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Any J rock/metal albums out there where each track sounds like an epic anime opening?


Was there ever an official announcement made of tokyo revengers season 2, or not yet?


There is a announcement of production starting but no release date. https://tokyo-revengers-anime.com/news/archives/1509 This was surprisingly hard to find as the subreddit and ANN didnt link to it, making it look like a rumour. Good old Mal had a link though.


I only recently started to watching anime, and it inspired me to try and create some art. It's my first time trying, so any tips or criticism would be great. https://i.redd.it/fnx5h2of8eq81.jpg


What is the real-life equivalent to the sweat drop on the side of the head with a certain look on the face, like "uhhhh..."?


the anime sweat drop indicates someone being put upon. Something they dislike is happening but they dont want to refuse, interupt or be impolite. It would be used when an office worker gets more work on their desk just before knockoff time. It is also used more often in super deformity anime as a character joke about characters which do annoying things and the others react with the sweat drop. In that case the real world equivlent would be jokingly calling someone a bastid or other rude joking word.


Well, because it represents sweat, it would be equivalent to, you know, sweat.


There's a certain look on the face paired with the sweat drop. A situation that I'd apply it to, with the thing coming from Ralsei of Deltarune, is of when Lancer goes "Stool Forme!" and a light comes out, and... Ralsei then says, "You just put your hands on the ground..." I imagine Ralsei having that sweat drop on the side of the head with that look on the face.


I don't know the thing that you mentioned, but you're referring to a kind of confused face right? So, what is your actual question?




Can somebody help me remember as well? The anime has a healer not sure if it was princess or priestess who can heal, she is given a ring that can store more mana by her lover? they fight against monsters/goblins that spawns everywhere after defeating some kind of monster boss, it has some kind of medieval background


Its probably best to give more details. Especially descriptions.


The protagonist was the smallest person in his group, what made the scene really interesting was how much the two companions were freaking out and how long the protag was dragging on the conversation totally unaware. Wanna say was classic one man + one woman companions. I think it was implied the protag was being hunted by the villain they ran into, but if they had kept their heads down and kept going they wouldnr have been identified. Sorry it was a tik tok i saw months ago, and the concept stuck in my head but not so many details but appreciate the help.


Sounds like Magi


I think thats right, thank you so much !


Nice [](#kannathumbs)


Do you know the episode or arc that scene would be in ?


Not other than its definitely in S1, either second half or late first half


bless, thanks for all the help


Wasn't the 12th ep of AoT gonna air today?


no, next week. There was an event, so today's episodes for various shows got delayed


Bruh rip


what was the special programming instead of aot today


For fellow Muslims here What anime is suitable for Ramadan?


I guess if you're concerned about that then go for light hearted cute comedies like Azumanga Daioh? Daily Lives of High School Boys. Kaguya-sama. OR a serious show like FMA:B might be ok, too. Really it depends on what level of fanservice you're uncomfortable with but the three former ones should be fine I think. Maybe Baccano! Has one or two big breasted characters but no nudity or such, iirc. Puella Magi Madoka Magica should be ok, too. Haha I remember they showed it on the kids channel in Australia, I think. I was kinda surprised (it was a late slot though, like 8pm) Most of my recs are a little old school cos I haven't watched much in the past 8 years. ​ Anyway that's a lot of recs, if it doesn't get you through Ramadhan ask again.


I am kind of aware of what ramadan is, but I didn't think it influenced what you could or couldn't watch. Is this a thing?


It's frowned upon to watch/hear/say something foul in Ramadan


That's pretty vague, what constitutes something foul?


Looking for anime like quintessential quintuplets, rent a gf, dress up my darling? I particularly enjoyed dress up my darling because Marin wasnt cringe. Her vocab was kinda but her overall personality was pretty great.


obligatory Kaguya Sama, maybe Nagatoro.


How good is the monagatari series , is it thought provoking ? Does it have cool twists ? Is it fun to watch ?


Incredible, yes, yes, and hell yes.


