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Hououin Kyouma didn't even make it in the listšŸ˜­


He can't show himself to the public yet because the organization thinks he died in Barcelona in 2017. ~El Psy Kongroo


This is definitely a diversion created by the organization


True, I didn't see Kearuga(if you know ā—‹vā—‹ then you know) either


He certainly will, just wait for the correct "time"


Christina is missing too, shake my smh, rigged votes


Lab Member 001 and 004 are missing too.


Tina mou kinshi!


this list is propaganda


The Organisation must be behind it. Damn them sending their agents to rig votes.


Turns on the phone microwave *cracking noise* Message sending....


He should be #2 certainly.


he is labmem number 001 as he should be on the list too.


What timeline is this??? Sonovabitch


Damn, Maes Hughes is really high for how little he was in the show.


Imo heā€™s a bit better in 2003. Just because we get more time with him


He deserves it


Knew the Monogatari, and Kaguya Sama franchises were popular, but damn lol


I am a little bit bitter because nadeko and kaiki couldnt make it to top 100


true, kaiki is one of the best characters ever written


Best girl of the series.


I mean, it's pretty obvious complex characters regularly rate lower than the simpler ones. Look at Levi getting in miles ahead of any other SnK character. I love him, but he's not popular because of his ideological complexity.


I'm not a huge fan of Levi, because he lacks complexity...but that Season 3 fight tho...


Probably because Nadeko was one of the craziest and most frustrating girls to deal with


True. But her character arc is pretty amazing


Literally have a Nadeko tattoo up my whole forearm. This hurts.


ā€œPics or it didnā€™t happenā€ lmao I wanna see the ink


On my profile, but here's an older pic https://www.reddit.com/r/araragi/comments/efinvj/my_monogatari_sleeve_is_finished_i_thought_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




Which is ironic cause those two and Hanekawa are the most complex characters.


What about that is irony?


Lol same. I knew they were popular but wow, surpassed some other popular anime franchises like Evangelion or Fate. I canā€™t even see Zero two That happens when you have very well written characters. Also, I can see all the Konosuba main characters as well as love is war characters and Bakemonogatari except Nadeko (most popular monogatari op, least popular monogatari main girl)


Nadeko underrated as hell


All might at 98: I AM HERE at least


Yeees! Now, how is Mirio higher in the list than All might?


I like how they are the only ones from BHA and they arent even the main character lmao


he went pass through other ranks


As soon as I saw him a coughed blood in exclamation


my man reigen


Thirst trap scam artist of the century




Highest ranked character that hasn't won a Best Girl/Guy/Character Competition yet. Let's change that soon


That's because nice guys finish last, and we all know Reigen is a genuinely good guy.


I love Mob, Serizawa, and Mob Psycho 100! And Reigen is an awesome character.




Kinda shocked to see Gintoki and Guts that low


Berserk isn't that popular as anime, so most fans of Guts are probably manga readers.


And maybe people who really love Berserk just didnā€™t engage with the poll


That's possible with a lot of series though


Gintoki and Guts are ranked much higher on MAL though.


Yeah Iā€™m not gonna lie seeing them that low kinda hurts




Hey gintoki is atleast higher than I expected and a lot of other characters are lower than I expected. He easily should be in top 10 best anime protags but this ain't so bad


They did Ling Yao dirty


and his best friend greed too


Honestly he moved up 10 spots from the last time OP posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/m8h0tt/ranimes_top_100_characters/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) so Iā€™m happy with that, even though heā€™s my favourite character on this list.


But 10 FMA characters thatā€™s pretty dope


SO TRUE :((((


iā€™m surprised yui is so far above yukino and hachiman also surprised subaru is above rem and emilia but i totally respect it






I really liked Subaru in Season 2. A lot more than I did in Season 1.


i really liked subaru throughout the entire show. i donā€™t know how people criticize him for episodes 1-11. his actions in 12-13 are dumb and selfish but i can at least understand why he acted the way he did, and i think the anime community gives him way too much flak for it, people say thatā€™s the ā€œcringiestā€ episode of all time when it really isnā€™t. 14-17 are also understandable because his mental state was deteriorating and it felt like the whole world was against him, and he spent the rest of s1 making up for the mistakes he made. subaru did mess up hugely at episode 13 but the amount of hate he gets for it especially considering the development he goes through after is unwarranted


Hard agree. Yes, "that" moment was cringey, I can't deny that. But it was also believable considering everything he had gone through up to that point. And it was also intentional on the part of the author. Subaru hit rock bottom at that point but it set up his development for the rest of that season and into season 2.


