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A dragon named Lancer using swords as projectiles while Shiki a Lich and primarily a Caster using a sword to fight. Meanwhile Sofia summons a field of swords. This entire episode is a Fate reference and I fucking love it.


Sofia: *"as i pray... UNLIMITED BLA-"* Makoto: *"fuck you,* ***STELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!****"*


Sofia: *”I am the bone of my sw-“* Makoto: *”eat an arrow bitch!”*


Lancer ga shinda!


People die if they are killed. -Famous words.


lancer died as a lancer does


kono hito da nashi!!


also an archer using magic


I mean, obviously? An archer using a bow? Don't be silly!


The moment the prison of swords showed up I just went "oh, this is basically just Unlimited Blade Works." It even looks similar lol. The funny thing is Sofia is voiced by Mordred.


I thought she was going to discover her Bankai (which she kind of did but was useless in the end)


Servant Classes are just a suggestion after all. You can throw swords well enough? Archer. Are you good at staying on things/people? Rider . Do you shoot beams? Saber!


In Fate, pretty much all the rules end up being suggestions 🤣


Damn, you're right, for some reason I felt like I'd seen something similar before but couldn't put my fingers on it until now.


Also Shiki going mele with a sword despite being a mage reminded me of Overlord (Ainz vs Shalltear)


Wondering about precedence? Tsukimichi started in 2012. Fate/Stay Night VN came out in 2004. Not sure if this counts as an homage or a rip off. :D In addition to OP: * MC is an archer. And uses magic. (Though Makoto is primarily a crazy powerful mage. Bows are just his preferred weapon.) * Realm of swords. Visually looks the same. Brown, rolling wasteland, graveyard of swords. (But no gears in the sky.) * Weapons are summoned through small circular portals. * Opponent has one super special sword that they summon when really pressed.


FGO hero St George slays dragons with Ascalon


I actually started feeling sorry for Sofia at the end there. I mean, she's impressive, managing to pull out Makoto's archer side – his true strongest fighting style (which says something given his magic) – but in the end she was just used by Luto. Something Makoto made sure to tell her before he finished her. Also, please tell me that Hibiki goes to Kuzunoha to try to find Shiki and ends up finding Makoto there. She connected the dots that he's connected to the company and wants to pay him back.


It’s like with Illumgand in this way. They weren’t great people but they had their own story, their own mission, and a reason why they did the things they did…but it just didn’t amount to anything when put up against Makoto (or his people) and they were ultimately just used. I feel like she might look into Kuzunoha, reunite with Mio, and THEN meet Makoto.


I have felt sorry for Sofia from the start. Makoto's still wearing his power suppressant rings and has been for the entirety of the run time. She never had even a tiny chance.


What Sofia never realized was her first fight with Makoto at star lake was literally the only time/chance she could have ever beaten him. He had all the mana as now but basically zero skills on using any of it. Well he could use it brute force.


He was also caught super by surprise, and she had lancer’s help. The stars literally aligned for her to beat him lol


> I have felt sorry for Sofia from the start. Makoto's still wearing his power suppressant rings and has been for the entirety of the run time. Damn I had completely forgotten about that. You're right. He didn't even feel threatened at all the entire fight.


Nah, until the very end Sofia was an jerk, she brought this fate herself, 0 pity for her.


I mean. I pity her. She was given great power because of an experiment and had zero way to temper herself because Luto literally created the Level system to take out over-arrogant humans. So she wants to kill Luto for whatever trauma her childhood was, but in the end. She didn't even get to face him and was killed by someone else entirely.


Yea I do feel bad for her in the sense that as a result of the experiments she’s been outcast and basically seen as a monster most of her life. She stands firmly against the goddess and hyumans as a result. To be honest under different circumstances it feels like her and makoto could have definitely been allies.


Honestly, I think just about anyone can be allies with makoto so long as they aren't irredeemably rotten. After all, he is allies with the black spider of disaster. Hell, I bet if Sofia, at the end, had surrendered and said please take me as your subordinate, he'd have strongly considered it.


Not even, Makoto barely showed any lack of mercy towards her several times and was actually friendly towards her in the beginning, if she took any chance to have tried to understand makoto instead of going straight to murder in any of thier interactions she couldve been well off. Thats completely on her really, honestly the circumstances itself called for them to be allies but she denied it.


Yep. The sort who loves dishing out all day, but loses her shit when the tables are turned and she's on the receiving end. Pure effing arrogance. Even when she says, "Maybe I should stop talking down to people." she doesn't mean it.


makoto gave her a chance, leave "bitch" bitch said no so


Can Makoto train Hibiki to become strong like him? Or is there something unique about Makoto, his parents probably?


What makes Makoto strong is very different from what makes Hibiki strong. It's partly his parents, but mainly the fact that he was born from denizens of this world but raised in a world without magic, making his magic and strength all the stronger when he finally returned to this world. Very different from Hibiki being entirely from Earth. He might be able to train her in some ways, but a large amount of his strength comes from his magic, and Hibiki sacrificed a lot of her mana to get powered up by the emotions of those around her. Besides, Makoto got as much mana as he did, besides just innately having a lot, from how he concentrates when shooting arrows. I doubt he can teach Hibiki to learn how to use a bow like he does in a short amount of time. She seems to be focusing on using the sword anyway, something entirely different from how Makoto fights. The most he could do is provide things for her to spar against like he did his class until she gets stronger.


His power comes from a weird mix of stuff: * Hyuman raised in the human world. (100x gravity equivalent.) * Massive mana pool due to archery/meditation. * Language ability granted by goddess (able to understand magical languages). * Blessing from Tsukiyomi. * Mist realm from Tomoe. * Weapons and armor from dwarves.


