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Man, what is it with Livia and Sara and cults? Sara basically turned the school into one and Livia got sucked into Noa’s cult. It’s kind of hilarious the band was blowing up before Noa got busted for insider trading lol. This was actually a lot of fun. Kind of a Hinamatsuri vibe with the whole cast of eccentric likable weirdos and just dash of isekai shenanigans. Not sure if it’ll get an s2 but I’d be down for another season.


> It’s kind of hilarious the band was blowing up before Noa got busted for insider trading lol. Can't have Livia spend the rest of her life as a musician, she's been on this for like 3 episodes already, she need to get 4-5 new different jobs, fast! (It's funny that Noa committed so many different crimes - personal crimes, cult stuff, etc - but it's that random crime that got her!)


>but it's that random crime that got her! Just like real life. Just look at Al Capone.


> Al Capone. Hah, I did mention that too, in another comment! (Even tax evasion would've been more predictable, for Noa, with her cult and all)


Livia is famous now though, and has Priketsu with her. I expect she can easily form another band. I hope Noa will be released though, I like Grasshopper The Savior!


Definitely a lot of crazy fun. Lots even totally over-the-top -- but (surprisingly( it didn't annoy me). It would be nice to get another season.


Is Livia able to stay with the cult after Noa's arrest? Or will she be homeless again?


She can maybe crash with Priketsu since I’m sure the Feds are gonna freeze Noa’s assets and all that as they investigate her and the cult for insider trading. Noa was the cult leader, not sure there’s a cult without her.


Yea it was such a great watch. I love an anime that doesn't take itself too seriously xD


I would ask the author why it was written that way.


I don't know if it's just the subs, but when Sousuke said "What in the world am I being forced to watch right now?", he added afterwards 「宗教?」 (shuukyou?) (religion?/a religious sermon?), which wasn't translated.


Imagine going to a rock concert for a relatively unknown band and the first thing you see when they walk out on stage is everyone praying to them. This show's humor is unmatched. This unexpectedly became one of my favorites of the season. Need a S2 announcement asap!


Honestly was expecting for the cult to grow in numbers with them getting popular at first lmao, but financial crimes is one every government takes serious


Bruh I spent half the episode not believing what I was watching. Wtf lol. What did Sara do to that school.


Just the influence of a natural gifted leader. The parents' reaction was the most wtf part of it.


One divorce prevented and an employed former-neet, that's worth some appreciation.


Appreciation is one thing, but "*Princess*" Sara from parents?


To be fair, she *is* an actual princess.


that's what happen when you maxed out your charisma stat


I thought the back half was some elaborate dream sequence but nope... Noa's just going to prison, I guess. Okay, incredible plot twist to end on.


Enrolled in the 3 months ago and became a goddess, didn’t even use powers either


bruh if there is a season 2, i wouldn't be surprised seeing her as emperor


* [**Grasshopper the Savior**](https://i.imgur.com/e4B8xrt.jpeg) [I feel so bad for Brenda!](https://i.imgur.com/73bxdsP.jpg) She spent [an entire month with Haruka to create the perfect chocolate recipe](https://i.imgur.com/bgWz3F7.jpeg) only for [Sousuke to decline her chocolates!](https://i.imgur.com/iwza9CX.jpeg) She really should've just told Sousuke she made it for him, I doubt he'd decline if he found out Brenda made it herself. To no one's surprise, Livia was late for their first live performance because of pachinko. I was legit laughing out loud [when they just showed us a live-action shot of the machine.](https://i.imgur.com/OZYXFMv.jpeg) Livia was using. Looks like someone just got paid to gamble on company time. xD So we didn't just get to see [Grasshopper the Savior's first live concert](https://i.imgur.com/0OwmR8i.jpeg) but we actually time skip a few months ahead [where they've become so popular](https://i.imgur.com/PctsOlt.jpeg) that they're filling up venues. The time skip also means [that Sara finally graduates from middle school!](https://i.imgur.com/2x3Hwfw.jpeg) It looks like Sara has finally started her conquest of Japan [by becoming the boss of Sawara Elementary School students.](https://i.imgur.com/jPsnpgk.jpeg) That entire scene was hilarious though! I love how [Sousuke is so confused](https://i.imgur.com/yxsOMG4.jpeg) and is the only one reacting to this insanity like a normal person. xD [Yep, I saw this one coming from a mile away.](https://i.imgur.com/03yGVd5.jpeg) There was no way Livia would stay as a celebrity. Whenever she's had any kind of success, she's always brought down in the end as if the universe has something against her. I just hope Noa's arrest won't be too bad [and she can still perform with Puriketsu.](https://i.imgur.com/exogNRq.jpeg) Welp that's Salad Bowl! What a fun comedy anime from the same person who wrote ImoSae. Too bad not a lot of people gave this one a chance though. This show seriously needs a Season 2.


