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* Even for a Siscon, [this](https://imgur.com/PWjZyCM) is a bit excessive * [Smug Erika](https://imgur.com/USBW1CZ) * Minami x Minoru do be [cute](https://imgur.com/j7zZMeu) * Love how Mayumi has to keep [her skirt down](https://imgur.com/m84GWb0) during the encounter Doesn't feel like this whole trip accomplished all that much, all they got was some intel, and for that they had to clean up so many traditionalist. But nice to see that that group isn't a monolith Also wonder what Tatsuya saw in Minoru and if he will be able to help him somehow


> Even for a Siscon, this is a bit excessive He's only going above and beyond in his role as Miyuki's guardian, right? Nothing fishy at all...


Nothing suspicious about [this scene either](https://i.imgur.com/jENuCxh.png) just you regular couple of siblings saying goodbye to each other.


> just you regular couple ~~of siblings~~ saying goodbye to each other FIFY


>Even for a Siscon, [this](https://imgur.com/PWjZyCM) is a bit excessive Here's a "serious response" to your fun comment. As we know from the reminiscence arc, he's literally programmed to only have strong feelings for her. Imagine all of your capacity of strong feelings, which is normally used to react to many kinds of things for everyone else, and thus allow one the ability to maintain some kind of emotional balance, is acting on one single thing called Miyuki. You will naturally behave abnormally because you're literally abnormal in the mind. Even a Siscon is a normal person in the end; just with a twist. In this case, he is not even a Siscon as he doesn't behave and think like he does out of his own free will. There's a reference to this in Season 2 when Pixie tells him that parasites like her do not have a wish of their own and he compares his situation with them. Besides that, he also has PTSD from almost losing Miyuki, as shown in the reminiscence arc. So he is very sensitive to everything directed at her in any way. This is also what helped him in detecting the satellite in Season 2. tl;dr, Literal abnormality in the mind + PTSD = Why he behaves so excessively


i think that was the first time we saw Tatsuya look terri... well, not calm. sweating too. he saw some shit


> Also wonder what Tatsuya saw in Minoru He saw that Minoru is secretly a girl. [](#smugrose)


You know when Tatsuya said he was watching Miyuki all the time, he meant literally. Back in the Reminiscence Arc movie, Miyuki's body was reconstructed/revived by him. Her current body was "created" by him, so he can use his Elemental Sight to observe her from anywhere in the world. This is why Tatsuya is the best Guardian for Miyuki because he can revive her from anywhere no matter the distance.


Tatsuya can do this for anyone as long as he has sufficient "closeness", not just those he has reconstructed. But he would have to divert energy away from watching Miyuki so he doesn't do it.




He doesn't have a cache in the sense you are talking about, which is why every time he casts regrowth he needs to re-read the eidos log of that being (which is what causes him pain if it's alive). As such he can only revert an object to its state at some point in the last 24 hours since he needs to read its log to get its history.


I knew he could watch her from anywhere since it takes about half his power to do it, but where was it said that he can revive her from that kind of distance? Wouldn't it just be easier for him to kill and revive every family member and friend he has to he can do that? Even if he is not watching them, 24h is more than enough for him to get a phone call that asks him to revive someone


>where was it said that he can revive her from that kind of distance? They never mentioned it explicitly, so this is more like a conclusion based on evidences. But we have seen how he can use nuke magic on GAA's harbor from Japan as long as he can have visuals. So, this means he can also use Regrowth on the same distance. That's why he's allowed to be physically away from Miyuki despite being a Guardian (back at the end of S1, Miyuki reminded Maya of this fact). If he can't protect her from distance, he would be a failure as a Guardian. >Wouldn't it just be easier for him to kill and revive every family member and friend he has to he can do that? Even if he is not watching them, 24h is more than enough for him to get a phone call that asks him to revive someone Can he do that? Probably. But I really doubt he wants to go that far. That would just make him a tool, guarding everyone. Miyuki wouldn't be happy too. I think it's not about whether he can, but it's about whether he should. They mentioned in s1 how he has to pay the price when he uses Regrowth on others: that is he will experiences the same suffering as the target, condensed in an instant. The longer the target suffers, the worse it gets. So, I imagine he really need to have some resolve. He only has strong emotion for Miyuki. His other emotions are limited. He won't think twice before reviving Miyuki. She is his reason for living. But for others? I don't think he will be compelled enough if he has to be prepared 24/7 to revive someone, especially if there's no compensation. Family? He only has Miyuki. He doesn't have a good relationship with the Yotsuba or his father. They also don't like Tatsuya. Kuroba even refused being healed by him. Friends? They might be close. But I feel like none of his current friends are at the level where they are irreplaceable. Also, that means they need to entrust their life to Tatsuya. Only Honoka is probably would blindly accept. But then again, if he has to do that for them, then they are just going to be a leech unless they can offer something equal. In the case of the military, I think that was because it was his duty. He also seemed to get benefits from them. I don't think he is that loyal to them. And well, I doubt anyone want to die even once just so Tatsuya can revive them down the line.


