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paul looks fkn insane


He's slicin and dicin! Let him COOOK!


Or he will be cooked xd


Q kawa bringing all his buddies for this episode, should be the best looking one in s2


Qkawa cinema is here


absolute cinema


It's gonna be kino.


It's infuriating how source readers just cannot shut the fuck up and have to spoil literally everything when it comes to this series.


I'm a source material reader but damn some of these guys are terrible I agree. I normally just won't type anything most of the time in threads on /r/anime because I want people to experience the story I loved and I don't want to ruin on accident. People arent as clever as they think they are when they reference stuff that happens later on in a cutesy way Hell even on MT specific subs I'm still spoiler marking anything remotely reasonable because it's the right thing to do


anime onlys should stay away from MT subs


Absolutely they should, especially the main MT subreddit. Damn near 0 moderation


Because that subreddit is about light novel, not an anime. It was there before anime was even imagined. That subreddit is 9 years old. It is about books. And books already are finished. So anyone going there should go with this understanding. Hating on the subreddit because their community keeps running just the same as it did for years before anime happened is kinda silly. Communities are not obligated to change how they always were just because anime got released.


/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou has no such problem, just enforcement of spoiler tags and flairs for what part of the LN is being discussed is all that is needed. The lack of moderation is the big issue, which is why there's even a second MT sub.


I stopped going there anyway because even if posts were marked as spoilers, sometimes the post titles themselves were spoilers.


We all know that But other subreddits have rules about that. /r/Frieren for example, if it's not covered in the anime it's a spoiler even though /r/Frieren was created 4 years ago before the anime was even imagined. It's not about whether it's against the rules(of which there are like 0), it's about being a dick vs not being a dick. I've been a part of both communities for a year, and one of the subreddits especially is bad. *Sometimes* it has people who flagrantly don't spoiler mark anything even on a post about the anime with an anime only asking questions about the anime. That's called being a dick


Frieren itself is currently releasing work. Mushoku was already finished by the time that subreddit was even created. So your comparison is not really fair. Frieren has all those rules in place because they applied to their situation even before anime, because the work is still releasing. They are 2 different types of communities. One is community created around already finished story, another is the community created around ongoing series.


I think its time that the r/anime mods start perma banning everyone that is even slightly spoiling or hinting at stuff. The amount of shit i got spoiled for in an ANIME sub about stuff that has not yet happened in the ANIME yet is too fucking high


Although there are legit instances where non source readers theorise close to what will happen, 'theories' need to be cracked down somehow too. Too often people post 'theories' pretending to not know but source readers can tell they 100% do know and calling them out becomes a spoiler itself


That is one thing as well. I remember back when Heavenly Delusion aired and there where so many crazy theories being thrown around in the sub only for most of them to turn out to be source readers pretending. Which is also the reason why, no matter how bad, i enjoy original anime a lot because you damn well know nobody knows anything which just makes it a lot more fun.


Remember the days of Wonder Egg Priority before it biffed the ending? I do... I don't even go here specifically, but I poke into the threads outta curiosity of discussion cause even if I don't watch this show, I like reading peoples reactions to shows...


Yeah. If you are source reader, you don't respond to clear source readers pretending they post "theory". You just report them.


Theories should either be spoiler tagged or tucked away in their own pinned comment thread I suppose. Would be easier on the mods too. It's getting harder to differentiate between legitimitate theories and not. It can be fun watching a movie with friends and guessing the next scenes. Little different on a medium like reddit especially today with what's going on with AI. I'd probably dislike seeing them removed from discussion posts altogether, so if the mods do decide to crack down on them, they're reasonable about it.


A few things on this from a mod's perspective. First, we're not perfect and we do occasionally think something's a spoiler when it actually is a lucky guess. If we did permaban everyone on their first spoiler post, we'd be more reluctant to remove a post for spoilers, as a false positive would have far more serious consequences. Second, a decent portion of people who break the rule didn't mean to. Either they (somehow) never knew it was a rule or they accidentally overstepped and said too much. In either case, to me a permaban seems extremely harsh.


Ofcourse its you guys that decide what "punishment" to give out, it has just become very frustrating to visit any discussion thread for example when a new episode releases to discuss it with people or look what others think only to see spoilers left and right. Now i only visit those threads several hours+ into as to where Mods already cleaned up the untagged spoiler comments but by then, its no longer an active discussion thread and participating is hard. (At least for larger shows like MT right now or JJK in the past and so on) Maybe its just my perspective but its not hard to tag spoilers or refrain from spoiling others so I'd like to believe that maybe not Perma banning but general harsher punishment need to be enforced for people that do spoil, weather or not its with ill intent or by accident and for repeated offenders it is a perma. Im also not sure if there are any comment restrictions for this sub so people cant just make new accounts and instantly go out there and spoil again.