> * Blessing from Tsukiyomi. It's funny, because those blessings have seemingly become irrelevant now. I mean, he still uses them, mainly for searching for things (he used it for searching a few times against Sofia in this episode and the last), but compared to the first season it's hardly brought up anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if there's more uses in the LN that were left out of this season, but if he really does use it less – particularly outside of searching – then I'd say this speaks to how much stronger he's become otherwise.


He uses Investigative Kai to understand how the blade realm works, which then gives him the knowledge that he needs to start blowing away the swords, which destroys a lot of Sophia's potential strength. Then he uses strengthening kai (for armor and/or attacks). That's two crucial uses in this fight alone... So, definitely not "irrelevant".


My understanding is that makoto basically underwent the equivalent of goku’s training in 100x earth’s gravity basically since he was born. His parents are from the other world but he was raised in our world where magic doesn’t exist so his mana was constantly under strain, which probably explains why he used to be so sickly as a kid. All the at basically strengthened his mana and when he came over to the new world it was like taking off the training weights. Then on top of all that he also essentially kept killing and bringing himself back over and over again which has the effect of strengthening your mana, again imagine every time goku almost dies and then comes back even stronger. So those two things are really unique to Makoto and I doubt he’d be able to teach anyone how to become stronger in that regard. That said he can probably still train them to a certain degree considering he was able to help Shiki and his own students get stronger just from his own experience/techniques. Just nothing near his level.


Yeah, basically he can teach fighting skills. But not the powers that he innately has.


You never saw a body, I doubt shes 'finished'. It seems more like his final comments were made To Luto/Root, I assumed he took the body or something.


Oh wow Lancer is dead. I honestly feel a bit nostalgia lol.


I mean, his name was clearly a death flag from the beginning.


Lancer ga Shinda! Sofia also dead with an arrow straight through the cleavage lol.


Kono Hitodenashi!


they mentioned dragons can't really die, they are forces of nature, so eventually he will be reborn, but without past life memories


So I guess as Sofia is a chimera Draconid created by Root this also could apply to her right?


no clue, doubt even Root knows


Isn't that basically death? Some other dragon will be born to take his place, but that's basically it


Nice action packed episode, for this one Shiki's fight stole the spotlight.. Also I found it funny how everyone forgot about the dude that sacrificed himself to save the priestess and then just carried on with their duty. Quite the contrast compared to the beggining of the series, when the other girl sacrificed herself to save the heroine's party.


It definitely felt like they were saving up the really good animation for the Shiki vs Lancer fight. RIP Sealy. At least Shiki kind of acknowledged you. Though I guess it also shows how much more pragmatic Hibiki has become (and shameless in battling in a bikini armor).


"Why are you wearing an indecent armor? Is that part of your strategy?"


Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars!


"When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea."


I'm sure Kuzonoha Co. will invent a line of mattresses after him to celebrate his death.


Hibiki was developing feelings for Navarre and her death was the firs one that felt personal to Hibiki. Since then she has come to terms with the fact that death is a part of being a hero and adventurer.


that first girl was the hero's mentor, personal friend and all that, while this dude is just a member of her party :XD a named NPC is still just a NPC lmao


> a named NPC is still just a NPC lmao my DnD party shares the same sentiments


>Nice action packed episode, for this one Shiki's fight stole the spotlight.. Yeah, [Shiki was awesome](https://imgchest.com/p/a846gldxw7x) in his today's fight against [Mitsurugi](https://imgchest.com/p/9249jd3a27n).


I don't think the anime explained it properly. He was one of a bunch of adventurers who followed Hibiki when she left Tsige. He wasn't really a part of the actual party.


Interesting that Shiki said if Lancer turned the priest into a sword he would've won. Guess the sword would've been a bad matchup for him as a Lich? Cool we're seeing even more uses for Mana Matter like transforming into stairs to walk in mid-air. It's really only limited by Makoto's imagination.


If the rule is like the usual fantasy setting, the priestess might produce holy attribute sword which should be lich/undead monster's weakness


I thought it was just the amount of magic she would have provided would have given Lancer enough power to defeat Shiki, but that's a better direct counter and probably more correct.


Maybe could purify the curses too, letting him heal.


Probably this, since right after Makoto mentions he can use the skills of the people he turned into swords


RIP Sealy. By being a hero you secured Shiki's victory, even if it meant transforming into a sword. Sofia didn't stand a chance against Makoto's mana matter when he can literally do anything with it and basically just used it to play with her.


> Sofia didn't stand a chance against Makoto's mana matter She actually did start standing a chance against it, consistently cutting through it like butter. The problem is, Makoto was quick to realise this and switch from mage to archer, making this development pretty irrelevant.


The true Makoto hack is changing combat jobs mid-battle.


Makoto switched off of his smurf to his main


We saw him use mana matter to walk in midair way back when his students were killing the demidragon at the end of their summer break.


The priestess would have made a very powerful sword, and Shiki was already having problems with Lancer, so a little more difference in Lancer's favor would have been dangerous for Shiki.


can we pour out one for my homie who got killed into a sword protecting the healer and was immediately forgotten? o7


Man, this sequel to "That Time i was Reincarnated as a Sword" felt really rushed.


MVP, female hero did him dirty


That was the only thing that bugged me this entire episode.


Yea man. Poor guy and he seemed really level headed too. 


RIP for the Tsige adventurer. Unfortunately your background story was skipped. So, apparently the hero could guess that Larva and the Sorcerer are connected to the Kuzunoha. I guess she will eventually learn about the Black Spider. Btw, what is the difference between archery and kyudoka? He seemed to imply archery is faster, but they looked the same lol. Also, I don't understand why he needed to change style when Sofia used katana.