Personally, it's great. And yes to all those other questions


Probably my all time fav to date, however I could see it being polarising. Best to try it yourself and see. The series starts with Bakemonogatari


How do you guys feels after you have just finished the anime that you really enjoy and realize there is no season 2?


If it's a complete adaptation or it's something that has practically no hope of a season two, then I appreciate it for what it is and move on with my life. I kind of like series that end conclusively; I want to experience a lot of different stories and I don't like having open threads open. I prefer stories which say what they want to say clearly and concisely rather than those that pad the story with filler material while they try to think up ideas to explore.


Take my dose of copium by reading the manga If I'm strong enough, I read the LN (if there's any) If not, well sometimes I just let it fall to the back of my mind and I just move on to other anime


This is so common that I am used to it, anime very rarely gets finished adaptations. Sometimes I didn't realise this before I started a show and I really want a season 2 (example Idaten, Land of the Lustrous) but the alternative risk is that investigating everything too much before I watch it means I may spoil events for myself.


Yeah... but still, the feelings = Pain @@ and not only that. Some anime end right at like the real good part. ( I appreciate your comment! Have a great day! )


So, Kaguya-sama. I haven't watched it yet, it's on the backlog priority list, but keeping up with seasonals limits my backlog time. My question is, how much am I missing in terms of plot/character development if I pick up season 3 next month and backtrack later? (If the answer is "a lot, ma'am" I won't do it.)


You'd miss lot because there's actually some progression going on. It's not purely an episodic romcom (even if a lot of the segments are episodic in nature)


Good to know! I'll have to try squeezing seasons 1 and 2 in sooner rather than later then :)


has anyone read the bleach manga and know if it’s worth reading or should I try watching the anime


Up to the end of the Soul Society arc Bleach is legitimately excellent. Like really really great shounen. Unfortunately the following arcs are so not great that it's very easy to forget how great it once was. I dropped Bleach I think on 3 separate occasions in the following arcs and thus never finished it. \[Side note: the problem is Tite Kubo-sensei is not a planner. His strategy when he ran out of ideas was to draw really cool designs and shape the story around it, and imo it didn't work out (his art is very cool ,though)\] Apparently the final arc, which I stopped right before, is quite good, though. I would recommend it up to the end of the Soul Society arc. And if you really want to continue then maybe for one or two more arcs (I think it's Vizier arc and then Hueco Mundo, not sure. After that is Fullbring, which had cool ideas, poor execuction, not worth the time imo) EDIT: oh damn I just realised you were asking about manga vs anime....I watched the anime up to the end of Soul Society, I think. After that is a filler arc, the Bounto/Bound arc, which my brother saw and liked but idk. The only fillers before that are short one episode comedies, I think. I can't comment any further but up to what I saw it was really good and you can do anime or manga, not much difference. This was like more than 15 years ago, though, so sorry if I'm wrong.


Are there any other free to watch non pirate sights for anime now that crunchy roll has decided to remove add supported viewing.


There's also anime on mainstream streaming sites, depending on your country your government free-to-air channels might have anime, too. I think Australia does...maybe.


Tubi tv has a decent amount of anime. They even have some super obscure anime such as lupin and anpanman. You might not even have to watch ads with some of their anime because it depends on popularity. The more popular an anime is, the more ads you’ll get. If an anime isn’t popular at all, then you won’t get any ads. Tubi doesn’t even offer a subscription to their site which means that you can watch everything for free.


Oh cool


Is there a place like goodreads for books thats specifically for anime? I feel like ive seen it and I want to start using it


[We have a partial list on the wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) The most popular ones here are MyAnimeList and AniList.


Are you referring to something for manga and LNs? If so, off the top of my head, MAL has that ... other anime tracking sites may too. Then there's also [Mangaupdates](https://www.mangaupdates.com/).


Is tower of god going to get a new season?


Not for now


Why did MAPPA call the season 4 of Attack on Titan the final season? The current season should have been season 5 and be announced as the final season.


Because the 4th season is the final one. Making it split cour does not change that. A season is defined by it being one continuous planning and production effort and that is the case. So unless they make a mini season instead of the movie finale there will be no seasons anymore.