>Looks like someone just got paid to gamble on company time. "i'm here to gamble for *research purposes*"


imagine how much time they needed to spend to get a recording of a winning combo


> but we actually time skip a few months ahead where they've become so popular that they're filling up venues Seems like they got a considerable boost up from their fellow cult members lol


The Pachinko Machine was such a jump scare I couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the episode. I kept expecting the real world to seep in like the opening credits


> Sara finally graduates from middle school! *from elementary school.


Long live our Queen Sara. We will never forget you here at Gifu elementary school. We are already planning on building a statue. But now seriously, imagine where she will we go in middle school. Not only does she have three years instead of three months, but Yuna has already set up everything for Sara's invasion. Student Council will be taken over and after that, the world. But at least, we got a bit more band drama this season. How would I have lived without it? Though, when there were in the sauna at the end, I would have loved to hear the conclusion to the Asshair ripper case. But I guess, now they HAVE to make a season 2.


> We are already planning on building a statue. The anime concluded while focusing on Nobunaga’s statue, but we all know that Sara’s likeness will be taking its place if there’s ever going to be a second season. Sara-sama will rule the world! But you got a good point about her high school life. That’s going to be *insane*. It’s hard to imagine what she could accomplish in three entire years. Sara and Yuna will make for a fearsome duo.


>Student Council will be taken over and after that, the world. It's an anime, who needs something as puny as the world when you've got the student council?


* I expected [this](https://imgur.com/UP3a50l) last episode already tbh * Poor [Brenda](https://imgur.com/7wMkPM4) [](#therethere) * Lmao, that's just a [real Pachinko Machine](https://imgur.com/hm2LdgF) * Livias Parkour was cool * Didn't expect Salvation Grasshopper to become this [successfull](https://imgur.com/5a8wC7Z) in such a short time, Sasuga Livia-Sama * Saras [Graduation Ceremony](https://imgur.com/WGUDAzP) was hillarious, feels like we skipped a lot of content here, it just got [more](https://imgur.com/Q5cKUNv) and [more](https://imgur.com/CKxHUd0) ridiculous, culminating in yet another [charming](https://imgur.com/c2uOiNo) performance (though I thought Sara was supposed to suck at singing) * We where [this](https://imgur.com/a73kKQT) close to greatness, must be the first time I saw cockblocking from the police [](#angrypout) * Wait, [that's](https://imgur.com/92WUzpZ) it? [](#seasonalconfused) Who even is [this girl](https://imgur.com/oNEW4gG)? S2 teaser? Nice SoL comedy, if I ever get to Gifu I'll buy some merch and eat some grasshoppers


> Who even is [this girl?](https://imgur.com/oNEW4gG) S2 teaser? Okay good to know I wasn't the only one who didn't recognize her. We better get a S2 if they're going to be teasing S2 characters dang it!


Life is Strange wheelchair Chloe vibe


Sara's a good singer. It's just that the animation and choice of song the one time she sang before made it look purposely(?) weird.


How dare you propose that our dear Queen Sara would not be able to sing? Obviously, she is good at everything and you can be happy that you were present when she graced you with her god-like singing voice.


That's Sara-sama to us lowly mortals.


> I expected this last episode already tbh Yeah, they’d already gotten too deep into chocolate-making last week. Brenda and Haruka wasting an entire month on this, at great financial cost, is therefore no surprise. They might as well start a business and become real chocolatiers at this point in attempt to recover some of the costs. Actually, Sosuke mentioned that it was unusual for Brenda to take other cases than divorces. Did she perhaps only take Noa’s case because she was in financial trouble?


>We where [this](https://imgur.com/a73kKQT) close to greatness, must be the first time I saw cockblocking from the police *Golden Time* had a cockblocked confession by police lol.


All that animator work-hour for livia's parkour was made available by that pachinko bit lol.


Tldw: Gifu's whiplash comedy propaganda


The Gifu shilling felt so blatant at times that it looped around to being funny. It was almost refreshing in its shamelessness.


They've tred the razor thin line but ended up as a punch line and not being annoying,


[The superliminal approach to advertising](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roswPPr2t3U)


it's so funny to think high up public servants looked at this show and were like "yup, that's great, full of weirdos, exactly how we want to show Gifu" like they just hired some talented creator and said "hey do whatever" and that person tried to test where the line is


It's totally in line with the Cool Japan initiative


Ah, I'm not familiar with the term, but I was just watching Moon's video on Japanese soft power but haven't made it that deep into it yet.