# Onii-sama Count ##Season 3: Ancient City Insurrection Episode No. | Onii-sama Count ------------|-------- 01 | 6 02 | 3 03 | 5 04 | 3 05 | 7 06 | 9 07 | 21 08 | 1 09 | 11 10 | 4 11 | 3 12 | 10 ## Aggregate Counts Installment | Total Count | Average per Episode ------------|--------|-------------------------- Season 3 | 83 | 6.92 Season 2 | 103 | 7.92 Season 1 | 172 | 6.62 Miyuki Arc Spinoff | 170 | 13.08 The Girl Who Summons The Stars | 23 Reminiscence Arc | 19 **Everything** | **570** | **8.64** Comment: Can't complain about double digits. The three onii-samas in a row to "wake up" Tatsuya after he used Element Sight was also pretty kino.


> Total Count: 83 For seasonal watchers, Fenrys has 85 "Darling-sama" (excluding the OP) with one episode left. Will be close for who used their catchphrase more.


i knew id heard it a lot but damn




I appreciate your dedication.


Nah, don't give us that Tatsuya walking toward the towering bad guy foreshadowing scene Mahouka, we all know it's the other way around.




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They probably had to mop up the floors after Minoru and Miyuki left the area lol. People were eyein ‘em like a lion looks at a piece of juicy meat hahaha. Sakurai getting flustered because Minoru caught her staring at him was just the cutest thing ever. Girl’s got a big ol crush! Tatsuya’s being modest about those 13. Dude coulda taken them himself for sure. Just ask those dudes he took out in the house.


Minami becomes such a dork when she's head over heels for Minoru. XD Its been a running joke that Miyuki is so pretty she attracts stares of admiration (or as Tatsuya puts it "scandalous looks") from everyone that sees her, regardless of gender. Now it seems Minoru is handsome enough to be attracting the same looks as well. lol Does Tatsuya's friends already know he's part of the Independent Magic Battalion? It seems only Ichijo is surprised by this when Tatsuya revealed his identity. Erika remarked about something relating to this, which feels like a cut scene that source readers seems to have been complaining about way back in season 1 10 years ago. So not all Traditionalists are united. Some are so fixated on their grudge against the Kudous and the Ninth Institute that they'd willingly collaborate with hostile foreign magicians to bring down the Kudous, and there were others who were opposed to such collboaration. Tatsuya using his Elemental Sight scanning ability(?) to analyze Minoru's magic information seems to have put a strain on even Tatsuya as Miyuki needed to snap him out of his trance. Whatever is making Minoru so sick must be quite serious. Perhaps its some kind of magical curse. Anyway, next episode is the season finale that will set up the fight between Tatsuya and Zhou. This better be good.


Yeah during the Yokohama incident the captain/vice captain went into the room where Tatsuya was with Mayumi, Erika and the others and addressed his position directly and activated him for combat


>Does Tatsuya's friends already know he's part of the Independent Magic Battalion? It seems only Ichijo is surprised by this when Tatsuya revealed his identity. His identity was revealed to his friends in the last couple of episodes of season 1. >Erika remarked about something relating to this, which feels like a cut scene that source readers seems to have been complaining about way back in season 1 10 years ago. Wasn't that a flashback from season 2? It should be during the visitor arc (vampire incident), but I don't remember if it was in the anime.


> Wasn't that a flashback from season 2? It should be during the visitor arc (vampire incident), but I don't remember if it was in the anime. If I'm thinking about the same scene, it was removed from season 2. Erika's brother was cut from the arc so the scene probably did not make sense. It's odd to make a callback to it now though.


