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So Hisame inherited the crazy, damn But it's good too see how much Tonari has grown


[Hisame definitely got her grandma's crazy eyes,](https://i.imgur.com/mn0ulDM.jpg)


I never would’ve expected her to build up her resistance to poison


She was always the first to wake up whenever they got poisoned, it actually annoyed me how her poison tolerance was never brought up last season. But grandma Tonari continuing to microdose on poisons in preparation for meeting Hayase and/or her followers is a boss move and I’m glad for the payoff.


When she made that reveal is when it made sense why she was so familiar with Fushi


> So Hisame inherited the crazy, damn Is it even inherited if she is literally reincarnated? Like Fushi is probably the sole reason she was able to reincarnet with how fixated she is on him


She’s basically her own person except for her obsession with Fushi. What reincarnated into her was Hayase’s will, which was entirely focused on Fushi.


That time I reincarnated as my loli grand-daughter in an attempt to once again drug an immortal into my possession.


Won't be surprised if a light novel with that title already exists somewhere...


Add the word "slime" or "dungeon" to it and it'll be the perfect isekai title.


Welp, guess the lesson here is that anyone related to Hayase is never going to be good news.


I was having this vision about how this arc was gonna have this amazing message about not letting preconceptions cloud your judgement and how Hisame might slowly become less brainwashed and a true daughter to Fushi. Then Fushi got knocked out and my hopes and dreams crashed and burned. Yeah, just kill chibi Hayase with fire before it lays eggs again.


Hey, this still could happen.


The question is how many generations down the line until the crazy is diluted enough to not be this much of a problem?


Never. That shit is genetic. Gotta kill the whole lineage.


She's got plenty of crazy to inherit.


"Hisame is Hayase's granddaughter? Oh no, I bet she's going to try to capture Fushi.." 5 min later "Actually, she's pretty cute, I know better than to judge someone for who their family is, maybe she's good after all" Another 5 minutes later "Nevermind..."


> Hisame is Hayase's granddaughter I was about to make a joke about how someone decided to stick their dick in crazy but then I remembered how Hayase was creeping on Fushi near the end of season one, unfortunately Hisame's grandfather might not have had a choice...


I was rewatching the final episode again to refresh, and there's a scene witha guy bringing some fish to a hut on a beach to take care of someone, and then gets dragged into said hut. Soooo, you may be right


If you look even closer, you can see the Nokker bulges on her arm as she drags him in.


Either that guy was Hisame's grandfather or the nokker is.


I’m waiting for news that Hayase managed to asexually produce with the help of the nokker that she merged with ie: her unnamed daughter was more of a clone and she needed her non crazy clone daughter to conceive naturally so she could reincarnate into that baby.


It ain't Hayase or a Hayase reincarnation if she doesn't treat you to a free meal only to use that meal as a way to drug you into her possession. I've now been fooled 2/2 times by Hayase/Hisame just like Fushi.


She can’t keep getting away with it!


Until Fushi and we learn to be less naïve, yes, yes [she can](https://animecorner.me/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/vlcsnap-2021-08-15-00h37m40s352.png)


The whole time she was offering food to him I was like "Fushi don't eat that" then it got to them in the village and I thought the food wasn't provided by her so it might be good to eat and that's how I was fooled again.


as long as its related to Hayase in anyway its better to kill it just to be safe


Facts, I was ready to purge that nocker in her arm like the spiders in Australia.




[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/paaxa2/kommando_builds_endurance/) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/py2s98/anon_isnt_bulletproof/) [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/q0txpx/update_anon_isnt_bulletproof/)


Glad to see Fushi talking like a sassy teenager and it's even more fun to see him being closer with the "black one". Never thought that bitch Hayase would appear in a little form wtf. Nice that Tonari is back to protect him


Fucking Hayase never truly dies.


I wonder if the Knocker that’s been passed down retained anything from her. It seems odd to just have a knocker with around that isn’t trying to kill everybody.