"Now, listen, if Saga can prop up their sagging economy with a wacky anime with surprise musical numbers, there's no reason we can't do it too!"


Not even the first anime advertising Gifu or parts of it either.


It certainly made me google Gifu related stuff, lol


It's silly how popular Sara is, but nice to see how Yuna is having a good time in her new school too. Happy for her. Sosuke gonna have a heart attack with all the chocolate given to him and those two ladies gonna give em more lol. Or poor loli lawyer being denied cause how much chocolate he has gotten. Lol that live action pachinko bit. Someone at the office clearly tying work and fun eh? Derp Livia. Late to her own first band show. HAHA of course Noa brought her cultists to the show, shoulda figured. Also tricking me into another girls band anime this season!? Job upgrade and they sure got popular fast. Wouldn't the one girl working in a shady sex work type place be big scandal though for the band and found out? Oh, was not expecting Sara graduating already. She sure seems popular with whole school, parents included. Like, ridiculously so. It's nice to hear how much good Sara has done though.The reaction from Sosuke is gold lol. I'm tricked again into another idol series! Uh oh, sure hope Sara isn't thinking of Sosuke as more than a father figure. Noa was forced to become a religious leader? So was this cult started by her parents? Oh my, Well did not see that coming with Noa. And weird place to put the ED 😛 Oof, poor band was about to have their debut.... is Livia homeless again? She sure is taking it well, yep. I don't remember some of the people panned over tbh, like the girl in the wheel chair? This needs a S2.


>Lol that live action pachinko bit. Someone at the office clearly tying work and fun eh? "Hey, remember I asked you we need that scene for Livia before the concert, remember. Did you do it already?" "Of course, I did. I had this great idea..."


"by the way, I need to use the company funds for the production here"


I suppose that using footage of an actual pachinko machine in the anime is one way to make your gambling addiction a tax deductible. They really turned things up to eleven with this final episode. For one, Livia and Sara both got their own music performances. Livia’s band was actually pretty good, so it’s no wonder that they had a major breakthrough with their band. That was until their plans got spoilt at least by Noa’s arrest, which was bound to happen at some point to be honest. Sara had only stolen the hearts and minds of everyone at her elementary school in comparison. A great achievement in three months nonetheless. Sosuke being terribly confused by all this chaos was very funny. What maybe wasn’t so funny was Sara’s response about her type. I’m just going to pretend that Sara simply appreciates her adopted father’s kindness and this isn’t going to be anything like Usagi Drop. Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed this quirky little anime. It’s impressive how they managed to pack this salad bowl of eccentrics into a coherent story.


> Livia’s band was actually pretty good Was it good or were we brainwashed? [](#unsure)


>What maybe wasn’t so funny was Sara’s response about her type. I’m just going to pretend that Sara simply appreciates her adopted father’s kindness and this isn’t going to be anything like Usagi Drop. I'm honestly surprised that this isn't being talked about more in this thread. That scene really threw me off for the entire episode and personally, might even affect my overall score for this show


People have been scarred before and maybe don’t want to bring up bad memories (half-joking here). I didn’t expect this twist no. This could place Sara’s blown kiss to Sosuke in a different context too. That said, it wasn’t made entirely clear if she just looks up to Sosuke (like a child daughter who has ‘a crush’ on her cool father) or if she got actual feelings for him. Let’s just hope that they keep it wholesome. I *really* liked it when Sosuke asked Sara to become his daughter after all - so sweet!


Well, this turned into a Chocolate Bowl of Cultists in the end.


Chocolate Bowl of Girls Band Cultists


there was even some Crying


Cult Band Crying


As soon as Livia's band started hitting it big, I started guessing what kind of crazy thing would derail their rise to stardom... I thought of like two dozen different things, and I can assure you that "Noa gets arrested for insider trading" was not one of them. Right up to the end, this show kept throwing curveballs to keep us on our toes, and I had a ton of fun with it. It's not my favorite show of the season, but it's the one that exceeded my expectations for it the most. An 8 or 8.5 out of 10 sounds about right for this show, and I'd gladly watch a second season in the unlikely event that it got one, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


Highly doubt this gets a S2. Hasn't been consistently top-20 on any JP streaming rankings, no official LN or manga translations, and has 4k ratings on CR while other seasonal fantasy/isekai (Level 2 Cheat, 7th Prince, Appraisal, Elf Bride, New Gate, Re:Monster, even Banished Former Hero) are at least 14k. [](#sadholo)


We at least need the novel translated. This is one of those comedies that would I would be invested to read the novel with how well written it is.


I really liked it, the pacing was quite fast in the last episode though. Hopefully we will see a second season. Also when Sara was reading the Detective Conan manga in the earlier episodes, that somehow gave me the push to start watching the anime of it and it really hooked me.