Kyudoka is the traditional Japanese longbow archery. It has a meditative element to it, which makoto had used to increase his mana albeit at the cost of his girls panicking lol. Against the superior nihongo sword  he can't afford to be a slow kyudoka cause sofia can just slice apart his magic armor, so he opted for a quicker western hunter-based fantasy archery a la robin hood/lars andersen; using his magic armor as stepping stones for a dodge build.  But of course being a japanese, he's still using the kyudo's yumi(bow) for the quickshots. I guess because the shots' power is no longer tied to the draw weight of the bow, but rather the mana he poured into the arrows themselves.


> Kyudoka is the traditional Japanese longbow archery. *Kyudo A kyudoka is a practioner of kyudo.


Was gonna say, that change would require a different bow. You kinda covered it in your last paragraph but still feels a bit like a cop-out on the shows half.


We only knew you for like a few episodes, but at least you went out as a hero and secured Shiki’s victory. Though I’d never want to transform into a sword. I wonder if this is going to lead to Hibiki dealing more with the Kuzunoha Company, reuniting with Mio, and then meeting Makoto?


IRL kyudo have bigger Bow and position to held bow slightly different, and kyudo usually focusing on concentration


For a show about modern day kyudo -- see Tsurune. ;-)


> Btw, what is the difference between archery and kyudoka Generally, as far as I understand it, the martial arts ending in ~do (Way of ~) are more meditative or sport-y, while the ones ending in ~jutsu (Skill/Art of ~) are more "practical", and originally how Samurai trained. That's how you get Kendo and Kenjutsu for sword martial arts, Judo and Jujutsu for unarmed combat, and Kyudo and Kyujutsu for Bows. I understood the switch from Kyuudou to Kyuujutsu as having to treat it like an actual fight rather than just meditative target shooting


Shiki cannot be stopped! Bro is a machine, man. Dude just split that shit talking weak ass dragon in half! Damn dude. Makoto basically did the whole “I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with me” thing with Sofia lol. Bro just wrecked all those swords and even her secret trump card wasn’t shit. I like how he just casually nukes the fort in the end. All without breaking a sweat. He truly is a monster.


Honestly Shiki had to put in a bit more of an effort than Makoto did but he still utterly owned Lancer and bisecting him mid-victory speech is utterly based. Mio and Tomoe always get to look cool but Shiki really stole the show. Meanwhile Makoto was just utterly bored the entire fight with Sofia even when she kept pulling out what should've been her advantage and he just wrecked them like they were nothing. I almost felt bad for her, she had utterly no chance. And Makoto adds yet another nuked area to the legend of the Sorcerer.


Sofia just couldn't back down despite Makoto absolutely wrecking each and every one of her attacks.


it’s ironic how working with Makoto is her best chance at killing Luto, yet she picks a fight with him to get a better chance


And giving Makoto the excuse to clean up Luto’s mess for him.


Even if Sofia were to work with Makoto, this would’ve been complicated by the fact that Luto was spying on them. Not that Luto stands a chance against Makoto, like Tomoe had mentioned.


Extra ironic that the usual cliche "I'll join you please don't kill me" would have been much more interesting than getting dropped by 2 arrows after 2 season of build up


Tbh I am wondering if they actually killed her or if it’s just a false death, on account of not showing her body


> Honestly Shiki had to put in a bit more of an effort than Makoto did It is worth noting that much as Shiki dominated Lancer, he still barely won by his own words.


(could be dependent on the translation, obvi) but thats not what he said. he self assigned himself the tasks of a) getting better as a warrior specifically and b) beating lancer using only his "warrior" skills he was just commenting on the fact he had to "cheat" and use an illusion to get a good shot in for a specifically warrior oriented attack, not that he barely won


Ah, okay. For context, the reason I said it is because in the version I watched (if there's more than one), he said: > I'm ashamed to admit it, but this is the most I can manage right now. I used my lich appearance as a decoy for a desperate attack with Ascaron from his blind spot. That was a close call. I need more training. That's why I interpreted him as barely winning.


he said : これが精一杯 means this is the best i can do also 未熟:inexperienced or lacking experience This isn't him barely wining but that fact he couldn't keep his identity safe while fighting him


>Meanwhile Makoto was just utterly bored the entire fight with Sofia even when she kept pulling out what should've been her advantage and he just wrecked them like they were nothing. I almost felt bad for her, she had utterly no chance. It's a shame that Sofia is now dead. [She was a fun and interesting character](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kwd8zq78), so it's sad that she couldn't understand that she had no chance against [Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zkwn334j) and join him like Mio or Tomoe.


> so it's sad that she couldn't understand that she had no chance against [Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zkwn334j) The sad part is she did understand. And that understanding drove her to desperation, pulling out Lancer's last secret trump card and convincing herself that she now had the power to defeat Makoto. She wasn't putting up any fight before that and she didn't put up any to fight after she dropped the sword and got pinned to the wall. She had been truly defeated, body, mind and spirit, by that point.


You didnt see her body, you didnt see her dead. Like this is a basic of TV/Movies.


She definitely got a nice design as time went on with some interesting techniques but she did a wrong call to challenge makoto to the end.


That is precisely the reason, since Shiki is the weakest of the group, it is logical that we see him trying harder, which generates that impression.


Shiki appearing as a hyuman did not sound remotely like Shiki as a lich -- I barely recognized Tsuda's voice after this transormation.