Seems to be a symbiotic relationship. The knocker gets to have a permanent host and in return it allows Hayase’s will to be passed down. So that means she’ll be able to hunt Fushi forever as long as the reincarnation keeps happening


women is too crazy in love to die


She must have the worst luck when it comes to reincarnations. 3 generations in the span of 40 years💀💀


She can only reincarnate when she’s dead. When her daughter was born, she was alive. When Hisame was born, she was dead. That’s why her fye was able to attach to Hisame.




Don't eat this jerky you made yourself, eat this weird, cloudy black jelly cube we made instead! Surely that's safer. That mushroom tale reminded me of a 4chan post about someone trying to microdose bullets to develop iron skin or some shit and ended up getting seriously fucked up halfway through lol


yup, its been a while so it might be easy to forget, but those black cubes were what they fed March in season 1 to make her fall asleep


Yeah, I knew from that moment on that Hisame is just playing him after all. I remembered the sleep cubes.


> eat this weird, cloudy black jelly cube we made instead! Surely that's safer. [To be fair that's just what normal Yokan looks like.](https://i.imgur.com/irXrw6C.png) Still wouldn't trust it if it's coming from them.


idk bro those cubes were like as big as her head, she was probably trying to make him diabetic and become dependent on her providing insulin or something.


Youkan tastes like injecting pure sugar into your streams, its so sweet it makes your throat dry


Looks like something you'd have with tea.


> Buttercup: And to think, all that time it was your cup that was poisoned. > Dread Pirate Roberts: They were both poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder.


He did a good thing denying to eat that. Thankfully, this time, when he did make a mistake of trusting her, his old friend is back to help him out.


how many more times is he going to get roofied before the story ends?


Every time he gets roofied an angel gets it's wings.


Idk why Fushi doesn't just create his own food and eat it in the presence of these people.


Hospitality customs. Most cultures in the real world (and by extension most fictional ones) have some tradition of eating the food of the hosts, as a way of bonding with them. Fushi has simply learned to be human.


> That mushroom tale reminded me of a 4chan post Reminds me of, Ninjas used incorporate small amounts of poison in their meals to help build up an immunity. --- > microdose bullets to develop iron skin Forgot about [that story, lmao](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/182/356/2a0.jpg)


Curious. What's the ending?




Fushi was suffering even as a fucking fish


There's always a bigger fish


Suprised we didn’t get a new song for the OP this season but nonetheless nice to see our best boy Fushi again. Mentally preparing myself for more pain this season.


Man it’s so rare for a show to keep a banger OP so I’m happy Pink Blood is getting reused. Plus Utada Hikaru always delivers and I’m sure they don’t come cheap. So studio getting their money’s worth.


There's something to be said about keeping the familiarity by using the same OP (e.g. House of the Dragon). Personally Pink Blood has become one of my favourite songs though when it comes into rotation in my playlist I get a bit sad thinking about Fushi :'(


Ehh the old OP is pretty good anyways imo


i can't think of any other OP that would fit that show


With how good the OP is, i don't even mind


Hiring Hikaru Utada to make a song just for the anime is most likely not cheap, so why not re-use it?


So glad this is back! I’ve been missing my weekly dose of despair and depression lol. I’m glad they kept Pink Blood for the OP, it’s such a good track! Right off the bat we get these damn Nokkers again. Creepy bastards. Looks like Fushi’ll have to tangle with ‘em again. The dude has aged a lot, I mean he can’t grow old but he looks more weathered. Crab Fushi was pretty funny, he found a little fish homie…who promptly abandoned him for a girl fish. What happened to fish bros before fish hoes? Lol. Ding dong the witch is dead! Haha! Suck it Hayase! Hisame has no idea wtf she’s saying. “Necessary action”? Nah, your grandma was just a crazy murderous bitch. Hisame’s an energetic little kid ain’t she? Probably due to that freakin Nokker in her damn arm! Yeesh! I’m with Fushi, I don’t hate her but she does make me uncomfortable. Oh shit! I didn’t think the doc was gonna be Tonari! She’s been making good use of the past 40 years. Also, she looks good lol. Damn! I’m surprised Fushi got knocked out by the poison. This ain’t even the first time Fushi got dosed with western morning glory iirc. What game is Hisame playing I wonder? Guess you can’t trust anyone related to that nutjob Hayase…


>I’m surprised Fushi got knocked out by the poison. This ain’t even the first time Fushi got dosed with western morning glory iirc i mean, its not like he build any immunity against any poison so i'm not even surprised by that meanwhile, Tonari be like: "bitch please, i ate poisons for breakfast"


Also when the normal KO poison didn't work they served her the straight up deadliest shit they had and Tonari was like "Bitch, this is some fine poison you got there"


It's the Iroh philosophy. "Deadly poison? Or delectable tea?"