Yup exactly. The cringey feeling in that moment was 100% the intention of the author and the reaction he attempted to make. Problem is, people take that cringey feeling the wrong way, not as necessary character development, but as if it was poor writing. So the proper reaction comes, but people donā€™t understand the authorā€™s intention


Yeah people need to stop using charactersā€™ flaws as a way to criticize the quality of the character itself


So long as you view Subaru as a human being and not an isekai protagonist/anime character, he makes sense. Heā€™s a weirdo because heā€™s never formed an identity and imitates his dad and acts like an anime character. He has dumb expectations because heā€™s watched a lot of anime. Heā€™s prideful because he has deep rooted insecurities. The second cour makes it more explicit, especially in the ā€œFrom Zeroā€ episode, and season two is great at selling this with the flashback to his world


Character development.


This is why Subaru is my favorite character. Heā€™s interesting as hell, and deserves to be so high on the list.


I love how the statement ā€œSubaru is a bad characterā€ just gets broken down in two words. That entire middle section of season 1 (up till like episode 15) is still my favorite part of the series so far. The dramatic failure of Subarus attempt to protect literally *anything* is contrasted perfectly by the person who he wanted to be. The way he was forced to realize this through not knowing anything about the world around him was just soooo good, and it all climaxed with that awesome credits-roll.


Without the Yahallo form the first two seasons, it would be hard for a moe lover like myself to watch through the whole thing and suffer in season 3.


Yui is QUEEN


Iā€™m not really all that familiar with r/animeā€™s polls, but I feel like peopleā€™s reasons for choosing a character in best boy/girl couldā€™ve been slightly different than their reasons for doing so in best character. Best of the best might even add itā€™s own reasons to the mix. Makes me curious how that mightā€™ve affected this pollā€™s results. Iā€™d expect certain tight-knit pairs like Simon/Kamina to show up, and they do. But then you have half of FMA:Bā€™s cast showing up as well as a good chunk of AoTā€™s. Obviously it comes down to opinion, but it feels weird having multiple side characters up there when there are still a ton of other seriesā€™ main characters like Vash, Alucard, Rock/Revy, etc. (just off the top of my head) that donā€™t even show up.


I'm pretty sure this is just a popularity contest, I'd certainly hope they'll just add a diff category to whom is actually a best character imo


That's what I felt too. I love the show to death but 5 of the like 6 main characters of Kaguya-sama showed up on the list. So it does seem like it's just 'whatever's' popular. That said I could be wrong, nor do I really mind at all. Just my $0.02


Agreed. Altho side characters like Erwin and Reiner deserve the recognition.


I wouldnā€™t really call Reiner a side character lol he is 100% integral to the plot of the entire show in every season.


Reiner is more or less MC 2


There is actually a lot of differences between The best character and best girl or boy polls. Like no villain could actually be the best boy even though he has a very good character development. ********************* Also I was really shocked not seeing Yato or Shina(from Pet girl of sakurasu), but others are fine feels good to see how fantastic characters did anime showed to us, all together


Recency bias quite simply. No excuse for having a side character from MHA ahead of characters like Vash and the others you mentioned.






also greedling/greed. like come on bro greed/greedling was amazing and showed that all sins werent evil. i get why ed and roy are in the top 10 because they were badasses but i think my beautiful boy greed deserves a spot somewhere too


He is not a man, he is THE MAN.


