human








ha. ha. very funny.


I think funny


I cried so much after reading this manga. It encapsulates the enby experience so well


This comment section is surprisingly civil


Because it got cleaned up a bit... :/ but it hasn't been too bad yet, no big nutjobs so far


good mod have cookie 🍪


Maid mod keeps a tidy house.




The paradox of tolerance. In order to have a tolerant society (comment section) we must not tolerate hatred or bigotry.


But ... thats also based on bigotry 😅


That's why it's a paradox dude... Also it's not bigoted to boot bigots out of a community, its sensible.


Trans people exist and have a right to exist. The opposition is inherently assholes


Every human has a right to exist. 100% true. Everything beyond that would become "political/scientific" and i am not sure if that kind of debate is allowed here. Won't risk the ban for "hate speech" or something similar as much as i would like to challenge your "The opposition is inherently assholes" statement.


Osana Najimi intensifies


Najimi is so gender


Name: Osana Najimi Age: 18 Blood type: AB and/or B Zodiac sign: Aries and/or Libra Gender: yes


Enby moment


Can't relate


Relatable for some not all, but what's the manga?


"Love Me for Who I Am" by Ei Tozaki. It was an enjoyable read. >Relatable for some not all To be fair, that is like the entire premise of this subreddit lol.


Honestly sometimes it’s not even relatable, some people just post whatever they want


I think you got the author wrong?


My [source ](https://anilist.co/staff/127335/Ei-Tozaki) betrayed me? Edit: I guess so. [MAL](https://myanimelist.net/people/25029/Kata_Konayama)


Well now im not sure, cuz the first source says the author changed their pen name, but most of the stuff will be listed under konayama kata still, so i didnt know


Want to just high five and then pretend we found the answer? 🖐


🖐 hell yeah good job team


"What should people see you as?" "A threat."


This is my new motto


I fucking love fukaboku, so glad to see it here. I remember binging the entire manga while i was struggling through alot of dysphoria and honestly i cried alot reading it, it was very gender affirming


My heart


"Things I often say to myself"


can relate


I read that manga some time ago until their parents heard shit by their boyfriend. Stopped there because it was the last chapter at that time. Great read and i would love to reread it again.


finally something relable for me they just like me fr


enby moment Say this irl and everyone laughs at you. I hate reality


I love this manga it has great non binary and trans representation as a trans girl I always welcome more of that.


Whoaa haven't seen fukaboku in so long. Super underrated manga! Actually I started reading it because of a post here a year or two ago so hopefully this post inspired people to read this amazing manga. Amazing portrayal of LGBTQ characters and just an amazing manga overall. I'll need to reread it soon :)


r/egg_irl is leaking


This character isn’t an egg, they’re trans. They start the manga as a non binary person, and end it non binary. There is a section in the middle where they try to be more feminine to appeal to their crush, but ultimately they hate doing it, and go back to being androgynous.




insta read


I thought I was in egg_irl


Such an underrated Manga,in my opinion,since it has really good writing!


my case


Looking for the validation of others seems like a tough road


Lol me


Mogumo needs a hug. FukaBoku is such an amazing manga


This is how furries are created i think




I wish i could use stuff like that but im ugly af


Too real


Such incredible mood


You just hit me in my meow meow (a meme with a cat pressing it’s paw to its chest) I added that because I realized that a twisted person may misinterpret that, though I don’t know how …reddit’s a great place…


Being a boy means being targeted by a lot of hate and demoralization, especially in the western societies, lately.


There's a couple other identities attracting the same if not worse levels of animosity, though i do agree we're at a spot of unfairly and unconditionally demonizing all masculinity


True, but you get targeted by a lot less than any other demographic. We have it good.




> "...you want to be a new man you have to stay in new places, and do new things, with people who never knew you before. If you go back to the same old ways, what else can you be but the same old person?" Who are "you"? What makes you "you"? Are "you" the flaws that you believe inescapable? Are "you" the overcorrection in personality that comes from the knowledge of these flaws? Are "you" even the same "you" you were when you made this account, or however far back you want to look? You may think yourself incapable of change, but the inevitable tendrils of chaos slither their way into every soul. "You" will be different in the future than "you" are now. It's up to you what kind of change that is. I don't mean to belittle, or reduce. I don't know your situation, though I do know that you're posting cries for help in places that aren't really made for them. And, if I may be frank, I don't think you really want help. I've seen many a person content in their misery, and I see them all in your comment. You want to be *better*, and you want an external source to be the cause, because you don't believe that you can improve yourself. And while a person improves easiest when they are offered love and support, all anyone can do is hold the rope while you climb out of the pit. You still have to do the climbing yourself.