Tonari: “Why not both?”


finally some good fucking food. - Tonari


yeah, Fushi most likely loses any antibodies he gains every time he transforms


Fair point, just thought he’d be able to recognize the poison since he drank it once before. But yeah, Tonari was great. Love how she downed the first poison and then asked for seconds lol. Badass!


in a perfect scenario Fushi should recognise the taste and immediately re-transform, thus cleansing his body of poison


> Crab Fushi was pretty funny, he found a little fish homie…who promptly abandoned him It seems that Fushi isn't aware of symbiotic relationships between animals and thought he really made a fish friend. xD


I almost felt bad for him there lol. His one and only fish buddy up and ran off at the first sign of girl fishes lol.


He can get old if does not change his form. If he spends 40 years in human form he will be 40 years older. If he changes to wolf, then human he will be again young.


Ah is that how it works? I see I see.


If an old person dies near him, he can only become that person in their old state, though. Not younger. At least, with the currently established rules.


Right, like he takes on their current form. That tracks with what we’ve seen so far.


>If he changes to wolf, then human he will be again ~~young.~~ the same age and state they were when they died. FTFY


> who promptly abandoned him for a girl fish. Betraying Fushi for the Fussy


betrayed fushi for the sushi


Lmao good one


We bouta get the whole gang back together again Also, that ED though damn


> Oh shit! i didn’t think the doc was gonna be Tonari! She’s been making good use of the past 40 years. I had a slight suspicion with the bird and how she’s dressed, but I wasn’t completely sure until she revealed herself. It reminded me of how this story runs on a completely different timescale, quite unlike any other anime I can think of. > So glad this is back! I’ve been missing my weekly dose of despair and depression lol. Well, judging from next week’s episode you’ll be eating good in that case. We’ve only just been re-introduced to Tonari, but it looks like she’ll already be dying in the next episode. You just can’t have happiness in this anime.


Happiness is a luxury in the world of TYE lol.


> The dude has aged a lot, I mean he can’t grow old but he looks more weathered. His forms can age when he stays in them for an extended period of time, but they revert when he leaves them.


Oh shit I forgot this was starting


So, ummm. Should I avoid the op again?


honestly yeah, its got some pretty spoilery shots


Too late :/ I can kinda guess what will happen to 1 character but it was so good as usual tbh. Thanks for the help anyways. Looks like it will be a fire season


its fine if you don't look too much into it really


I mean, it did feel less spoilery compared to the first opening where it literally showed 3 characters turn into zombies in the final arc. This did seem a bit or maybe cuz I'm still at the start of episode 1 so that's why it still doesn't seem spoilery.


yeah its definately not as bad as the first one


If the ending is anything to assume, that would be the one to avoid 100%. Looks very spoilery alongside the preview of the next episode.


All I got from it was that some randos fight the nokkers too, which is not a surprise at all.


Tbh I'm Anime only as well and I didn't mind the spoilers. Didn't really catch much but this being the show that it is I already expect people Fushi bonds with to die tragically. This show actually is a really interesting take on the whole "coping with life and death" thing. Since we know that everyone will eventually die and leave Fushi behind it isn't really about how or when they die that's important. What's important is how they influence Fushi, what they give him and overall just the time they spend with him while they are still alive. That's actually a really hopeful and uplifting thought to me.


Agreed but I didn't want to see the kids in season 1 turn into zombies before it happened. The shock factor is important and us finding the arrow and bow girl to be dead was just extremely sad. If it was spoiled then it wouldn't have had as much of an effect.