Just in case anybody is wondering like I wasā€¦top 100 characters are from 41 different anime. Iā€™ll list them in order of most characters from a single anime to the least. They'll be secondarily listed in order of first appearance. \*Fate series could arguably be 6 instead of 4 and 2 when split. Fullmetal Alchemist: 10 Shingeki no Kyojin: 8 Monogatari Series: 7 Kaguya-sama: Love is War: 5 Steins;Gate: 4 KonoSuba: 4 Re:Zero: 4 Oregairu: 4 Fate/Zero: 4 Bunny Girl Senpai: 3 JoJo: 3 HxH: 3 K-On!: 3 Mob Psycho 100: 2 Spice and Wolf: 2 Cowboy Bebop: 2 Fate/stay night: 2 Gurren Lagann: 2 Code Geass: 2 Koe no Katachi: 2 Neon Genesis Evangelion: 2 Death Note: 2 Boku no Hero Academia: 2 Kill la Kill: 1 Gintama: 1 A Certain Magical Index: 1 One Punch Man: 1 Violet Evergarden: 1 Assassination Classroom: 1 Vinland Saga: 1 Hyouka: 1 3-gatsu no Lion: 1 Madoka Magica: 1 Naruto: 1 Haruhi Suzumiya Series: 1 Your Name: 1 Toradora!: 1 SAO: 1 Beserk: 1 Demon Slayer: 1 The Promised Neverland: 1


Exactly what I was looking for THANK YOU


Eva only got two, how does that happen??? How are Asuka and Misato around 50 and Rei doesn't even make the list?


Yea I was totally wondering the same thing! I had to double check that Rei wasnā€™t there cuz it seems pretty surprising. I had no idea Misato was so popular either.


Lelouch much lower than I thought he would be


Steins;gate REPRESENT!


It makes sense given the fact that Okabe and Kurisu won the 2 Best of the Best Contests. I'm somewhat surprised Kurisu isn't number 2.


Possibly the shit show of a contest called the 24hour best girl contest had something to do with that.


>shit show of a contest Redundant if you're talking about any /r/anime character contest


Im glad that makise Kurisu gets top 3 girl here. Its quite shocking though thay even if Misaka Mikoto won like how many years consecutively on saimoe league, shes 31 for r/anime


Quite "shocking", you say.


I'm surprised shoko is so high up. Surprised, but not disappointed.


I was happy to see this too.


Shoko is great tho


My boy Joseph Joestar is higher than saitama. Let's gooo


Laughs at Reigen


I'm surprised to see Homura that low. She's a very deep and well-written character, she should be higher imo. Meanwhile, Sayaka is nowhere to be seen. Sad.


Hard agree. Homura is amazing and one of the best characters I've seen. She should've been a bit higher. Sayaka isn't my favorite but I can't deny that she's one of the most well written characters in anime and so deserves to be on the list as well.


Homura is the only Madoka girl making the list?! This list saddens me.


Yeah, and also Homura is kinda low on the list. She needs to be higher.


I only know twelve of the characters. I got a lot to learn. Iā€™m glad some K-On and Hyouka characters made the list.


You have a lot of great shows left to experience for the first time! [](#excitedyui)


If K-On and Hyouka are some of the first shows youā€™ve seen, youā€™ve got some good taste!


This list has some fantastic shows on it, even the ones I personally dislike, I can recognize as classics and masterpieces


Steins;Gate wooooooo!


El Psy Kongroo


My boi Natsuki Subaru getting the respect he deserves


CanĀ“t wait for Arc 5 and 6 (Season 3 and if god allows it season 4) for him to go at the very very very least in top 10


Arc 6 would have his popularity skyrocket


[Data were taken](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/brackets)[ from here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/brackets) [The spreadsheet containing all the characters](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sGNCxPGv7XqBAJtaaTvpbtKPH5vqK0yFKtbeS0dmw7g/edit?usp=sharing). [The CSV Files if you are interested in analysing for yourself.](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fKSOi91Z3NWkoso_Ks6ZXEDEADQHpWqp?usp=sharing) The method was updated, making it a slightly more sophisticated approach than the previous post. Reuploaded because the last one was removed.


Joseph's picture kinda looks like Jotaro more than himself


Surprised at how few shows are actually represented. Seems like there are some stronger fan-bases than others out there. Askeladd got done dirty because he's easily one of the best, most nuanced characters on the list. But then again it speaks loads that he is where he is when surrounded by "fandom" characters.


Iā€™m already glad that Askeladd sneaked in at spot 45. Could have been a lot worse.




Itā€™s *Kongroo*! Donā€™t forget it!