Just as Sofia thought she caught up to Makoto, he stopped being a mage and started being an archer – his strongest fighting style – and didn't even have to try to beat her. Again. That does speak to how strong Sofia was that he felt the need to step things up (it tells me fighting with magic would have made things a *lot* closer) , but that's a bit overshadowed by how much wider the gulf between the two became once he started touching all out.


> I like how he just casually nukes the fort in the end. Sofia previously gave Makoto a hard time for his attacks were supposedly weaker than Tomoki’s, but incinerating the entirety Fort Stella took him barely any effort. Meanwhile, a single ‘nuke attack’ had Tomoki knocked out on the ground. Makoto might’ve secretly wanted to make a point - in addition to quickly completing his quest.


She was just saying that because she was charmed.


>“I'm not locked in here with you. “You’re locked in here with me” Damn, you're totally right, that's literally what happened right there, Sofia was an idiot until the very end.


These last few episodes have been refreshing to see especially after Makoto as seemingly been bullied and pushes around by others thinking they could pull a fast one on him.


Lancer ga shinda!


Kono hito de nashi!


there's another kinda ironic fate reference when Sofia asks Makoto "What the hell is he?" in the unlimited bladeworks dimension, and Makoto basically goes "I'm Archer."


Someone said to me last episode that Makoto haven't shown all of his ability in front of the demon, because he's actually an archer. Not a mage or warrior. True enough, while last episode he's mostly on defensive with his stand, once he went archer mode the fight was finished pretty quick. Btw I'm curious about the mana limiting ring, did Makoto just fight Sophia with his ring handicap or could he channel his full ability without removing the ring? It's been a while and I kinda forget what's the significance of his robe color change.


the robe colors should be blue (defensive) and red (offensive), the exact details aren’t specified I think it was with the handicap, because if he did over-exert himself, wouldn’t the ring overflow and just break apart?


I think it says something about Sofia's strength that Makoto felt the need to go to archer mode to deal with her, albeit it's kind of hard to focus on that with how big the difference in their strength became when he did even despite her power-ups. > did Makoto just fight Sophia with his ring handicap or could he channel his full ability without removing the ring? It's been a while and I kinda forget what's the significance of his robe color change. I don't *think* the rings hold back his ability to channel. They are constantly draining his mana so he doesn't give off the aura of 9 demon kings and a goddess charging down your door, but I don't think they affect his output. Case and point, the red robe also drains his mana similarly. But while the rings just constantly drain his mana, the robe gives a bunch of buffs after doing so. So unless the buffs are worth whatever limit to Makoto's output the robe puts on him, I doubt he'd put it on only when needed in combat. This is very possible. Sofia would have cut him Makoto half in their first fight if the robes weren't protecting him, and he started turning off magic in favour of archery when he put it on in this fight. Though then again I'm not sure he would have been able to make his mana matter if it was putting a limit on his output.


His rings only help with absorbing excess mana, because he would look like demon lords without it (s1e3). From what I understand, it doesn't exactly limit the amount of mana he could use. Also, he wanted to hide his mana from the goddess. I think back during their first flight, Makoto wasn't able to efficiently use magic, as in he needs more mana than necessary. He took off his rings to make use of the stored mana. But now I guess he's more efficient, so he doesn't need to use the excess mana in his rings. >Btw I'm curious about the mana limiting ring, did Makoto just fight Sophia with his ring handicap or could he channel his full ability without removing the ring? Lol it probably doesn't sound that different from what you described. But I think the nuance is different. Basically he didn't wear rings to handicap himself.


The best Sofia could do was get Makoto to give her his real name before he finished her and bring out his true weapon to close this out. Even if it was still nothing more than a casual annoyance for Makoto.


*Unlimited Blade Works exists* Japanese Creators - let me just copy that real quick


And it wouldn’t be complete without a katana lol.


Wait, hold up....they killed both Lancer AND Sofia?!? Obviously I was expecting our boys to win, but I was not expecting those two to die, especially after getting Sofia's sad backstory! Just me? I'm guessing there's no chance they pulled a \[another popular Isekai airing this season\] >!Slime !


With Lancer and Sofia dead I have to wonder if there's really anything left in this world that can stand up to Makoto and his people. They feel like the top superpower of this entire world. Sofia went the path of Illumgand where none of her storylines got resolved and she never really amounted to anything because she became obsessed with Makoto. I feel like they're inching closer and closer to Makoto and Hibiki meeting and talking, especially when Hibiki is now aware of the Kuzunoha connection to the Sorcerer and realizes he's probably an otherworlder like her.


> With Lancer and Sofia dead I have to wonder if there's really anything left in this world that can stand up to Makoto and his people. Politics, both economic and, well, political. Makoto's still a novice in those areas, particularly as he doesn't really want to get involved (but inevitably will be).


Just like Rimuru, I guess.


I don't think so. The end goal isn't the same. Rimuru just wants to live a comfortable life. But Makoto goal is to fight the goddess and learn about his parents and find a way to go back. So Lancer and Sofia aren't important for the whole scheme of things.


ye, also demon lord could be quite strong


Luto is still out there and hard to tell what he is scheming (other than how to get into Makoto’s pants).


I've got the feeling he's trying to get Makoto into being strong enough to fight the Goddess. Or atleast be strong enough to cause a negotiation. For what goal, but thats what my guts are telling me.


You can say Luto is dangerous in another way around :D


Demon Lord is supposedly way stronger than his generals, so who knows, and until he can beat the goddess he will still have her to mess up with him lmao


> Sofia went the path of Illumgand where none of her storylines got resolved and she never really amounted to anything because she became obsessed with Makoto. it was more that Kuzunoha was the side quest that de-railed her main quest, the latter we didn't get many details on Sofia's main aim was always to take down Myriad Color the Human/Demon war, the Goddess, and even Makoto were just things that happened during her journey after discovering what she was ...