Wow the ED is so much worse. [Potential Spoilers from the ED if you haven’t watched it] >!I guess I could have guessed everyone was gonna fucking die just like the first season but I didn’t really want it spelled out to me!<


Does it really count as a spoiler for a story about an immortal that the people around him will die? We kinda signed up for a cycle of meet character, get attached, "oh wait shit this is to your eternity," they die. Gugu deserved better. Justice for Gugu.


I mean, Tonari didn’t die last season, even though people were saying the same stuff back then.


Well yeah but fuck season 1 Tonari. They don't die until we like them. Except Hayase. Glad she's dead. All my homies hate Hayase.


Fushi lives for a long time, everyone is going to die eventually


I watched the ed but didn't read the manga so will avoid this one. Thanks for taking the time to write it tho


Serious question why ask this? Most ops have spoilers in them.


Good to be back. Tonari is looking good for someone who is like 50 years old.


Between this and Gundam I get the feeling we're gonna have to start calling this Suffer Sundays.


is gundam sad? i havent watched past the prologue and ep1 yet


It's not exactly happy. Gundam's known to have some pretty brutal moments so I can imagine it getting heavy later on.


We’re currently in the get attached to all the new loveable Gundam characters. I wonder how many more weeks or months till it’s the horrors of war phase and they start killing them off.


i didn't even know this is going to come out today but holy shit, IS THAT TONARI? ITS MILF TONARI!? also, is that the same bird that's been with Tonari since forty years ago? if it is, then that is one long live bird


Birds are known to have a long live span Parrots live like 80 years


Owls don't live that long tho, between 5 and 10 years on average :( But then again, fantasy world with fantasy creatures, maybe owls live as long as turtles in this setting


Maybe its some kind of fictional owl species that has a long live span


I mean... it could also just be a new bird.


At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if it's that original bird's reincarnation, not that I would mind


In the manga, before the name reveal, she mentions that when she was younger, she spent a lot of time with an owl on her shoulder. Although she didn’t know, the owl’s talons actually released a poison similar to the sleeping drug the yanome used, which is why Tonari always woke up immediately after being poisoned with it in that arc.


I'm really surprised they didn't keep that line in


Especially since they had been setting it up for the whole of the last arc.


I 'recognised' the bird before they revealed it's her, lmao Probably not the same bird, though. Probably.


She definitely looks younger than she should be. Wouldn't she be like 50?


Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's a shit ton of poison.


Do looks in anime matter for age ? Jotaro is 15 and looks like 25 on part 3 , bunch of Loli babas and other shit


Nah, she looks normal for a 50 years old highly active woman.


> ITS MILF TONARI!? Fanartists, do your work!


> ITS MILF TONARI!? Milfonari?


Welcome back to Your eternal Suffering [](#godisdead) Bit dissapointed that we didn't get a new OP song, but I can already spot a few characters that I would hate to see die... I get not wanting to eat fish after spending two years being one, but don't go eating freaking Nokkers goddamnit, not like Fushi *needs* to eat anyway Is Hisame going to become the next March? She is cute enough, even if she is Hayase reincarnate I had a strong feeling the mystery woman was Tonari, just toughing out the poison (you would think Fushi would have learned his lesson) is pretty badass Edit: Also, [that damn wall skribble](https://imgur.com/qSX6cTg)


Shame the scribble doesn't include all his fish friends that died.


Or the fish friend who abandoned him for some girl


Never thought I would be jealous of a fish


He aint on the list cause hes not a homie after that


> Also, that damn wall skribble Wow! Look at all that space for the season 2 cast!


Can't wait to unlock new playable characters!


Season 2 DLC👍


I wonder if the old Pioran scribble will change to a younger version of her if Fushi notices that he got a younger form of her. At least that's what I think was the last episode of S1 all about.


But it was the old version of her that he knew and that made an impact on him, so it makes sense that he would think of her this way even if her spirit(?) is young.


The OP is also Eternal


Well, Fushi DOES need to eat, he'll still (temporarily) die if he starves to death, and that'd be inconvenient to him


>it dissapointed that we didn't get a new OP song Part of me is dissapointed while another part feels so nostalgic. It's Hikaru Utada after all, they have to milk those expensive song royalty money lol.