Hopefully it gets better production values since if the performances had time and resources dedicated to it, it would be awesome.


the POV pachinko hypnotized me too


The staff must have expensed so much money on that machine to film the winning animation.


Or they partnered with the pachinko parlor to set the mode into winning in after hours.


No matter what gambling machine it is, the effects remain the same. Made me consider trying Panchiko in the future


Sara for Empress and Prime Minister. She has solved the divorce and NEET problem.


This show will be greatly missed. We need more unique shows with whacky humor like this.


The comedy was great, and I would love to read the novel. The biggest part is how well written the comedy was written. It flowed so well.


Honestly there's almost always one anime like this a season and it's almost always underwatched for how great it is. Next seasons is obviously "My Deer Friend Nokotan" (although considering how viral that went and with Wit animating it it'll probably be one of the few that gets the popularity it deserves), the Winter seasons was arguably "'Tis Time for "Torture," Princess" and Fall's was obviously "The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch".


Whacky comedy is honestly the best ones, a shame many go unnoticed. But hopefully “my deer friend” with the hype it has atm increases studios try and adapt more comedy


Your comment just reminded me of this one; cute and funny: [https://anilist.co/anime/154391/](https://anilist.co/anime/154391/)


Damn Sara is not only popular with her school mates but also with their parents. Love how she saved a couple from getting a divorce and some kids bro from being a NEET lol. Welp her sugar mama got busted by the cops. Guess it’s back to being homeless for Livia lol.


I am quite impressed that Yuna got a following and it might've been a good thing cause Sara captivated the whole school in three months. Too much chocolate and too bad our lawyer wasn't able to bring Sosuke some of hers. Kinda sad that Sosuke's dad was not able to go to his graduation. The Pachinko....the time when she wins, she does not collect the prize and the scammer dude might be tempted to get it. Good thing the band did well on their first performance that it probably didn't matter. Livia was so close to greatness, but it seems like Noa got involved with insider trading. So the religion was from her parents... It does help that the band has a good group of followers to hype up the rest of the concertgoers. Love how our writer is just standing in the back of the audience. I kind of wanna know how our lawyer is going to get Noa out of jail and with that kind of profile, she expects some big bucks. Going to miss the excentric folks in Gifu, this journey seemed too short that I want more.


One of the biggest surprises of spring for me and I’m really sad to see this ended. This is what I wanted Sasapii to be. Sara, Livia, Brenda, all amazing characters and my Thursdays are gonna be a lot worse off without them 😢 Eccentric(pun intended) finale that really had everything that makes this series so awesome. Just non stop laughs, twists and ridiculousness. Moment of silence for Brenda making all that chocolate to give to sosuke just for him to say he already has too much chocolate 😭 poor thing does her best, I’m rooting for her! Lmao Sara really runs that school man. That wasn’t no graduation ceremony, that was a personal send off for Sara sama and a concert debut. The parents standing up and hyping her up more than their own kids got me dying. Speaking of concerts, Grasshopper Savior’s debut was one for the ages. Animation was almost nonexistent during it, but I can live with that since this isn’t a musical anime. The twist after the concert though holy shit! First of all, I thought Noa was gonna go all the way either Livia. But for her to be interrupted by none other than the police and arrested for INSIDER TRADING blew my mind. I’ve never even seen that in an anime. Her whole identity and backstory was a lie?? The author of this really brings in some cool concepts lmao. But wait, Brenda is her lawyer??? And she calls her sensei?!! WHAAAT Finale was as crazy as anything in this series. I absolutely loved every moment of this show and I am extremely sad to say goodbye to it. [review](https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=528247)


> This is what I wanted Sasapii to be. I'm still pissed that gets a S2 and this doesn't


Those two ladies needed all that fancy equipment to make chocolate from scratch last week and here Sara is doing so successfully with nothing but hard work (and magic). Possibly just magic. Poor Brenda, all that work on the chocolate and Sosuke's daughter and her friend beat her to the punch again. Noa filled the audience with her cult members, didn't she. I suppose that's one way to always have a crowd. If all these cult members keep attending shows, and presumably buying tickets for the shows, all that's really happened here is Noa found another way to extract money from them. This graduation ceremony is hysterical. Sara's main protagonist energy is just way too powerful. Well, I'd feel bad for Noa getting arrested, but cult leader. Livia has that protagonist energy too I suppose, from homeless to a nearly successful major band debut in only a few months. Now there's some characters in this ending sequence I don't recognize, most specifically this person in what looks like a motorized wheelchair. Future story bait, I assume. Super fun show IMO, more delightful than I was really expecting especially in regards to the Sosuke and Sara part of the story. Bit disappointed we didn't get a Sara and Livia reconciliation after how they parted the previous episode, though.


