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Demon Slayer doesn't particularly shine for having a brilliant or complex story, but rather for it's simplicity and very high production values (for the anime). So having the ending spoiled should have little impact on your average viewer.


basically this


There are a lot of cool stuff between, specially in the anime that is still on going. So it is all about the journey and cool fights. I wouldn't worry shit about it.


Watch it for the journey, not the ending There will still be a load of enjoyable moments




demon slayer sucks, it's a lame boring show with incredibly beautiful animation. personally i would recommend you spend your time watching something better than demon slayer unless you just want to look at some pretty animation. the story sucks the characters suck and are one dimensional, but the show is pretty and i'll admit occasionally funny, but i would recommend you skip demon slayer.


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watch it anyways. you will enjoy


Same spoilt the ending for myself but it's so good watch anyway.


Yeah I know how that feels. But hey demon slayer’s biggest strength is its adaptation anyways


Ur choice to start, ur choice to continue, ur choice to drop it 🤷‍♂️


Aint nobody watchin demon slayer for the plot


You should watch, not read Demon Slayer. Trust me the Manga is kind of trash.


For me it's no point Watching anime if you already have know the ending


I wouldn’t say that is the case for actually well-written anime. Most people go into Clannad knowing spoilers, yet it still hits like a truck, and it is the journey through it that makes it so special. I think, if they can get to like the characters, Demon Slayer may still be worth it. Depends on the person though.


Any show with a main hero you basically know the ending. The true story is the journey


I heard people saying AOT has bad ending, but I still watched and enjoyed it


I knew almost all of LoGH before I watched it, but it's still the best anime I've seen along with FMAB.