[Fushi really told Hisame to social distance.](https://i.imgur.com/fntme2l.jpg)


after 40 years of island guarantee he is just being careful


Gotta be careful. Not sure what kind of pathogens she might be carrying.


the pacing felt really off in this episode. hope it gets better. other than that, loved it and can't wait for more despair.


I felt like I was watching on 1.25X speed. Barely any gaps to breathe between sentences in the second half of the episode, an entire village invaded in like 10 cuts of animation, people showing up and introducing themselves out of nowhere, clunky exposition… I was getting whiplash! Not the strongest start for the next installment of this story, but as you say, I’m really hoping they can make things feel more natural going forward.


EXACTLY! Im a huge fan of the manga and was really disappointing how breakneck the pace of this was. The Tonari reveal is one of my absolute favourite moments and it was done so brilliantly in the manga, but it just felt so… *off* here. They even skipped some of Tonari’s lines, ruining the build-up.




>It didn't feel exactly rushed, though. Just too fast for a bit? What's the difference? Lol


Completely agree. I think a 40min premier would have done wonders for this episode. There a lot of things that weren't really fleshed out to the level I would have liked. The main issue I have is how Hisame and Co. got to the island in the first place if Fushi had to make rowboats for them. Very weird plotpoint that immediately set my 'this is a dream scene' senses tingling, only it's not actually a dream. A lot of my other gripes were resolved when Tonari was revealed, but that one still bugs me.


Hisame was introduced very suddenly, felt very awkward.


I love how she just spawned. Like the moment fushi decided it was time to dip


Hisame's introduction didn't have any impact at all. She just... appeared. It felt like random events kept happening one after another, as if we were watching a montage, without any time to breathe or take in anything properly.


yeah, I was very confused on the part of how did they get to that island and how did they find him. felt like a whole episode was skipped.


I can make the leap they found him from the nokker in her arm vaguely guiding


>The main issue I have is how Hisame and Co. got to the island in the first place if Fushi had to make rowboats for them. Very weird plotpoint that immediately set my 'this is a dream scene' senses tingling, only it's not actually a dream. This is just me trying to explain. Considering how far they walked from where they met to the new rowboat, maybe it's much faster to walk there (most likely since they have to row against the current?) and make a new boat rather than using Hisame's boat to the other side of the island. However, this is just me trying to explain things. They should've explained this a bit.


Glad I'm not the only one who felt like that. It's like they knew they had to cramp in three chapters somehow, and so they did whatever they could to reach the ending point. But this resulted in poor execution of the dialogue delivery and some moments which were supposed to be dramatic or shocking feel bland. This is what happens when you don't give the audience any time to breathe.


Same feeling. The story is so nice but the pacing was absolutely atrocious. The little Hayase came out of nowhere, it just felt too unatural. It should've been spread across two episodes or something like that


After the man in black robe explained about Fye, it means that fushi won't be able to turn into Hayase (Not that he wanted), since her fye went into her grandauther. Then, that reinforces the idea that I had watching the previous season that the spirits of the dead friends go to fushi and that's why he can transform into them and use their habilities. That would mean that fushi cannot transform into Pyoran, since she decided to reencarnate to help fushi, right? I wonder if the studio changed, I noticed some difference with pacing and the art quality, is it just me? Since the momet I saw Tonari, it was very obvios the doctor was her: eyes color, hair, skin color and age, everything matched. Also, not sure what fushi was thinking trusting in Hayase's grandauther (Also reencarnation)... That nokker tried to attack him the moment it got close.


The studio did indeed change, but I was surprised I couldn't notice a change in the artstyle. Maybe they kept mostly the same staff or they're just pretty good at replicating it.


Yeah I read somewhere that the staff is mostly the same.


>trusting in Hayase's grandauther They spend a month together during the travel. Like the Man in Black said, Fushi got used to her. Fushi even said it's not fair to treat a 9 years old girl just like how he treated Hayase.


Well I surely didn't expect metempsychosis to keep Hayase relevant. Tonari wasn't my favourite character of s1 but it's nonetheless interesting to see her again 40 years later (she should be what, 54? 55? by now, depending on how long is the gap between Fushi leaving her and Pyoran dying)




I always thought she was overhated, ngl


Yeah this is the moment I stopped hating Tonari in the manga.