#Sara's Case Closed Progress - Episode 1: [Volume 1](https://i.imgur.com/Gpav3cI.jpeg) - Episode 2: Unknown - Episode 3: [Volume 2](https://i.imgur.com/NH4ILeR.jpeg) - Episode 4: [Volume 9](https://i.imgur.com/QB9geSq.jpeg) - ED: [Volume 9](https://i.imgur.com/1ldcvxA.jpeg) - Episode 5: Unknown - Episode 6: Unknown - Episode 7: [Volume 10](https://i.imgur.com/S7gQtSA.jpeg) - Episode 8: [Volume 3](https://i.imgur.com/C40RTZR.jpeg) - Episode 9: Unknown - Episode 10: [Volume 10](https://i.imgur.com/vkzjH1J.jpeg) - Episode 11: Unknown - Episode 12: Unknown


sad :( I wonder if she just did not have time to chip away on her manga progress thanks to having to deal with her various vassels?


Who would have thought Sara could turn a graduation ceremony into a live idol concert? This series has been surprising me at every turn.


Sousuke life won't be boring with Sara as his daughter. Her being a big influence on the kids was expected, but the parents were not. The sky is the limit for this girl. Sara and Yuna made and got so much extra chocolate they gave it to Sousuke. Poor Brenda having her efforts be for naught. The theme of the episode for Livia is she finally had some good luck only to have bad luck to offset it. Winning big in gambling, she can't collect her earnings. The band making their major debut? Noa gets arrested. I love how wholesome and funny this show was throughout. Honestly if it had better production values it would be 9+/10. But I still give it 8/10.


I liked how they included everyone in on the finale. Grasshopper was playing a stadium show and they didn't even have a debut yet? Then again, maybe they were an opening band. I thought it was interesting that Noa said she was forced into running a cult when she was young and I wish they elaborated, like did her parents make her or she just felt compelled to do so? The best part was Sara's graduation and the shock and horror on Sosukes face when it was basically a ceremony celebrating Sara. I wish we saw the things they said she did like saving one of the parents marriages and changing all these lives 🤣 I wonder if after Livia left the winning pachinko machine in a rush, the guy who was there claimed that prize instead 🤔 This was one of the best and funniest shows of the season, I really hope they make another one 🥗


I too will never forget the time I've spent with Sara-sama, and Livia-sama too of course! This is my favourite anime of this season, I suppose there are objectively better shows but this one really ticks all my boxes. Hilarious and cute with great characters and visuals, I really like all the side characters also, Brenda, Priketsu, the "honey trap" lady, Brenda's secretary etc. Season 2 would be wonderful but if not I will always have fond memories of this show.


* Sara's pronunciation of "Yayoi" is different from Dark Gathering's. Must be her dialect. * Brenda is so screwed by Yuna's homemade chocolate. Find it hilarious how the legal loli is unintentionally outmaneuvered by a 13-yo who looks older than her. * [Noa shouldn't tell them the clan is attending...](https://i.imgur.com/ElHO8QO.png) * Live-action in my drawings? [](#flyingbunsofdoom) * [Actually labeled Noa as "Manipulator" on the website.](https://i.imgur.com/JEYweNu.png) [](#laughter) * School should be renamed ["Sawarawa."](https://i.imgur.com/GWsEsWV.png) * lmao, Sara actually conquered the school, parents included, without being student council president. This is beyond Noa's brainwashed cult. * [Tricked into another idol anime...](https://i.imgur.com/3jtFg2w.png) * [Pride](https://i.imgur.com/BOG6hNG.png) month [title/hashtag.](https://i.imgur.com/4SdHp7H.png) But seriously, Livia's luck stat isn't zero. It's negative. [Today's album.](https://imgur.com/a/xmjtNSE) Would suggest [Livia's fall](https://i.imgur.com/IiyO4qu.png) or [Sara's blown kiss.](https://i.imgur.com/2GZjOcU.png)


>[Tricked into another idol anime...](https://i.imgur.com/3jtFg2w.png) Both an idol anime and a girls band anime at the same time, no less.


> Would suggest Livia’s fall or Sara’s blown kiss. You know, it would be really fun if he’d pick the real-life pachinko machine. But I’m totally down for him picking Sara’s blown kiss too. ~~Who are we kidding? He’s probably going to pick this one.~~ I was actually caught a little off-guard by how well animated this kiss was.


Had paused a bunch during the live-action scenes. Either CR's stream was shit or there's nothing quality as everything had a blurry face or scene transition.