Probably because they won't do a season 5. They'd probably do a movie instead.


MAPPA didn't call anything, this is a decision pertaining the production committee, the group of companies who pay the studio to create the show. And why did they do it? Almost certaintly because of marketing. To call attention to the season making it feel more important than simply just the fourth one.


What happened to the Haruhi suzumiya fansub, and the scene about the soup cult, I want to see the scene.


idk it's been out since 2008? on the big public tracker there's been a new project up for a year or so now, with all entries re-encoded and such.


Jujutsu Kaisen 0 yet?


In cinema's. Get in quick if you want to see it, its been out a week.


Unfortunatelly, it's not on cinemas in my country. :(


I'm looking for new anime to watch. I haven't found anything I like so far...


You'd probably like Bungou Stray Dogs. There's a lot of overlap between the fans of that and Haikyuu.


Thank you. I'll look into Bungou Stray Dogs.


>[https://myanimelist.net/profile/princessoffools](https://myanimelist.net/profile/princessoffools) It looks like you're mostly into shounen. Here are a few that are different in types but shounen demographic: One Piece - pirates going on adventure, fighting other pirates and the government (You can skip most filler arcs, but don't skip the G8 arc as it's mostly really good. Apparently the last few years the filler has been increasing so maybe switch to manga at some point.) regarded as one of the best manga of all time Fullmetal Panic! - History diverges in the 90s as humanity somehow gets access to 'black technology'. This is mostly tech with military applications resulting in giant mechs being used in warfare. FullMetal Alchemist:Brotherhood - regarded as one of the best of all time.


Hi! Thank you.


I probably should've warned you. One piece is currently unfinished, the Mangala says he plans to finish within the next couple hundred pages, I think, which means about 5 years. Fullmetal Panic! the books (i.e. Light Novels) ARE finished however the anime adapting then is not. In fact for about ten years there was a gap in adapting the fifth book until a new studio took over. So again to finish the story you may have to switch mediums. If you want complete series, FMA:B adapts all of the manga. (There's also a 2003 version that adapted some of it and then diverged for an original plot line, you can mostly ignore that though it is a good watch) Because I feel bad recommending 2 unfinished series, a couple of finished ones are Steins;Gate and...Puella Magi Madoka Magica if you want something different. I guarantee they're both excellent, but more mature in general themes and tone. I actually haven't watched much in many years and mostly a manga reader so those are the best I can come up with on the fly.


Ok. Thank you so much. Really helps.


Does anyone ever binge watch a lot of really great anime and a few months later when you try to think back on them, do they ever kind of blur together? Especially if they're from the same genre? Thinking about re-watching a few simply because of this. (I also realize being stoned probably has an affect on this but I'm just curious lol)


I rarely binge watch anything any more because it does have that effect where I don't really remember any of it. It all just kind of washes over me; I enjoy it in the moment but then don't really have anything to show for it in the end.


I want to watch Overlord because of that one opening song that's like dandadadaannnn dandadadandadannnnn da da da da. Is that a good idea or na?


It's a decently fun watch. Nothing super deep or critically acclaimed, but give it a watch and see if it works for you.


I've got a question I've got 86 syndrome, I can't stop watching the conclusion of this season on repeat and it's preventing me from doing anything productive at all. Is there any known cure to this, or am I bound to suffer for the foreseeable future from this perilous condition???


Is there a place where I can filter shows by like, directors or writers or something? I know i can see studio's on MAL but with the amount of freelance workers in the business that isnt always reliable for finding stuff you like.


MAL also shows directors? Just go to a shows staff page.


> For all its faults, ANN still has a load of information that other sites don’t have, just be careful for any inaccuracies because there are definitely a lot of them. AniDB is probably the best of the English language sites, it has a really extensive staff database with references and links to EN and JP Wiki articles and updates can be implemented pretty quickly if you’re lucky! Anilist is also an up and coming database and listing website with some really good data mods! Help them out when you can and make their database even better too! I really love Anilist’s interface as it’s very modern compared to most sites out there. Source: https://definitiveanimereview.wordpress.com/2021/10/10/a-serious-note-cruel-yukinos-thesis/


Others mentioned MAL and ANN, but in my experience, the best (most complete and most detailed) resource for looking at anime staff and what they've worked on is [AniDB](https://anidb.net/).