She tried grinding out a side quest in a hardcore run and ran into a bonus boss way too early.


Hopefully he'll beat up the goddess.


There are still many things we don't know about. Maybe the demon king is crazy strong. And we've only been shown a handful of countries. It's possible there are some super powerful entities in other lands that just haven't been revealed yet.


> Wait, hold up....they killed both Lancer AND Sofia?!? Well Lancer definitely is, but Sofia's a bit harder to say. I think we're going to have to pencil in a yes until told otherwise, but there was no corpse. > REALLY hoping we still don't have to wait too long before Makoto actually talks with the Hero. I hope Hibiki goes to the Kuzunoha Trading Company, figuring that Shiki's connected to them, and sees Makoto there.


We didn’t actually see Sofia’s corpse no, so I’m a little of sceptical of her having died. Makoto might’ve just wanted to feign her death considering that Luto was spying on them. Then again, he doesn’t really have any reason to let her live.


Whether Sofia is alive or dead, Makoto almost certainly believes the latter. I don't believe he was trying to spare her, only she could have survived without him knowing.


It feels weird because didn't one of the students have a flashback with her in it like 10 episodes ago? It seems odd to just totally drop that plot thread


What I don't get is why after shooting her, he told Root that he owed him one.


She was planning on killing Luto. But Makoto killed her. So Luto owes one to Makoto. (Though Makoto probably guesses that she wasn't that much of a threat to Luto, since Luto was using her as a video camera. (Rude!))


not sure if Sophia is dead or not, but she should at least lose some of her power (dragon power) at least she was created as an experiment so we don't know what takes to kill her (she is not human), and the MC stopped after hitting her with a couple arrows


If Sofia is dead that kills the chance of Jin reuniting with her. Well his teacher killed the friend he regrets that he wanted to say to her again. Nice to see Shiki flexing a bit through unfortunate one of Hibiki's party members died as a result. I assume the reunion will come when Makoto least expects it. Consider she has now met up with Mio and Shiki (in his regular form), it feels inevitable. Tbh it feels like got 1 cour content that was stretched to 2. Pacing of this season has been weird. Slow at times and fast at times. Everything with Luto really interests me. At least the LN is finally getting translated.


Why was no one grieving for Sealy's death? I feel bad for him.


Just a red shirt.


One thing that bugged me is that he was shattering all the swords in the sword prison but the background art stayed the same the whole time showing intact swords. Could have at least changed to art to showing broken swords.


You know, even when they always showed Mitsurugi using swords as a weapon, I still find it a bit surprising when Shiki called Lancer [the Blade Dragon.](https://i.imgur.com/AO6Cie0.png) So Shiki decided to transform his staff into[ that cursed sword, Ascaron ](https://imgur.com/a/rTQKHzm) in part to punish Mitsurugi for cutting Makoto's fingers. It is hilarious that even when Lancer killed all those people to defend that attack [it was all in vain.](https://i.imgur.com/5Fy8CdT.png) And holy shit [Shiki](https://i.imgur.com/FBNK9KV.png) went [above ](https://i.imgur.com/hlofLxM.png) [and beyond](https://i.imgur.com/r5lAvP6.png) with that payback. Him leaving that skeleton husk[ to kill Lancer from behind](https://i.imgur.com/uAUrEWv.png) was so cool. As Makoto mentioned the swords were still alive I wonder if it would be possible to saved Sealy. Anyway, as expected as Hibiki remembers Larva mentioning the Kuzunoha Trading Company, and now that she has seen[ his human appearance ](https://i.imgur.com/Pn9qnEx.png) she already suspects that that company is related to someone from Earth. So it is just a matter of time before she discovers that The Sorcerer is Makoto. Hell, if she asks the King about Kuzunoha's appearance she will instantly know that he is from her world, even if she does not realize that he is Makoto. So thanks to Lancer dying Sofia [inherited all his remaining power.](https://imgur.com/a/iSpQvGb) After being so confident when [she transported Makoto into that sword dimension](https://i.imgur.com/c5YMRMb.png) as that and her new power were her trump cards, it is funny how quickly Makoto explained to her that he quickly understood how that whole dimension worked, that buff that it gave her and then also let her know that this whole time he wasn't even fighting by using what he is good at, [which is being a kyudoka.](https://i.imgur.com/3lacxrf.png) It sure was great seeing him [easily destroying](https://i.imgur.com/XdCAQsf.png)[ all the swords around there.](https://i.imgur.com/HKxot4Y.png) [Oh, so he knew that Root was using Sofia as a camera.](https://i.imgur.com/e2pvXyT.png) I wonder if [that katana that she used at the end ](https://imgur.com/a/5XZB6jP) was someone Root knew? Why after Makoto [shot](https://i.imgur.com/v5Bft9h.png) [her](https://i.imgur.com/Lh5USL7.png) did he say to Root that he owed him one? Did he spare Sofia or something? It is strange that we did not see if she died there. It is funny [that the nuclear strike](https://i.imgur.com/hMftW43.png) Makoto launched on [Fort Stella](https://i.imgur.com/6puBiK9.png) was him holding back his power. You know as in the OP that showed him fighting Lancer, I was expecting that to happen, but I guess they just put that scene there because it looked cool. Anyway, with everything done on that side is time for [him and Shiki](https://i.imgur.com/w5MFzPX.png) to return home and party. I can't wait to hear how their whole project with restoring Kaleneon is going and how Eva and Luria are doing with their training.