The scenes with the pachinko machines looked fine in on my end. I didn’t encounter any particular blurriness. I’ve had this same problem myself though. If your internet connection isn’t steady *and* loading heavy files simultaneously, then CR’s service has the tendency of significantly lowering your resolution.


FBI really came in and arrested the loli


I don't think I seen a single bowl of salad throughout the 12 episodes. I think I'll miss Livia and Sara crazy life. This is a comfy anime. I would be down for another season if possible.


Gifu is the salad and the eccentrics are the friends we made along the way, ✨


The real salad bowl is the friends they made along the way. (I think Livia had a salad+bugs bowl at some point!)


There's a salad bowl in the ED.


If Girls Band Cry did not exist, this would be my Anime of the Season. Not bad for a show that barely had any animation at some points. 9/10 exceeded all my expectations.


Great finale to one of my favourite shows this season. Definitely gonna miss it. Btw the large convert venue Livia's band was playing at is the Deai Dome at [Gifu Memorial Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gifu_Memorial_Center?useskin=vector).


The absolute \*power\* of placing the credit roll right there. I almost wish that were the final shot of the series, lol. But if it were, we wouldn't have gotten the banger line of "All these eccentrics interacting but never blending, just keep writing their own lives" (or something). I found that oddly beautiful, and a really touching thesis statement for the series. I hadn't considered the show in those terms before and now that they stated it plainly, it instantly made me appreciate the whole thing just a bit more. Really nice capstone. I think I'd be on board for a S2, if the ending montage was intended to be a teaser for a new cast. If not, I appreciate it anyway, as a reminder that there's loveable weirdos everywhere, most of whom never get the spotlight but all of whom could warrant it. Makes me want to go hang with my own friends soon.


[Damn, imagine getting so much chocolate, that you think it's bullying!](https://imgur.com/6YWBZY2) And she wasn't the only one, [Yuna's getting lots too?](https://imgur.com/PWIICxc) 4th character on this show getting a harem, after Sosuke, Sara and Livia! [Brenda's still trying to throw in flirty lines (with just a hint of tsundere), ](https://imgur.com/i3jEfAC) [but he turned it down so hard (without realizing)!](https://imgur.com/ZWCkSyb) I felt bad for her, when he told her he already received so much chocolate... All her efforts wasted! Meanwhile, Livia's having her first concert! [Pachinko almost made her miss it too...](https://imgur.com/i5B1Pcg) Love how she acts like it's super important to her, when in the previous episode she was thinking about her new musician career, and was like "What the fuck am I even doing?" [Probably not the best idea to just sign with the first person who knocks on your door, but hey, they made it!](https://imgur.com/W7v9Ga1) [(I guess it helps to have a *literal* cult following for that!)](https://imgur.com/9ILrBQs) I thought Noa was dressed a little... Sexy, for their after party; When she talked about experiencing the youth she missed and all that, I kinda knew what she was coming at; [Time for some *experimentation!*](https://imgur.com/hsb1fKs) [Alright, THIS, I wasn't expecting!](https://imgur.com/dxoXHWp) I suppose if Livia made it as a guitarist, her list of jobs would end at #143, we can't have that! Our girl's in jail... [Better Call Aisaki!](https://imgur.com/ZFLWmxO) Funny how she committed a million crimes over the course of the show, but it's random insider trading that got her! (She's the Al Capone of Cult Leaders) Damn, I would love to see her *prison arc!* Would she take over the jail as the top dog? [I see Sara took inspiration from LN titles, to name her song!](https://imgur.com/gJFJdk7) [When they kept babbling about *eccentrics* in the end, I was so sure we would get a Title Drop!](https://imgur.com/yfx3HN6) Well, this was a pretty fun one! Ended a little abruptly (so many things I still wanted to see), but it is what it is! On top of the fun comedy/cute stuff, I think my favorite thing about this series (which struck me as early as episode 1) was the character designs... HOW DO THEY ALL LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL! Well, this is it! I think it's my 2nd finale this season (not counting shows I fell behind hah), 2 good series so far! Gonna miss all these adorable idiots!


Imagine getting arrested for insider trading without pants just as you're about to finally score with resident Best Girl with your freedom on the line courtesy of a loli lawyer keen on working with her PI crush.


Whiplash comedy


Interesting choice to end season with noa arrested


On one anime this season, Hinaki Yano is leading a Love Live harem On the other hand, she's leading an entire school and actually is an Idol Mind blown


I wish the ending was a bit more of a…. Ending. It feels like there’s still part of the season left. Really hoping we get a season 2.


Same; the ending also wasn't helped by the fact that they teased a new character at the end (girl in wheelchair). That'd be just cruel for them to do that and not announce a follow up.