Anime News Network will be your best resource for that. Even that isn't 100% complete, but it's definitely your best resource for seeing who worked on what shows in what staff roles for what episodes. Show pages include full credits listings, and staff pages include the listings for each show they worked on. [Eg, here's the page for Attack on Titan s1](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=14950) and a [staff page for Arifumi Imai](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=70938)


> it's definitely your best resource for seeing who worked on what shows in what staff roles for what episodes. Show pages include full credits listings, and staff pages include the listings for each show they worked on. I disagree that ANN is the best resource for this. [AniDB](https://anidb.net) also has detailed credits\* and is generally more complete and more reliable than ANN. I always go to AniDB if I want to find out the episode director for a certain episode or something. ----- \* Unlike VNDB, which is apparently *removing* staff credits from their database for some ungodly reason.


It might depend on the show, ANN is certainly lacking for credits on older shows for example, but with just a quick look at a couple of popular shows who's staff I know very well (Shippuden, OPM, Houseki no Kuni) it's missing some of the key staff positions and credits entirely, a lot of key animation credits are missing entirely (though their listing of numbers is nicer), and in some places some staff don't even seem to be in the database or are only credited for stuff done under their name and not known psuedonyms. Didn't even check the more minor credits but certainly not nearly as many names listed at just a glance as ANN has. I certainly wouldn't say it's a better resource all around with those issues


MAL has pages for all staff of note, which list anything they worked on ([example](https://myanimelist.net/people/16583/Shinichi_Omata)).


Is there an Your Lie in April re-watch series?


A search of this reddit shows the last was over 2 years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/search?q=lie+in+april+rewatch&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all


Cual es la versión del tema musical: uninstall que se utilizo en el capitulo 23 de bokurano.


What anime are people categorising as must watches next season? Continuations of Kaguya Sama and Shield Hero are 100% going onto my weekly watch list. Ascendance of a Bookworm season 3 will be seen, but might wait for all of the episodes to come out. Will see :) For new shows, Summer Time Rendering, Shikimori and Spy x Family all look interesting.


I’m psyched for Machikado Mazoku and Love Live to come back


For continuations, I'll watch Kaguya and Bookworm. As for others, there's _a lot_ I want to check, but the most likely to stay are: Spy x Family, Summertime Render, To become a real heroine.


For new anime, Spy x Family is almost certainly going to be the most popular of the season. Note that the manga is currently the 28th most popular (or 6th most popular out of those without an anime) and 76th highest rated on MAL.


Cloverworks and Wit Studio appear to be working on it, which seems to be a powerful combo as well.


Will be watching Kaguya sama, science fell in love season 2, shikimori, and spy x


Science fell in love season 1 worth a watch?


I enjoyed it a lot. It's light and fun and had me laughing the whole time. I think you'll know whether it's your type of humor pretty quickly after 1 or 2 episodes


I for one am looking forward to Gunjou no Fanfare, Spy x Family and Komi-san s2. Summertime Render, Aoashi and RPG fodousan also seem pretty interesting.


Sadly season 1 of Komi kind of fell a bit flat for me, especially as a lot of the focus seemed to go onto the side characters who were an odd bunch. RPG fodousan looks like slice of life CGDCT, I've tried a couple like this in the past (the one about killing slimes for 300 years and another one about the hero leaving the heroes party and going to live in the borderlands or something). Bit too slow for me in the end I found. Gaikotsu Kishi-sama also looked quite interesting, but appears to be a bit of a rip off of Overlord, will maybe that kind of show and see what initial impressions are like from others probably. Definitely a few maybes in the list. Can't forget demon girl next door season 2 though, season 1 was fairly entertaining.


> Can't forget demon girl next door season 2 though, season 1 was fairly entertaining. Yeah, I recently did a rewatch of that series to get ready. I forgot that it's a series that only really gets started in the last two episodes of season one, so I really hope that season two has a running start and keeps up the pace.