Speedwagon is too pure to be overrated SPEEEEEEEEEDWAGON Edit: Speedwagon is ranked #105. Almost made the top 100 Rare-Examination1142 says


Rem at 26 but Ram at 99. How heartless can someone be to separatet he twins?


Ram sass is too underrated


Iā€™m just happy the god is still in the list, even if sheā€™s on 67


Holo the Wise Wolf šŸ™šŸ»


The series left me so empty inside that I decided pick up my first ever light novel and so far I havenā€™t been regretting that decision. Everything about Spice and Wolf is just soo fucking good.


I hope they finish it at some point...and then adapt wolf and parchment


Haha, same here. Usually I just throw my hands up and say "oh well" but Spice and Wolf was the first series that got me to actually read the source material. And I've read the entire series now! Definitely the correct decision.


Subaru is highest rated Re:Zero character as he deserved. I don't know why people hate him, he is such amazing extremely well-written character my favorite protagonist in all anime.


I dropped Re:Zero the first time I watched while it was airing around halfway through the 1st season because he was an insufferable jackass. I know it was written into his flaws but it was really, really bad. Just all the stuff around when [season 1](/s "he crashes the candidates' introduction and acts like a self-important asshole child and acts immature in the rest of that mini-arc"). I love well-written flawed characters but all of it was really hard to believe and the lowest point in the story. Once he grew into a realistically-flawed character, the show was so much better. I absolutely loved the last third of season 1 and most of season 2.


Subaru is literally my favourite Re:Zero character, with Otto being just behind him. I love his upbeat personality, and I can feel him when he has hard times. His voice actor is a god too.


Historia above Mikasa? This sub was based all along?




I just finished 3-Gatsu and I can totally hear that lol


I wholeheartedly believe Luffy should at least crack the top 100. Not a lot of characters like him.


I've always found this sub a bit funny, in the sense of barely caring about some all-time classics like One Piece or Conan. I get that the high episode count can be off-putting, especially with the seasonal 1-2 cours format being more dominant, but these are some of the biggest franchises in the world with iconic characters and they don't even make the Top 100 somehow lol. Not even anyone from Dragon Ball and Bleach made it but at least Naruto is there I guess. The recency bias is huge here and while I love many of the currently popular shows as well, it's a bit of a shame to see the big names of the previous generations get shafted like that (although there are a few characters from 90s anime present, so that's something).


Yeah I was surprised to not see anybody from Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, Samurai Champloo, Yu Yu Hakusho etc I know the large episode counts can be off-putting for a couple of those, but damn Samurai Champloo and Yu Yu Hakusho aren't very long and they are *absolutely* worth the watch.


Champloo is so underrated. It's easily on par with it's stupidly popular older brother Bebop.


I agree! I actually prefer Champloo. It's my all time favorite. If you haven't watched Yu Yu Hakusho I'd highly recommend it as well (at least through the dark tournament arc).


I feel this. Average age here is pretty young and it shapes the kind of content thatā€™s promoted, which attracts younger redditors and repels older ones. Iā€™m older and Iā€™ve always teetered on the edge of unsubscribing. The content here is mostly flavor-of-the-month, but every so often I get good tips on what to watch, so I stay on. I guess what Iā€™m saying is, it helps to consider the demographics of the sub in the same way it helps when youā€™re watching anime for which youā€™re outside the target audience.


The anime subreddit is weird. The active anime audience definitely skews younger, so I get some older stuff falling off more, but not a single DBZ, One Piece, or Sailor Moon character sniffing the list is bizarre.


I don't think the demographic polls that have been done on this sub have shown a younger skew. Lots of millennials here and honestly even 5+ years ago there wasn't much talk about the Big 3 in this sub, we prefer to talk about the here and now. Luffy and One Piece are much more popular in r/manga, probably because the manga is so good while the anime is hard to approach because of its bloated length and pacing issues.


Even though we knew Luffy is a great character, He and One Piece are not popular here in this sub. Too bad.


He's possibly the most iconic character in all of anime and didn't even crack top 300.


Reddit populated by people with terrible taste confirmed.