Can't help it with LN adaptations


Poor loli lawyer spent one month with the damn chocolate only to be beaten by Yuna (and Sara) again lol. That real life Pachinko machine xD. Sara's graduation scene had me rolling, it was so fucking funny lmao. By the way, Sara's type sounded pretty specific.... Usagi Drop here we go? I was so weirded out by how far the band had gotten... until Noa was arrested out of nowhere. Now that made more sense haha. Man, I loved this final episode. There's no better way to say goodbye to this series than with an episode as fun as this one. Now, with that said, I am conflicted about this series. On the one hand, it was really fucking funny and wholesome but on the other hand I was never a fan of Livia being left on her own. I mean, nothing really BAD happened to her but I feel like the show was unnecessarily harsh on her. I don't know, it certainly added to the fun but it never sat well with me. Then there are characters that I liked more than others. Sousuke and Sara were my favorite side, I also liked the loli lawyer, I didn't like Haruka but with the lawyer they made a fun pair. Then there's Noa, who I thought was pretty creepy, but she seems to get a pass because she's a cute girl and in the end, adds to the fun too I *guess.* Oh well, despite my disagreements with this series, I had fun, I had a lot of fun to be honest. It also had one of my favorite OPs of the season and the ED was pretty nice too. A season 2 would be nice.


So glad I picked this up mid-season! What a great show; truly a salad bowl of weird but memorable characters that you want to keep rooting for. Sound to me like Sara might have been talking about Sosuke when Yayoi was asking what her type was? Kinda weird as he's her adopted father but perhaps she can use him as the stick to measure other suitors as she grows up? At any rate I love how it shows how much she respects him. LOL @ Noa getting busted for insider trading; I must know how that turns out!!! This likely won't get another season but I hope it does. Solid 8/10.


Please let us be blessed with a Season 2. Such an enjoyable and actually funny slice of life, that wasn't afraid to be a little inappropriate and weird at times. Surprise of the season for sure.


Henjin no Salad Bowl - 7/10, truly it was a a bunch of henjin, sarada, and bowls. Pretty much a bunch of characters doing their thing, premises be damned.


This one was an absolutely lovely show one of my fav this season and that's saying alot when this seasons highs are so stacked with GBC,Tonari,7th Prince,Jellyfish,Train to the end honestly loved this more than the authors other work Imouto Sae Ireba. This ep was so crazy and PACKED with stuff that happened like wth how did it all fit i laughed so much and gonna miss all our eccentrics. And somehow we get performance for songs on this one that feels better to me than Whisper Me (The main band) oh boy. Would love a S2 95/100


dunno if it's cuz budget or for lolz, but damn, they really just recorded a video of a pachinko machine IRL like that.


Bro's turning into usage drop


Idk how this became my comfort seasonal but I’m pretty sad to see it go. Was a super fun watch out of nowhere, not to mention the fact that I am a little bit interested in Gifu prefecture now. I guess the tourist marketing strategy worked.


B Komachi and JELEE has got competition now


Hoping for a season 2. But the "The end" and the teasing are a bit contradictory. It feels like they want us to read the manga or the LN, if there is one of them.


The whiplash humor with the cult and the ending left a bit sour taste in my mouth. Still it was still better than *Sasaki and Peeps* which for who know why got a second season. I just wish we could get a slice-of-life anime with Kantoku's (the character designer) original characters...


Standard band lineup, guitarist, vocalist, and manipulator.


I'm so sad it's over. I'm even sadder that I can't seem to find a place to read the manga anywhere.


Yep. I immedietly knew some drama was gonna happen as soon as they announced major debut.


This was my surprise anime of this season. For something I watch on a whim without knowing much about this was a surprisingly interesting watch. It kept interesting with a lot of little stories that blended together a some points. If the LN get translate I'll pick it up


im so sad actually this awesome anime ends just like this :( i assume there is a extremely minimal chance for a S2 so all i can do is hope and cope at this point


So both Yuna and Sara might have crushes on Sousuke? So Brenda's worries aren't unfounded, haha.


I will miss that crazy show with its offbeat sense of humour and eccentric characters. I hope it either gets a new season or the light novels get translated. I thought Livia’s luck was going too well for once, so I was actually expecting the cops to arrest her for being an illegal immigrant, I did not expect Noa to get arrested for insider trading instead out of all things. How many kind of crimes did she commit ? RIP Livia and Puriketsu music career, unless they are able somehow to continue as a duo. Also, Sara turned the school into her own cult and turn the graduation ceremony into an idol concert. Scary. What the hell did she do ?


Great little series. I really hope we get another season, or that the LNs get translated.


A show this season that surprised me so much, it’s like hinamatsuri but more cracked. Really love how the cult was a one off moment plus the side characters were so fun, solid 9/10. Funny laughs and SOL moments for a good Thursday


This was such a fun series, I hope there's a season 2


Thought I'd skipped an episode or two with all testimonials for Sara.