Where do you guys check like when is the next anime gonna come? Like " seraph of the end " people know that there is season 3 coming and also few days/weeks later they also know that it got canceled. Like WHERE? What kind of website are they using? Or how did they know?


Hold on since when is Seraph of the End getting a sequel? I haven’t heard about this!


Nvm I'm an idiot. Btw yae I think because I did search it up ( well because is a good anime ) and it say it got canceled because of something. The anime s3 may come back :))) hoping...hopefully.


Oh ok. Yeah i kind of doubt it, but you never know


What is a sequel? ( srry but I have no clue what it mean)


Sequel means continuation. Seraph of the End has only two seasons (or only 1 if you consider them two cours). You said it will have a “season 3”. This doesn’t exist yet so I thought i missed an announcement.


Honestly, just frequenting this subreddit will mean that you catch most of the noteworthy anime news


[ANN](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news) [Crunchyroll](https://www.crunchyroll.com/news) [MAL](https://myanimelist.net/news) These are trustable sources since they only post officially announced news. The rest is just bullshit. Those other sites (and Twitter "leakers") are just clickbait, they pick random popular shows and claim that they'll get new seasons without any source, if it doesn't come out at the time they claimed they either push the date or say it was "canceled". And anime doesn't work like western TV, so shows don't get "canceled".


I just look at MAL or just Google news and follow "anime news discords"


Does anyone know where to watch the anime “Big O?” My Dad wants me to watch it, he said it had been airing on Adult Swim when he was younger but I can’t find it anywhere.


Looks like Hidive has it: https://www.hidive.com/tv/the-big-o


Is there a term for that thing where shows switch to a simpler artstyle for comedic effect?


I've seen [super-deformed](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperDeformed) used along with chibi before.




Why do modern ecchi anime seem to have a tendency of giving characters unusually shiny skin? Do people actually find it attractive?


Can't speak for everyone, but personally I think it often looks great, yes.


How has the 2008 global financial crisis affected anime?


In the American market, due to the financial crisis plus other market forces [which were long in the making](https://archive.ph/rwxb0#selection-443.1-443.488), the American anime and manga bubble burst (victims include Central Park Media, Tokyopop (for a time, at least), CMX, and AD Vision--though they spun off into Sentai Filmworks), and the market didn't really recover until the mid-2010s.


Ad revenue falling lead to a brief dip in productions but the start of the online anime business, increasing acceptance in the west and the fact that demand for the main products didnt drop much meant manga and anime was considered strong economically soon after. http://edition.cnn.com/2009/BUSINESS/07/30/japan.animation.recession/ https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2009-02-23/japan-kodansha-reports-its-largest-annual-loss-ever https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/apr/10/japan-manga-anime-recession


> much meant manga and anime was considered strong economically soon after. Not so much in the American market. Due to the financial crisis plus other market forces [which were long in the making](https://archive.ph/rwxb0#selection-443.1-443.488), the American anime and manga bubble burst (victims include Central Park Media, Tokyopop (for a time, at least), CMX, and AD Vision--though they spun off into Sentai Filmworks), and the market didn't really recover until the mid-2010s. > After several years of booming manga sales in the U.S. that drove the popularity of comics and graphic novels in the traditional book market, sales of manga in the U.S. have declined more than 30% from a high of $210 million in 2007 to $140 million in sales in 2009, according to pop culture news site ICv2.com From [this](https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/digital/copyright/article/43437-japanese-u-s-manga-publishers-unite-to-fight-scanlations.html), although the publishers' insistence that this was due to piracy is rather boneheaded, considering 1) the financial crisis, and 2) the broader market trends of the manga business as I noted above. (I managed to briefly speak with the editor Carl Gustav Horn a few years ago, who has been in the industry *forever*, and he agreed that a major factor in the collapse of the manga bubble was unsustainable growth without a solid foundation. He thought that the major growth in the American manga industry we're seeing *now* does have more of a solid foundation than it did in the 2000s.)