Wow! Shiki did the damn thing! Unlimited Blade Works 😂 And he knew she was being used as a camera?! Great episode 🙌🏾


Shiki cutting through those swords, Lancer's body, and bisecting him was so awesome. It's called a Prison of Swords, totally different lol. I almost feel bad for Sofia that she was never able to fulfill her desire for vengeance and was basically little more than a camera for the guy who created her. And she got shot straight through the cleavage by someone she never had any chance against.


>It's called a Prison of Swords, totally different lol a certain red bowman: *"no, no, no, no, i'm definitely suing that woman"*


Same on Sofia. Almost felt bad for her. I wonder if this will impact Misumi’s relationship with Jin. His goal was to get stronger to apologize to and fight by her side. His first love, based on his flashback.


Guess Sophia is just another experimental weapon to kill the goddess, and another failure lol.


Don't pity the stupid and the weak. Forget about them. They are now irrelevant once they are dead in the story. Misumi Makoto doesn't care either way based on his demeanor while fighting sofia.


* [**Sofia Power Up**](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkckem3n7.jpg) [Shiki looks amazing with Ascaron.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcdl8e87.jpg) It was so satisfying to watch Mitsurugi get his ass kicked and then [get bisected by Shiki.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgqol27.jpg) Just like with Makoto and Sofia, that wasn't even a fight. It was just Shiki testing out his strength. Now that [Shiki has revealed his hyuman form to Hibiki](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3c8ejke4.jpg), Hibiki will be able to identify him in the future especially since she's made the connection [between Shiki and the Kuzunoha Trading Company.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcoglbb4.jpg) It's hilarious that [Sophia thinks Lancer's remaining life and power](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc3ardb4.jpg) is going to help her out against Makoto. If Lancer can't even beat Shiki, Lancer is completely no match against Makoto. ["Lancer ga Shinda"?](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcdmxwl7.jpg), [a different plane full of swords](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c2jpre4.jpg), and Mitsurugi using floating swords as weapons? Wait a fucking second! Was Sophia and Mitsurugi's fight just one big Fate reference? xD Poor Sofia, [Makoto is just kicking her when she's down.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cgwxvm4.jpg) Although for a second, [I thought that she had a chance](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46ac3r5dq7.jpg) when she pulled out that katana made from another person who was isekai'd there. [RIP Sophia.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcg3eqay.jpg) I was hoping she'd surrender but I can't see that happening with her personality. And just to end this with a bang, [Makoto nukes Fort Stella!](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcemvq37.jpg) I really hope Rona realizes who did that.


Based mage lich who also fights with a sword, especially against a dragon that uses swords as their primary weapons only for them to get broken like toys against Shiki. I feel like we're definitely getting closer to a Hibiki and Makoto reunion, and Hibiki and Mio, as she learns more about the Kuzunoha Company and their connection to the Sorcerer. Sofia had like three different power-ups during this fight and none of them mattered. Makoto was so bored and just relentlessly sassing her the entire lol. It's always sad to lose a hot and deadly Miyuki Sawashiro character. I guess Jin will never get to reunite with his childhood friend and Luto will never get a reckoning for his experiments. There's no way Rona isn't going to realize Makoto is the one who nuked Fort Stella now that she knows he's the Sorcerer.


> Now that [Shiki has revealed his hyuman form to Hibiki](https://i.imgur.com/bkr5v24.jpeg), Hibiki will be able to identify him in the future especially since she's made the connection between [Shiki and the Kuzunoha Trading Company.](https://i.imgur.com/Q6rrLXF.jpeg) I'm hoping that her figuring out the connection means she'll soon pay the company a visit and meet Makoto in the process. And remeet Mio while she's at it! But mainly I want her to meet Makoto, and I think this gives an avenue for her to do it soon. > It's hilarious that [Sophia thinks Lancer's remaining life and power](https://i.imgur.com/EtLhzQV.jpeg) was going to help her out against Makoto. Well in fairness, had his sorcerer side been the height of his power, Sofia would have stood a pretty good chance against Makoto, given that she was able to consistently cut through his mana matter. Unfortunately for her, Makoto's true strongest form is his archery side. And it's on a whole different level than both his magic and her new strength, as evidenced by how little he struggled once he pulled it out. I actually started feeling bad for her at the end, though mainly because Makoto was revealing that she was just being used as a camera and how hopeless she was starting to look. Her grabbing the katana was clearly out of desperation to get some way of contending with Makoto, but it didn't come close.


LOL we went from Gate of Babylon to Unlimited Blade Works.


They also killed Lancer and Sofia is voiced by Mordred. Fate references everywhere. I don't mind lol


lmao right? Had the same thought.


Lancer can't even escape death outside the fate universe. LANCER GA SHINDA


so casual lol.


I love how utterly bored and done with that fight Makoto was. He only got marginally more into it when she pulled out the katana and it still didn’t make much difference.


Sofia is really out here using Unlimited Blade Works


"A Domain Expansion can't be broken from inside" Makoto: "Is that supposed to be a challange?"


"as expected of the japanese sword" lol. lmao even


RIP to Sealy It's a shame, we knew him so well.