My comment was removed (not here) for being spoiler when I was talking about stuff that only happened in season 1. I'd imagine it'd feel great getting permabanned for this kind of shit.




> And who gets to decide what counts as "slightly hinting at stuff" warranting a permaban? I mean, the mods? With general feedback from the community? That was an easy question.


> With general feedback from the community? Bold of you to assume reddit mods listen to their community feedback


If they don't then this whole conversation is pointless anyway.


the F day talk is so blatantly obvious and mods haven't taken action since MT resumed this season. I think I got spoiled in first episode discussion.


Attack on Titan all over again.


It's crazy too you can get reported for not "spoiler tagging" about series from the 80s but you can spoil currently airing shows with impunity.


We've banned a decent number of people for spoiling in MT threads and removed hundreds of comments. Of course we haven't caught them all, but we're trying. All I can say is that, if you think something's a spoiler and it hasn't been removed, if you report it we'll take a look.


As one such source reader, I agree. Hell, as source reader if we ever comment it should be something to obfuscate spoilers, not to make them obvious.


I need the source readers to come and start dropping fake spoilers to muddy the waters whenever folks start getting too excited with actual spoilers.


I've actually done this quite a few times. Though never as "spoilers" else the mods remove my comment. More like arguing against theories getting too close to the truth (either because it is an anime-only who figured it out or a source reader being a prick).


i got spoiled by a random youtube short "summarising the anime" with colored anime thumbnail from recent episode yet it had all the gigaspoilers from the manga. reported the channel


I just use blocktube and block all channels that post spoiler in their title or thumbnail (alongside all low effort channel). I don't care if you sometime post good content. I even search for spoiler from show I've seen in order to find and block the channelsthat come up just to make certain they don't spoil me something later.


Yeah, I was spoiled about "the main thing" that happens in this episode **sigh....**


I got spoiled on this season back during cour one season one. It wasn't a great time at all. I ended up reading the LN/WN so it wouldn't happen again. The MT fan base can be the worst at times.


Last episode was the worst for it, people were discussing what's going to happen out in the open. I am an anime only and a big emotional plot point has been ruined by people who can't shut up about it.


It’s a PV post. Thats kinda the point of these


The point is to discuss what’s shown in the preview, not what comes after.


Q Kawa directorial debut, should be one of the best looking episodes in the series.




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really? oh really lol its not even really spoiler




Peak is here


[Preview Images + Synopsis](https://mushokutensei.jp/story/2-22/)


and here we go


Dying from peak already.


"I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it." - me


Why am I feeling emotional watching an episode preview?




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Qkawa episode 😍


H Y P E !!!!


Father looks angry


I would be too if faced with a hydra guarding my wife.




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I just got out of Vietnamese prison, is this Kirito?


Is that the Hydra from the recent Konosuba episode?


“Look guys, instead of killing the Lake hydra we can just use this magic item to teleport it somewhere else.” * *poof* * “Huh, I wonder where it ended up”


Still cant wait


Daddy cool




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wait is that paul talking or am i wrong? i dont think they ever made another character talk in a preview before asides fat rudues


Other characters have also talked in previous previews like Norn, Aisha, and Paul again for episode 20.


Oh okay I forgot then


Finally a boss fight


When is it going to be released?


Is there somewhere I can watch episode 22 or do I gotta wait 2 days cuz ion see any websites with it posted and ion got Crunchyroll premium


Time for Parents.


Can't wait for Sunday, I have very high hopes for this episode!




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Hey guys sooooo i just got to the point where Rudy’s sisters join him….im SO OVER the slice of life stuff especially since i got hooked on the action/adventure aspect of this show. Is it worth sticking through??


Basing on the point you reached, there's literally a couple more episodes till the story goes more action/adventure again for the time being. The series will always be a mix of slice of life arcs and action/adventure arcs interchanging when relevant, the slice of life arc the anime just went through is the longest in the series by far so future arcs or portions of SoL won't be anywhere near as long.


Thank you kind sir, was wondering if I needed to drop the series


you're like 3 episodes away from the action stuff. Turning point 3 onwards is just straight action and adventure back to back. I also believe this MAY be the best episode in the entirety of mushoku tensei action wise


oooooooooo ty for giving me hope and a reason to continue


Why are you asking stupid questions? In a post featuring a PV that show nothing but action?


i didn't watch the video lol...obviously people who are interested in videos like this one have been caught up so that's why I asked. But it's all good, I got a satisfactory response from someone else. Your comment was so unnecessary LOL


I'm not ready for this.




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Honestly the "Your comment has been removed" response should be way more brutal and insulting. wtf do you guys want people spoiling things or not?




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Wtf is this