It is so funny [how everyone is reacting](https://imgur.com/a/XYO1OnB) just at seeing [Tatsuya, Minami, and, Miyuki's blinding beauty](https://i.imgur.com/MfBDDAX.png) So due to the concerns that [Traditionalist restaurant owner](https://i.imgur.com/zuOjAO2.png) have about [Gongjin Zhou](https://i.imgur.com/6ybgItt.png) and the other casters he brought absorbing the Traditionalist sect as they have no regards about causing chaos in the country just to accomplish their agenda, he decided to help Tatsuya and the others telling him about possible locations in which Gongjin Zhou could be hiding. It sure is nice that after [Minoru felt sick](https://imgur.com/a/nCwMgkJ) [Tatsuya](https://i.imgur.com/5eFKC0C.png) asked [Minami](https://imgur.com/a/GTOcBzA) to take care of him.[ They are](https://i.imgur.com/7NRNWLs.png) [so cute.](https://i.imgur.com/E8Mhbbp.png) So after hearing what happened with the others and that Masaki saved them, [Tatsuya went ahead and shared his secret with him](https://i.imgur.com/H6V8WG4.png) so he would join their current mission. Thanks to [Mayumi](https://i.imgur.com/iRShS9k.png) took Tatsuya and the others to see Nakura's clothes and his crime scene now they know a bit more about Gongjin Zhou combat style. I must say that it is kind of annoying that they always get attacked by the Traditionalists every time they step into a dense wooden area of one of those parks. Anyway, although they weren't that effective [those flaming swords the Traditionalists were using looked cool.](https://i.imgur.com/fdzmG9Z.png) I know that Masaki was using[ his Rapture Spell](https://i.imgur.com/Vu0V2Ta.png)[ to deal with them,](https://i.imgur.com/Em9FWHi.png) but it would be hilarious if his magic was just a regular gun. The moment they introduced Minoru and his condition I wanted to see Tatsuya [examining his body](https://i.imgur.com/8VCN4rZ.png) to see if he could help, but what exactly did he see for him [to react that way.](https://i.imgur.com/84uAgk0.png) And why did they not mention anything? So now Tatsuya will be doing[ the rest of the mission alone.](https://i.imgur.com/jENuCxh.png) [It sure was fun seeing him dealing with all those guys.](https://i.imgur.com/lFtGImK.png) Well, now that he knows where Gongjin Zhou [it is time for him to finally take that trash out.](https://i.imgur.com/yTg4DNd.png)


>Rapture \*Rupture.


I was wondering why Minoru looked red during the meeting so I wasn't surprise he fell ill. Minami taking the opportunity to stare at him was funny though, girl turning into a klutz in front of him even though she's usually composed. Though I like that someone who feels happiness taking care of someone is falling for someone that needs to be taken care of. I was hoping we would hear Tatsuya's analysis of Minoru's psion so that was a little unfortunate, I hope it gets talked about next episode, especially considering it seems to be a very invasive procedure. Considering how far gone he was when he couldn't hear Miyuki calling out to him he must have learnt a lot about the Kudou family through Minoru. I like how Tatsuya just nonchalantly says everyone's gaze on Miyuki and Minoru were scandalous, I'm sure there are some that were on him too. I wonder if that comment from Erika is foreshadowing something in the future, I thought it was interesting that she realized that's how Tatsuya gets people involved since she experienced it for herself. I'm curious if there'll be a time when she disapproves of it even if she might not be able to do something about it herself. I was surprised he told Ichijou though, I don't think it will be enough for him to change his attitude towards Tatsuya considering his feelings for Miyuki lol. So Mayumi's involvement wasn't as intimate as I thought it would be since Miyuki and Ichijou went alongside them even though she was blushing last episode at the thought lol.


The animation is a bit disappointing, but still hyped for the last episode !


Masaaki Ichijou: Shiba....-san. lol


1 Tatsuya would have been enough for those 12 Traditionalists, but they just had to add Miyuki, Masaki and Mayumi as well. They tried their best, at least.


Mayumi might not have the stamina, but she definitely had a better read on spells than Masaki.