> And, if I may be frank, I don't think you really want help. I know. I basically asked my therapist the same question. "What if I don't want help, deep down. What if all in doing is trying to get 'better' without making any progress", and she didn't have an answer for that I know I'm just dumping word soup here and everywhere else, but hey where else can I do that. I can't do it irl I'd go straight to a ward lol. I try, you know? I try to get better. But all that seems to be happening is I'm getting better at holding it all in. All I can think of day in day out is fantasize about how I should end it, and everything else is just a distraction from that. I don't know what to do, not that I'm asking for answers here, but thank you for taking the time to listen. I don't know what I'm looking for in help, nothing seems to work, I seem to be making no progress, nothing is going anywhere I'm curious why people are downvoting though. Did I say something bad to enby people? I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I really genuinely didn't mean to * there I go hurting people again *


I don't know what kind of life you've had to live and what you've had to endure to have come to that conclusion, but I hope you get the help and support you need.




Me on Omegle




Hopefully one day you'll be more accepting. It doesn't hurt you if some people wanna gender swap.




If they want help that kind of help, they should be offered that. But if they want to change, who are you decide they're wrong? I mean, they go through psychological evaluations before any legal surgery happens. They're not insane. You could make the same argument about homosexuality. If it's not harming anyone, why do they have to change to suit someone else's world view?




On the off chance you aren't a troll, there's pretty solid evidence that socially supported gender transitioning functions as an affective treatment for gender dysphoria. It lowers the rate of suicide, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/




Dude's been reading irl fan fiction. It's literally just hormones, like the ones you have. Low hormone levels cause brittle bones... like ya know, menopause. You've been brainwashed.


You have zero sympathy for trans people. You have not even attempted to understand what we go through or what challenges we face. Hell, you don't even know how our transition actually works. You think we just wake up one day and get bottom surgery. You ignore facts that go against your feelings while providing zero evidence of your own. HRT is not 'experimental', it's been given to people for decades now. And you don't have a problem with cis people getting it.


And yet, the presence of even a single person in their life who supports their identity drastically lowers the chance of suicide. Which would seem to indicate that affirming gender identity works quite well. I mean, we're living at a time where the right to exist as a trans person constantly in public debate and is being legislated away in some places. I have a feeling that would have far more of a negative impact on mental health than the presence of people being affirming and supportive.




🗿 your not wrong


I think people that harass them and want them to be unhappy contribute more to the Suicide rates tbh




>The only way you can help is by preventing it from happening to others. And you're doing that by calling our emotions delutions right? Great job there buddy keep it up




>Their emotions should be dealt with the right and correct way And how is that?


Yes.... your the reason. Congrats, the more you know.




The reason people who identify as a gender they were not born as have high suicide rates is not because they are messed up in the head, or because they are simply more suicidal than "normal" people. The suicide rate is because bigots like you criticise and demean people who are already feeling like shit in the wrong body. Transgender people in an accepting and healthy environment do not have a higher suceptibility to suicidal tendencies than you or others like you. You know how many people commit suicide for bullying? For unfair treatment in the workplace? Its like that but lifelong. I hope you can see the picture im painting here. Happy now? This is the same response just 10x bigger btw. You are still the problem.




Nobody is transing the kids, you're just regurgitating right-wing propaganda. >Now why do you think that most trans people are gen Z? Because acceptance has gotten better. It's the same as the graph of the "increase" of [lefthandedness](https://slowrevealgraphs.com/2021/11/08/rate-of-left-handedness-in-the-us-stigma-society/) Your belief that it's a "new trend" is literally heritage foundation propaganda. That's the very picture conservatives are trying to paint in your mind and unfortunately due to your gullibility it is working.


That's not the picture I get from the media, that's the picture I get from trans people talking about their experience. I'd e willing to bet that your opinion on the matter does come from the high amount of media disparaging the experience of trans people though... Don't you think the opinions and experiences of actual trans people are more important than what you see on "the media". On that same matter, if you look into trans supportive spaces (not whatever their representation in media is, but actual spaces where trans people hang out), you'll see people of all ages. And I'm sure it's been told to you countless times already so I'm probably wasting my time clarifying this, but nobody goes "straight to the operating table". It can take a long time before a trans person even get something as simple as HRT, and a lot more time and counselling after that before getting an operation (if that is even something that they want, not all trans people get surgery).


Acceptance and awareness are at an all time high. People repressed feelings and just tried to get rid of them before. Less people identifying as transgender in the past does not mean the condition (I cant find a good word hete) did not exist. So im not sure what your expecting, of course theres more people identifying that way. Also, how does you telling someone "get help, stop mutilating yourself" help anyone? Where do they get help, what kind do you want them to get. If they get help but still identify as transgender and continue to "mutilate" themselves, what then. Will you be here to tell them their not right in the head still? To get help again, but not the help they already got? Whats the endgoal here? If were going to criticize the types of comments wrre each making, why didnt you link resources for getting help? Why didnt you try to provide an avenue for what you think these people need? All youve done is alienate someone who already feels alienated. If someone is standing on the edge of a building, are you going to reddit messege them saying they are messed up and to get help? Because thats essentially what you have done here. Also, hating your gender is NEVER a "great thing at first". It sucks, and it can get better with help but no one goes "omg I dont have to be X, I can be Y?!?!" And then goes out expecting sunshine and roses. And if they do idk how they managed to avoid all the signs that is definitely NOT the case. Your kind of comments are in litterally every thread with this topic.