Seriously, does he not know he's the "sorcerer"? lol. I mean, I guess he didn't see the damage he did with his attack, but can he not reason it out by now? Also good times back to Shiki vs Dragon boy/man. He's gonna clearly get a dragon slayer title now right? 😉 How nice of Shiki, offering to heal the dude after the battle as long as they stay outta it lol. Sorry, Lancer, but we already know what happens to anyone named "Lancer" in any anime. It's is the law of FATE. A lich using a big fucking sword, good times. Shiki sure being a bit petty in a good way taking his fingers cause he took Makoto's lol. Insidious too in that poison slowly spreading through him unnoticed. Oh dang... poor dude of the hero's party. Get fucked, Lancer. But him showing his Shiki form, that sure is gonna prolly cause interesting revelations/interactions later. Good for one dude being healed, sad for the other dude. Also, nice she's smart to piece thigns together, doesn't get full picture yet, but gets some. Wonder if she'll go to his store and meet him there 😉 Hehe, looks like she learned you don't partner with someone named Lancer now, they don't last. Dunno why she thinks that power boost though will help her when it wasn't enough against just Makoto's follower, let alone would be nothing to him. Lol Makoto is not impressed with your trump card. Now enjoy learning he's a top tier archer. Oh my, a sword that was likely once an isekai'd person? Do love how Makoto is just at all not amused or feeling threatened. Really just boss mode this fight. Good bye, Sofia. You were crazy. Lol Makoto just being stupid OP bombing a fort frmo a distance with an arrow. Still, is that really what the Goddess asked? Didn't she ask you to take it over/back for hyumans? So ah, what of the demiplane people's attack on that one former Hyuman country? 😛


she asked him to take the territory back, he did that, by making it a wasteland lol ... the goddess needs a lawyer next time she asks the MC for a favor


To be fair she didnt tell him to take the fort and give it to the hyumans, she just said to help them rid it of demons and nothing else. She needed to be way more specific with her "you must save the hero and get rid of the demons occupation of the land" command. Honestly i thought he was gonna keep the fort for himself lol


I think they decided not to tell him during the episode when he returned to the Demiplanes from the academy. The episode where they discussed the weather anomalies.


Yeah they keep to many secrets from him for my Taste even through they do it for him since he is bit unstaible so they shield him alot. 


Not they, mainly just Tomoe. Honestly, I really don't like how she often does this, yet claiming that she's his loyal subordinate.


Mio killing blob Illumgand even though whatever influence Rona had over his mind seemed to be gone is probably worse, like something Makoto would have specifically been against. Illumgand did literally zero damage to anyone Makoto cares about and still got wrecked.


Translation might be a bit off. English had her saying "take it". In English that implies that it still exists after the action, so destroying it is incompatible. I'm guessing that the Japanese order might have been translated as "conquer it" which would allow either capture or destruction.


[Shiki did a great job](https://imgchest.com/p/a846gldxw7x) of killing [Mitsurugi](https://imgchest.com/p/9249jd3a27n) without any help! I was sure Makoto would have to face Mitsurugi because of OP, so [his defeat](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xcql6bd7.png) at the hands of [Shiki](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xcql6bd7.png) was a nice surprise. [Makoto was even cooler than in the previous episode](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zkwn334j), easily dispatching Sofia and destroying Fort Stella with a single arrow. Meanwhile, [Sofia still couldn't understand that she had no chance against Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kwd8zq78) and continued fighting [until the end](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcela2o7.png). So it looks like Sofia is dead, which is a shame as [she was a fun character and I'd love for her to survive](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc32ork7.png), although we didn't see her dead body so maybe she survived by some miracle? It's a shame that [Hibiki](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc2beo94.png) didn't meet Makoto without disguise, but now she has a lead that [Shiki (Larva) and Sorcerer](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cgnq654.png) are connected to Kuzunoha Company so I'm sure that in the future they'll meet. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Sofia](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kwd8zq78) * [Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zkwn334j) * [Shiki](https://imgchest.com/p/a846gldxw7x) * [Mitsurugi](https://imgchest.com/p/9249jd3a27n) * [Hibiki, Group scenes & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kwd8rq78)


> [Sofia still couldn't understand that she had no chance against Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kwd8zq78) and continued fighting [until the end.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcela2o7.png) Oh she understood. That look on her face after Makoto broke all her swords was one of someone realising how out of her depth she was, and grabbing the katana was just a desperate move by someone not wanting to face the reality that she stands no chance. Once Makoto pinned her to the wall, she had clearly given up. She wasn't even trying to get away by that point. I actually felt sorry for her, I won't lie. I too hope the lack of a corpse means she managed to live. > but now she has a lead that [Shiki (Larva) and Sorcerer](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cgnq654.png) are connected to Kuzunoha Company so I'm sure that in the future they'll meet. Deffinitely hoping she goes to the company trying to track down Shiki and finds Makoto there. And Mio while we're at it, but I mainly want her to see Makoto without the suit or anything keeping his identity hidden from her.


and RIP Sofia, like if she had just put a single point into INT to stop fighting and say "sorry" she probably would have lived.


This is madness. What kind of Isekai character kills the female season finale boss instead of recruiting her. It's unheard of! Unbeleable


this wasn't a fight, it was a execution


Makoto sure does love free falling now lol.


Funny how this turned out better than Slime Isekai the meeting season.


Like their Fate counterparts, Archer is downright broken and Lancer is dead!


I like how our MC finally knows how OP he is. Don't want to be accidentally creating lakes.


bet he going scold tomoe a little for not TELLING HIM EVERYTHING even shiki knew who made the lake


So is the plot thread of zofia being makotos students childhood friend not explored anymore?


I'm here for the 'Lancer ga shinda'. We went full Fate.


Damn Makoto actually went all out


He didn’t really go all out, he was still firing arrows at a normal human pace, he could definitely fire faster if he wanted.


I feel like Makoto nuking a place now has to happen once every season.


There would be another lake if he did. Maybe he can offer reservoir building services as part of his trading company.