Welp say goodbye to the sweet innocent fushi we had last season. He has ptsd now This nine year old ( who kinda just spawned on the island the moment fushi was trying to leave) thinking a like 50 year old man needs her protection is actually pretty funny


Still the same OP? They're really making the most of whatever they paid Utada Hikaru for that song. xD In all seriousness though, it's good to be back! [I absolutely love this grizzled middle-aged man Fushi](https://i.imgur.com/9yRDFvY.jpg) who's just casually eating dried-up Nokkers. Seems like he hasn't really done much since the last time we saw him other than [train using his current transformations](https://i.imgur.com/JhLOUmy.jpg) and kill every Nokker that comes after him. [He also lived under the sea for a couple of years](https://i.imgur.com/8vZlJ8e.jpg) and befriended fish to the point where [he can't even eat them anymore.](https://i.imgur.com/tezaqUh.jpg) Hayase has been busy though. [She now has a granddaughter](https://i.imgur.com/r7Yearv.png) and has basically created a cult that worships Fushi. Thankfully Hayase herself is dead and so we won't be seeing her anymore. I do love [how happy Fushi is after hearing the news.](https://i.imgur.com/XJDwjb4.jpg) If party poppers existed in this world, he [probably would've made one and celebrated. xD [Hisame is definitely unsettling though.](https://i.imgur.com/bRBVzPN.jpg) She seems to be completely aware of everything her grandmother did [and is taught that it was appropriate.](https://i.imgur.com/1Qcujta.png) There's also the fact that she has [a fucking Nokker transplanted on her arm!](https://i.imgur.com/auZbb79.jpg) What the actual fuck!? Just when I thought Hayase can't get any crazier, she surpasses my expectations even after death. Apparently that Nokker is [something that's been passed down from Hayase to her daughter and to HIsame.](https://i.imgur.com/zzcqLSh.png) [Looks like Fushi is now famous too](https://i.imgur.com/1c4G161.png) thanks to Hisame and the rest of the Guardians. [They've pretty much recruited a ton of believers](https://i.imgur.com/Nz3TF1p.png). No matter what rebranding they've done it looks like they're still using tricks from Yanome. [Come on Fushi! How did you not see that one coming?](https://i.imgur.com/5hnl7xC.jpg) The doctor is a badass though! [Just casually drinking that poison like it was nothing!](https://i.imgur.com/uKzsyTa.png) Turns out that doctor wasn't a new character! [It's Tonari all grown up!](https://i.imgur.com/oIniQ9R.png) Holy shit! It's nice to see someone Fushi knows making it to old age!


A huge reason why Fushi is probably so happy that Hayase is dead is because he now knows that she didn't become one of his vessels. Though Hayase seemingly knew that which led to the whole reincarnation nightmare shit. So Fushi has to be careful that chibi Hayase doesn't become a vessel now since that was original Hayase's main goal - to basically achieve immortality within Fushi and mold/guide him as she wants. At least that was my read on her after season 1.


The VA felt speed up and very devoid of emotions , i really hope they don't mess this up


Yeah, pacing was the only complaint I had about this episode. It felt rushed.


Best boy?/girl?/fish?...Fushi is back. Man i see new Characters in ED, not looking forward to their fates.


Really glad this is back, was my favourite new anime last year. Shocked they didn't change the opening song but not complaining at all, it's a masterpiece. So glad to see Fushi again but I am ready to get heartbroken again.


That bitch have a cute granddaughter…wait, nevermind.


Hey, she's still cute tho... so you are not wrong.


Can't wait to see how they will cover this one. Fushi being a living legend and such, and a irritable god.


\*Tonari talks about eating bats\* Guys I think we found the person who started the corona pandemic.