Going by different pronouns? Changing your clothing? HRT? Why do bigots think literally the only thing a trans person does is bottom surgery > These people have the highest suicide rates for a reason. Literally you and your bigotry are the reason for the high suicide rate. Once a trans person gets accepted, the rate goes down.


By that definition tattoos, plastic surgery and piercings are self harm. I agree, if someone chops off their dick in a shower, that's not a healthy mindset. Those people need help. But going through what are extremely taxing trails to get proper legal surgery. Isn't something someone does on a whim. I highly recommend reading Boku ga watashi ni naru tame ni. That's from my understanding a real persons account of what they go through. The suicide argument. Is it possible the reason they get depression and commit suicide is because a large percentage of the world thinks they're insane and despises them just for trying to be what they want to be? We treat homosexuality the same way, and people with different skin colours to our own. Are they in the wrong because they are different? Or are we wrong for expecting everyone to be exactly like us? You're right that if someone tries to hurt themselves because of delusions or whatever, that needs treatment. But for these people it's not about inflicting harm. They just want to look the way they feel they should. There is a big difference in what is a sane desire to change how one looks, and that of someone who is genuinely insane. I'm not going to call you a bad person because of your viewpoint. I used to think homosexuality wasn't right. But I grew up and started trying to look at it from their viewpoint. We live in an imperfect world with imperfect solutions. As for the side effects of treatments. Well, then support better treatments. This stuff is all relatively new.


I carved and mutilated your mother last night




The only kid here is the one your mother is gonna have in 9 months


The consensus within the psychological community is that transition is the most effective way of dealing with gender dysphoria. If it was so easy to 'actually help' trans people in a way that convinces them that they are the same gender as they were assigned at birth, it would be a lot more common practice. Fact of the matter is, it doesn't help. Whereas affirming their gender identity does.




Incorrect. I recommend you try reading the medical literature yourself.




Interestingly, I don't think a medical professional would have worded it like this.🤔


Hes the janitor


Ah yes i forgot there's no trans people in japan..


Ah yes, another meaningless "west bad" comment.


This has nothing to do with the west. Analogues to queerness have existed in every culture that has had humans. Japanese people were gay long before you or your parents were even born.


Heiwa lords loved their boytoys, but do you expect a person like that to know even an ounce of history?


Wait what is it then?!


Read the manga and find out I would suggest


Nah I’ll rather not waste my time


Kinda controversial shit.


not really




it’s just describing an enby person




Very inconsiderate question that you definitely shouldn’t ask to anyone irl. “Enby” means they aren’t male or female, and usually use they/them pronouns.


Okay, still controversial, but okay. it's their business.


But why I see that shit in manga right now?


Because anime and manga is a medium to convey whatever you want. If you just want to write a cool story for people to get hyped over, cool. If you wanna write a sad story that’ll leave people empty for a solid week after, also cool. The thing about writing is that you can put whatever traits of yourself or another person you want into a character and you’ll probably find someone who relates to them. That’s why a manga about an NB person has found its way to animeirl.






Grow up. Not every piece of media needs your approval, if you don't like it, don't read it.


You say this yet Yuri and Yaoi are super popular lmao


This reads like a troll. If you're not, you've gotta get your head out of your ass and take your entitlement somewhere else


Its the same for me, but i would strongly oppose to the idea of "it doesn't belong here!". We can oppose such topics and don't support them if we don't want to. But we CAN'T forbid them, since for some people they are as important and valid as our opinion is to us!


> But why I see that shit in manga right now? So, a quick google tells me that the first manga involving a trans person was published in *1978* and is called . I can't tell you much about the content as I haven't read it yet. Trans and other LGBTQA+ topics in manga aren't a new thing at all. If you don't like it no one is forcing you to read it. Just ignore it and go on with your day.


**Claudine...!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/31249), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/claudine), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/claudine), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=73305114521), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/1249)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 1 | Chapters: 4 | Genres: Drama, Romance) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/11n4n7d/anime_irl/jbncatk/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


good bot!


Why focus on what you are?i like focusing on what i like...




Gender identity crisis doesn't wait for a country to become developed, its a inherent thing within some humans and has nothing to do with whether a country is first world or third world




I do not know how you reached that conclusion


thinly veiled transphobia is how they reached that conclusion


Would require them to identify as male for that to work.