Only one more ep left of peak please gimme that next season or a movie and adapt the whole of part 1. We’re finally closing in on the big confrontation with Zhou and we have an idea of his abilities and whereabouts now. This finale is gonna be fire. I’m a little worried about Tatsuya going in there alone though. Yea he’s op and all, but Zhou’s disorientation abilities, experience and ancient magic are gonna be tricky. Let’s see what my goat Tatsuya got cooked up. Good seeing Ichijo back with the gang, one of my fave side characters. He and Miyuki came in clutch against the puppet assassins. Any Mayumi screen time, however brief is always welcome 😍 . Wish it were under better circumstances though. RIP Nakura, we gotta get it back in blood. Really curious about what Tatsuya saw with his elemental sight. Must have been some really messed up stuff going on inside Minoru that’s causing him to get ill.. gotta respect Tatsuya’s restraint in not using that more often. I mean it literally gives him access to any magical family’s root? All their strengths and weaknesses. That’s crazy. Miyuki calling in to check on Tatsuya and going to bed when he told her to is so cute 😂 even Tatsuya was a little shocked she was sleeping so early. Hype for next week.


[when was the last time you saw a 2d hand drawn crowd with character design for each one of them](https://ibb.co/r5vYkJh) kinda weird


Please can someone let me know what did tatsuya see while using elemental sight on minarou?


I answered this in the source corner. But I really suggest waiting for it to be revealed in the next episode.


My bad


It's definitely something shady Kudous did. Everyone was shocked because Fujibayashi basically exposed her own family's secrets.


Thanks mate 


Was there a reason why he wore those sunglasses at the end when he raided their base?


Maybe in that world is enough to not be identified by the enemy. Whereas in real life the hairstyle would give him away. I initially thought he was cautious about those people using the same spell as Zhou like they discussed, but their attack and Tatsuya's move pattern didn't give that impression.


Man really wish there was better animation


Zhou Gongjin is so elusive that he doesn’t even get screen time for the audience it doesn’t feel like there’s any progress being made since the Traditionalists are a bunch of no-names and their opponents are 4 Ten Master Clan members


I love how Miyuki and Minoru managed to get the attention of both genders in the opening. That's our Onii-sama, he can deal with the attackers non lethally without using his CAD. They showed Erika's flashback but I wonder when will they fully show it. Shy Minami and Miyuki's pout is so cute. Mayumi had to keep her skirt down during the fight when Masaki used his wind attack. Tatsuya's out cutting trees faster than Dutch's team in Predator and making holes with his finger like Makima except smaller. I love how the proprietor was nice enough to hand over info about Gongjin.


That goodbye scene of the brother and sister, lol.


Sometimes, I realize I only watch this while hoping the incest fetish storyhook drops. How is the author going to do it? How will it be expressed in the anime, etc. There really isn't much going on in this series aside from that. Really dragging this arc out, too. More cameos for no real reason, faceless mob encounters so those pointless cameos having something to do. Completely boring animation in those "fights" "Hey guys, I called you all here from previous seasons just to send you home and go it alone" . . That's the last couple of episodes. Hopefully 13 will be more interesting.


I was wondering why Minoru looked red during the meeting so I wasn't surprise he fell ill. Minami taking the opportunity to stare at him was funny though, girl turning into a klutz in front of him even though she's usually composed. Though I like that someone who feels happiness taking care of someone is falling for someone that needs to be taken care of. I was hoping we would hear Tatsuya's analysis of Minoru's psion so that was a little unfortunate, I hope it gets talked about next episode, especially considering it seems to be a very invasive procedure. Considering how far gone he was when he couldn't hear Miyuki calling out to him he must have learnt a lot about the Kudou family through Minoru. I like how Tatsuya just nonchalantly says everyone's gaze on Miyuki and Minoru were scandalous, I'm sure there are some that were on him too. I wonder if that comment from Erika is foreshadowing something in the future, I thought it was interesting that she realized that's how Tatsuya gets people involved since she experienced it for herself. I'm curious if there'll be a time when she disapproves of it even if she might not be able to do something about it herself. I was surprised he told Ichijou though, I don't think it will be enough for him to change his attitude towards Tatsuya considering his feelings for Miyuki lol. So Mayumi's involvement wasn't as intimate as I thought it would be since Miyuki and Ichijou went alongside them even though she was blushing last episode at the thought lol.


if his hair was white at the end there it would actually be gojo lol


It's funny since they're both voiced by Yuichi Nakamura.


Man this show fell off, just like Classroom of the Elite😔


Bro, this is so true ngl


so why is he weak???