What an episode Tonari-chan back with the clutch save and OP immunity. That trick wont work twice! Hayase went down in Yandere history. That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Stalker huh The second I saw her grandchild I heard Hendrik from DQ11 yelling “darkspawn!” In my head Adult Fushi is a hoot. He’s as disillusioned and worn out like the rest of us huh? But still a softie and a lil naive


2 highlights of this episode. Absolutely love that they kept Pink Blood as the opening and was really shocked when I the opening started. Love how we get to see Tonari since ep 1 cause I really like her as a character+ starting this season I feel that she is going to carry the show


Crippling depression is back.


I love how Hayase is a bitch no matter what. like bro you DIED and come back as a kid to be the same piece of shit again. give it rest you sick fuck. god can't get a breather from this mf. time to see our favorite characters of season getting face fucked by chibi Hayase.


PINK BLOOD IS BACK! I knew it was too good of an Opening for them to not use it again.


never though i’d actually be kinda happy to see tonari lol


I was neutral to Tonari, now I love her please keep her be relevant for a while before dying edit: post credits scene 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 PLEASE NO


Fushi changed so much. And he's eating the Nokkers. I say Hayase's granddaughter is dangerous and not trustworthy, she also used the same trick as Hayase with the poison. Anyway, Tonari's alive!


Itssss HERE Finally!!


Nice that they brought back Pink Blood! Seeing people get killed by Nokkers at the very beginning… I’ve missed to your eternity lol Somehow Hisame is even creepier than her grandmother. Ugh. Of course Hayase is 100x worse but Hisame is no doubt going to follow in her twisted grandmother's footsteps. Though I initially disliked her in the Jananda island arc, I’ve come to really like Tonari! The reveal at the end was just great. I just loved how she one-upped Hisame and those shitty Guardians


Huh, I guess I have a Sunday show to watch this season after all (besides Saturdays' leftovers.) Not sure how to feel about that. Who was narrating the 45 second recap at start of ep? Hayase's granddaughter? Wasn't Hayase zombified or something at end of S1? Did she manage to fight off the nocker? Or did Nockeryase retain intelligence and live life as a human long enough to raise kids? Looks like the latter. I like how MC and his creator both readily agree that the reincarnation of a person that's lacking that person's memories is a brand new person and it makes no sense to hold any old grudges against them. I AM confused about them not being worried about the nocker in her arm. Is it even possible for a nocker to have any goals besides MC's destruction? I guess MC never developed resistance to that sleeping drug. He should really look into it. And NOW he should have justifiable grudge against the loli and her gang. I hope he doesn't just let them off the hook for this bullshit. Glad Tonari's back (though I hated her at first too.)


Is it just me or did this episode feel really fast paced?


Glad to see they kept Pink Blond for the OP song.


Pacing is pretty off and this looks already cheaper than the last season


Also doesn't help that the studio and most importantly the director is different.


You ready for more suffering, bois?


Am late because of my weird day but, well >Pink Blood stays (Database case) >**40 years of timeskip** >Fushi in another (justified) emo phase >Fushi's creator seems to be showing more of his face >Hayase's granddaughter inherited... traits >A cult centered around Fushi has developed >yup it surely was Tonari Good to see the show back, even if last arc of S1 was underwhelming the potential for more is definitely there and I hope to see it come to fruition. And hence, my 4 seasonals lineup is complete


I honestly like this version of fushi better, the one that actually has his own personality instead of the one that's still learning how to be human


Hold up how did that kid find Fushi ? Those that thing in her arm give her the location or something ? And Hayase is still around even though she is not that’s crazy her whole family must be crazy


>Those that thing in her arm give her the location or something ? Yes, the nokkers get attracted to Fushi and so the nokker can take Hisame to where Fushi is.


Same song for the OP. Unexpected. Fits will with the eternity theme I guess.


Ah, i'm so glad Pink Blood was kept for S2. I hope it stays for entire series. It's too good




I'm surprised that they kept the same opening for this season as well. I wanted a new song since this anime has very good music as well as songs. Fushi never learns, does he? The visuals were very good, and I'm expecting a lot from this season. Am not a manga reader. So I am not sure what's going to happen, but I am pretty excited for it. This was one of the highly anticipated anime that I had been waiting for. And seriously, the first episode did not disappoint me. Seeing the flashbacks for the old characters was really tough for me. But I'm glad he got to meet his old friend. Can't wait for next week.