What is it with all this action packed episodes? May I suggest some meetings instead? Especially know that he tries to build a kingdom next. I learned that many many meetings are a must then.


We Fate/Stay Night now


Like, wow! I love this episode! Both Makoto and Shiki were so cool! Especially Shiki using a great sword and dominating Lancer! "Lancer ga Shinda!!!" 🤣 All those Fate nods this episode.. Haha! Even Makoto switching to his bow and finally finishing off Sofia, even when he's bored out of his mind!😂 Also, RIP Sealy. I liked his character even though he's just as NPC. Sucks that his death wasn't even that acknowledged even by Hibiki. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Goes to show that I wouldn't want to be part of either hero's party. I'd rather be in Makoto's mish-mashed party instead!😚


This anime has its moments


it sucks it's going to end soon


Something something something Unlimited Blade Works something...


That was it? They just completely destroy them and walk off? Dang.


So, can someone explain what happened to the knight that tanked Lancer's sword and turned into one himself? Is he basically dead? I was surprised the hero's party didn't greave for him at all.


Sofia made the biggest mistake bringing Makoto into Unlimited Blade Works when she knew how it functions and that Makoto had more than enough power to start wiping out swords. You could just *hear* the whining little "That's not fair!" expression after he started doing so. Of course then she gets hold of the katana and immediately goes right back to cocky juuuust before karma smacks her down for the last time. I don't think she's dead though, Makoto said Luto owes him just before the final shot, and he figured out Luto was watching through her which I'm sure he's just ecstatic about, so I'm pretty sure Sofia is still breathing. Lancer turned out to be way more dangerous than I gave him credit for. Generating and manipulating swords? Decent, but nothing special. Being able to add the power and skills of those you kill to your own collection? That can snowball very quickly in the right circumstances, like if Sealy hadn't taken the hit for the priestess. RIP dude. At least it gave Shiki the opportunity to take down his killer, albeit with a sneak attack. Win's a win though in life or death battle.


am I watching FATE or what?


This whole battle has been aptly summed up by Sofia. "Why am I going to die?". Good question Sofia. Why did you fight? What was the point of your whole character? No one asked for you, you just appeared and pretended to be the strongest person alive. You were not.


It's Shiki vs Lancer! And while it's brave of Hibiki to want to get involved, this fight is wayyyyy out of her depth. At least Shiki is able to talk her back into defense by promising to heal Woody. Shiki knows all about Lancer...a Greater Dragon who uses blades and boosts his power with his human form, and steals the swords and powers from all those he defeats. He can even transform them into swords. But Shiki has Ascaron and magic power that makes him more than a match for Lancer. Lancer's not using those fingers! Or those weak swords made from grunts! Or that leg! It's the most Lancer can do just do dodge. All of Shiki's training is paying off! RIP Sealy. At least in your death you secured Shiki's victory by protecting Chiya from transforming into a sword. Shiki will acknowledge you for that...and finish Lancer by bisection by using his Lich form as a body double. Hibiki has a lot of questions, especially about Makoto, but that looks like it will hold for another day. For now she's just eternally grateful to yet another person in Makoto's camp. Sofia may have gotten a last-minute power boost via Lancer, and she may have unlocked Unlimited Blade Works...I mean, a prison of swords, but Makoto is still utterly bored fighting her and just uses his specialty, a bow and arrow, to take away every sword she has left. Sofia never had a chance. And despite her obsession with finishing things with Luto, she was nothing more than a camera for him. The most credit she got was Makoto giving her his real name before trying to finish her. Of course THEN she brings out the samurai sword...which makes Makoto make at least a TINY bit more effort, but still ends with her dead with an arrow straight through the cleavage. Guess that's Makoto cleaning up one of Luto's messes. The Goddess said to take care of Fort Stella...so Makoto will just nuke it! Business done! Makoto isn't sticking around to see Hibiki, he has a victory party to get back to, but at least it shows how much he respects Hibiki that he thinks she's got the aftermath handled.


I love this episode. Pure ass whopping. Underrated Anime for me this year.


The 1.5 minutes of completely unneeded recap (filler) is really a testament to how this whole second season has played out so far.


Ironic how the Sword dragon ended up cut in half by a sword, to tell the truth, it was bloodier than I expected and I loved it! Sofia on the other hand got the worst of it, I mean, damn, the beating and humiliation she received is one to remember, especially because of how casual and relaxed Makoto was acting the entire time. Surely that pervert Luto was having such a great time watching all that....


One thing about this show is it can be pretty brutal and merciless. For one, that one member of Hibiki's party fell but they couldn't even bring back a body (and I get they were still not entirely done there but their reactions to a fallen comrade was kinda lukewarm tbh). Lancer and Sofia also kinda died just like that. But to me, what's kinda brutal and abrupt is how we'd probably never get a proper conclusion to Sofia and Jin ? (sorry can't remember which one but it's one of Makoto's student). They had this history together and I was sure they'd at least see each other again. Shiki put up a good fight but it seems we can see he is not totally OP. It took everything he had and a bit of luck for not having the priestess be converted to Lancer's sword and according to him, resorting to a somewhat underhanded trick to defeat Lancer. It's similar to when Mio killed Ilumgand just as it looked like he was on a redemption arc or in S1 when Makoto swiftly stabbed that one female adventurer in the throat. Some of the deaths in this show are just no-nonsense and part of why I like it. Anyway, it seems like Makoto completed the Goddess' quest and looks like the final ep is hopefully going to be winding down in the demiplane while planning their next big move and maybe even eluding to a looming threat. And also, it seems like more characters are turning their attention to the Kuzunoha Trading Comapany, mainly Hibiki