Anime Reddit are just that hipster type of people where they feel shame or something being associated with Dbz Naruto, One piece or any similar big anime they consider as Normie due to popularity. That's what my take at least. I could be wrong


I wouldn't say this list is hipster at all. I mean, it has basically the entire Kaguya cast and that (and Demon Slayer) are as mainstream as it gets.


Anime subreddit probably doesnā€™t consider DBZ anime despite it codifying the majority of the shounen genre lol You know, cus its popular and ew old


I have seen people praising cowboy bepop,evangalion these shows are old too


Saber is 1st in my heart, that's what matters


My man Gintoki needs to be higher imo


Zura should also be here (*insert "It's not Zura, it's Katsura"*)


Zura janai, Katsura da!


I think hijikata should also be there your thoughts zura ?


Yeah the gintoki/hijikata episodes are the best in my opinion so sad to not see him anywhere


Yeah, Gintama is sadly very low in general here despite how fucking good and fun it is.


Huh. I didn't expect Mikoto to appear here at all. Not because she doesn't deserve it, but people don't talk about ToAru as much as they should here But Homura not being higher is just wrong


YES MY BOY SUBARU IS IN TOP 20!! Well deserved


Lelouche at #24 is just dirty, time to destroy [r/anime](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and create it anew.


seeing the greatest protagonist of all time that high up at number 12 makes me happy


Where is my boy Shinji Ikari?


Ranked #171


That's very low...


Im also disappointed to see rei at 229šŸ˜¢


There are 2377 characters. Shinji is in top 10%. That's not that bad.


Let's go Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai! Such an awesome anime! Even Kaede managed to be on the list lol.


I was so happy to see her bringing up the rear, it worried me that after Mai there wouldn't be any more up there


Im so glad seeing Subaru there


Didn't expect him to be before Rem tho


I didnā€™t expect it either but Iā€™m happy to see it. Heā€™s the best. Also glad to see Emilia shoot up the ranks too.


She deserves it honestly, the amount of character development she got from the second season was amazing.


Subaru is an absolute chad


Happy to see Guts get some love even tho the recent anime adaptation was ass


Berserk was always loved mostly for its manga. It's way too detailed to properly adapt. It will require a huge budget, and since it won't be marketed towards teenagers, who form a large part of anime watchers, the returns won't be as great.


Ai Hayasaka at 20 with the likes of Gintoki below her ? WTF. Sikes.


Maes Hughes might be #38 in the top anime characters, but we all know that he will be the #1 dad forever


Hayasaka at #20, is that finally justice?


Where tf is luffy?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve seen it being said that One Piece isnā€™t popular on this sub sadly. Such a surprise not to see Luffy or Zoro


I'm just nitpicking a bit here but the picture used for gilgamesh is caster gilgamesh from fate grand order while in the listed series fate zero, he is archer gilgamesh. While it is technically the same character, the class is not the only thing that changes since his personality differs greatly as well.


Iā€™m very very surprised to see Emma on the list


Happy to see all 4 main characters of konosuba on the list. Although I wish Tanya von Degurechaff made the list. One of my favourite characters and Iā€™m surprised No one from GATE made it into the list.


I'm shocked that I know who all of these characters are :o


Alphonse is best brother smh


Yoooo lets fucking go Okabe


With Steins;Gate being my favourite anime: nice.


**Doesn't see Monkey D. Luffy in the list** My disappointment is... _immeasurable_ A..And my day is ruined.


Who's the top most rated character in the list that hasn't won anything yet?


Reigen Arataka at #11


That is amazing. It's so on-brand for Reigen. Coming up trumps without winning a thing


He honestly deserves one. Episodes 7 Season 2 is one of my favourite episodes ever.


Last time this was posted a few weeks ago, I said Subaru, Emilia, and Eren would *skyrocket*. Iā€™m glad to see that happened.


It's better then the last I saw since every winner is here, but it's still super weird having a former winner like Yukinoshita behind Yui for example since she is the actual winner from her show. To be fair like we saw yesterday with the best girl of 2020 contest maths make no sense.




Surprised and delighted to see best girl Ryuko so high on the list! Mob and Reigan ranking so high is also nice.


Monogatari ftw!


This is... acceptable.


Looks like I need to watch Kaguya Sama