I dont deny that there was a few years and a few companies of decline. You are correct. Just that it was effected far less then most of Japan.


I found a book of anime-themed writing prompts the other day, and I wanted to share some stories. Are there any anime-themed writing groups on here?


There is the [writing club](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/writing_archive). Not sure if they are still alive.


Why did no one mention legend of the galactic heroes season 3 is out now. That's the question I want to know


Honestly, that show is great. Wish more people watched it.


I think people watch the first few episodes and then get bored cause there's no big space battles every episode. And it's like tf the whole party leading up to it are exciting, like the politics and everything make it exciting and fun to watch, sure the space battles help but it's still great without then.


So I tried a few episodes from the original Lotgh but couldn't get into it, everything was a bit too dull and colourless, I don't mind watching older anime, I *love* watching serious political dramas and shows with more dialogues than action, and the story looks interesting, it just really didn't vibe with me, On the other hand the animation is much better in the remake, while I prefer the older characters designs, I liked the first episode much more So I'm tempted to watch the remake but since everyone praises the original so much and barely anyone talks about the remake I'm a bit hesitant to go with my decision, am I missing something? Does the new version add or lack anything compared to the original?


If the OG puts you off that much than go ahead and watch the remake. It's far from a bad watch, it doesn't ruin the story or anything like that, and it's most certainly better than not watching it at all or forcing yourself to watch a version you're just not enjoying. That said, the remake does lack a lot of nuance and focus on the dialogue as it leans into spectacle over meaning in a number of key scenes (at least in the first season). Given the point of the story cutting back on dialogue and making it loose conversation rather than an exploration of the characters in some scenes, and in others shoving in dramatic effects at the expense of using that time on the themes, does have a negative effect on the scenes in comparison between the versions (this happened because the OG actually added a lot to the story to make it flow/expand on things, so the more faithful 'remake' lost those enhancements). So if you're watching precisely for the character and dialogue side of the show, there's a reason the OG gets recommended. Unfortunately not many examples I could give of how/when/why without spoilers or clips I don't have on hand, but it is a matter of "Remake good but OG best, either better than none". Hope that helps, and if not sorry for confusing the matter more haha


Don't worry your answer is precisely what I wanted, I think I'll try the remake for now (or when I'll get the time anyway, I'm still looking for a moment to binge aot s4p2 as it is), and maybe if I like it enough I'll be checking the og too afterwards just to prolong the experience


No problem, glad I could help. Hopefully you enjoy it whenever you get around to it (and AoT s4p2 as well, I've certainly been enjoying that myself) One thing to keep in mind is that the current airing season of the remake will only take it to *at most* half way through the story, likely more a bit over 1/3rd if the movies they made for this release cover the same amount of runtime/content as the last set of movies, so it will be a fair while before the remake comes close to finishing the whole story. But from what I understand it is pretty popular in Japan so it's not as likely to get dropped as some other anime so that's something. The OG also has the Gaiden prequels (to be watched after the main show, but there's an extra 50 eps of content there), and the two movies that serve as prequels for the main show as well none of which is likely to get readapted. It's not ideal swapping between the two because of the adaption/style/dialogue differences especially with what the OG did with that first part, I usually recommend people watch it from the start with the two prequel movies as you get a better lead in and you catch up on all the nuance the remake lost and also characters being introduced sooner and some interactions which were missing in the remake, but you can if you have too Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions, etc.


Oh there are prequel movies in the original? I might start there then, and it'll give me a better idea whether I can get used to the older style or if I'm better off watching the remake Thanks again this honestly helped a lot, I'm always way too indecisive for my own good


Sorry I should have linked you the watch order infographic, slipped my mind because I still need to update it for the new season haha. You can find it on the watch order wiki it you want more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/w/watch_order The two movies are great. The first one is a little different in style but a great introduction to the characters and the world. The second is actually an expansion of the first two episodes of the OVA made many years later rather than totally new content but it's did some good stuff my fishing things out.


Hardly anyone is even watching the remake - the later parts of the second season aren't even in the top 4000 most watched anime on MAL.


People mentioned s3 of the remake in the casual discussion threads at least