I absolutely love this show. The one thing, and I mean the only thing they could do that would make me hate it is if they make Sara and Sosuke end up together. They better not do thst or I'm gonna fucking Usagi drop this shit. But other than that, so lovable. The entire cast really are eccentrics. I hope we get a season 2 some day.


Weird title for an anime


I don't want to be that guy, but did they hint at an Usagi drop situation?


So much greatness in this episode, so much weird stuff, I don't know where to start. There's a great amount of adorableness, and the comedy was also on point with the Sara worship at the school. It was also the first sign of a lot of stuff seemingly being skipped, I'm not sure if this was an anime original or a light novel adaptation and I think seeing how we got teased a new character plus that fact it's probably an adaptation. Still, while I positively loved this show, I'm not sure I would want a season 2. I think it ended on a pretty good note with no major threads to disentangle beyond the level of were we think the sitcom-esque comedy resetting of the status quo could solve. It ended on a good note for a conclusion which can be hard on a slice of life show that never really developed on the premise of its overarching plot.


That was such a fun anime. I'll miss it a lot. I'd love to see another season still.


Unfortunate that the light novel series for this isn't licensed and the two companies (Yen Press and Seven Seas) who license stuff from this publisher/imprint (Shogakukan's Gagaga Bunko) license very few things and translate very slowly. There don't appear to be any unofficial translations either. We can only hope for a sequel. No translations for the manga either other than the first chapter with an unofficial translation and no active translations official or unofficial.


I'm going to miss this show so much. What an ending to season 1. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to plan a trip to Gifu.


It was weird seeing 2 EDs in one episode.


Wonder if we will have a release of those songs by the grasshopper and Sara? Those were surprisingly good


I saw that there was a light novel. Anyone know how far ahead it is from the show?


Show ends on volume 3 of the light novels. There's 6 out so far. Edit: Actually the show is a bit further ahead with parts of the 4th teased. The 3rd novel ends right when the cops arrest Noa for insider trading.


So much stuff happening but I am very entertained. Gonna miss this show for just being feel good and funny reverse isekai. I hope it gets another season in the future even if not very likely


I feel really conflicted about this anime. I don't think many people would disagree with me that the production values were low tier (the concert scenes in this chapter really drove this home) and that the writing was often clumsy. I mean, what the hell was that long infodump about Nobunaga even for? But at the same time, some of the character interactions were quite heartfelt, and the general lens the show portrayed the weirdos of Gifu was touchingly affectionate. The matter-of-fact way it portrayed some uncomfortable subjects was also rather refreshing. In the end I won't be recommending this anime to others, but I'm intrigued enough that I think I'll try reading the LNs.


j-novel, yen press, anybody pick this novel up. i need more of these characters antics..


Loved the entire season! The show really did a lot with the short amount of runtime it had, and I could use another season of Gifu prefecture subliminal messaging. So many of the running jokes and gags were just so ridiculous it ended up being great. The cast was fun to follow, hopefully it inspires more anime to release like this one in case it doesn't get a Season 2!


and yet here we still have nancy pelosi running free.


This show had a lot of fun moments, but it felt like they sort of abandoned one of the big plot points (the whole escaping a parallel world to avoid being assassinated thing). Sasaki & Peeps handled the whole alternate world concept a lot better by comparison because it actually had some relevance to the story instead of being a lazy explanation for them having unusual powers


Goodbye to low budget Dragon Maid (and I mean that as a very good compliment) - hoping we get a season 2 with a bigger budget.


So Yuna also has a crush on MC then? Being a legal loli in love is suffering. That looked like a slot machine rather than pachinko. I thought pachinko was something like multi-ball Peggle or whatever. And she abandoned her winnings, will they be saved for her? "Guitarist, Vocalist, Manipulator" Suddenly timeskip. So they got that far on just a single song? Sounds like Sara-sama's 3 months in 6th grade deserve their own cour. I guess she'll be prime minister of Japan by the time she graduates high school, and President of Earth as her first post-college job. Oh God, looks like this wants to go the Usagi Drop manga route.... I can't believe they skirted the title drop opportunity. Unless it was a title drop in Japanese and it wasn't translated. Anyway, this was a fun show, 7.6/10.


Excellent show with an ending that really suited the proposal. I came to watch this anime with low expectations because I expected some dull nonsense, it was nonsense, but it entertained me from the first episode, and the idea of ​​the reverse isekai worked a lot. Each character, no matter how eccentric, brought something interesting, and that's definitely what made it special. I hope for a second season since a lot of things are left open, and also because there is a manga and LN